Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

The left loons breath a sigh of relief now that the taxpayers will continue to support them.
SCOTUScare will implode. There is no way this side of reality that it's sustainable. SCOTUScare as well as the economy is quickly drawing to a catastrophic implosion. You see articles written on it more and more by the day. So SCOTUScare doesn't stand a chance, our economy doesn't stand a chance. We are a train wreck in motion, and virtually nothing can stop it at this point, and you can blame it all on our government, ALL of them, dems and repubs. When it comes to their greed and level of corruption there's not a pubic hairs difference between them.

So hang on to your hat... the ride is about to get rough... and I hope and pray that all these filthy little shit stain progtards never buy a gun or stock up on food or anything of the sort. I hope they all continue to think that unicorns are shitting rainbows out their ass and everything is beautiful forever in their land of commie utopia, because then they'll all be the first to perish. What a wonderful thought.

You guys have been making these lame "trainwreck" predictions for six years

The economy didn't implode, people did not lose their jobs, the Government did not take over healthcare, there are no Death Panels

Ten million people now have insurance that didn't have it before

Out of 300 million......only a progressive would call that a success story.

Most of that 300 million already had health insurance

10 million more can now afford to go to a doctor...I call that a success story

10 million that someone else will be paying for.

Such a deal for the ta
The left loons breath a sigh of relief now that the taxpayers will continue to support them.
SCOTUScare will implode. There is no way this side of reality that it's sustainable. SCOTUScare as well as the economy is quickly drawing to a catastrophic implosion. You see articles written on it more and more by the day. So SCOTUScare doesn't stand a chance, our economy doesn't stand a chance. We are a train wreck in motion, and virtually nothing can stop it at this point, and you can blame it all on our government, ALL of them, dems and repubs. When it comes to their greed and level of corruption there's not a pubic hairs difference between them.

So hang on to your hat... the ride is about to get rough... and I hope and pray that all these filthy little shit stain progtards never buy a gun or stock up on food or anything of the sort. I hope they all continue to think that unicorns are shitting rainbows out their ass and everything is beautiful forever in their land of commie utopia, because then they'll all be the first to perish. What a wonderful thought.

You guys have been making these lame "trainwreck" predictions for six years

The economy didn't implode, people did not lose their jobs, the Government did not take over healthcare, there are no Death Panels

Ten million people now have insurance that didn't have it before

Out of 300 million......only a progressive would call that a success story.

Most of that 300 million already had health insurance

10 million more can now afford to go to a doctor...I call that a success story

Yup. A success story where we taxpayers get hosed yet again by our wonderful Govt., Supreme Court and the collection of clowns who represent us.
This country is over when the supreme court makes decisions based on politics and political correctness rather than on the law and constitution.

We are going down the tubes and the libs are celebrating the demise of this great nation. Its truly sad.
Republicans are in charge of Congress and SCOTUS. They should fix things.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare.

Ahahaha you fools still don't get it, the passing of Obamacare was a major victory for conservatives. Its the gift that just keeps on giving spewing liberal failure like a fire hydrant. I love that. Look what it did to the Democratic party, it demolished it. What's not to love. Obamacare will eventually fail, in the mean time the more Democrats it destroys the better! :eusa_dance:

You are correct, I still don't get it.

Sounds like a personal problem, maybe a kindergarten class can help you.
The left loons breath a sigh of relief now that the taxpayers will continue to support them.
SCOTUScare will implode. There is no way this side of reality that it's sustainable. SCOTUScare as well as the economy is quickly drawing to a catastrophic implosion. You see articles written on it more and more by the day. So SCOTUScare doesn't stand a chance, our economy doesn't stand a chance. We are a train wreck in motion, and virtually nothing can stop it at this point, and you can blame it all on our government, ALL of them, dems and repubs. When it comes to their greed and level of corruption there's not a pubic hairs difference between them.

So hang on to your hat... the ride is about to get rough... and I hope and pray that all these filthy little shit stain progtards never buy a gun or stock up on food or anything of the sort. I hope they all continue to think that unicorns are shitting rainbows out their ass and everything is beautiful forever in their land of commie utopia, because then they'll all be the first to perish. What a wonderful thought.

You guys have been making these lame "trainwreck" predictions for six years

The economy didn't implode, people did not lose their jobs, the Government did not take over healthcare, there are no Death Panels

Ten million people now have insurance that didn't have it before

Out of 300 million......only a progressive would call that a success story.

Most of that 300 million already had health insurance

10 million more can now afford to go to a doctor...I call that a success story

All at the cost of increases to my premiums, and my coverage being screwed over.

And all done with the government gun pointed at my head.
This country is over when the supreme court makes decisions based on politics and political correctness rather than on the law and constitution.

