Surprise... California voter records show 144% over those legal to vote

There's no innovation or INCENTIVE to be accurate or frugal. Registrars should send confirmation letters to the addresses of record every 5 years or so. But they don't.

The only way to assure voter rolls are somewhat accurate is for purging to take place. That's what we did in my state until a liberal court got a hold of it and forced us to put all those purged voters back on the voter rolls.

Those who have had absolutely no voting activity of any kind in two years were sent a postcard asking for a conformation they were still active voters. If the card was not returned, they gave it another four years to monitor the names of those voters. If still no activity after six years, they removed the names from the voter rolls.

Last I could find it's headed to the Supreme Court as the ACLU and various other organizations are fighting this common sense approach.

Neil Gorsuch's First Voting Rights Case
And of course your proof is on the way, that proves that "all this means is people moved away"... lol...

Or some died. How else would they be on the voter rolls, tard?

I'll bet I'm probably still registered in South Carolina even though I moved away over four years ago. Hell, I may even still be registered in Boston even though I haven't lived there in ten years.
Tard huh? Didn't have to scratch the surface very deeply to reveal your lib streak did we? Indeed some may have moved. And of course some may have died as well...
However your rather dismissive claim requires substatiation. You spew it with such resolve; I'm sure the proof is right at your fingertips, just waiting to be issued forth, thus silencing the critics.

So... Let's have it.

You conspiratorial dipshits have been pushing this narrative of millions of fraudulent votes cast ever since the election and not once in all this time has there been a single shred of proof it happened, not once. If it was even remotely true it would be easy to unveil, so blow me.

Bullshit; you have been presented overwhelming evidence, proof in fact.



I hear that really helps keep your head a lot cooler down there as well as helping avoid any uncomfortable facts!
And of course your proof is on the way, that proves that "all this means is people moved away"... lol...

Or some died. How else would they be on the voter rolls, tard?

I'll bet I'm probably still registered in South Carolina even though I moved away over four years ago. Hell, I may even still be registered in Boston even though I haven't lived there in ten years.
Tard huh? Didn't have to scratch the surface very deeply to reveal your lib streak did we? Indeed some may have moved. And of course some may have died as well...
However your rather dismissive claim requires substatiation. You spew it with such resolve; I'm sure the proof is right at your fingertips, just waiting to be issued forth, thus silencing the critics.

So... Let's have it.

You conspiratorial dipshits have been pushing this narrative of millions of fraudulent votes cast ever since the election and not once in all this time has there been a single shred of proof it happened, not once. If it was even remotely true it would be easy to unveil, so blow me.

Bullshit; you have been presented overwhelming evidence, proof in fact.


You want to blow smoke..

More than 700 Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections, the secretary of State said Thursday.

The figures show “there's potential voter fraud in Pennsylvania,” said Carol Aichele, who added she is powerless to investigate or prosecute double voters.}

Investigation launched after dead people are registered to vote in Harrisonburg}

Investigation launched after dead people are registered to vote in Harrisonburg

Colorado voter fraud revealed: Slew of ballots cast by the dead spark investigation
‘The man is dead. He can’t vote. Somebody is cheating’}

Colorado voter fraud revealed: Slew of ballots cast by the dead spark investigation

{Approximately 24 million—one of every eight—voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate. n More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters. n Approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.}

Still waiting on your evidenciary contribution fruitcake...

Evidence of what? The onus isn't on me to prove a negative, tard. You guys are the ones who claimed all of these registrations have fraudulent votes linked to them, yet have zero proof whatsoever.
I made no such claim. I do think however; that it's important to substantiate the reason for the overpopulation in the voter rolls. Gotta keep things on the up and up...
Last edited:
Think real hard now...there are more people registered to vote than there are people of legal age to vote.

You whooooo if an illegal registers to vote because he has a license, he would not show up in the consensus as a resident..


Yeah you run with that nonsense.

Cali needs to clean it up, any state should if they have this big of a problem. If they don't they are welcoming accusations of fraud

DMV licensed 800,000 undocumented immigrants ( just in case you can't find your glasses )

Critics also point to another state “motor-voter” law, AB 1461, that starting in 2017 will automatically register most licensed California drivers to vote, arguing it could lead to election fraud if non-citizens barred from voting in federal elections become registered.

