Survivor. Are you watching?

Well really, Malcolm is a good athlete but after two seasons now, I still don't feel like I know him as a personality. The only two really interesting characters out there are Phillip and Cochran and also Dawn to some extent. The rest are all vanilla to me.

I have Zero repect for Dawn now. She is a snitch and has no back bone. Its sad though becauce prior to that last show, I liked her.

Is Dawn a snitch, or is she just faithful to her true alliance?

That was my thought too. She believes she was voted off last time because she kept a confidence and did not relate information to her alliance and, when the others in her alliance, found out about it, they felt betrayed. So this time she played the game. Keep a confidence? Or put her alliance first? This time she chose the alliance.

She is one of the few, I think, who is bothered by that aspect of the game. She doesn't enjoy lying, deceiving, manipulating, blind siding people. But she also seems to have come to a decision that it is necessary to survive in Survivor.
Ok...first off. I am all about being on Team Sherri. Literally and figuratively. Hot! Second, Corrine being blind sided was really funny (and I really liked her as well. At least she is not a sheep like Dawn), but now we have to hear that idiot Phil brag about he made it happen. Indirectly, it was Dawn the snitch's fault really. (And for those who say she is being loyal to her tribe, think about that for a sec. That tribe has Philip as the leader and every word out of his mouth is about him. How He doesnt need this person or that person because HE has the numbers he needs. Its all about him, not the team).

Speaking of Philip, he will be on of the final three in my opion. Boston Rob (I just threw up a little) knew no one....NO ONE would vote for him and he was right.
What is all this nonsense about someone snitching? This has the be the dumbest reference ive ever heard to survivor.

Dawn and the others realized they were low on the pecking order so they mixed it up. You all would have done the same thing were you smart enough. I can't stand emotionally weak people but +1 for Dawn not being a sheep.
Ok...first off. I am all about being on Team Sherri. Literally and figuratively. Hot! Second, Corrine being blind sided was really funny (and I really liked her as well. At least she is not a sheep like Dawn), but now we have to hear that idiot Phil brag about he made it happen. Indirectly, it was Dawn the snitch's fault really. (And for those who say she is being loyal to her tribe, think about that for a sec. That tribe has Philip as the leader and every word out of his mouth is about him. How He doesnt need this person or that person because HE has the numbers he needs. Its all about him, not the team).

Speaking of Philip, he will be on of the final three in my opion. Boston Rob (I just threw up a little) knew no one....NO ONE would vote for him and he was right.

Seems like a lot of these people aren't thinking that way. Corrine certainly wasn't. It's Survivor 101 that if someone is disliked by a lot of people they're a great one to take to the final three. But Corrine's thinking was "I can't stand Phillip, nobody can stand him, we need to get rid of him." Backward thinking.
I LOVED seeing the smirk on Corinne's face fade when her name was drawn the first time...then again..then again. Priceless.
I have no feeling about Dawn at all. All I see is chin, and although I know that is not nice of me, I can't help it. But, I would like to see her in the final 3. The editing on her sucks because she may be doing more that none of us are witnessing.
Damn Sherri is hot but that us not the only reason I like her. I think she is a pretty good.player thus far.
Oh, yay! Survivor tonight! I better stay away from this thread since I'm in the last time zone! I might read what happens before I get to watch it! : )
I can't believe how much I wanted a certain someone to go home. I didn't know I felt so strongly about getting rid of that person.

.... won't say who in case Koosh is reading before the show comes on out there. ;)
It looks like Dawn decided to start playing with her head...but next week's previews showed her a complete wreck, and she's back to playing an emotional game like her last season. It appears that she just couldn't outlast her own internal struggle.
Andrea messed things up.

But if Andrea hadn't, Phillip probably would have. Probably wouldn't have taken too much to make Malcolm antsy.

And Malcolm maximized the number of people he could show disloyalty to. Way out there in the open, total exposure.
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Amber messed things up.

But if Amber hadn't, Phillip probably would have. Probably wouldn't have taken too much to make Malcolm antsy.

And Malcolm maximized the number of people he could show disloyalty to. Way out there in the open, total exposure.

Reynold showed himself to be a loyal follower to Malcolm, but we'll see if he figures out who wrote his name down. Andrea panicked. It amazes me how most of them let Jeff lead them to reveal things that put their current/future plans in jeopardy. I would be so prepared to give Jeff the most innocuous responses.
Okay, I've criticized Brenda in the past, but I have to give her credit for her performance in that immunity challenge! That was a tough one. She really earned that immunity necklace. Too bad she didn't need it this time around.

Cochran is growing on me.

I can't believe Malcolm got Franklin to give him the immunity necklace like that! Because of that, no one will ever suspect that Malcolm actually has one of his own! I hope he doesn't tell anyone. I can't help but like Malcolm, a lot of other people deserve to go home before he does.

And Dawn...looks like she needs to go home, based on the previews for next week.
Oh, and Reynold and Eddie...male chavinist pigs need to go home.

Did you catch that remark he made at the reward challenge when they were talking about the guys all banding together? He said something like, "Who needs the girls, anyway, Hope was the only one worth "bleep"ing, and she's gone."


P.S. EDIT: I meant to say the remark he made at the reward picnic, not at the challenge. At the picnic after they won the challenge. : )
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Well for sure if the girls don't start targeting the more physically strong guys, the girls aren't going to make it to the end. Phillip is in no danger. I'm pretty sure everybody wants him to be in the final three because nobody on the jury will vote for him. It does seem that the challenges are now mixing some athletic ability with challenges that don't require a lot of physical strength, so we'll see how that goes.

As for Dawn. I dunno. Maybe its healthy not to hold it all in. But again I think she is the one player who doesn't enjoy playing the game--the lying, cheating, back stabbing, manipulative, deceptive part of the game. And while that is a weakness on Survivor, I can understand how it could get to a person. Most especially when it is a person who trusted you that you do it to.

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