Survivor. Are you watching?

I agree, Zona. Franklin and Eddie may be full of themselves, but they are physically fit and good in challenges. So they're useful to have around for the time being. Hope and Laura, on the other hand, were worthless.
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I'm glad they've gone back to the format of having two challenges, a reward challenge and an immunity challenge. At least they did last week.

I'm looking forward to tonight! Lots of excitement, looks like Brandon goes nuts, dumping out the rice, etc. Apparently Jeff has to intervene, that's never happened before except for medical reasons.
What a fucking mental case...I would have wanted to punch him right in the face. I don't know how the rest of them held back, except they must have all recognized that he's an unstable freak.:cuckoo:
While it was ironic to see that nutbar Phillip calling Brandon unstable, that musta been horrible for the morale of the tribe.

20 days worth of rice gone ........
Wow. That to say the least. I can't imagine living with Phillip. I think I would have blown a gasket too. He seems harmless enough but....geez.

Brandon on the other hand, has a short fuse and he IS a Hantz. Overall though, I think he tries to be "good". He kind of reminds me of me. Try try try..but sometimes, lose control.
I am glad he took himself out. He needed to do that for HIM, and not stay in a game that he clearly has no control over.
I'll have to say that tonight was the wierdest episode of Survivor I've ever seen. Can't say it didn't hold interest, but I would not watch if there is going to be that kind of drama every week. It bothered me. I think even Jeff knew Brandon was capable of being dangerous at that point. I would not sleep well with him in camp. Phillips still doesn't bother me like he does some of the rest of you.
I'll have to say that tonight was the wierdest episode of Survivor I've ever seen. Can't say it didn't hold interest, but I would not watch if there is going to be that kind of drama every week. It bothered me. I think even Jeff knew Brandon was capable of being dangerous at that point. I would not sleep well with him in camp. Phillips still doesn't bother me like he does some of the rest of you.

Secret Agent Phil reminds me of my daughter's bf.......

He knows everything about everything,,,,just ask him, he'll tell ya
I don't think Brandon is dangerous. I think he could just cause some destroying the food, which would cost to replace as well as throwing a wrench in the game. But dangerous as in actually hurting someone? Nah. Brandon has a volatile personality and just hasn't learned yet how to control it.
I don't think Brandon is dangerous. I think he could just cause some destroying the food, which would cost to replace as well as throwing a wrench in the game. But dangerous as in actually hurting someone? Nah. Brandon has a volatile personality and just hasn't learned yet how to control it.

I dunno. You could be right of course, but I honestly think Brandon, while not being homicidal, would be capable of striking out physically. I think Jeff saw that too. Then again it's a television show and could have all been staged too. Who knows?
Brandon is a piece of shit. I don't think we should blame Phillip for Brandon's horrible behavior.

Remember when Brandon was on the show before, he was all about being a Christian and praying to Jesus, etc. What happened to that. Phony piece of shit.

Why is it that people who have the least to be proud of are so pumped up with pride? That's how Brandon is, soooooo proud. Of what? Being an asshole? I bet he slaps his wife around, I really do. He's fits the personality type that does that.

He's one of those little men with a Napolean complex. Always trying to prove himself. I think we all know what set Brandon the reward challenge, Phillip was able to hold on to the end and win the challenge for the Favorites. Brandon crapped out. He resented Phillip for being the winner that Brandon would like to be...but isn't.

That's my take. I'm glad Brandon is gone and I gained a lot of respect for Phillip for the way he controlled himself in the face of Brandon's nonsense. He walked away, not because he was afraid, but because he knew that's what he needed to do. When Brandon was badmouthing him to the other tribe, he stood tall and silent until Jeff asked him for feedback. I think he may really have been a special agent. He's a smart guy, and he is really physically fit.

He's becoming one of my favorites.
Actually, it would be really fun to watch him beat the crap out of Brandon, and I'm pretty sure he could do it.
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One little note:

Brandon didn't crap out.

Brandon's bag was loaded up before Phillip's. If Brandon hadn't held on as long as he did, Phillip might not have been able to claim the win in the end.

Phillip lied in the pow wow at the end. Maybe you can respect him for lying, coz it's part of the game of survivor. I won't judge him for that. But he's still a total nutbar and now that Brandon is gone, I bet the rest of the team will be counting the days till they can get rid of his bizarre self.

Yeah .... he coulda done a number to Brandon in a fight.
That is true. They did gang up on Brandon--probably should have targeted Phillip first and they might have prevailed. But I'm still banking on Phillip deliberately playing a role in this game for his own purposes. And I am guessing he is holding more power right now than what meets the eye.

Time will tell. :)

However in a moment of devaju, ya'll remember that Russell's tribe, in Russell's last hurrah, intentionally threw a challenge so they could get rid of Russell? Turned out they steadily lost after that and eventually all were voted out. Wonder if that will be true of the veterans this time?
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Those of you excusing Brandons behavior are not very good judges of character. The kid is off the charts unstable. He acted just like a punk in the ghetto trying to show off for his friends. He would ass stomp any of you if he thought it would impress someone else.
Oh, to me, the Iraqi vet Shamar is the one who stands out most as the "villain"! He's horrible. The only time he's nice is when someone kisses his ass, tells him what he wants to hear. Other than that he's a total asshole. Real bad attitude. Not to be trusted.

My opinion only, of course! :) I don't really expect him to last much longer. Not that my predictions are necessarily that accurate! :)

Good call.
Those of you excusing Brandons behavior are not very good judges of character. The kid is off the charts unstable. He acted just like a punk in the ghetto trying to show off for his friends. He would ass stomp any of you if he thought it would impress someone else.

I grew up in west philly and have to agree with you. He acted like a punk in the ghetto. How did you know that? :doubt:
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