Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

The ONLY thing standing between Patriots and our taking back the White House from the scum of the earth dimocrap party was the SCOTUS ruling to strike down the ACA.

It would have KILLED us.

Now, we have a clear path. There is little dividing the Party.

Trying to get a new Health Care Law would have split the Party apart. It would have ruined us for decades...... Maybe forever.

I know you don't see it now but, trust me. I'm right

I usually am

Yes, little worm, you keep on thinking that.

"We got em right where we want em, Hillary is only at 57%!!!"
Conservatives are all Butthurt-nistas now !!

Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


What healthcare?
Obamcare is not healthcare.
It is mandated insurance. BIG difference.
Even at that, it isn't really insurance either. Basically, and primarily it is government mandated payments for nothing in return.
Congratulations on that.

Butthurt much?

Not being able to afford healthcare is still healthcare
While I would love single is the best we can get....For now

Before ACA who in the USA was denied healthcare? Answer: NO ONE.

Many, many people could not afford to go to a doctor. Should I see a doctor about this cough or pay the electric bill?
I guess, I can go a little longer <cough> <cough>

people who could not pay were treated for free at the ER or a free clinic. Yes, it was a little inconvenient, but thats the price for getting it free.

the rest of us paid for those who could not pay. obozocare works exactly the same way except that now we payers also have to pay for a huge inefficient govt beaurocracy.

If you call that progress, then you are no smarter than a garden slug.
you also have to consider that now instead of paying for the occassional drain on society when they burned themselves on their crack pipe, we now have to pay a monthly premium so they can plop out even more welfare babies.
and to top it off, we are going to get stuck paying for those filthy disease infested flea covered illegals that sneak across the border to destroy our country.
They did.

The only reason this is a problem is because the supreme court ruled a few years ago that the states didn't have to join the exchanges if they didn't want to. So something like 34 states didn't join.

If the supreme court had not ruled that way all the states would have an exchange. Thank goodness 2 of those 5 came to their senses and overruled the 3 who are still trying to do all they can to destroy health care for millions of Americans.

So basically "F&&k the law, F&%k having to write a law right, and elections only mean something when progressive win them.

A pox on all your houses.
You're crying about this almost as much as scalia

and you are celebrating on the corpse of the separation of powers that used to be in our federal government.
No. This narrow ruling is not unusual. Neither is conservative butt-hurt

Its only narrow until another progressive law has to be saved from itself.

I can only hope I am still alive to watch all the paper constructs of progressives come crashing down on them.

My ass will be watching from somewhere in the Caribbean....
The process was followed
You just don't like the result

Congress passed Obamacare
The President signed it into law
The Supreme Court affirmed its Constitutionality

Government in action

With the extra added bonus of SCOTUS declaring that the reading of statutes no longer applies, only the goals of our rulers!

Regardless of the ACA - Roberts ended the Republic. We can never again claim to be a nation of law.
Why do progressive struggle so much with being able to competently write laws?

They did.

The only reason this is a problem is because the supreme court ruled a few years ago that the states didn't have to join the exchanges if they didn't want to. So something like 34 states didn't join.

If the supreme court had not ruled that way all the states would have an exchange. Thank goodness 2 of those 5 came to their senses and overruled the 3 who are still trying to do all they can to destroy health care for millions of Americans.

So basically "F&&k the law, F&%k having to write a law right, and elections only mean something when progressive win them.

A pox on all your houses.
You're crying about this almost as much as scalia

and you are celebrating on the corpse of the separation of powers that used to be in our federal government.

It seems the separation of powers has worked as intended as all three branches have weighed in on Obamacare and it is the law of the land

As much as I would love to sit here and poke monkeys through a cage with a stick, I have to go to work where I volunteer.

Chin up, Rightees! Maybe you can take away abortion rights instead!

Rightie hate-list:

1.) Women's pay. DARN that Ledbetter act.
2.) Gays in the military. DARN that DADT repeal.
3.) Health Care. DAMNED that Obamcare to Hell one gazillion times!!!*
4.) SSM. DAMNED those heathens.

