Survivor. Are you watching?

I just can't deal with Phillip trotting around in his pink fruit of the looms and seeing his junk jiggling seriously skeeves me out.:puke:

And yet think about to the earliest seasons of Survivor. Perhaps the most talked about, famous, and most remembered participant was Richard Hatch who spent all his time in the game buck naked. As for Phillip, I just don't focus on the pink underwear. But I also think that is part of his carefully and deliberately engineered 'crazy Phillip' persona. :)
No. I have and never will watch Survivor. I'd rather stab myself in the leg with an ice pick than endure such drivel.

And you had to come on this thread and say that, why? Because it makes you feel superior to the people on this thread who enjoy discussing the show?

I just can't deal with Phillip trotting around in his pink fruit of the looms and seeing his junk jiggling seriously skeeves me out.:puke:

And yet think about to the earliest seasons of Survivor. Perhaps the most talked about, famous, and most remembered participant was Richard Hatch who spent all his time in the game buck naked. As for Phillip, I just don't focus on the pink underwear. But I also think that is part of his carefully and deliberately engineered 'crazy Phillip' persona. :)

Yeah, I agree. And it amuses me to see all the people who look down their noses at Phillip when he is probably far, far more intelligent than they are.

I think Phillip is crazy like a fox. Doesn't mean I find his pink underwear attractive, but I recognize that it's all part of his "persona."
Survivor. Are you watching?

Nope. Last two seasons sucked and, imo, the USS Survivor has sailed. End it already.

As for “Survivor,” the latest episode of “Fans vs. Favorites” rose two-tenths to a 2.6, which serves as a lovely reminder that this really is a show that you can never count out. Not only that, but the popularity of this season is likely to only increase from here as we get deeper and deeper into what is being hyped up as a very strong season.

Ratings: ?Modern Family? beats ?American Idol?; ?Survivor Caramoan? rises

TV show viewership typically dips the week after a show’s premiere. But last night’s Survivor made slight gains among its total audience and the 18-49 demo compared to last week’s two-hour opener.

'Survivor' ratings improve slightly | Inside TV |

Survivor may be down from what it once was, but it's definitely not out.

My advice to you? Don't watch it.
I just can't deal with Phillip trotting around in his pink fruit of the looms and seeing his junk jiggling seriously skeeves me out.:puke:

And yet think about to the earliest seasons of Survivor. Perhaps the most talked about, famous, and most remembered participant was Richard Hatch who spent all his time in the game buck naked. As for Phillip, I just don't focus on the pink underwear. But I also think that is part of his carefully and deliberately engineered 'crazy Phillip' persona. :)

Yeah, I agree. And it amuses me to see all the people who look down their noses at Phillip when he is probably far, far more intelligent than they are.

I think Phillip is crazy like a fox. Doesn't mean I find his pink underwear attractive, but I recognize that it's all part of his "persona."

That's why I keep emphasizing that one has to remain detached from the game itself and watch with an analytical mind and a strong sense of humor and appreciation for character development. If I have a major gripe re this season it is that we don't have the reward challenge followed by the immunity challenge. I much prefer that format to the single challenge format.

But the main thing to remember is that television shows are put on to entertain people, and the only way they succeed is via compelling characters that draw the audience into preferences for one over the other. In every challenge, us fans find ourselves rooting for somebody whether it is the same person every week or not. And as the show develops we develop preferences for people in the game too--we start looking for them, are more interested in what they have to say, care more about how much they succeed.

Biggest loser is not a bunch of people secluded on a special ranch. It is a television program made to look like a ranch. The challenges and the weight loss are real, but the show is carefully engineered and edited for maximum entertainment value for the viewing audience.

Survivor is not a bunch of people marooned on a desert island attempting to survive. It is a television program made to look like a deserted island setting where people have to use their wits and abilities to survive. What the people are experiencing is real but seriously, everybody has to know that there is a camera crew recording almost their every movement and every word. It is carefully engineered and edited for maximum entertainment value for the viewing audience.

It is compelling characters and situations that keep our interest. And I'm guessing Phillip is a master at designing his own character to be a compelling figure and possibly a fan favorite just because he does add so much interest to the show.
Yeah, Foxfyre, I prefer it when they have both a reward challenge AND an immunity challenge. But I will still watch and enjoy it, even if they are following a format that's not my favorite. I enjoy watching the people interact and plot and plan and seeing who triumphs and what factors contributed to their triumph.

What gets me is that people who dislike the show feel the need to visit a thread about it and tell how much they dislike the show.

Jeez, if you dislike it, don't watch it. I never watch American Idol, don't particularly like it, so if someone started a thread about it, I wouldn't bother to go there and post a comment.
Yeah, Foxfyre, I prefer it when they have both a reward challenge AND an immunity challenge. But I will still watch and enjoy it, even if they are following a format that's not my favorite. I enjoy watching the people interact and plot and plan and seeing who triumphs and what factors contributed to their triumph.

What gets me is that people who dislike the show feel the need to visit a thread about it and tell how much they dislike the show.

Jeez, if you dislike it, don't watch it. I never watch American Idol, don't particularly like it, so if someone started a thread about it, I wouldn't bother to go there and post a comment.

Ah, I don't care if people gripe a little. I sure do when things aren't going according to my preferences. :) But I agree, I can't expect them to design and run any television program the way I want it done. If that is my requirements, I wouldn't have anything to watch at all. I do love American Idol and I have been watching since Season 2. But of course it isn't everybody's cup of tea or nobody could run any programming in the same time slot with it.

