Survey:If We Do Get A "Third Restroom", What Shall We Call It?, " Other" or " Not Sure" ?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:piss2: :smoke: :slap: Great question, right? Well, what if we finally agree that the only solution to the current "Bathroom Crisis" is to make a third restroom? Great! Now, what do we call it, and what kind of symbol/logo shall we put on it?
Got any suggestions? and yes, please be Funny !!! :tongue-44: :rofl: :laugh2: :meow: :mm:
how about "Democrat" and just put a pic of Weiner on the door?
It should say abnormals room. I am beyond tired of MY rights being violated to appease a small fraction of the population.
:piss2: :smoke: :slap: Great question, right? Well, what if we finally agree that the only solution to the current "Bathroom Crisis" is to make a third restroom? Great! Now, what do we call it, and what kind of symbol/logo shall we put on it?
Got any suggestions? and yes, please be Funny !!! :tongue-44: :rofl: :laugh2: :meow: :mm:

Call what it has been called all this time:

What we should do is cut the men's room in half and have men, "women who use urinals " and women.
:piss2: :smoke: :slap: Great question, right? Well, what if we finally agree that the only solution to the current "Bathroom Crisis" is to make a third restroom? Great! Now, what do we call it, and what kind of symbol/logo shall we put on it?
Got any suggestions? and yes, please be Funny !!! :tongue-44: :rofl: :laugh2: :meow: :mm:

Call what it has been called all this time:

Senator Pat Murray? male or female? well,. its name is Pat,, right?
The "If Rexx Taylor Isn't Obsessing About Adult Diapers, He's Obsessing About Toilets and Should Therefore Have to Hold It Until S/he Gets Home" room. Or:

Growing up, there was a local entertainer called Flippo the Clown....
I saw something this morning that said the single bathroom that allows
only one user at a time will be offered to the "freaks" that are appalled by
transgenders...the awful people who do not want to accept the new order of
the way things are going to be in our totally progressive society.

So if anyone is truly bothered by transgenders using the bathroom
you will be allowed to take your prejudice with you as you walk the walk of shame
to the special bathroom for people of your ilk.
How about the "I cannot tell if I have a penis or not" room.

It can open up into a 50 foot hole where we can keep everybody too stupid to know what their own biology is.

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