Survivor. Are you watching?

Cochran is all mellowed out. I was rooting for malcom but his "we are the pretty, young, good looking team" mentality turned me off. I like Brenda...and I like Cochran better. And just for funzies, I may start rooting for Philip.
I still want Phillip gone. But he could provide some drama among all the vanilla pretty people so I look forward to at least a couple good blowups before he departs.

lol @ Cochran making "vanilla" the word of the week.
These are the people I want to see voted out next, in approximately this order:

Brenda (sorry Gracie!)

I will not be happy to see Phillip get voted out in the near future. He adds a lot of entertainment to the game.
I can go along with your list kooshdakhaa. Brenda seems ok, but she is staying under the radar this go round so if she gets voted out....shrug. No loss, really. lol
Well really, Malcolm is a good athlete but after two seasons now, I still don't feel like I know him as a personality. The only two really interesting characters out there are Phillip and Cochran and also Dawn to some extent. The rest are all vanilla to me.

I have Zero repect for Dawn now. She is a snitch and has no back bone. Its sad though becauce prior to that last show, I liked her.
Dawn snitching to Phillip bothered me too.

Her strategy for winning the game is to be henchman to a crazy guy?

I think she was threatened when she realized that Julia was smarter than they'd given her credit for.
I can go along with your list kooshdakhaa. Brenda seems ok, but she is staying under the radar this go round so if she gets voted out....shrug. No loss, really. lol

I didn't mind Brenda that much until this last episode. it was during the reward challenge, where they were walking around in the water. She was sitting out. She was screaming and yelling, cheering her team on, which normally would be fine. But it started bothering me, because she is really just being carried along by all those stronger people. And yet she was belittling the weaker team with such glee...well, it really struck me wrong. I despise her now. She's a leech.
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As for Dawn, what bothers me about her is when she gets all sensitive and starts crying and saying she just "can't take" the fighting between people, etc. WTF does she expect??? She's on Survivor.

Oh, yeah, she's also the one who was showing compassion for what's his name...Brandon. Oh, pullleeease.
Two people out for letting it be known how much they were thinking about the game. Two people who mistakenly confided in Dawn.

Dawn, Phillip, Cochran all probably underestimated as threats by the other players.

Brenda has been way under the radar this time.
Tonights episode was freaking GREAT. That is what the last two seasons have been missing. SMART MOVES BY UNDERDOGS

Little Miss I love gays thought she had control and got the SNUFF.

Love it

Phillip will take credit for it but Dawn was the one with the lightbulb going off. Corrines strategy was stupid anyhow. She was going to vote off a person who posed 0 threat rather than some muscle or brain. Shows just how little she had of the latter.
It was so funny because Corrine was talking about it being time for some blindsides, and then she's the one who got blindsided. Big time! I wanted her gone, but I couldn't help but feel sorry for her, she was so shocked that she got voted out.

I'm glad she's gone.

Oh, and it was great that Cochran won his first immunity challenge! Too bad he didn't really need it this time, though. He wasn't even on anyone's radar to be voted out this time around.
I laughed. She had that smug smile while Sherri's name was being called... until hers came up. Then she got all sober faced and I started to LOL.

I'm rooting for Cochran. Don't know why but I think he seems perfect to win Survivor this go round.
The most fun part for me last night was Cochran finally winning the challenge and getting immunity. It was a long time coming. As Jeff characterized it, David and Goliath indeed when it was Cochran vs Malcolm.

But honestly, would you - could you - have eaten that stuff? Cochran was the only one who didn't seem to even mind it while everybody else was struggling to keep it down. Cochran has emerged as my favorite though and he's the one I'm pulling for now.

And the directors are sneaky and they let us see and hear only enough to keep us guessing. So who is the 'behind the scenes' manipulator/leader now? Is it Dawn? Is it Cochran? Or will we ultimately see that it was in fact Phillip? Or somebody else?

The show has become more interesting to me just for that reason.
Well really, Malcolm is a good athlete but after two seasons now, I still don't feel like I know him as a personality. The only two really interesting characters out there are Phillip and Cochran and also Dawn to some extent. The rest are all vanilla to me.

I have Zero repect for Dawn now. She is a snitch and has no back bone. Its sad though becauce prior to that last show, I liked her.

Is Dawn a snitch, or is she just faithful to her true alliance?
I notice Brenda has really quieted down now that they've merged and she's not on a team that is far superior to the other team.

So I was starting to forgive her, but then I realized she's just mellowed out because she's not on "the winning team" anymore. Time to shut up with the hysterical cheering and gloating, eh, Brenda?
The most fun part for me last night was Cochran finally winning the challenge and getting immunity. It was a long time coming. As Jeff characterized it, David and Goliath indeed when it was Cochran vs Malcolm.

But honestly, would you - could you - have eaten that stuff? Cochran was the only one who didn't seem to even mind it while everybody else was struggling to keep it down. Cochran has emerged as my favorite though and he's the one I'm pulling for now.

And the directors are sneaky and they let us see and hear only enough to keep us guessing. So who is the 'behind the scenes' manipulator/leader now? Is it Dawn? Is it Cochran? Or will we ultimately see that it was in fact Phillip? Or somebody else?

The show has become more interesting to me just for that reason.

Yeah, it WAS fun watching Cochran win. I wonder if it will really help him get dates in the real world as he supposed. : )

As for eating that stuff, if I went on Survivor, I would be prepared to do so. Probably even practice before I went. Like those rotten egg things, "balut" can get them in Asian food stores. I first encountered them in Hawaii but never cared to eat one! Also, here in Alaska, there are lots of Native foods that are fairly disgusting that you could practice on.

The living slug thingies would be hard to take. But you just have to go somewhere else in your mind...and ACT, don't THINK. If you're going to think about something, think about ONE MILLION DOLLARS.

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