Survivor. Are you watching?

Aw you guys aren't any fun. You have to watch it with an analytical eye, put yourself into the scenarios so to speak, but don't take it all seriously in any way. What we get on Wednesday nights is a tiny fraction of all the interaction that goes on, and it is of course edited for the maximum drama.

If I didn't get a kick out of it, I would find something else to do. But because I do get a kick out of it, I confess to being a fan. :)
Ratings are bad because nobody wants to keep seeing a Hantz or a Hantz relative or a veteran or Boston Rob or anyone else that already blessed us with their original presence. They need to go back to the basics like the very first Survivor. They lost the vision long ago what Survivor meant originally.

Well you may be right. But I'm a fan regardless, so I'll watch unless it becomes unbearable. :)

Survivor. Are you watching?

Nope. Last two seasons sucked and, imo, the USS Survivor has sailed. End it already.

well, first, I agree, I just don't enjoy it like I used to, first off, 2 a year?

second- these 'favorites" favorites of who? what a motley crew, bi-polar Brandon, who's claim to fame is hes russells nephew or whatever? and Phillip? really? I have a feeling anyone worth a damn turned them down. there is not one player on there I'd call an accomplished survivor except Malcolm, who is cool, but he was just there...*shrugs*

and I have to say, man are they packing in the cheesecake or what? the last 3-4? blondes and youngens......more attractive woman than the first 6 put together in 1 -2 seasons.....I see a trend.

My wife who watches avidly is on the ropes, shes basically disinterested, there is not one person we are rotting for, period. Its just blah no matter how much angst Jeff trys to stir up in tribal council.....

I think you're right ZB, inho they have done to many shows to soon together, to often and redemption island was so desperate it started to tune me out....its pretty much done, there is absolutely no novelty left and with blase characters, its dead.
They need to have a show with geeks vs jocks. That would be fun and interesting.

Oh and the Hantz kid and vet are like poison in their camps respective rice bags. Both bad people of low character. Hurts the show Imo
Some of you take this all waaaaay too seriously. What good soap opera doesn't have sympathetic characters versus villain? The tragic figure versus the heart throb? You want the show to ckise down? All you have to do is to insist on all likable, admirable characters so that there is nobody to cheer for; nobody to hope he or she gets his/her come uppance.
Some of you take this all waaaaay too seriously. What good soap opera doesn't have sympathetic characters versus villain? The tragic figure versus the heart throb? You want the show to ckise down? All you have to do is to insist on all likable, admirable characters so that there is nobody to cheer for; nobody to hope he or she gets his/her come uppance.

hey I love a good villain FF,;) but there aren't any, none of the vets have any heft imho, the fans well, they are what they are....its pretty sad when the most intriguing character is a whimp , whats his name the guy ( favorite) who got sunburned?..and I cannot even remember his name..:lol:
Some of you take this all waaaaay too seriously. What good soap opera doesn't have sympathetic characters versus villain? The tragic figure versus the heart throb? You want the show to ckise down? All you have to do is to insist on all likable, admirable characters so that there is nobody to cheer for; nobody to hope he or she gets his/her come uppance.

Villains need to have at least a little charisma. And not be so crazy that you feel ashamed of rooting against them because you don't like making fun of people who are truly brain damaged.
You don't have to be a douchebag to play and be popular on this game. I root for one team or person over the other in all manner of competitions. Being a jackass isn't necessary for it to be entertaining.

Threatening to throw out rice or piss in it is entertainment why? Or just sleeping around camp all day is productive for the show how?

Those two aren't villain's. They're douchebag losers.
I guess they had to call them 'Favorites', because 'Fuck-ups' would have gotten them in trouble with the FCC. Weakest "favorites" I could ever imagine!
Some of you take this all waaaaay too seriously. What good soap opera doesn't have sympathetic characters versus villain? The tragic figure versus the heart throb? You want the show to ckise down? All you have to do is to insist on all likable, admirable characters so that there is nobody to cheer for; nobody to hope he or she gets his/her come uppance.

hey I love a good villain FF,;) but there aren't any, none of the vets have any heft imho, the fans well, they are what they are....its pretty sad when the most intriguing character is a whimp , whats his name the guy ( favorite) who got sunburned?..and I cannot even remember his name..:lol:

You mean Cochran? Actually he WAS one of my favorites and a favorite of his first season too. Why? Because he is more like a regular person. He's not a muscled jock/beautiful person, defnitely at a disadvantage in the challenges as many of us would be, and somebody who has to live by his social skills and wits rather than by pure brawn or sex appeal. So, he is for those of us who can relate. And everybody knows who he is and notices him.

As for Phillip, there is no way in hell that I think he buys his own hype. I think it is a pure act, brilliantly conceived, makes him less of threat to the others and therefore less of a target, another one everybody recognizes and looks for and he holds their attention, and it gets him to the end of the game.

Because Brandon Hantz is making a point now of channeling his uncle, something that is so 180 of the Brandon of his original season, I rather think that was orchestrated by the producers to add a villain element to this season. I think he is a plant put there on purpose to disrupt things just to see how the others will react.