We are going down the tubes and the libs are celebrating the demise of this great nation. Its truly sad.

Seems they followed the law

Of course those who are butthurt today will always claim their own view of the Constitution

Can't wait until next week. Then the SCOTUS butthurt will really flame up

it's the right view of the constitution.
This country is over when the supreme court makes decisions based on politics and political correctness rather than on the law and constitution.

We are going down the tubes and the libs are celebrating the demise of this great nation. Its truly sad.
Republicans are in charge of Congress and SCOTUS. They should fix things.

Clearly NOT the SCOTUS, and being in charge of Congress is meaningless when SCOTUS chooses to ignore the law.
This country is over when the supreme court makes decisions based on politics and political correctness rather than on the law and constitution.

We are going down the tubes and the libs are celebrating the demise of this great nation. Its truly sad.
Republicans are in charge of Congress and SCOTUS. They should fix things.

Clearly NOT the SCOTUS, and being in charge of Congress is meaningless when SCOTUS chooses to ignore the law.
SCOTUS is clearly conservative, but W is probably kicking his own ass for making Roberts the chief justice.
This country is over when the supreme court makes decisions based on politics and political correctness rather than on the law and constitution.

We are going down the tubes and the libs are celebrating the demise of this great nation. Its truly sad.

Seems they followed the law

Of course those who are butthurt today will always claim their own view of the Constitution

Can't wait until next week. Then the SCOTUS butthurt will really flame up

it's the right view of the constitution.
This decision had no constitutional component. It was a simple statutory construction case and the result reached was the only one possible if the rules of statutory construction were properly applied.
This country is over when the supreme court makes decisions based on politics and political correctness rather than on the law and constitution.

We are going down the tubes and the libs are celebrating the demise of this great nation. Its truly sad.
Republicans are in charge of Congress and SCOTUS. They should fix things.

Clearly NOT the SCOTUS, and being in charge of Congress is meaningless when SCOTUS chooses to ignore the law.

Which law was ignored?

They interpreted the law. That is their job
The left loons breath a sigh of relief now that the taxpayers will continue to support them.
SCOTUScare will implode. There is no way this side of reality that it's sustainable. SCOTUScare as well as the economy is quickly drawing to a catastrophic implosion. You see articles written on it more and more by the day. So SCOTUScare doesn't stand a chance, our economy doesn't stand a chance. We are a train wreck in motion, and virtually nothing can stop it at this point, and you can blame it all on our government, ALL of them, dems and repubs. When it comes to their greed and level of corruption there's not a pubic hairs difference between them.

So hang on to your hat... the ride is about to get rough... and I hope and pray that all these filthy little shit stain progtards never buy a gun or stock up on food or anything of the sort. I hope they all continue to think that unicorns are shitting rainbows out their ass and everything is beautiful forever in their land of commie utopia, because then they'll all be the first to perish. What a wonderful thought.

You guys have been making these lame "trainwreck" predictions for six years

The economy didn't implode, people did not lose their jobs, the Government did not take over healthcare, there are no Death Panels

Ten million people now have insurance that didn't have it before

Out of 300 million......only a progressive would call that a success story.

Most of that 300 million already had health insurance

10 million more can now afford to go to a doctor...I call that a success story

Those that can afford the deductible anyway.....
This country is over when the supreme court makes decisions based on politics and political correctness rather than on the law and constitution.

We are going down the tubes and the libs are celebrating the demise of this great nation. Its truly sad.
Republicans are in charge of Congress and SCOTUS. They should fix things.

Clearly NOT the SCOTUS, and being in charge of Congress is meaningless when SCOTUS chooses to ignore the law.
SCOTUS is clearly conservative, but W is probably kicking his own ass for making Roberts the chief justice.

Roberts is still a conservative. But not necessarily a social conservative on all issues

I don't see what in conservatism says you can't support a healthcare law.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare

So basically if a law is big enough, and poorly written enough, it can't be overturned no matter how much the court realizes the wording was explicit to the States?

From the decision:

If the statutory language is plain, the Court must enforce it according to its terms. But oftentimes the meaning—or ambiguity—of certain words or phrases may only become evident when placed in context. So when deciding whether the language is plain, the Court must read the words “in their context and with a view to their place in the overall statutory scheme.”

So basically the Chief Justice stretched as much as he could to save the law, even though he knows they screwed up on the language.
He applied standard principles of statutory construction. He did not have to stretch anything.
The left loons breath a sigh of relief now that the taxpayers will continue to support them.
SCOTUScare will implode. There is no way this side of reality that it's sustainable. SCOTUScare as well as the economy is quickly drawing to a catastrophic implosion. You see articles written on it more and more by the day. So SCOTUScare doesn't stand a chance, our economy doesn't stand a chance. We are a train wreck in motion, and virtually nothing can stop it at this point, and you can blame it all on our government, ALL of them, dems and repubs. When it comes to their greed and level of corruption there's not a pubic hairs difference between them.

