Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

I wonder how many hours of taxpayers money it took to study the whole Obamacare law to find anything that could bring it down. They found one little flaw and took it to court, what a fucking joke.

Just give it up leaches.
Will make President Hillary Clinton's job much easier! Justice Roberts ROCKS!

Thanks W for appointing him! YOU DA MAN!
How about cons quit obstructing so that it gets written correctly?

Exactly the same thing happened when Medicare was passed. The difference was that we didn't have an entire party intent on bringing down the country. The parties worked together and the result is that Medicare now works very well and within budget.
And like SS, it pays for itself.

Same is true of health care insurance and all other kinds of insurance as well.

Medicare turns down more people than private insurance. Now that insurance has become more of a government agency, I suspect more will be turned down
Yes, thanks to Obamacare, the number of rejected claims by insurance companies have fallen dramatically. They can no longer deny claims for the most common preventive healthcare services, exceeding yearly and life time limited, emergency services, laboratory services, maternity, and prenatal care, rehab, and prescription drugs.

Medicare/Medicaid can. And that's what most are enrolled in.
How the hell do dems think we're going to pay for this monstrosity?
We'll be 20 trillion in debt by the time obama leaves office as it is.
Taxes are going to sky rocket for the middle class making it even more difficult to pay the ridiculous out of pocket expenses for medical care.
I expect a shitload of people to renounce their citizenship in the coming years and getting the fuck out of here with some of their savings intact.
I know I'm going to be one of them.

Do you have the music to go with the lyrics to The Sky is Falling?

Did you look at the graph, posted above? Our taxes need to go to priorities, and the Senate needs a leader like Proxmire (D WI) to issue monthly press releases when s/he awarded the Golden Fleece.

See: Golden Fleece Award - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

BTW, what ever happened to Wisconsin? How did it go from Progressive to Reactionary?

Whatever you say skippy. I'm bailing in two years and taking my money with me. As will anyone with a lick of sense and the cash to do so.
Have fun paying for all those entitlements when half the nation is making min wage.
I wonder how many hours of taxpayers money it took to study the whole Obamacare law to find anything that could bring it down. They found one little flaw and took it to court, what a fucking joke.

Just give it up leaches.

There's more :)
The ONLY thing standing between Patriots and our taking back the White House from the scum of the earth dimocrap party was the SCOTUS ruling to strike down the ACA.

It would have KILLED us.

Now, we have a clear path. There is little dividing the Party.

Trying to get a new Health Care Law would have split the Party apart. It would have ruined us for decades...... Maybe forever.

I know you don't see it now but, trust me. I'm right

I usually am

Far far to the far right, at the fringe (the idiot fringe that is).

You forgot the other wedge issues: Gays, Guns, God and Taxes. The party of no (no ideas) will once again run on "ain't it awful" with no solutions beyond:
  • Everyone should be armed with a gun
  • Marriage is only legal only when it is between a man and a women
  • We are a Christian Nation
  • Taxes are too high and need to pay for only the necessary, i.e. invading foreign nations who have oil we want and building pipelines through other peoples property.
You guys have been making these lame "trainwreck" predictions for six years

The economy didn't implode, people did not lose their jobs, the Government did not take over healthcare, there are no Death Panels

Ten million people now have insurance that didn't have it before

Out of 300 million......only a progressive would call that a success story.

Most of that 300 million already had health insurance

10 million more can now afford to go to a doctor...I call that a success story

Those that can afford the deductible anyway.....

What deductable did they have before?

Pay 100% of the bill?

Lost track of the conversation already did you?
It's no wonder you're a progressive...


This was your post wasn't it?

Those that can afford the deductible anyway.....
Will make President Hillary Clinton's job much easier! Justice Roberts ROCKS!

Thanks W for appointing him! YOU DA MAN!

Lets see...

When Hillary becomes President for eight years, how many liberal judges can she appoint?
How the hell do dems think we're going to pay for this monstrosity?
We'll be 20 trillion in debt by the time obama leaves office as it is.
Taxes are going to sky rocket for the middle class making it even more difficult to pay the ridiculous out of pocket expenses for medical care.
I expect a shitload of people to renounce their citizenship in the coming years and getting the fuck out of here with some of their savings intact.
I know I'm going to be one of them.

Do you have the music to go with the lyrics to The Sky is Falling?

Did you look at the graph, posted above? Our taxes need to go to priorities, and the Senate needs a leader like Proxmire (D WI) to issue monthly press releases when s/he awarded the Golden Fleece.

See: Golden Fleece Award - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

BTW, what ever happened to Wisconsin? How did it go from Progressive to Reactionary?
This could be the theme song

R.E.M. LYRICS - It s The End Of The World As We Know It And I Feel Fine
The process was followed
You just don't like the result

Congress passed Obamacare
The President signed it into law
The Supreme Court affirmed its Constitutionality

Government in action

With the extra added bonus of SCOTUS declaring that the reading of statutes no longer applies, only the goals of our rulers!