It's a lot more fun, if you just get a bowl of popcorn, sit back, and watch for the pure entertainment value and see it for what it is: a program intended to entertain us.
Let's see if Cochran learned something from his first time around. For a student of the game, IMO, he made a stupid mistake. You NEVER go against your original tribe. The other tribe doesn't expect you to be on their side and will forgive you. Screw your own team and the best you can expect is second place.
Let's see if Cochran learned something from his first time around. For a student of the game, IMO, he made a stupid mistake. You NEVER go against your original tribe. The other tribe doesn't expect you to be on their side and will forgive you. Screw your own team and the best you can expect is second place.

Well he really didn't have a choice once he was convinced that his original tribe planned to oust him at the next tribal council. So it was a calculated risk. But in a game designed in a way that players pretty much have to be calculating and dishonest and manipulative, who can you really trust? Cochran doesn't have the luxury of being a physically appealing person, nor is he the type to generate a hero aura and be looked up to as a leader by the others. He isn't going to help a team win challenges, and he is not a person to fear. All he has is his instincts and wits to keep him there. And, in my opinion, that is what makes him interesting.
As for Phillip, there is no way in hell that I think he buys his own hype. I think it is a pure act, brilliantly conceived, makes him less of threat to the others and therefore less of a target, another one everybody recognizes and looks for and he holds their attention, and it gets him to the end of the game.

Good for him if it gets him to the end of the game. The show loses this viewer when he's on. It's not even on purpose. I just can't stand watching him. I always seem to remember something I'd rather be doing, like scrubbing the stove top. Then I usually wander back but I miss big chunks of the show because of him.
As for Phillip, there is no way in hell that I think he buys his own hype. I think it is a pure act, brilliantly conceived, makes him less of threat to the others and therefore less of a target, another one everybody recognizes and looks for and he holds their attention, and it gets him to the end of the game.

Good for him if it gets him to the end of the game. The show loses this viewer when he's on. It's not even on purpose. I just can't stand watching him. I always seem to remember something I'd rather be doing, like scrubbing the stove top. Then I usually wander back but I miss big chunks of the show because of him.

Ah well. Everything can't be everybody's cup of tea. He doesn't affect me that way at all. I see him as one of the very few really interesting and memorable characters.
As for Phillip, there is no way in hell that I think he buys his own hype. I think it is a pure act, brilliantly conceived, makes him less of threat to the others and therefore less of a target, another one everybody recognizes and looks for and he holds their attention, and it gets him to the end of the game.

Good for him if it gets him to the end of the game. The show loses this viewer when he's on. It's not even on purpose. I just can't stand watching him. I always seem to remember something I'd rather be doing, like scrubbing the stove top. Then I usually wander back but I miss big chunks of the show because of him.

Ah well. Everything can't be everybody's cup of tea. He doesn't affect me that way at all. I see him as one of the very few really interesting and memorable characters.

Because he's a true fruit loop lol

Good for him if it gets him to the end of the game. The show loses this viewer when he's on. It's not even on purpose. I just can't stand watching him. I always seem to remember something I'd rather be doing, like scrubbing the stove top. Then I usually wander back but I miss big chunks of the show because of him.

Ah well. Everything can't be everybody's cup of tea. He doesn't affect me that way at all. I see him as one of the very few really interesting and memorable characters.

Because he's a true fruit loop lol


That's possible, but I remain unconvinced. I still think the 'federal agent' routine is all part of his game and he is playing the group (and us) like a violin. Brilliantly conceived to keep everybody thinking he is a harmless, delusional eccentric. Dumb like a fox. :)
Let's see if Cochran learned something from his first time around. For a student of the game, IMO, he made a stupid mistake. You NEVER go against your original tribe. The other tribe doesn't expect you to be on their side and will forgive you. Screw your own team and the best you can expect is second place.

Well he really didn't have a choice once he was convinced that his original tribe planned to oust him at the next tribal council. So it was a calculated risk. But in a game designed in a way that players pretty much have to be calculating and dishonest and manipulative, who can you really trust? Cochran doesn't have the luxury of being a physically appealing person, nor is he the type to generate a hero aura and be looked up to as a leader by the others. He isn't going to help a team win challenges, and he is not a person to fear. All he has is his instincts and wits to keep him there. And, in my opinion, that is what makes him interesting.

Wasn't that after the merge? Why would they want to oust him at that point? He fell for Coach's line. That was the problem. After the merge he shouldn't have been worried about his own tribe.
Let's see if Cochran learned something from his first time around. For a student of the game, IMO, he made a stupid mistake. You NEVER go against your original tribe. The other tribe doesn't expect you to be on their side and will forgive you. Screw your own team and the best you can expect is second place.

Well he really didn't have a choice once he was convinced that his original tribe planned to oust him at the next tribal council. So it was a calculated risk. But in a game designed in a way that players pretty much have to be calculating and dishonest and manipulative, who can you really trust? Cochran doesn't have the luxury of being a physically appealing person, nor is he the type to generate a hero aura and be looked up to as a leader by the others. He isn't going to help a team win challenges, and he is not a person to fear. All he has is his instincts and wits to keep him there. And, in my opinion, that is what makes him interesting.

Wasn't that after the merge? Why would they want to oust him at that point? He fell for Coach's line. That was the problem. After the merge he shouldn't have been worried about his own tribe.

Tribal loyalites continue after a merge though. And pre-existing alliances are brought into the larger group. A huge part of the game is choosing the right alliance to sign onto. Pick the wrong one, and you'll be picked off, one by one, with deadly certainty.
I just can't deal with Phillip trotting around in his pink fruit of the looms and seeing his junk jiggling seriously skeeves me out.:puke:

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