Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

Judging from some of the liberal responses, I genuinely wonder how many liberals really understand what Obamacare is. When you see inane remarks like "another loss for conservatives trying to take away people's health care," you wonder if such folks even understand what that "care" is.

SomeoneI used to get a $1500 federal subsidy to buy insurance on the Obamacare exchange
Republicans sought to take that away with a petty literal interpretation of the law

What would you call it?
Judging from some of the liberal responses, I genuinely wonder how many liberals really understand what Obamacare is. When you see inane remarks like "another loss for conservatives trying to take away people's health care," you wonder if such folks even understand what that "care" is.

They don't. Clearly they haven't read the hundreds of articles it has generated and just spout party line talking points. I see the articles everyday ( both pro and con) They are send to me by the big hospitals as an FYI.
Judging from some of the liberal responses, I genuinely wonder how many liberals really understand what Obamacare is. When you see inane remarks like "another loss for conservatives trying to take away people's health care," you wonder if such folks even understand what that "care" is.

I understand it quite well considering I lost my health insurance because the insurance companies thought I was too big of a risk to insure, even though I had insurance for over twenty years. The truth is that the biggest whiners, when it comes to Obamacare, are those who have been affected the least by it. During the Bush years, my rates more than doubled. Now that I have insurance again due to the ACA, my rates are about the same as they were when I lost my coverage.
The left loons breath a sigh of relief now that the taxpayers will continue to support them.
SCOTUScare will implode. There is no way this side of reality that it's sustainable. SCOTUScare as well as the economy is quickly drawing to a catastrophic implosion. You see articles written on it more and more by the day. So SCOTUScare doesn't stand a chance, our economy doesn't stand a chance. We are a train wreck in motion, and virtually nothing can stop it at this point, and you can blame it all on our government, ALL of them, dems and repubs. When it comes to their greed and level of corruption there's not a pubic hairs difference between them.

So hang on to your hat... the ride is about to get rough... and I hope and pray that all these filthy little shit stain progtards never buy a gun or stock up on food or anything of the sort. I hope they all continue to think that unicorns are shitting rainbows out their ass and everything is beautiful forever in their land of commie utopia, because then they'll all be the first to perish. What a wonderful thought.

How much did your brain wash cost? Did you get a discount when they decided you only needed a light rinse?
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


When the court ignores black letter law, we're all in trouble.
This is not the first time, nor will it be the last that SCOTUS considers the intent of the law and not just the letter of law. It should be clear to everyone that Congress did not intent for people to be denied health insurance because they applied through a state exchange operating under federal guidance instead of a federal exchange as specified in the law. The intent of law was to provide additional healthcare coverage, not less.

Had SCOTUS ruled against subsidies for those on state exchanges, it would have created chaos in healthcare insurance as the federal exchange attempted add 26 states.

Oh, just hogwash. The Democrats simply never dreamed that 34 states would refuse to set up exchanges. They thought that threat and carrot of federal subsidies would lead nearly all states, or all states, to set up exchanges. Presumably Democrats can read and write. The laws says in plain English that subsidies only go to states with exchanges. That was supposed to be carrot/stick that would get states to set up exchanges.

And you keep talking about "providing people with health care," but Obamacare has caused millions of people to lose their health care and many others to pay substantially higher premiums because they're forced to buy gold-plated policies.

States found out setting up the exchanges would bankrupt them. Big shock :)
Another freedom taken by the Obama administration.
which freedom is that?
Forcing someone to buy something isn't freedom.
Nobody is being forced to buy something, if you chose to oppose Obama by not buying insurance, and causing people like me to pay for your unexpected ER visit after a car accident, you can pay at tax time.

Put your money where your ideology du jour is
Right if you cannot afford the insurance, fine the poor. Tax them poor people even more.

Last I checked, the poor were getting health care before Obamacare.
Right, te people who couldn't get healthcare before were the working poor and lower middle class
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


When the court ignores black letter law, we're all in trouble.
This is not the first time, nor will it be the last that SCOTUS considers the intent of the law and not just the letter of law. It should be clear to everyone that Congress did not intent for people to be denied health insurance because they applied through a state exchange operating under federal guidance instead of a federal exchange as specified in the law. The intent of law was to provide additional healthcare coverage, not less.

Had SCOTUS ruled against subsidies for those on state exchanges, it would have created chaos in healthcare insurance as the federal exchange attempted add 26 states.

Oh, just hogwash. The Democrats simply never dreamed that 34 states would refuse to set up exchanges. They thought that threat and carrot of federal subsidies would lead nearly all states, or all states, to set up exchanges. Presumably Democrats can read and write. The laws says in plain English that subsidies only go to states with exchanges. That was supposed to be carrot/stick that would get states to set up exchanges.

And you keep talking about "providing people with health care," but Obamacare has caused millions of people to lose their health care and many others to pay substantially higher premiums because they're forced to buy gold-plated policies.