Regardless of the ACA - Roberts ended the Republic. We can never again claim to be a nation of law.
you are the biggest drama queen.
this ruling was a battle between strict textualists and the intent of the law. it's a battle that's been fought before and the republic survived. it'll be fought again, on another issue, and the republic will survive.
Out of 300 million......only a progressive would call that a success story.

Most of that 300 million already had health insurance

10 million more can now afford to go to a doctor...I call that a success story

Those that can afford the deductible anyway.....

What deductable did they have before?

Pay 100% of the bill?

Lost track of the conversation already did you?
It's no wonder you're a progressive...


This was your post wasn't it?

Those that can afford the deductible anyway.....

Yes,and apparently you're to damn stupid to follow along just as I said.
Obama care is nothing more than a catastrophic insurance policy where you pay for all your medical care and get nothing back unless you suffer a major illness or accident.
It a complete ripoff. Unless of course you're destitute ....
Most of that 300 million already had health insurance

10 million more can now afford to go to a doctor...I call that a success story

Those that can afford the deductible anyway.....

What deductable did they have before?

Pay 100% of the bill?

Lost track of the conversation already did you?
It's no wonder you're a progressive...


This was your post wasn't it?

Those that can afford the deductible anyway.....

Yes,and apparently you're to damn stupid to follow along just as I said.
Obama care is nothing more than a catastrophic insurance policy where you pay for all your medical care and get nothing back unless you suffer a major illness or accident.
It a complete ripoff. Unless of course you're destitute ....
you post as if obamacare is an insurance policy itself.
How the hell do dems think we're going to pay for this monstrosity?
We'll be 20 trillion in debt by the time obama leaves office as it is.
Taxes are going to sky rocket for the middle class making it even more difficult to pay the ridiculous out of pocket expenses for medical care.
I expect a shitload of people to renounce their citizenship in the coming years and getting the fuck out of here with some of their savings intact.
I know I'm going to be one of them.

Do you have the music to go with the lyrics to The Sky is Falling?

Did you look at the graph, posted above? Our taxes need to go to priorities, and the Senate needs a leader like Proxmire (D WI) to issue monthly press releases when s/he awarded the Golden Fleece.

See: Golden Fleece Award - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

BTW, what ever happened to Wisconsin? How did it go from Progressive to Reactionary?
This could be the theme song

R.E.M. LYRICS - It s The End Of The World As We Know It And I Feel Fine

Absolutely!!! I feel fine because I can afford to bail out and live where ever the hell I want. Liberals are biting the hand that feeds them....and in turn it's going to bite them in the ass.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


When the court ignores black letter law, we're all in trouble.
This is not the first time, nor will it be the last that SCOTUS considers the intent of the law and not just the letter of law. It should be clear to everyone that Congress did not intent for people to be denied health insurance because they applied through a state exchange operating under federal guidance instead of a federal exchange as specified in the law. The intent of law was to provide additional healthcare coverage, not less.

Had SCOTUS ruled against subsidies for those on state exchanges, it would have created chaos in healthcare insurance as the federal exchange attempted add 26 states.
Judging from some of the liberal responses, I genuinely wonder how many liberals really understand what Obamacare is. When you see inane remarks like "another loss for conservatives trying to take away people's health care," you wonder if such folks even understand what that "care" is.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


When the court ignores black letter law, we're all in trouble.
This is not the first time, nor will it be the last that SCOTUS considers the intent of the law and not just the letter of law. It should be clear to everyone that Congress did not intent for people to be denied health insurance because they applied through a state exchange operating under federal guidance instead of a federal exchange as specified in the law. The intent of law was to provide additional healthcare coverage, not less.

Had SCOTUS ruled against subsidies for those on state exchanges, it would have created chaos in healthcare insurance as the federal exchange attempted add 26 states.

Oh, just hogwash. The Democrats simply never dreamed that 34 states would refuse to set up exchanges. They thought that threat and carrot of federal subsidies would lead nearly all states, or all states, to set up exchanges. Presumably Democrats can read and write. The laws says in plain English that subsidies only go to states with exchanges. That was supposed to be carrot/stick that would get states to set up exchanges.

And you keep talking about "providing people with health care," but Obamacare has caused millions of people to lose their health care and many others to pay substantially higher premiums because they're forced to buy gold-plated policies.
Most of that 300 million already had health insurance

10 million more can now afford to go to a doctor...I call that a success story

Those that can afford the deductible anyway.....

What deductable did they have before?

Pay 100% of the bill?

Lost track of the conversation already did you?
It's no wonder you're a progressive...


This was your post wasn't it?

Those that can afford the deductible anyway.....

Yes,and apparently you're to damn stupid to follow along just as I said.
Obama care is nothing more than a catastrophic insurance policy where you pay for all your medical care and get nothing back unless you suffer a major illness or accident.
It a complete ripoff. Unless of course you're destitute ....

You forgot to say...Trainwreck
That is the official designation from the Republican Party

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