Surveillance State and Manafort predawn Raid


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Well, now the predawn raid makes perfect sense. The Progressive Fascist Surveillance State tipped Mueller that Manafort had "incriminating evidence" in his home, his cooperation notwithstanding.

Welcome to America 2.0
Well, now the predawn raid makes perfect sense. The Progressive Fascist Surveillance State tipped Mueller that Manafort had "incriminating evidence" in his home, his cooperation notwithstanding.

Welcome to America 2.0

Poor Manafort....

... the Justice Department getting him out of bed before the crack of dawn just to throw a monkey wrench into his money laundering operations is just RUDE, if they had any common decency they would have called first and made an appointment to gather that incriminating evidence from his house.
I'm sorry, so you really think that "constitutional protections" should apply to guys who are selling us out to Russia?
/----/ Will that attitude of your extend to the Clintons?

Guy, you spent 100 million dollars and 25 years in a dozen investigations trying to "get" the Clintons. from everything ranging to Murdering Vince Foster to getting a Blow Job in the White House.

And you came up with nothing.
I'm sorry, so you really think that "constitutional protections" should apply to guys who are selling us out to Russia?

Of course not...

Article LXIX of the Constitution States: Constitutional Protections apply to all citizens except those accused of getting a little too chummy with the Russkies.

Meanwhile, back in reality, the protections provided by the U.S. Constitution apply equally to all citizens regardless of whether or not they're accused of a crime.
Well, now the predawn raid makes perfect sense. The Progressive Fascist Surveillance State tipped Mueller that Manafort had "incriminating evidence" in his home, his cooperation notwithstanding.

Welcome to America 2.0

I love it it...the "Progressive Fascist Surveillance State"...which is all possible due to the laws passed by the Repubs!
Well, now the predawn raid makes perfect sense. The Progressive Fascist Surveillance State tipped Mueller that Manafort had "incriminating evidence" in his home, his cooperation notwithstanding.

Welcome to America 2.0

I love it it...the "Progressive Fascist Surveillance State"...which is all possible due to the laws passed by the Repubs!

Which laws are you referring to?
Of course not...

Article LXIX of the Constitution States: Constitutional Protections apply to all citizens except those accused of getting a little too chummy with the Russkies.

Meanwhile, back in reality, the protections provided by the U.S. Constitution apply equally to all citizens regardless of whether or not they're accused of a crime.

A wise man said, "The Constitution is not a Suicide Pact".

If Manafort was selling us out to the Russians, I really don't care if all the T were crossed in the warrant.
I'm sorry, so you really think that "constitutional protections" should apply to guys who are selling us out to Russia?
/----/ Will that attitude of your extend to the Clintons?

Guy, you spent 100 million dollars and 25 years in a dozen investigations trying to "get" the Clintons. from everything ranging to Murdering Vince Foster to getting a Blow Job in the White House.

And you came up with nothing.
She spent 9 million dollars on the Trump dossier, also over saw the uranium one, and the Clinton foundation made millions off it. How much did the United States make?
I'm sorry, so you really think that "constitutional protections" should apply to guys who are selling us out to Russia?
/----/ Will that attitude of your extend to the Clintons?

Guy, you spent 100 million dollars and 25 years in a dozen investigations trying to "get" the Clintons. from everything ranging to Murdering Vince Foster to getting a Blow Job in the White House.

And you came up with nothing.
/----/ I have four words for you, Spanky: Hillary - Obama - Putin - Uranium
/----/ I have four words for you, Spanky: Hillary - Obama - Putin - Uranium

Yup, but given your track record on accusing the Clintons of shit, I think I'm reminded of...

She spent 9 million dollars on the Trump dossier, also over saw the uranium one, and the Clinton foundation made millions off it. How much did the United States make?

Um, opposition research is normal in a campaign, bud. And the Uranium One deal was totally legal and signed off on by seven government departments.
So if Trump did the same and made millions. You would say it was legal? Clinton made millions selling uranium to our enemy as secretary of state. You're nothing but a liberal puppet. Oh and also as far as we know Clinton was the only one who made money off the deal.
Of course not...

Article LXIX of the Constitution States: Constitutional Protections apply to all citizens except those accused of getting a little too chummy with the Russkies.

Meanwhile, back in reality, the protections provided by the U.S. Constitution apply equally to all citizens regardless of whether or not they're accused of a crime.

A wise man said, "The Constitution is not a Suicide Pact".
That wise man was referring to the sovereignty of the STATES, not attempting to justify the federal government running rough shod over the rights of the citizenry for whatever reason it chooses.

Sheesh.... where'd you get your education in civics and history, from the back of a matchbook?

If Manafort was selling us out to the Russians, I really don't care if all the T were crossed in the warrant.

I know you don't, since you're one of those folks that doesn't concern himself with the rights of others unless it suits your partisan purposes.:rolleyes:
She spent 9 million dollars on the Trump dossier, also over saw the uranium one, and the Clinton foundation made millions off it. How much did the United States make?

Um, opposition research is normal in a campaign, bud. And the Uranium One deal was totally legal and signed off on by seven government departments.
HYPOCRITE, HYPOCRITE, HYPOCRITE. and unless you don't know the word it is HYPOCRITE. Son, that is what you are. I laugh at your anti american philosophy.
What the pre-dawn raid accomplished was finding info that linked
Manafort to the Podesta's.

That forces Mueller's hand. He must include them now, especially
because one of his undercover agents is going to rat him out to
Congress in a couple of weeks.

The raid created a twist that caught Mueller totally surprised and now
he's got to scramble, do his job, while at the same time trying to solicit
a deal for his own well-being.

I believe Pandora would be proud.
Well, now the predawn raid makes perfect sense. The Progressive Fascist Surveillance State tipped Mueller that Manafort had "incriminating evidence" in his home, his cooperation notwithstanding.

Welcome to America 2.0

I love it it...the "Progressive Fascist Surveillance State"...which is all possible due to the laws passed by the Repubs!

Which laws are you referring to?

Mostly the PATRIOT Act.
Well, now the predawn raid makes perfect sense. The Progressive Fascist Surveillance State tipped Mueller that Manafort had "incriminating evidence" in his home, his cooperation notwithstanding.

Welcome to America 2.0

I love it it...the "Progressive Fascist Surveillance State"...which is all possible due to the laws passed by the Repubs!

Which laws are you referring to?

Mostly the Patriot Act with a few NDAAs that had cool things added to them like giving the Executive Branch the power to detain anyone, citizens included, indefinitely and without trial or recourse.

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