States found out setting up the exchanges would bankrupt them. Big shock :)
That didn't happen in any of the states that set up exchanges
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


When the court ignores black letter law, we're all in trouble.
This is not the first time, nor will it be the last that SCOTUS considers the intent of the law and not just the letter of law. It should be clear to everyone that Congress did not intent for people to be denied health insurance because they applied through a state exchange operating under federal guidance instead of a federal exchange as specified in the law. The intent of law was to provide additional healthcare coverage, not less.

Had SCOTUS ruled against subsidies for those on state exchanges, it would have created chaos in healthcare insurance as the federal exchange attempted add 26 states.

First you need to get your facts straight, subsidies were provided for State exchanges, one of the architects of the law (Gruber) admitted the federal exchange was intentionally left out of the subsidy scheme in order to force States to establish exchanges. The supremes ignored black letter law and one of the authors of the law verifying there was no oversight, to allow subsidies for the federal exchange. It was on its face, a bad political decision and a horrendous legal decision.
which freedom is that?
Forcing someone to buy something isn't freedom.
Nobody is being forced to buy something, if you chose to oppose Obama by not buying insurance, and causing people like me to pay for your unexpected ER visit after a car accident, you can pay at tax time.

Put your money where your ideology du jour is
Right if you cannot afford the insurance, fine the poor. Tax them poor people even more.

Last I checked, the poor were getting health care before Obamacare.
Right now they pay for it. Go Obama!
Right now I pay for everybody who winds up at the ER after a car crash, and doesn't have any insurance.

Those people don't pay anything.

But they will pay higher taxes at least for their carelessness
Yep, they read the law, didn't like what it said so they said it said something else and that was what was meant. In other words they made law. The read the mind of those who wrote the law. Regardless of which side you are on one would think what is happening is bad for the country. But I think those who just love shoving crap down on people will think this is the best thing that ever happened, they win and we all lose.

It isn't going to happen but imagine if the SCOTUS rules 5-4 against gay marriage. What do you think those crowing today will say about the SCOTUS?
All due respect...that just sounds like the third stage of grieving...bargaining.

If a Republican beats Hillary, and congress stays red after 2016, you'll not once hear righties, possibly you as well, say the phrase "shoving crap down throats".

If it turn out that way, the GOP will be doing what our government does regardless of who's in charge, they will spend all the money we send them, and some more on top of that...only then, on things righties want, as opposed to things lefties want.

The concept of having things "crammed down somebody's throat" simply a demonization of what happens to the losers of an election, after the winners implement what they ran on.

Obama ran on Obamacare, and was reelected.

Right now I'm listening to Fox News, and they're all a mixed bag of the 2nd and 4th stages of grieving, anger, and depression.

Who elected the SCOTUS? I certainly don't remember that vote. Your whole posts sounds like the little kid that is happy they got what they wanted.
That's just the anger talking.

Congress was the one who voted, and passed the law. The SCOTUS ruled on challenges to it.

The challenger lost.

There are no demons here, but I'm listening to Karl Rove now, and his buck up speech includes a good strategy. He's already getting righties fired up about repealing Obamacare after 2016.

He's babbling a bit, like he's bargaining. Not as bad as election night 2012 on Fox, now that was funny..."Romney by a landslide"....hehe...good times, good times...but my concern isn't just a hobby. I work for a medical insurance company, and my company has itself, and me, so far out on a limb with Obamacare, undoing it would be catastrophic to my company and millions of America.

Righties are all about the idea of "right or wrong, you break it, you bought it" when defending the decision to g into Iraq, but not so much on post Obamacare healthcare in America.

I am not really angry because that passed long ago. I never thought in a million years that the SCOTUS would rule differently. That does not change the FACT of what the law says and the SCOTUS ruled that it didn't say what it says. An acknowledgement of fact isn't necessarily anger it is frustration perhaps.

Who in the hell listens to Rove? I sure don't. SCOTUSCARE will NEVER be repealed but this decision will be used forever to allow the court to make law. For that reason alone it was a very bad decision. If they would have kicked it back to congress this congress would not have had the guts to let it stand they would have fast tracked a bill. The SCOTUS let congress off the hook.

That' a pretty decent take on things. The GOP lacks the balls to go against the ACA even though in principal, it is not overwhelmingly supported. It's a mess that is only going to get worse... like I said, I fear we're doomed anyway.... we're $17,000,000,000,000 in debt with nearly $60,000,000,000,000 n unfunded liabilities.

It's only a mater of when.

You're living in the past. The debt is over $18T and climbing.
and you are celebrating on the corpse of the separation of powers that used to be in our federal government.

It seems the separation of powers has worked as intended as all three branches have weighed in on Obamacare and it is the law of the land

You are only celebrating because you agree with the outcome. You have no understanding or care for process or rules.