5.) Abortion.... hmmmmm.... abortion.... hmmmm...

*unless of course you are Ted Cruz, who then enrolled in Obamacare when he started his presidential campaign to do away with Obamacare, cuz Benghazi, et al.

1. Its really the "trial lawyer full employment act, and the concept behind it is based on flaw, grouped data.

2. Not an issue to me

3. Its already costing me more money, and forcing me to do a wellness program, screw it.

4. SSM: not an issue to me as long as courts don't force it.

5. Roe V Wade is a terrible judgement, but I wouldn't vote against abortion rights in the 1st two trimester, Alabama on the other hand should be able to ban it as it sees fit.
No law was ignored. The SCOTUS just didn't have the same interpretation as you

You lost

You're lying.

Roberts openly declared that the law would not support the ACA, so the court ignored the law.

“the context and structure of the act compel us to depart from what would otherwise be the most natural reading of the pertinent statutory phrase.”

Roberts wanted to support Obamacare - regardless of law of pertinent statute.

The law has no meaning to this court.
This country is over when the supreme court makes decisions based on politics and political correctness rather than on the law and constitution.

We are going down the tubes and the libs are celebrating the demise of this great nation. Its truly sad.
So basically "F&&k the law, F&%k having to write a law right, and elections only mean something when progressive win them.

A pox on all your houses.
You're crying about this almost as much as scalia

and you are celebrating on the corpse of the separation of powers that used to be in our federal government.
No. This narrow ruling is not unusual. Neither is conservative butt-hurt

Its only narrow until another progressive law has to be saved from itself.

I can only hope I am still alive to watch all the paper constructs of progressives come crashing down on them.

My ass will be watching from somewhere in the Caribbean....
my retirement has been offshore for over 25 years now. I too can retire nicely without being taxed. and to top it off, I get the maximum from social security, if I can hide it right, I can get the libs to pay for my health insurance.
but wait, I just thought of something, we can now get rid of medicare and medicade payements,
The left loons breath a sigh of relief now that the taxpayers will continue to support them.
SCOTUScare will implode. There is no way this side of reality that it's sustainable. SCOTUScare as well as the economy is quickly drawing to a catastrophic implosion. You see articles written on it more and more by the day. So SCOTUScare doesn't stand a chance, our economy doesn't stand a chance. We are a train wreck in motion, and virtually nothing can stop it at this point, and you can blame it all on our government, ALL of them, dems and repubs. When it comes to their greed and level of corruption there's not a pubic hairs difference between them.

So hang on to your hat... the ride is about to get rough... and I hope and pray that all these filthy little shit stain progtards never buy a gun or stock up on food or anything of the sort. I hope they all continue to think that unicorns are shitting rainbows out their ass and everything is beautiful forever in their land of commie utopia, because then they'll all be the first to perish. What a wonderful thought.

You guys have been making these lame "trainwreck" predictions for six years

The economy didn't implode, people did not lose their jobs, the Government did not take over healthcare, there are no Death Panels

Ten million people now have insurance that didn't have it before

Out of 300 million......only a progressive would call that a success story.

Most of that 300 million already had health insurance

10 million more can now afford to go to a doctor...I call that a success story
The left loons breath a sigh of relief now that the taxpayers will continue to support them.
SCOTUScare will implode. There is no way this side of reality that it's sustainable. SCOTUScare as well as the economy is quickly drawing to a catastrophic implosion. You see articles written on it more and more by the day. So SCOTUScare doesn't stand a chance, our economy doesn't stand a chance. We are a train wreck in motion, and virtually nothing can stop it at this point, and you can blame it all on our government, ALL of them, dems and repubs. When it comes to their greed and level of corruption there's not a pubic hairs difference between them.

