Survivor. Are you watching?

By convincing the tribe that he doesn't have the immunity necklace, Malcolm may have made it that much easier to convince the rest of the tribe to vote him out.

He's strong in challenges and he is conspicuously loyal to no one. Not only conspicuously loyal to no one but he'll use others' loyalty to him to his own ends even as he puts them at risk. I hope Reynold is smart enough to figure that out.
By convincing the tribe that he doesn't have the immunity necklace, Malcolm may have made it that much easier to convince the rest of the tribe to vote him out.

He's strong in challenges and he is conspicuously loyal to no one. Not only conspicuously loyal to no one but he'll use others' loyalty to him to his own ends even as he puts them at risk. I hope Reynold is smart enough to figure that out.

What Malcolm needs to do is start winning immunity challenges. I guess that's pretty obvious. Delay using your hidden immunity idol as long as possible. And then, of course, knowing WHEN to use your hidden immunity idol is crucial!
So looking forward to Survivor tonight! The promos are making it look like it will be a good one. The most exciting tribal council ever, according to Cochran. Wonder what's going to happen? I'll be back after the show has aired in my time zone! : )
By convincing the tribe that he doesn't have the immunity necklace, Malcolm may have made it that much easier to convince the rest of the tribe to vote him out.

He's strong in challenges and he is conspicuously loyal to no one. Not only conspicuously loyal to no one but he'll use others' loyalty to him to his own ends even as he puts them at risk. I hope Reynold is smart enough to figure that out.

What Malcolm needs to do is start winning immunity challenges. I guess that's pretty obvious. Delay using your hidden immunity idol as long as possible. And then, of course, knowing WHEN to use your hidden immunity idol is crucial!

Yes, wasn't it Boston Rob one time who was voted out with an immunity idol in his pocket? And Russell totally wasted one by playing it when he didn't receive a single vote. But then again, we've seen plans foiled when a player strategically played one and sent somebody home who only received one vote. And who can forget the night when Parvati double crossed Russell when she had two idols and just after the vote gave one to each of the girls--Russell had targeted one of them--making them immune and sending home a guy--can't remember who--that had only received one vote.
Smart observation by Erik there at the end. :thup:

Everyone might have shifted votes to people in their own alliance and Malcolm might have held onto his idol if Erik hadn't piped up when he did.
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I can't believe what I did!!! I went to some site where they are discussing Survivor and saw a comment that tells me what happens tonight! Waaaahhhhh!!!!! : (

Well, I know who is going to get voted out anyway. What a freaking bummer! : (

Hopefully, I've learned my lesson.
Wel, I have mixed emotions about Fill-up leaving us because he was such a polarizing and controversial figure that he made things more interesting. But last night also let us get better acquainted with others so it will probably be okay that Phillip is out.

But the gang of three played it well, but they aren't out of the woods yet. They need to win challenges and get out there and find those idols again--or is there just one now? Or they are going to have to get somebody in the remaining alliance of six to break ranks.

As for Dawn, I suspect it isn't so much as being unstable so much as being somebody who is demonstrably emotional being in a situation uncomfortable for her. I know a few people like that who are totally emotional about everything but its just the way they are, and pretty soon we just expect it and let it blow over without any concern about it.

I don't think Phillip's alliance felt too badly about him leaving though. And none of them need to worry about losing his vote at the end. :)
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But the gang of three played it well, but they aren't out of the woods yet. They need to win challenges and get out there and find those idols again--or is there just one now? Or they are going to have to get somebody in the remaining alliance of six to break ranks.

They played it well in that they did manage to get rid of the goat of the core alliance and now that alliance will have to restructure. However, if they had each cast a vote for a different member of the alliance, the re-vote would have been a flesh out of who is REALLY aligned with who as the tribe would be forced to vote against someone in the core alliance.
But the gang of three played it well, but they aren't out of the woods yet. They need to win challenges and get out there and find those idols again--or is there just one now? Or they are going to have to get somebody in the remaining alliance of six to break ranks.

They played it well in that they did manage to get rid of the goat of the core alliance and now that alliance will have to restructure. However, if they had each cast a vote for a different member of the alliance, the re-vote would have been a flesh out of who is REALLY aligned with who as the tribe would be forced to vote against someone in the core alliance.

Hmmm interesting concept. But whether or not he held the power, the alliance did revolve around Phillip who was informed of everything. Without that central figure, it will be interesting to see who does emerge as the leader of the pack.
Hmmm interesting concept. But whether or not he held the power, the alliance did revolve around Phillip who was informed of everything. Without that central figure, it will be interesting to see who does emerge as the leader of the pack.

ITA. I also know that I wouldn't be able to put up with his bullshit for as long as they all did, not even for a million dollars. Not showering before getting into that pool was just really low class.
Hmmm interesting concept. But whether or not he held the power, the alliance did revolve around Phillip who was informed of everything. Without that central figure, it will be interesting to see who does emerge as the leader of the pack.

ITA. I also know that I wouldn't be able to put up with his bullshit for as long as they all did, not even for a million dollars. Not showering before getting into that pool was just really low class.

Yes it was. Sort of like the pink underwear. But in retrospect, I think the gang of three were smart to target Phillip. They didn't make any enemies among the larger alliance that way, and didn't increase the paranoia among the others by writing their name down. Reynold still doesn't know that it was Malcolm who wrote his name down last week.
Yes it was. Sort of like the pink underwear. But in retrospect, I think the gang of three were smart to target Phillip. They didn't make any enemies among the larger alliance that way, and didn't increase the paranoia among the others by writing their name down. Reynold still doesn't know that it was Malcolm who wrote his name down last week.

And this surprises you how exactly? I'm kidding. The funny thing is that Reynold comes across as the biggest douchebag ever (especially with saying there was no one "fuckable" left last week), but the douche seems like he is having the greatest time of his life out there. So does Malcolm. It makes for entertaining television.
Wow, that was a very entertaining tribal council! Much as I don't like Franklin and Eddie, I couldn't help but grin at how that went down. I especially enjoyed the looks of dismay on the powerful alliance of seven when they realized they'd been had. : )

And Franklin did win some respect with his performance in that immunity challenge. That was tough, and Malcolm is a formidable opponent. So hats off to Franklin for that. He's s till an asshole otherwise, though.

I still would like to see Franklin and Eddie go soon, Eddie first, then Franklin. Although Dawn probably deserves to go before they do. She is ridiculous.

But Malcolm deserves to stay. I hope this all works out in his favor.
It really makes me uncomfortable that a shallow, narcissist asshole like Eddie is a fireman/paramedic. He is so partial to young, beautiful people, I have to wonder if that affects how hard he tries to save old, ugly people. I mean, serously. He needs to go. He's not nearly as hot as he thinks he is, either, with that nasty beard growing all down his neck. Yuck.
I am kind of sorry that Phillip is gone. He was quite entertaining. But I don't care as much as I thought I would that he got voted out. At least he made it on the jury. That would be my goal if I went on AT LEAST make it on the jury.
Dawn completely disgusted me last night. I recall how she got all teary-eyed and lip quivering when she explained how much she needed to win the money for her family...yet she was prepared to walk away over some stupid teeth. Are you fucking kidding me?? Your fear of other tribe members finding out about something so silly takes priority over providing for your family?? Get the fuck out.:doubt:

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