Survey: US voters would prefer Muslim president over an atheist

Go to a commie'll find plenty of atheists.....

which is probably why most Americans won't elect an atheist....commies are against religion...except of course when it suits using religion....kinda like our Prez does....

Again with the misinformation. :)

I'm Centrist fiscal-conservative.

I am also atheist.

Capitalism is incredible and I embrace it as the only system that can use the human condition of competitiveness properly.

Communism fails because humans are competitive creatures.
Go to a commie'll find plenty of atheists.....

which is probably why most Americans won't elect an atheist....commies are against religion...except of course when it suits using religion....kinda like our Prez does....

Again with the misinformation. :)

I'm Centrist fiscal-conservative.

I am also atheist.

Capitalism is incredible and I embrace it as the only system that can use the human condition of competitiveness properly.

Communism fails because humans are competitive creatures.

How many of the atheists in our country are commies/socialists.....vs capitalists/conservatives.....? Do you have actual stats....?

However in any case the fact remains that commies ARE least in their political lives...
Accountability is why people don't trust Atheists. The way people that believe in a higher power see it. If you don't believe in one, then when you alone are there to judge your actions, and keep you honest. They, rightly or Wrongly believe that someone who believes in a God is likely to be more Trustworthy.

I trust more in a person who has their own set of internalized morals that they adhere too, rather than something shoved down their throat.

A VAST, and I mean absolutely VAST majority of those who commit crime are those same people you just described.

Thank you for proving my point that you were so quick to deny earlier in the thread.

Hurry...time to back pedal..
Go to a commie'll find plenty of atheists.....

which is probably why most Americans won't elect an atheist....commies are against religion...except of course when it suits using religion....kinda like our Prez does....

I'm an atheist, I want americans to have the right to scream Bible verses as loud as they can all day, I want americans and businesses to have the right to cover every inch of their property with churches, I want religions to have full freedom to do whatever they want within the law without government intrusion. I'm pro gay marriage, and I want churches to have the right to be able to turn away marrying gay couples.

I'm also 127538172375876 times more fiscally conservatuve than the republican party.

Any other stupid, bigotted assumptions you want me to crush?
Go to a commie'll find plenty of atheists.....

which is probably why most Americans won't elect an atheist....commies are against religion...except of course when it suits using religion....kinda like our Prez does....

I'm an atheist, I want americans to have the right to scream Bible verses as loud as they can all day, I want americans and businesses to have the right to cover every inch of their property with churches, I want religions to have full freedom to do whatever they want within the law without government intrusion. I'm pro gay marriage, and I want churches to have the right to be able to turn away marrying gay couples.

I'm also 127538172375876 times more fiscally conservatuve than the republican party.

Any other stupid, bigotted assumptions you want me to crush?

crush this.....commies are atheists....and not pro-religion (except when it suits them)...
Go to a commie'll find plenty of atheists.....

which is probably why most Americans won't elect an atheist....commies are against religion...except of course when it suits using religion....kinda like our Prez does....

I'm an atheist, I want americans to have the right to scream Bible verses as loud as they can all day, I want americans and businesses to have the right to cover every inch of their property with churches, I want religions to have full freedom to do whatever they want within the law without government intrusion. I'm pro gay marriage, and I want churches to have the right to be able to turn away marrying gay couples.

I'm also 127538172375876 times more fiscally conservatuve than the republican party.

Any other stupid, bigotted assumptions you want me to crush?

crush this.....commies are atheists....and not pro-religion (except when it suits them)...

I already did crush that, give me a challenge.

Bigots who base their life on their own ignorance are easy to crush.
I can see getting blasted by someone here for this...but...............

I'm a Christian. If my only choice for president was between a muslim and an athiest, i would vote for the athiest IF:
1-they show moral values (yes, i believe athiest can be morally good people!)
2-they show they want to do what good for America and it's people.
3-they don't deny the religions of their freedoms

Many athiest are very good people, and it's not up to me to judge them. Just because someone doesn't believe in God doesn't mean they would not be able to run this country as it should be. And they don't believe that Christians should be torchered and killed because we don't believe in their "god", because they don't have one!!

Many muslims are very good people, and again, it's not up to me to judge them. But, because they do believe in "a" god, it's not the same God i believe in. Their God says it's fine to lie and cheat and kill others that don't have their same fact he says the MUST kill if the person will not convert to their religion. And i'm not too excited if one wanted change everything to Sharia law.

I would of course prefer a Christian in office...but even a Christian is sometimes only a Christian in name only.