California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants

Fool, you are just proving our point! The state has no business handing out driver licenses to illegal aliens with no legal status in being here. Once you get a driver's license, that opens the door to you getting other kinds of identification you should not legally have.

Fucking Crazy ass righties...I was agreeing with you and showing you how it was done....Fucking people, that is exactly what happened..I am fucking agreeing with you..

I saw earlier 11 counties in Cali have more registered voters than legal age people to vote.

There is a problem
There is a problem with you as the state is spelled Ca or California not Cali.

Oh pipe down, you think I really give a shit?

Freaking noobs
You whooooo if an illegal registers to vote because he has a license, he would not show up in the consensus as a resident..


Yeah you run with that nonsense.

Cali needs to clean it up, any state should if they have this big of a problem. If they don't they are welcoming accusations of fraud

DMV licensed 800,000 undocumented immigrants ( just in case you can't find your glasses )

Critics also point to another state “motor-voter” law, AB 1461, that starting in 2017 will automatically register most licensed California drivers to vote, arguing it could lead to election fraud if non-citizens barred from voting in federal elections become registered.

California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants

Fool, you are just proving our point! The state has no business handing out driver licenses to illegal aliens with no legal status in being here. Once you get a driver's license, that opens the door to you getting other kinds of identification you should not legally have.

Fucking Crazy ass righties...I was agreeing with you and showing you how it was done....Fucking people, that is exactly what happened..I am fucking agreeing with you..

I saw earlier 11 counties in Cali have more registered voters than legal age people to vote.

There is a problem
There is a problem with you as the state is spelled Ca or California not Cali.

Oh pipe down, you think I really give a shit?

Freaking noobs

I really give a shit?

your standard answer now days .... yet here you are whining louder than anyone not giving a shit.

I'm confident we'll eventually learn about the extent of voter fraud in California. I'm also sure it'll be much more massive than anyone thought.
You whooooo if an illegal registers to vote because he has a license, he would not show up in the consensus as a resident..


Yeah you run with that nonsense.

Cali needs to clean it up, any state should if they have this big of a problem. If they don't they are welcoming accusations of fraud

DMV licensed 800,000 undocumented immigrants ( just in case you can't find your glasses )

Critics also point to another state “motor-voter” law, AB 1461, that starting in 2017 will automatically register most licensed California drivers to vote, arguing it could lead to election fraud if non-citizens barred from voting in federal elections become registered.

California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants

Fool, you are just proving our point! The state has no business handing out driver licenses to illegal aliens with no legal status in being here. Once you get a driver's license, that opens the door to you getting other kinds of identification you should not legally have.

Fucking Crazy ass righties...I was agreeing with you and showing you how it was done....Fucking people, that is exactly what happened..I am fucking agreeing with you..

I saw earlier 11 counties in Cali have more registered voters than legal age people to vote.

There is a problem
There is a problem with you as the state is spelled Ca or California not Cali.

Oh pipe down, you think I really give a shit?

Freaking noobs

Yeah you run with that nonsense.

Cali needs to clean it up, any state should if they have this big of a problem. If they don't they are welcoming accusations of fraud

DMV licensed 800,000 undocumented immigrants ( just in case you can't find your glasses )

Critics also point to another state “motor-voter” law, AB 1461, that starting in 2017 will automatically register most licensed California drivers to vote, arguing it could lead to election fraud if non-citizens barred from voting in federal elections become registered.

California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants

Fool, you are just proving our point! The state has no business handing out driver licenses to illegal aliens with no legal status in being here. Once you get a driver's license, that opens the door to you getting other kinds of identification you should not legally have.

Fucking Crazy ass righties...I was agreeing with you and showing you how it was done....Fucking people, that is exactly what happened..I am fucking agreeing with you..

I saw earlier 11 counties in Cali have more registered voters than legal age people to vote.

There is a problem
There is a problem with you as the state is spelled Ca or California not Cali.

Oh pipe down, you think I really give a shit?

Freaking noobs

I really give a shit?

your standard answer now days .... yet here you are whining louder than anyone not giving a shit.


You would think that Republicans and Democrats alike, would want to stop any fraud. Who wants their vote worth LESS than it should be? Why is it that Democrats immediately believe that the fraud is on their side?

In the final analysis, I believe that NEITHER side wants an accurate accounting of what is really going on. Trump is the 1srt President to address this issue. Who knows.............maybe Hillary actually won. Or maybe, Hillary actually lost not only the electoral, but the popular vote too.