So hang on to your hat... the ride is about to get rough... and I hope and pray that all these filthy little shit stain progtards never buy a gun or stock up on food or anything of the sort. I hope they all continue to think that unicorns are shitting rainbows out their ass and everything is beautiful forever in their land of commie utopia, because then they'll all be the first to perish. What a wonderful thought.

You guys have been making these lame "trainwreck" predictions for six years

The economy didn't implode, people did not lose their jobs, the Government did not take over healthcare, there are no Death Panels

Ten million people now have insurance that didn't have it before

Out of 300 million......only a progressive would call that a success story.

Most of that 300 million already had health insurance

10 million more can now afford to go to a doctor...I call that a success story
if someone else has to pay for those 10 million, then it is not a success story. It only benefits society to keep someone alive if in fact that person is a benefit to society.
can you tell me what the benefit society gets from a life long crack whore?
This country is over when the supreme court makes decisions based on politics and political correctness rather than on the law and constitution.

We are going down the tubes and the libs are celebrating the demise of this great nation. Its truly sad.

Seems they followed the law

Of course those who are butthurt today will always claim their own view of the Constitution

Can't wait until next week. Then the SCOTUS butthurt will really flame up
The left loons breath a sigh of relief now that the taxpayers will continue to support them.
SCOTUScare will implode. There is no way this side of reality that it's sustainable. SCOTUScare as well as the economy is quickly drawing to a catastrophic implosion. You see articles written on it more and more by the day. So SCOTUScare doesn't stand a chance, our economy doesn't stand a chance. We are a train wreck in motion, and virtually nothing can stop it at this point, and you can blame it all on our government, ALL of them, dems and repubs. When it comes to their greed and level of corruption there's not a pubic hairs difference between them.

So hang on to your hat... the ride is about to get rough... and I hope and pray that all these filthy little shit stain progtards never buy a gun or stock up on food or anything of the sort. I hope they all continue to think that unicorns are shitting rainbows out their ass and everything is beautiful forever in their land of commie utopia, because then they'll all be the first to perish. What a wonderful thought.

You guys have been making these lame "trainwreck" predictions for six years

The economy didn't implode, people did not lose their jobs, the Government did not take over healthcare, there are no Death Panels

Ten million people now have insurance that didn't have it before

Out of 300 million......only a progressive would call that a success story.

Most of that 300 million already had health insurance

10 million more can now afford to go to a doctor...I call that a success story
if someone else has to pay for those 10 million, then it is not a success story. It only benefits society to keep someone alive if in fact that person is a benefit to society.
can you tell me what the benefit society gets from a life long crack whore?

Trolls gotta troll

I hope you find someone else to be outraged by your posts
No surprise, I wasn't expecting this court to overturn the law. It's unfortunate, but it's simply what I've come to expect of America 2015.
Why don't the rightwinger pray for it to go away , or maybe they didn't pray hard enough!! What will be their excuse with gay marriage? :boohoo:

You're hatred of billions of people is noted including a vast majority of Democrats, keep telling us who you are libs.
All conservatives have a conscience, that's why they believe in the rule of law and word those laws carefully. The liberals are lucky the court threw out the rule book and forgave their sloppy law writing because it made them "feel" good.

Roberts simply declared that law is irrelevant - the desired social outcome is what rulings are to be based on.

Roberts is a traitor to this nation - fuck the ACA, it is irrelevant - it is the precedent that law is not the governing principle for the nation that is critical.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare.

Ahahaha you fools still don't get it, the passing of Obamacare was a major victory for conservatives. Its the gift that just keeps on giving spewing liberal failure like a fire hydrant. I love that. Look what it did to the Democratic party, it demolished it. What's not to love. Obamacare will eventually fail, in the mean time the more Democrats it destroys the better! :eusa_dance:
They have been saying that about Social Security for eighty years. Any day now Social Security will end.

Ah, deflection.
Deflection is a new word for you, huh. You use it like you use "victory for conservatives" on Obamacare. Sophomoric.

Awwww don't be mad, it sucks that the left owns this Obamacare turd but maybe you will recover in a decade or two. :eusa_boohoo:

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