I'm an atheist, I want americans to have the right to scream Bible verses as loud as they can all day, I want americans and businesses to have the right to cover every inch of their property with churches, I want religions to have full freedom to do whatever they want within the law without government intrusion. I'm pro gay marriage, and I want churches to have the right to be able to turn away marrying gay couples.

I'm also 127538172375876 times more fiscally conservatuve than the republican party.

Any other stupid, bigotted assumptions you want me to crush?

crush this.....commies are atheists....and not pro-religion (except when it suits them)...

I already did crush that, give me a challenge.

Bigots who base their life on their own ignorance are easy to crush.

twit....there are always exceptions......but if it were to your benefit you probably would deny a mass killing because one little group was not being killed...
3 Basic Laws of Communism....

1. There is no God. And therefore every moral and virtue that originates with God is denied.

2. Man is a materialistic machine. Man is thought of as the total product of evolution, and who may be improved by animal husbandry.

3. Economic determinism dictates all that is accepted as being right.

Lenin said.....""We deny all morality taken from superhuman or non-class conceptions. We say that this is a deception, a swindle, a befogging of the minds . . ."...

What would be your reaction if your child found in an encyclopedia this definition under "God" -- "A mythical invented being?'' Would you be shocked? Would you be moved with indignation? Just what would be your reaction? Whatever, this is the experience of parents in Soviet Russia. In the Large Soviet Encyclopedia, second edition, volume 5, (published 1950), the Word "God" is defined as "A mythical invented "being."

This is a step in a well-developed program to destroy faith in God and to establish atheistic materialism throughout the world. V. I. Lenin said, "Atheism is a material and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific Socialism. In accordance with their fundamental philosophical outlook, Marx and Engels always called themselves materialists.1' Notice the words atheism, socialism, and materialism. These words describe the international conspiracy of Communism.

Consider Communism as a system in contrast to Christianity. The one -- Christianity -- gives credit to a beneficent Creator as the giver of life; and gives direction of life, defines acceptable conduct; and looks into the future beyond life on earth; whereas the other -- Communism -- is atheistic and accounts for life and the meaning of life according to materialism and evolutionary processes. International Communism is opposed to all religious expression. V. I. Lenin, the celebrated prophet of Communism, said, "Religion is the opium of the people. Religion is a kind of spiritual intoxicant, in which the slaves of capital drown their humanity and their desires for some sort of decent human existence."2 In 1920, Lenin formulated the Bolshevik golden rule. He said, "Whatever helps the world Communist revolution is good; whatever hinders it is bad. Religion, through its insistence upon individual responsibility to the Creator of all things, interferes with the advance of world collectivism. It is, therefore, irredeemably evil."3

Listen to "Comrade" E. Yaroslavsky, in his book, Religion in the U. S. S. R.: "Remember that the struggle against religion is a struggle for socialism."4 Again, The program of the Communist International also clearly states that Communists fight against religion…"5 Many statements may be found which clearly announce a state of war between the militant atheism of International Communism and the religion of the one and true God, the faith which is in Christ Jesus. It behooves all who recognize that there is God in heaven to inform themselves of this militant evil that is subverting the world. Already millions of people have been brought under its ruthless control, and efforts are now being made to subvert our nation.

Communism and Modern Religion (I)
crush this.....commies are atheists....and not pro-religion (except when it suits them)...

I already did crush that, give me a challenge.

Bigots who base their life on their own ignorance are easy to crush.

twit....there are always exceptions......but if it were to your benefit you probably would deny a mass killing because one little group was not being killed...
3 Basic Laws of Communism....

1. There is no God. And therefore every moral and virtue that originates with God is denied.

2. Man is a materialistic machine. Man is thought of as the total product of evolution, and who may be improved by animal husbandry.

3. Economic determinism dictates all that is accepted as being right.

Lenin said.....""We deny all morality taken from superhuman or non-class conceptions. We say that this is a deception, a swindle, a befogging of the minds . . ."...

What would be your reaction if your child found in an encyclopedia this definition under "God" -- "A mythical invented being?'' Would you be shocked? Would you be moved with indignation? Just what would be your reaction? Whatever, this is the experience of parents in Soviet Russia. In the Large Soviet Encyclopedia, second edition, volume 5, (published 1950), the Word "God" is defined as "A mythical invented "being."

This is a step in a well-developed program to destroy faith in God and to establish atheistic materialism throughout the world. V. I. Lenin said, "Atheism is a material and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific Socialism. In accordance with their fundamental philosophical outlook, Marx and Engels always called themselves materialists.1' Notice the words atheism, socialism, and materialism. These words describe the international conspiracy of Communism.