That is not the point! The point is------->no matter where you sit on the political spectrum, your vote should carry the full weight of it's casting. To deny that weight, puts those who do in a free fall. At some point, those........regardless of right or left..........will become the VICTIMS of the phony votes cast. Was it Al Gore running against GW? Was it Hillary running against Trump? Was it who/whom, or who/whom will it be in the future!?!?!?!?!

Americans are hearty people. So far, whenever things have gone wrong for us, we fixed it! Doesn't mean you have to agree HOW it was fixed, but fixed it was, or we would have NEVER gotten this far as a country. Are YOU willing to take that choice away from the American people? Are you willing to deny them the power of their vote?

History teaches all things, and not a ONE of us agrees with how things were handled in the past totally. And yet, with the solutions that came forward; like them or not, here we are! Americans did that! Bad mistakes.......maybe. Or were the policies brilliant.......possibly! But Americans have collectively built the greatest country the world has ever been witness to. Shouldn't we all insure that those who helped build it, and those who actually finance it, have their say WITHOUT their voice being watered down?!?!?!?!?!
Democrats are always saying "There's no such thing as voter fraud." Bullshit. Here's your 3 million+ popular vote margin Hillary won by...

Judicial Watch Warns California to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch announced it sent a notice-of-violation letter to the state of California and 11 of its counties threatening to sue in federal court if it does not clean its voter registration lists as mandated by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Both the NVRA and the federal Help America Vote Act require states to take reasonable steps to maintain accurate voting rolls. The August 1 letter was sent on behalf of several Judicial Watch California supporters and the Election Integrity Project California, Inc.

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that public records obtained on the Election Assistance Commission’s 2016 Election Administration Voting Survey and through verbal accounts from various county agencies show 11 California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that Los Angeles County officials “informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”

87 ballots delivered to one address all with different names but same address:

San Pedro resident receives nearly 90 ballots addressed to others
Dems need to cheat even to win CA
Democrats are always saying "There's no such thing as voter fraud." Bullshit. Here's your 3 million+ popular vote margin Hillary won by...

Judicial Watch Warns California to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch announced it sent a notice-of-violation letter to the state of California and 11 of its counties threatening to sue in federal court if it does not clean its voter registration lists as mandated by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Both the NVRA and the federal Help America Vote Act require states to take reasonable steps to maintain accurate voting rolls. The August 1 letter was sent on behalf of several Judicial Watch California supporters and the Election Integrity Project California, Inc.

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that public records obtained on the Election Assistance Commission’s 2016 Election Administration Voting Survey and through verbal accounts from various county agencies show 11 California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that Los Angeles County officials “informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”

87 ballots delivered to one address all with different names but same address:

San Pedro resident receives nearly 90 ballots addressed to others
Dems need to cheat even to win CA
Sorry but we need not act like republicans. Here in California democracy works unlike the red states. Democrats win and republicans lose. Every now and then when a republican wins everyone is reminded why they are not to vote for the cheating liar republicans.
For what it is worth if the poll workers do not know you you can not vote.
Democrats are always saying "There's no such thing as voter fraud." Bullshit. Here's your 3 million+ popular vote margin Hillary won by...

Judicial Watch Warns California to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch announced it sent a notice-of-violation letter to the state of California and 11 of its counties threatening to sue in federal court if it does not clean its voter registration lists as mandated by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Both the NVRA and the federal Help America Vote Act require states to take reasonable steps to maintain accurate voting rolls. The August 1 letter was sent on behalf of several Judicial Watch California supporters and the Election Integrity Project California, Inc.

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that public records obtained on the Election Assistance Commission’s 2016 Election Administration Voting Survey and through verbal accounts from various county agencies show 11 California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that Los Angeles County officials “informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”

87 ballots delivered to one address all with different names but same address:

San Pedro resident receives nearly 90 ballots addressed to others
Dems need to cheat even to win CA
Sorry but we need not act like republicans. Here in California democracy works unlike the red states. Democrats win and republicans lose. Every now and then when a republican wins everyone is reminded why they are not to vote for the cheating liar republicans.
For what it is worth if the poll workers do not know you you can not vote.
You can't even win CA without massive
You conspiratorial dipshits have been pushing this narrative of millions of fraudulent votes cast ever since the election and not once in all this time has there been a single shred of proof it happened, not once. If it was even remotely true it would be easy to unveil, so blow me.