So hang on to your hat... the ride is about to get rough... and I hope and pray that all these filthy little shit stain progtards never buy a gun or stock up on food or anything of the sort. I hope they all continue to think that unicorns are shitting rainbows out their ass and everything is beautiful forever in their land of commie utopia, because then they'll all be the first to perish. What a wonderful thought.

You guys have been making these lame "trainwreck" predictions for six years

The economy didn't implode, people did not lose their jobs, the Government did not take over healthcare, there are no Death Panels

Ten million people now have insurance that didn't have it before

Out of 300 million......only a progressive would call that a success story.

Most of that 300 million already had health insurance

10 million more can now afford to go to a doctor...I call that a success story

Those that can afford the deductible anyway.....

What deductable did they have before?

Pay 100% of the bill?
It will be interesting to watch con-media now.

Anyone that even thinks of acting against their agenda is branded a traitor-liberal-socialist-blah-blah-blah.

The pope says something they don't like, the pope is the enemy now.

I'm guessing the conservative scotus judges will now be labeled 'activist judges'.
All conservatives have a conscience, that's why they believe in the rule of law and word those laws carefully. The liberals are lucky the court threw out the rule book and forgave their sloppy law writing because it made them "feel" good.

Roberts simply declared that law is irrelevant - the desired social outcome is what rulings are to be based on.

Roberts is a traitor to this nation - fuck the ACA, it is irrelevant - it is the precedent that law is not the governing principle for the nation that is critical.

Liberals dont care about that,as long as they get their free shit all is good.
Right up until the whole thing collapses under it's own weight and the rest of us are left holding the bag.
SCOTUScare will implode. There is no way this side of reality that it's sustainable. SCOTUScare as well as the economy is quickly drawing to a catastrophic implosion. You see articles written on it more and more by the day. So SCOTUScare doesn't stand a chance, our economy doesn't stand a chance. We are a train wreck in motion, and virtually nothing can stop it at this point, and you can blame it all on our government, ALL of them, dems and repubs. When it comes to their greed and level of corruption there's not a pubic hairs difference between them.

So hang on to your hat... the ride is about to get rough... and I hope and pray that all these filthy little shit stain progtards never buy a gun or stock up on food or anything of the sort. I hope they all continue to think that unicorns are shitting rainbows out their ass and everything is beautiful forever in their land of commie utopia, because then they'll all be the first to perish. What a wonderful thought.

You guys have been making these lame "trainwreck" predictions for six years

The economy didn't implode, people did not lose their jobs, the Government did not take over healthcare, there are no Death Panels

Ten million people now have insurance that didn't have it before

Out of 300 million......only a progressive would call that a success story.

Most of that 300 million already had health insurance

10 million more can now afford to go to a doctor...I call that a success story

Those that can afford the deductible anyway.....

What deductable did they have before?

Pay 100% of the bill?

Lost track of the conversation already did you?
It's no wonder you're a progressive...
How about the people who write a law pay attention when doing it?
How about cons quit obstructing so that it gets written correctly?

Exactly the same thing happened when Medicare was passed. The difference was that we didn't have an entire party intent on bringing down the country. The parties worked together and the result is that Medicare now works very well and within budget.
And like SS, it pays for itself.

Same is true of health care insurance and all other kinds of insurance as well.

Medicare turns down more people than private insurance. Now that insurance has become more of a government agency, I suspect more will be turned down
Yes, thanks to Obamacare, the number of rejected claims by insurance companies have fallen dramatically. They can no longer deny claims for the most common preventive healthcare services, exceeding yearly and life time limited, emergency services, laboratory services, maternity, and prenatal care, rehab, and prescription drugs.
How the hell do dems think we're going to pay for this monstrosity?
We'll be 20 trillion in debt by the time obama leaves office as it is.
Taxes are going to sky rocket for the middle class making it even more difficult to pay the ridiculous out of pocket expenses for medical care.
I expect a shitload of people to renounce their citizenship in the coming years and getting the fuck out of here with some of their savings intact.
I know I'm going to be one of them.

Do you have the music to go with the lyrics to The Sky is Falling?

Did you look at the graph, posted above? Our taxes need to go to priorities, and the Senate needs a leader like Proxmire (D WI) to issue monthly press releases when s/he awarded the Golden Fleece.

See: Golden Fleece Award - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

BTW, what ever happened to Wisconsin? How did it go from Progressive to Reactionary?

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