Survivor. Are you watching?

Survivor just doesn't have the swagger it used to. The formula has grown stale and has been out for so long that players can now manipulate the game so to speak. The game has become a show about manipulation, lies and other manner of characteristics that weren't that prevalent early on.

I have see a couple of other shows from overseas that have the same basic concept without the challenges or teibal issues. They were interesting but lacked that viewer involvement.

If survivor were to require aptitude tests prior to casting I believe it would allow for people with a bit more personal chatacter to come forth. Sadly I know that will never happen.

Well sheesh Grandpa, they have to have certain personalities to make a good soap opera work. And that's all Survivor real is--a soap opera with a twist. If you don't take it too seriously, it's still a lot of fun.
Survivor just doesn't have the swagger it used to. The formula has grown stale and has been out for so long that players can now manipulate the game so to speak. The game has become a show about manipulation, lies and other manner of characteristics that weren't that prevalent early on.

I have see a couple of other shows from overseas that have the same basic concept without the challenges or teibal issues. They were interesting but lacked that viewer involvement.

If survivor were to require aptitude tests prior to casting I believe it would allow for people with a bit more personal chatacter to come forth. Sadly I know that will never happen.

Well sheesh Grandpa, they have to have certain personalities to make a good soap opera work. And that's all Survivor real is--a soap opera with a twist. If you don't take it too seriously, it's still a lot of fun.

I guess im just not into glamorizing the bad side of human nature. I get to see that everyday in the news. And maybe im just over reacting to a few bad apples lol. Either way im sure the show will survive no matter what I think so you're quite safe :)
Survivor just doesn't have the swagger it used to. The formula has grown stale and has been out for so long that players can now manipulate the game so to speak. The game has become a show about manipulation, lies and other manner of characteristics that weren't that prevalent early on.

I have see a couple of other shows from overseas that have the same basic concept without the challenges or teibal issues. They were interesting but lacked that viewer involvement.

If survivor were to require aptitude tests prior to casting I believe it would allow for people with a bit more personal chatacter to come forth. Sadly I know that will never happen.

Well sheesh Grandpa, they have to have certain personalities to make a good soap opera work. And that's all Survivor real is--a soap opera with a twist. If you don't take it too seriously, it's still a lot of fun.

I guess im just not into glamorizing the bad side of human nature. I get to see that everyday in the news. And maybe im just over reacting to a few bad apples lol. Either way im sure the show will survive no matter what I think so you're quite safe :)

I don't think it glamorizes it. I think it makes some of them look like blooming idiots and others you kind of have to admire for figuring out a good strategy. But the show is designed to be pure entertainment, the contestants want to do it for whatever their reasons, and there's no reason we shouldn't enjoy it.
Survivor just doesn't have the swagger it used to. The formula has grown stale and has been out for so long that players can now manipulate the game so to speak. The game has become a show about manipulation, lies and other manner of characteristics that weren't that prevalent early on.

I have see a couple of other shows from overseas that have the same basic concept without the challenges or teibal issues. They were interesting but lacked that viewer involvement.

If survivor were to require aptitude tests prior to casting I believe it would allow for people with a bit more personal chatacter to come forth. Sadly I know that will never happen.

Well sheesh Grandpa, they have to have certain personalities to make a good soap opera work. And that's all Survivor real is--a soap opera with a twist. If you don't take it too seriously, it's still a lot of fun.

I guess im just not into glamorizing the bad side of human nature. I get to see that everyday in the news. And maybe im just over reacting to a few bad apples lol. Either way im sure the show will survive no matter what I think so you're quite safe :)

Remember, it's called "Survivor."

In a real survival situation, what would you do to stay alive? Would you make alliances? Would you lie? Would you switch sides if it helped your survival? Would you pretend to like people you didn't really like? Would you pretend to go along with the stronger people in order to save your neck?

I know I would do all of these things. In the game of "Survivor" your life isn't really at risk. But there is ONE MILLION DOLLARS at stake, the loss of which is still a significant consequence.

Anyway, what I think I'm trying to say, is that I don't think the show glamorizes the bad side of human nature. But it does bring out some of the traits that would emerge in a real survival situation when we return to some of our baser instincts.
Survivor just doesn't have the swagger it used to. The formula has grown stale and has been out for so long that players can now manipulate the game so to speak. The game has become a show about manipulation, lies and other manner of characteristics that weren't that prevalent early on.

