Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

They did.

The only reason this is a problem is because the supreme court ruled a few years ago that the states didn't have to join the exchanges if they didn't want to. So something like 34 states didn't join.

If the supreme court had not ruled that way all the states would have an exchange. Thank goodness 2 of those 5 came to their senses and overruled the 3 who are still trying to do all they can to destroy health care for millions of Americans.

So basically "F&&k the law, F&%k having to write a law right, and elections only mean something when progressive win them.

A pox on all your houses.
You're crying about this almost as much as scalia

and you are celebrating on the corpse of the separation of powers that used to be in our federal government.

It seems the separation of powers has worked as intended as all three branches have weighed in on Obamacare and it is the law of the land

You are only celebrating because you agree with the outcome. You have no understanding or care for process or rules.

If the Supreme Court broke any rules than the authority to enforce the rules should take action and reverse the decision.

Who is that authority?
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


What healthcare?
Obamcare is not healthcare.
It is mandated insurance. BIG difference.
Even at that, it isn't really insurance either. Basically, and primarily it is government mandated payments for nothing in return.
Congratulations on that.

Butthurt much?

Not being able to afford healthcare is still healthcare
While I would love single is the best we can get....For now

Before ACA who in the USA was denied healthcare? Answer: NO ONE.

Many, many people could not afford to go to a doctor. Should I see a doctor about this cough or pay the electric bill?
I guess, I can go a little longer <cough> <cough>
Actually, all the polls show that more Americans are against Obamacare than support it (and even the one that is close, while showing that more Americans want Obamacare overturned, includes the possibility of changes when considering support) .... And the number is likely to grow when premiums increase by the projected 25-30% next year.

Face it, the Democrats own an unpopular program now, and the Republicans have a stronger platform to run on!!!!!

It's possible the SCOTU just gave the Presidency to the Republicans in 2016.....:banana:

Yes I am sure the educated parts of the country will vote for one of the bible thumping neanderthals from the whit christian party

Sen. Lindsey Graham: Not Enough 'Angry White Guys' to Sustain GOP :laugh2::laugh2:

Heck, who needs an education to see that premiums and deductibles are going through the roof???? Face it, even an idiot will vote against throwing his money away on a plan where he can't afford for his family to see he doctor because he has to pay thousands of dollars before insurance kicks in.
Less than before the ACA.
Actually, all the polls show that more Americans are against Obamacare than support it (and even the one that is close includes the possibility of changes when considering support) .... And the number is likely to grow when premiums increase by the projected 25-30% next year.

Face it, the Democrats own an unpopular program now, and the Republicans have a stronger platform to run on!!!!!

It's possible the SCOTU just gave the Presidency to the Republicans in 2016.....:banana:

The GOP is not serious about overturning Obamacare.

If Jeb gets elected he will just put more "conservative" on the bench like Roberts.

Of course the GOP is not serious about this. They know that Obamacare works and they hate Obama for having gotten this legislation shepherded through Congress. They have only been making ugly noises to satisfy the red-meat eating frothers on the fringe.

It doesn't work, you lying moron. Premiums have doubled, deductibles have doubled, coverage has been reduced, doctors are leaving medicine. But big pharma remains fat and happy. I thought you libs hated evil rich corporations.

I agree. People are paying more for their benefits and the deductables are beyond belief.

My benefits went up by 30% through my employer and it all because of that fucking ACA. We will be paying for our benefits plus every freeloader in America who can't pay for him or herself. Such a deal for we taxpayers.

One has to wonder how anyone with a working brain thinks the ACA is good unless of course the rest of us are paying for his/her hc benefits. All that free stuff after all.
I wonder if SCOTUS judges are Gruber stupid... uh-oh... I think maybe the are. The only other explanation would be their activists legislating from the bench...

The SCOTUS is highly politicized. This is one big reason why 2016 matters.
and you are celebrating on the corpse of the separation of powers that used to be in our federal government.

It seems the separation of powers has worked as intended as all three branches have weighed in on Obamacare and it is the law of the land

You are only celebrating because you agree with the outcome. You have no understanding or care for process or rules.

The process was followed
You just don't like the result

Congress passed Obamacare
The President signed it into law
The Supreme Court affirmed its Constitutionality

Government in action

The progressive wrote the law poorly
They realized their mistake, but were out of the majority
The SC basically gave them a pass for writing a crappy law
Rightwinger celebrates like a retard.