Consider Communism as a system in contrast to Christianity. The one -- Christianity -- gives credit to a beneficent Creator as the giver of life; and gives direction of life, defines acceptable conduct; and looks into the future beyond life on earth; whereas the other -- Communism -- is atheistic and accounts for life and the meaning of life according to materialism and evolutionary processes. International Communism is opposed to all religious expression. V. I. Lenin, the celebrated prophet of Communism, said, "Religion is the opium of the people. Religion is a kind of spiritual intoxicant, in which the slaves of capital drown their humanity and their desires for some sort of decent human existence."2 In 1920, Lenin formulated the Bolshevik golden rule. He said, "Whatever helps the world Communist revolution is good; whatever hinders it is bad. Religion, through its insistence upon individual responsibility to the Creator of all things, interferes with the advance of world collectivism. It is, therefore, irredeemably evil."3

Listen to "Comrade" E. Yaroslavsky, in his book, Religion in the U. S. S. R.: "Remember that the struggle against religion is a struggle for socialism."4 Again, The program of the Communist International also clearly states that Communists fight against religion…"5 Many statements may be found which clearly announce a state of war between the militant atheism of International Communism and the religion of the one and true God, the faith which is in Christ Jesus. It behooves all who recognize that there is God in heaven to inform themselves of this militant evil that is subverting the world. Already millions of people have been brought under its ruthless control, and efforts are now being made to subvert our nation.

Communism and Modern Religion (I)

You really can't be this stupid, it has to be a message board schtick.

Applying your logic, since most felons are christian, I should assume all christians are felons.

Thankfully I'm not a bigot like you are, continue living in ignorance if you so desire, just do the world a favor and don't infect young minds with your hate and ignorance.
All one needs to do to win an election in murka is go put on a fucking cowboy hat and mention Gawd in every paragraph spoken.
I'm a Christian. If my only choice for president was between a muslim and an athiest, i would vote for the athiest IF:
1-they show moral values (yes, i believe athiest can be morally good people!)
2-they show they want to do what good for America and it's people.
3-they don't deny the religions of their freedoms

In other words, you have a different set of requirements for candidates based on their religion. What is suitable for an Atheist candidate is insufficient for a Muslim candidate.

Many muslims are very good people, and again, it's not up to me to judge them.

Yet that's exactly what you are doing.

But, because they do believe in "a" god, it's not the same God i believe in.

Actually, they DO believe in the same God as you, just like Jews do.

Their God says it's fine to lie and cheat and kill others that don't have their same beliefs.

And you get this from where? From Osama bin Laden? As if he's the definition of what constitutes Islam.

in fact he says the MUST kill if the person will not convert to their religion.

And this belief has also been found in both flavors of Judaism and Christianity

And i'm not too excited if one wanted change everything to Sharia law.

But you're fine if they wanted to change everything into a Christian theocracy?

I would of course prefer a Christian in office...but even a Christian is sometimes only a Christian in name only.

And you, of course, are the authority to determine what constitutes a "real" Christian?


And being a Christian makes you no more capable of being President than being black makes you capable of any given job.
Most athiests I know criticize those that believe in God...regardless of religion.
NO member of any religion that I know, criticize atheists for their lack of beleif in a God.

Thus why people are not fans of athiests. It has nothing to do with their lack of belief in God. It has to do with their attitude toward people that think differently than them.

It is not possible to be this out of touch.
I'm a Christian. If my only choice for president was between a muslim and an athiest, i would vote for the athiest IF:
1-they show moral values (yes, i believe athiest can be morally good people!)
2-they show they want to do what good for America and it's people.
3-they don't deny the religions of their freedoms

In other words, you have a different set of requirements for candidates based on their religion. What is suitable for an Atheist candidate is insufficient for a Muslim candidate.

Many muslims are very good people, and again, it's not up to me to judge them.

Yet that's exactly what you are doing.

Actually, they DO believe in the same God as you, just like Jews do.

And you get this from where? From Osama bin Laden? As if he's the definition of what constitutes Islam.

And this belief has also been found in both flavors of Judaism and Christianity

But you're fine if they wanted to change everything into a Christian theocracy?

I would of course prefer a Christian in office...but even a Christian is sometimes only a Christian in name only.

And you, of course, are the authority to determine what constitutes a "real" Christian?


And being a Christian makes you no more capable of being President than being black makes you capable of any given job.

Wow THANKS! You just gave me some pretty good laughs!
Sorry, no response, it's not worth my time and it'll do know good knowing how you really think....
I already did crush that, give me a challenge.

Bigots who base their life on their own ignorance are easy to crush.

twit....there are always exceptions......but if it were to your benefit you probably would deny a mass killing because one little group was not being killed...
3 Basic Laws of Communism....