I have see a couple of other shows from overseas that have the same basic concept without the challenges or teibal issues. They were interesting but lacked that viewer involvement.

If survivor were to require aptitude tests prior to casting I believe it would allow for people with a bit more personal chatacter to come forth. Sadly I know that will never happen.

Well sheesh Grandpa, they have to have certain personalities to make a good soap opera work. And that's all Survivor real is--a soap opera with a twist. If you don't take it too seriously, it's still a lot of fun.

Survivor just doesn't have the swagger it used to. The formula has grown stale and has been out for so long that players can now manipulate the game so to speak. The game has become a show about manipulation, lies and other manner of characteristics that weren't that prevalent early on.

I have see a couple of other shows from overseas that have the same basic concept without the challenges or teibal issues. They were interesting but lacked that viewer involvement.

If survivor were to require aptitude tests prior to casting I believe it would allow for people with a bit more personal chatacter to come forth. Sadly I know that will never happen.

Well sheesh Grandpa, they have to have certain personalities to make a good soap opera work. And that's all Survivor real is--a soap opera with a twist. If you don't take it too seriously, it's still a lot of fun.

I guess im just not into glamorizing the bad side of human nature. I get to see that everyday in the news. And maybe im just over reacting to a few bad apples lol. Either way im sure the show will survive no matter what I think so you're quite safe :)

Well sheesh Grandpa, they have to have certain personalities to make a good soap opera work. And that's all Survivor real is--a soap opera with a twist. If you don't take it too seriously, it's still a lot of fun.

I guess im just not into glamorizing the bad side of human nature. I get to see that everyday in the news. And maybe im just over reacting to a few bad apples lol. Either way im sure the show will survive no matter what I think so you're quite safe :)

I don't think it glamorizes it. I think it makes some of them look like blooming idiots and others you kind of have to admire for figuring out a good strategy. But the show is designed to be pure entertainment, the contestants want to do it for whatever their reasons, and there's no reason we shouldn't enjoy it.

realty shows by and large are petri dishes of social aptitude, character and physicality. Its rare to watch and not have to cover ones eyes......and yes I guess to some extent thats the point;)

-I remember waaaay back we watched the first 2 seasons of big brother, I don't remember it being that bad, my wife tuned in last year as a lark, she watched one episode, she couldn't stand anymore.....

-Hells Kitchen, we like cooking shows etc. we recently re-watched seasons 1 thru 3, they were great, there was lots of tips on cooking Gordon instructing, nurturing, the sous chefs he;ling them make dishes and you learned something along with watching the teams try and keep it together.....for the last 3-4 seasons they spend more time showing film of the dorms and all the fights and drama, and much less in the kitchen, it appears they go out of their way to chose folks who have very poor social skills, not very good chefs at all, even from the git go, and are more likely to 'go off' and create some juicy drama then advance the show as a cooking short they reduced it to the lowest common denominator....we are probably done with it. ( and I am getting suspicious of master chef to after last years season;))

This season of survivor seems tired and uninspired, I said at the beginning, who's favorites were these?frankly I am rooting for Cochran for the hell of it... .....and the remix didn't seem to help if you ask me, it just made one team very much better and the other a troop of dysfunction (I'd look for a merge really soon) may be attractive some times but, I am not sure we will watch to the end...we are already shuffling it to the bottom of our tivo list.
It is said that there are only so many plots to use for fiction, only so many personality types that can be used. Based on the tuneless, grating, annoying concepts that passes for much of modern music these days, I'm wondering if the world has not run out of melodies. So yes, maybe all television shows run their course after awhile because nobody is creative enough to think up ways to keep them fresh and fun and interesting as they are in the beginning.

I think back at M.A.S.H that closed up shop when it was still at the top of its game even after years. And it continued as one of the most successful shows in syndication ever. But perhaps the powers recognized that if they continued, it would deteriorate and become much less than it was. Seinfeld was another very popular show that quit at the top of its game. Probably for the same reasons.

I agree that Hell's Kitchen is much more angry and focuses on confrontation more than it does on chef skills these days, and that makes it less enjoyable.

So maybe Survivor has run its course. I don't know. But I will continue to enjoy it as much as I can for now because I still get a kick out of watching the dyanmics.
I have been getting into all the new semi history series on H2 this year. Also the new Vikings show on AMC. Haven't decided on that one yet. The Men who built America was also interesting.