The process was followed
You just don't like the result

Congress passed Obamacare
The President signed it into law
The Supreme Court affirmed its Constitutionality

Government in action

The progressive wrote the law poorly
They realized their mistake, but were out of the majority
The SC basically gave them a pass for writing a crappy law
Rightwinger celebrates like a retard.

I feel your pain
Even the Conservative Supreme Court is against you

Cheer up...maybe the Court will back you on gay marriage
God, I logged off about 3 hours ago, and these righties are all whipped up.

Remember those 5 stages of grief?

They've invented some new ones!
Is it my imagination...or do the true colors of righties always come out when the SCOTUS rules against them?

Of course they do on election night, when Obama won...

It's like "Romney by a landlside" all over again
Is it my imagination...or do the true colors of righties always come out when the SCOTUS rules against them?

Of course they do on election night, when Obama won...

It's like "Romney by a landlside" all over again

Sad really

They loved the Supreme Court so much when they got Bush elected
And of course if you're against a super-expensive, poorly run government health care program, you want to "take away people's insurance" and "don't care about people's lives."
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


When the court ignores black letter law, we're all in trouble.
This is not the first time, nor will it be the last that SCOTUS considers the intent of the law and not just the letter of law. It should be clear to everyone that Congress did not intent for people to be denied health insurance because they applied through a state exchange operating under federal guidance instead of a federal exchange as specified in the law. The intent of law was to provide additional healthcare coverage, not less.

Had SCOTUS ruled against subsidies for those on state exchanges, it would have created chaos in healthcare insurance as the federal exchange attempted add 26 states.

Oh, just hogwash. The Democrats simply never dreamed that 34 states would refuse to set up exchanges. They thought that threat and carrot of federal subsidies would lead nearly all states, or all states, to set up exchanges. Presumably Democrats can read and write. The laws says in plain English that subsidies only go to states with exchanges. That was supposed to be carrot/stick that would get states to set up exchanges.

And you keep talking about "providing people with health care," but Obamacare has caused millions of people to lose their health care and many others to pay substantially higher premiums because they're forced to buy gold-plated policies.

States found out setting up the exchanges would bankrupt them. Big shock :)
That didn't happen in any of the states that set up exchanges

Of the 3 dozen states that go through the fed... It is because if they didn't...They couldn't afford the low premiums offered to the public and would have to hike prices to compensate. Plus ...the millions to set up their own exchanges.
When the court ignores black letter law, we're all in trouble.
This is not the first time, nor will it be the last that SCOTUS considers the intent of the law and not just the letter of law. It should be clear to everyone that Congress did not intent for people to be denied health insurance because they applied through a state exchange operating under federal guidance instead of a federal exchange as specified in the law. The intent of law was to provide additional healthcare coverage, not less.

Had SCOTUS ruled against subsidies for those on state exchanges, it would have created chaos in healthcare insurance as the federal exchange attempted add 26 states.

Oh, just hogwash. The Democrats simply never dreamed that 34 states would refuse to set up exchanges. They thought that threat and carrot of federal subsidies would lead nearly all states, or all states, to set up exchanges. Presumably Democrats can read and write. The laws says in plain English that subsidies only go to states with exchanges. That was supposed to be carrot/stick that would get states to set up exchanges.

And you keep talking about "providing people with health care," but Obamacare has caused millions of people to lose their health care and many others to pay substantially higher premiums because they're forced to buy gold-plated policies.

States found out setting up the exchanges would bankrupt them. Big shock :)
That didn't happen in any of the states that set up exchanges

Of the 3 dozen states that go through the fed... It is because if they didn't...They couldn't afford the low premiums offered to the public and would have to hike prices to compensate. Plus ...the millions to set up their own exchanges.

Actually, they were butthurt over Obamacare and were willing to punish their own constituents if it meant getting back at Obama
It seems the separation of powers has worked as intended as all three branches have weighed in on Obamacare and it is the law of the land

You are only celebrating because you agree with the outcome. You have no understanding or care for process or rules.

The process was followed
You just don't like the result

Congress passed Obamacare
The President signed it into law
The Supreme Court affirmed its Constitutionality

Government in action

The progressive wrote the law poorly
They realized their mistake, but were out of the majority
The SC basically gave them a pass for writing a crappy law
Rightwinger celebrates like a retard.

I feel your pain
Even the Conservative Supreme Court is against you

Cheer up...maybe the Court will back you on gay marriage
God, I logged off about 3 hours ago, and these righties are all whipped up.

Remember those 5 stages of grief?

They've invented some new ones!

They've somehow jammed in 'the Vapors' and 'shitting yourself' between anger and denial.
How the hell do dems think we're going to pay for this monstrosity?
We'll be 20 trillion in debt by the time obama leaves office as it is.
Taxes are going to sky rocket for the middle class making it even more difficult to pay the ridiculous out of pocket expenses for medical care.
I expect a shitload of people to renounce their citizenship in the coming years and getting the fuck out of here with some of their savings intact.
I know I'm going to be one of them.

Bon Voyage!

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