1. There is no God. And therefore every moral and virtue that originates with God is denied.

2. Man is a materialistic machine. Man is thought of as the total product of evolution, and who may be improved by animal husbandry.

3. Economic determinism dictates all that is accepted as being right.

Lenin said.....""We deny all morality taken from superhuman or non-class conceptions. We say that this is a deception, a swindle, a befogging of the minds . . ."...

What would be your reaction if your child found in an encyclopedia this definition under "God" -- "A mythical invented being?'' Would you be shocked? Would you be moved with indignation? Just what would be your reaction? Whatever, this is the experience of parents in Soviet Russia. In the Large Soviet Encyclopedia, second edition, volume 5, (published 1950), the Word "God" is defined as "A mythical invented "being."

This is a step in a well-developed program to destroy faith in God and to establish atheistic materialism throughout the world. V. I. Lenin said, "Atheism is a material and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific Socialism. In accordance with their fundamental philosophical outlook, Marx and Engels always called themselves materialists.1' Notice the words atheism, socialism, and materialism. These words describe the international conspiracy of Communism.

Consider Communism as a system in contrast to Christianity. The one -- Christianity -- gives credit to a beneficent Creator as the giver of life; and gives direction of life, defines acceptable conduct; and looks into the future beyond life on earth; whereas the other -- Communism -- is atheistic and accounts for life and the meaning of life according to materialism and evolutionary processes. International Communism is opposed to all religious expression. V. I. Lenin, the celebrated prophet of Communism, said, "Religion is the opium of the people. Religion is a kind of spiritual intoxicant, in which the slaves of capital drown their humanity and their desires for some sort of decent human existence."2 In 1920, Lenin formulated the Bolshevik golden rule. He said, "Whatever helps the world Communist revolution is good; whatever hinders it is bad. Religion, through its insistence upon individual responsibility to the Creator of all things, interferes with the advance of world collectivism. It is, therefore, irredeemably evil."3

Listen to "Comrade" E. Yaroslavsky, in his book, Religion in the U. S. S. R.: "Remember that the struggle against religion is a struggle for socialism."4 Again, The program of the Communist International also clearly states that Communists fight against religion…"5 Many statements may be found which clearly announce a state of war between the militant atheism of International Communism and the religion of the one and true God, the faith which is in Christ Jesus. It behooves all who recognize that there is God in heaven to inform themselves of this militant evil that is subverting the world. Already millions of people have been brought under its ruthless control, and efforts are now being made to subvert our nation.

Communism and Modern Religion (I)

You really can't be this stupid, it has to be a message board schtick.

Applying your logic, since most felons are christian, I should assume all christians are felons.

Thankfully I'm not a bigot like you are, continue living in ignorance if you so desire, just do the world a favor and don't infect young minds with your hate and ignorance.

Bam, right in the kisser.
I'm a Christian. If my only choice for president was between a muslim and an athiest, i would vote for the athiest IF:
1-they show moral values (yes, i believe athiest can be morally good people!)
2-they show they want to do what good for America and it's people.
3-they don't deny the religions of their freedoms

In other words, you have a different set of requirements for candidates based on their religion. What is suitable for an Atheist candidate is insufficient for a Muslim candidate.

Yet that's exactly what you are doing.

Actually, they DO believe in the same God as you, just like Jews do.

And you get this from where? From Osama bin Laden? As if he's the definition of what constitutes Islam.

And this belief has also been found in both flavors of Judaism and Christianity

But you're fine if they wanted to change everything into a Christian theocracy?

And you, of course, are the authority to determine what constitutes a "real" Christian?


And being a Christian makes you no more capable of being President than being black makes you capable of any given job.

Wow THANKS! You just gave me some pretty good laughs!
Sorry, no response, it's not worth my time and it'll do know good knowing how you really think....

What's the point of preferring to have someone of yoru own religion in office? I'm a non-believer of all religions and the only politician I like is Ron Paul and he's such a christian fundamentalist he'll even deny middle school level science like evolution.

Couldn't care less what their religious views are, or if they share mine.l
Wow THANKS! You just gave me some pretty good laughs!
Sorry, no response, it's not worth my time and it'll do know good knowing how you really think....

In other words, you got nothing. But you feel compelled to not let my good arguments stand, so you though an insult and hope it sticks. Sorry bud, I'm stainless steel.
There is no difference between an atheist and a muslim. Both have an ideology based in religious extremism and both would enforce that ideology at the point of a gun.

There is no difference in reality between someone that burns down a church to build a mosque and someone who burns down a church because the sight of it is offensive to them.

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