I feel your pain
Even the Conservative Supreme Court is against you

Cheer up...maybe the Court will back you on gay marriage

My view is the 50/50 judgement, i.e. you can't force a state to issue SSM licenses, but you can force a State to recognize one from another state.
Actually, all the polls show that more Americans are against Obamacare than support it (and even the one that is close includes the possibility of changes when considering support) .... And the number is likely to grow when premiums increase by the projected 25-30% next year.

Face it, the Democrats own an unpopular program now, and the Republicans have a stronger platform to run on!!!!!

It's possible the SCOTU just gave the Presidency to the Republicans in 2016.....:banana:

The GOP is not serious about overturning Obamacare.

If Jeb gets elected he will just put more "conservative" on the bench like Roberts.

Of course the GOP is not serious about this. They know that Obamacare works and they hate Obama for having gotten this legislation shepherded through Congress. They have only been making ugly noises to satisfy the red-meat eating frothers on the fringe.

It doesn't work, you lying moron. Premiums have doubled, deductibles have doubled, coverage has been reduced, doctors are leaving medicine. But big pharma remains fat and happy. I thought you libs hated evil rich corporations.

You've been wrong enough this week. Give someone else a chance.
So basically "F&&k the law, F&%k having to write a law right, and elections only mean something when progressive win them.

A pox on all your houses.
You're crying about this almost as much as scalia

and you are celebrating on the corpse of the separation of powers that used to be in our federal government.

It seems the separation of powers has worked as intended as all three branches have weighed in on Obamacare and it is the law of the land

You are only celebrating because you agree with the outcome. You have no understanding or care for process or rules.

If the Supreme Court broke any rules than the authority to enforce the rules should take action and reverse the decision.

Who is that authority?

Right now evidently no one. The SC is the oligarchical body progressives dream of.
The left loons breath a sigh of relief now that the taxpayers will continue to support them.
SCOTUScare will implode. There is no way this side of reality that it's sustainable. SCOTUScare as well as the economy is quickly drawing to a catastrophic implosion. You see articles written on it more and more by the day. So SCOTUScare doesn't stand a chance, our economy doesn't stand a chance. We are a train wreck in motion, and virtually nothing can stop it at this point, and you can blame it all on our government, ALL of them, dems and repubs. When it comes to their greed and level of corruption there's not a pubic hairs difference between them.

So hang on to your hat... the ride is about to get rough... and I hope and pray that all these filthy little shit stain progtards never buy a gun or stock up on food or anything of the sort. I hope they all continue to think that unicorns are shitting rainbows out their ass and everything is beautiful forever in their land of commie utopia, because then they'll all be the first to perish. What a wonderful thought.

You guys have been making these lame "trainwreck" predictions for six years

The economy didn't implode, people did not lose their jobs, the Government did not take over healthcare, there are no Death Panels

Ten million people now have insurance that didn't have it before

Out of 300 million......only a progressive would call that a success story.
This is what happens when a dictator threatens the lives of the justices.

^^^This^^^ is what happens when people have sex with their siblings.

Dear God, you are an absurd piece of shit. Are you trying to get people to register Democrat or something? You're not worthy of being a conservative.

Sorry, bud, but you are stuck with Tipsykatzenfotze.

But we can still drink a beer together.

Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


The republicans caused their own misery and once again the supreme court has to bail their butts out.

I wish the republicans would stop all these games and just let people be and have health insurance.

When the bush boy instituted his drug prescription program the democrats didn't do anything to harm it or anything to keep it from being implemented. Not so with republicans. They have been waging a war on the ACA since day one and they won't stop until they're forced to stop.

What's next from them?

I have this vision of a pond of quicksand. The GOP has already disappeared under it, so all you can see is a flag sticking out of it, waving franticly, which reads, "We will NEVER surrender!"

This flag, perhaps?

I'm exhausted from watching the cons beat that dead horse. Tomorrow is another day...and I'm sure they still be clubbing the hell out the poor thing.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


What healthcare?
Obamcare is not healthcare.
It is mandated insurance. BIG difference.
Even at that, it isn't really insurance either. Basically, and primarily it is government mandated payments for nothing in return.
Congratulations on that.