I guess maybe ive just grown out of the reality shows. Most of them are ass anyhow. Back in the day you could see a Van Halen video on mtv. Now all you get are punk kids doing dumb shit. Tv has definitely dumbed down. I just hope it isnt a reflection of us as a whole.
I have been getting into all the new semi history series on H2 this year. Also the new Vikings show on AMC. Haven't decided on that one yet. The Men who built America was also interesting.

I guess maybe ive just grown out of the reality shows. Most of them are ass anyhow. Back in the day you could see a Van Halen video on mtv. Now all you get are punk kids doing dumb shit. Tv has definitely dumbed down. I just hope it isnt a reflection of us as a whole.

Well, in some things I refuse to grow up. So there ya go. :)
It is said that there are only so many plots to use for fiction, only so many personality types that can be used. Based on the tuneless, grating, annoying concepts that passes for much of modern music these days, I'm wondering if the world has not run out of melodies. So yes, maybe all television shows run their course after awhile because nobody is creative enough to think up ways to keep them fresh and fun and interesting as they are in the beginning.

I think back at M.A.S.H that closed up shop when it was still at the top of its game even after years. And it continued as one of the most successful shows in syndication ever. But perhaps the powers recognized that if they continued, it would deteriorate and become much less than it was. Seinfeld was another very popular show that quit at the top of its game. Probably for the same reasons.

I agree that Hell's Kitchen is much more angry and focuses on confrontation more than it does on chef skills these days, and that makes it less enjoyable.

So maybe Survivor has run its course. I don't know. But I will continue to enjoy it as much as I can for now because I still get a kick out of watching the dyanmics.

It is said that there are only so many plots to use for fiction, only so many personality types that can be used. Based on the tuneless, grating, annoying concepts that passes for much of modern music these days, I'm wondering if the world has not run out of melodies.

yup, I can remember maybe 3 movies in the last 10 years that have surprised me as original and thoughtful, one of my fav's is is the 6th Sense......

I think Hollywood thinks ( if they even waste time on it) thinking its just so much easier copying borrowing adding more and more and more sequels than being original or at least making an attempt to be......they have been running on empty for quite a while now. TV? heck....they've been dead as a dodo for decades....they cannot create (and nor keep) anything minus sex, vulgar innuendo, sex, gratuitous violence and sex...and The Bible is on the History Channel...:lol:
I recently bought these the dvds of this show ( its timless fun and knowldge), my grandsons and I watched at my behest, you never heard more ohhs and ahhs.....

they thought it was very cool and it bares repeated watching too;)

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Well, I still love "Survivor." Some of them are better than others, that is true. But I enjoy them nonetheless. I get very little lesiure time, so when I sit down to watch television, a total of about three to three and a half hours per week, it's for pure entertainment.

The other show I've been enjoying is "Elementary." And I like some of the comedies such as "Big Bang Theory" and "2 1/2 Men."

But "Survivor" is like an event every week. When it's not on television for a period of time, I miss it. : )
That's pretty much how I feel.

There are a couple of shows I watch on Sunday night. But Survivor is sometimes the only reason I turn the television on during the week.
My favorite got booted.

Now my eggs are all in Cochran's basket.

I kinda like when he gets to play elder Survivor statesman. :)
I'm ready for the show. Got the pizza ordered and my feet propped up. I just have to wait another 2 hours for it to come on.
Well, I'm glad it was Julia who got voted out and I totally agree with what Cochran said about her. Basically, she is so bland in every way that he thought of her as "vanilla," but at the same time he thought that was an insult to "vanilla" because it is a very well-liked flavor. But Julia, not so much.

As for Phillip, I think he was faking it on that immunity challenge. You know why I think so? He knows the merge is coming up and he doesn't want to be perceived as a physical threat. So he totally acted like he was wiped out by that challenge. But based on his past performance in various challenges, I don't believe that's so.

I believe him when he said he lost the reward challenge on purpose also. For similar reasons. He's smart enough to know that when the merge comes, you don't want to be perceived as a threat.

I like Phillip. He can be a pain in the ass, but at least he's interesting. Not bland like some.
Well really, Malcolm is a good athlete but after two seasons now, I still don't feel like I know him as a personality. The only two really interesting characters out there are Phillip and Cochran and also Dawn to some extent. The rest are all vanilla to me.

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