I'll agree though that if I don[t watch a program and have no intention of watching it, I won't be participating in a thread unless it is to figure out whether I do want to start watching. :)
I am seeing a completely different Cochran...but he does not get much air time yet. I like this cochran, so far.

Brandon needs to go away along with his uncle Russell. I think most are burned out on both of them.

Oh...and I'm with foxy.....philip is laugihing at all of us just as we laughed at him. Something is going on with this dude and although he makes me a tad bugshit, I still am glad he is on the show.
Oh...and I'm with foxy.....philip is laugihing at all of us just as we laughed at him. Something is going on with this dude and although he makes me a tad bugshit, I still am glad he is on the show.

Cochran has been flying under the radar hasn't he? But I figure the first time he is seriously considered for elimination, we'll see a lot more of him. I liked him the last time--thought he was an interesting personality--and I like him now for the same reason. But that is why I like Phillip too. Both very memorable characters. You don't have to like them. But you do notice and remember them.

Brandon is much the same, but I am certain that he has been cultivated as this season's villain or disagreeable person to hate as nobody else seems to be emerging in that role. The only other possible one is the "lazy" Iraqi vet but we're seeing different sides of him, so not quite sure whether he will be considered a 'disposable' or will emerge as a leader.
Oh, to me, the Iraqi vet Shamar is the one who stands out most as the "villain"! He's horrible. The only time he's nice is when someone kisses his ass, tells him what he wants to hear. Other than that he's a total asshole. Real bad attitude. Not to be trusted.

My opinion only, of course! :) I don't really expect him to last much longer. Not that my predictions are necessarily that accurate! :)
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I just can't deal with Phillip trotting around in his pink fruit of the looms and seeing his junk jiggling seriously skeeves me out.:puke:

And yet think about to the earliest seasons of Survivor. Perhaps the most talked about, famous, and most remembered participant was Richard Hatch who spent all his time in the game buck naked. As for Phillip, I just don't focus on the pink underwear. But I also think that is part of his carefully and deliberately engineered 'crazy Phillip' persona. :)

They blurred out Richard's junk...I think they should do the same for Phillip's panties, and then I'd be just fine with all his other antics.:D
I have to admit that Phillip's underpants are pretty gross looking. Actually, was he the one who had to wash a stain out of his underpants on a previous show, or was that someone else? OMG, I think it was him.

No matter how crazy Phillip is, I notice that he is quite a good competitor in the challenges. There's more to that guy than meets the eye.
I was happy to see who got pulled from the game tonight. It looks in the previews like Brandon goes bat shit crazy next week.:eek:
It comes on here in about 40 minutes but I don't mind spoilers. I usually am reading survivorsucks board so I know what to look for when it does come on in my time zone.
I am really disappointed in Eddie, the firefighter/EMT. When Hope got voted out did you hear what he had to say? He said she was the prettiest girl on the tribe and THAT'S why they voted her out!

What a ridiculous statement. He seems way too concerned about what people look like rather than what their character is like. What an arrogant asshole.

He's on my shitlist now.
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I am really disappointed in Eddie, the firefighter/EMT. When Hope got voted out did you hear what he had to say? He said she was the prettiest girl on the tribe and THAT'S why they voted her out!

What a ridiculous statement. He seems way too concerned about what people look like rather than what their character is like. What an arrogant asshole.

He's on my shitlist now.

Well in Eddie's defense, I'm pretty sure he had the hots for Hope and really didn't want her to go. Wasn't it him and her that were practically getting it on in the first segment? There wasn't anything wrong with her character. She was just simply not good at all in any aspect of the challenges. And with Shamar having to leave because of his eye injury, they really couldn't easily afford to lose another strong player.
I am really disappointed in Eddie, the firefighter/EMT. When Hope got voted out did you hear what he had to say? He said she was the prettiest girl on the tribe and THAT'S why they voted her out!

What a ridiculous statement. He seems way too concerned about what people look like rather than what their character is like. What an arrogant asshole.

He's on my shitlist now.

Well in Eddie's defense, I'm pretty sure he had the hots for Hope and really didn't want her to go. Wasn't it him and her that were practically getting it on in the first segment? There wasn't anything wrong with her character. She was just simply not good at all in any aspect of the challenges. And with Shamar having to leave because of his eye injury, they really couldn't easily afford to lose another strong player.

I guess Eddie thinks with his...well, not his brain. Not too bright when you're in a game for a million dollars. That makes me respect him even less.

I remember at the start when Eddie, Franklin, Hope and Laura formed their tight little group, one of them...perhaps Franklin, but maybe Eddie, made a comment about how they were the four best-looking people in the game. Where in the hell did they get the idea that matters? Idiots. Such potential physically with Eddie and Franklin, but their arrogance makes them stupid.
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I am really disappointed in Eddie, the firefighter/EMT. When Hope got voted out did you hear what he had to say? He said she was the prettiest girl on the tribe and THAT'S why they voted her out!

What a ridiculous statement. He seems way too concerned about what people look like rather than what their character is like. What an arrogant asshole.

He's on my shitlist now.

He was on my shitlist the minute those four "pretty" people called themselves that. Yuck. I am glad they got rid of the girls but keeping those two guys is a good idea. They were good on challenges.

Oh and go Sherry. She played that perfectly. She made that idilot give up his hidden idol and she knew she wasnt voting for him.

Oh and damn she is hot in a weird way. Woof.
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