Butthurt much?

Not being able to afford healthcare is still healthcare
While I would love single is the best we can get....For now

What insurance?
Health insurance? Is that what it is? You sure about that?
Or is it really catastrophic insurance at health insurance pricing?
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


What healthcare?
Obamcare is not healthcare.
It is mandated insurance. BIG difference.
Even at that, it isn't really insurance either. Basically, and primarily it is government mandated payments for nothing in return.
Congratulations on that.

Butthurt much?

Not being able to afford healthcare is still healthcare
While I would love single is the best we can get....For now

Before ACA who in the USA was denied healthcare? Answer: NO ONE.

Many, many people could not afford to go to a doctor. Should I see a doctor about this cough or pay the electric bill?
I guess, I can go a little longer <cough> <cough>

people who could not pay were treated for free at the ER or a free clinic. Yes, it was a little inconvenient, but thats the price for getting it free.

the rest of us paid for those who could not pay. obozocare works exactly the same way except that now we payers also have to pay for a huge inefficient govt beaurocracy.

If you call that progress, then you are no smarter than a garden slug.
Did you see a different rulimg than the rest of us? Your analysis is fucking crazy, and i think I'm being generous

There are a few problems;

  1. You are a partisan hack. You speak from the perspective of what is good for the party
  2. You are uneducated. You don't grasp the concepts at play.
  3. You have poor reading comprehension.
Have a grownup read this to you and explain what the words mean:

“the context and structure of the act compel us to depart from what would otherwise be the most natural reading of the pertinent statutory phrase.”
As much as I would love to sit here and poke monkeys through a cage with a stick, I have to go to work where I volunteer.

Chin up, Rightees! Maybe you can take away abortion rights instead!

Rightie hate-list:

1.) Women's pay. DARN that Ledbetter act.
2.) Gays in the military. DARN that DADT repeal.
3.) Health Care. DAMNED that Obamcare to Hell one gazillion times!!!*
4.) SSM. DAMNED those heathens.

5.) Abortion.... hmmmmm.... abortion.... hmmmm...

*unless of course you are Ted Cruz, who then enrolled in Obamacare when he started his presidential campaign to do away with Obamacare, cuz Benghazi, et al.
and you are celebrating on the corpse of the separation of powers that used to be in our federal government.

It seems the separation of powers has worked as intended as all three branches have weighed in on Obamacare and it is the law of the land

You are only celebrating because you agree with the outcome. You have no understanding or care for process or rules.

The process was followed
You just don't like the result

Congress passed Obamacare
The President signed it into law
The Supreme Court affirmed its Constitutionality

Government in action

The progressive wrote the law poorly
They realized their mistake, but were out of the majority
The SC basically gave them a pass for writing a crappy law
Rightwinger celebrates like a retard.

I feel your pain
Even the Conservative Supreme Court is against you

Cheer up...maybe the Court will back you on gay marriage
Rightwanger will now be able to get that rash in his ass treated. Previously he would have to refrain from sex.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


When the court ignores black letter law, we're all in trouble.

No law was ignored. The SCOTUS just didn't have the same interpretation as you

You lost

“Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State.’”

Justice Scalia

What about the next time they ignore the law and you lose?
Actually, all the polls show that more Americans are against Obamacare than support it (and even the one that is close includes the possibility of changes when considering support) .... And the number is likely to grow when premiums increase by the projected 25-30% next year.

Face it, the Democrats own an unpopular program now, and the Republicans have a stronger platform to run on!!!!!

It's possible the SCOTU just gave the Presidency to the Republicans in 2016.....:banana:

The GOP is not serious about overturning Obamacare.

If Jeb gets elected he will just put more "conservative" on the bench like Roberts.

Of course the GOP is not serious about this. They know that Obamacare works and they hate Obama for having gotten this legislation shepherded through Congress. They have only been making ugly noises to satisfy the red-meat eating frothers on the fringe.

It doesn't work, you lying moron. Premiums have doubled, deductibles have doubled, coverage has been reduced, doctors are leaving medicine. But big pharma remains fat and happy. I thought you libs hated evil rich corporations.

You've been wrong enough this week. Give someone else a chance.

I am never wrong.

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