The proof is practically being shoved into your face, and you are dismissing/denying it.
44%of registered Los Angeles voters moved out of the county but stayed on the rolls? Bullshit.

That's why the rolls need to be fucking audited,

Why doesn't this happen in every municipality?

To claim no fraud exists in California is really fucking stupid, or disingenuous.

Look up Congresscriminal Loretta Sanchez, and the circumstances under which she first won her seat in Congress, narrowly defeating the previous incumbent, Bob Dornan. That was back in the 1990s.
California officially has 39,250,000 legal residents. Your claim of 144% registered voters over the official residents of the state is a deviation of +17,270,000 more people voting than there ought to be.

Keep in mind that the 39,250,000 legal residents would include children, prisoners, and others who are not eligible to vote. So the problem of there being more registered voters than legal residents is even greater than it would appear at first sight.
Yeah you run with that nonsense.

Cali needs to clean it up, any state should if they have this big of a problem. If they don't they are welcoming accusations of fraud

DMV licensed 800,000 undocumented immigrants ( just in case you can't find your glasses )

Critics also point to another state “motor-voter” law, AB 1461, that starting in 2017 will automatically register most licensed California drivers to vote, arguing it could lead to election fraud if non-citizens barred from voting in federal elections become registered.

California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants

Fool, you are just proving our point! The state has no business handing out driver licenses to illegal aliens with no legal status in being here. Once you get a driver's license, that opens the door to you getting other kinds of identification you should not legally have.

Fucking Crazy ass righties...I was agreeing with you and showing you how it was done....Fucking people, that is exactly what happened..I am fucking agreeing with you..

I saw earlier 11 counties in Cali have more registered voters than legal age people to vote.

There is a problem
There is a problem with you as the state is spelled Ca or California not Cali.

Oh pipe down, you think I really give a shit?

Freaking noobs

DMV licensed 800,000 undocumented immigrants ( just in case you can't find your glasses )

Critics also point to another state “motor-voter” law, AB 1461, that starting in 2017 will automatically register most licensed California drivers to vote, arguing it could lead to election fraud if non-citizens barred from voting in federal elections become registered.

California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants

Fool, you are just proving our point! The state has no business handing out driver licenses to illegal aliens with no legal status in being here. Once you get a driver's license, that opens the door to you getting other kinds of identification you should not legally have.

Fucking Crazy ass righties...I was agreeing with you and showing you how it was done....Fucking people, that is exactly what happened..I am fucking agreeing with you..

I saw earlier 11 counties in Cali have more registered voters than legal age people to vote.

There is a problem
There is a problem with you as the state is spelled Ca or California not Cali.

Oh pipe down, you think I really give a shit?

Freaking noobs

I really give a shit?

your standard answer now days .... yet here you are whining louder than anyone not giving a shit.


You would think that Republicans and Democrats alike, would want to stop any fraud. Who wants their vote worth LESS than it should be? Why is it that Democrats immediately believe that the fraud is on their side?

In the final analysis, I believe that NEITHER side wants an accurate accounting of what is really going on. Trump is the 1srt President to address this issue. Who knows.............maybe Hillary actually won. Or maybe, Hillary actually lost not only the electoral, but the popular vote too.

That is not the point! The point is------->no matter where you sit on the political spectrum, your vote should carry the full weight of it's casting. To deny that weight, puts those who do in a free fall. At some point, those........regardless of right or left..........will become the VICTIMS of the phony votes cast. Was it Al Gore running against GW? Was it Hillary running against Trump? Was it who/whom, or who/whom will it be in the future!?!?!?!?!

Americans are hearty people. So far, whenever things have gone wrong for us, we fixed it! Doesn't mean you have to agree HOW it was fixed, but fixed it was, or we would have NEVER gotten this far as a country. Are YOU willing to take that choice away from the American people? Are you willing to deny them the power of their vote?

History teaches all things, and not a ONE of us agrees with how things were handled in the past totally. And yet, with the solutions that came forward; like them or not, here we are! Americans did that! Bad mistakes.......maybe. Or were the policies brilliant.......possibly! But Americans have collectively built the greatest country the world has ever been witness to. Shouldn't we all insure that those who helped build it, and those who actually finance it, have their say WITHOUT their voice being watered down?!?!?!?!?!

Well Said! we have so many whiners, but only want to point fingers and not do anything about..

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