Survivors of Socialism has a message for young American socialists.

I was stationed in Gitmo for a while. I saw firsthand how fucked up communism is.

Every once in a while, one of the people of that imprisoned island would escape to our base. They would have to walk through the world's largest minefield to get to us. That's how desperate they were to escape. Sometimes, they would not make it. We'd see a small mushroom cloud from an exploding mine.

I took the opportunity to talk to the escapees as often as I could. Their tales were harrowing.
Yeah, and if the US had not been so shitty to Castro he wold not have had to turn to the Soviets. Castro was so evil the US had a torture facility there.
Castro was always a communist. We did not make him one. That's a stupid myth.

America has occupational military facilities in 70% of countries and supports 73% of the world's dictators. How about the "communists"?

Perhaps a broader overview, void of political stripe , rich in history

Think Greeks, Romans, Dutch, Spanish, English

They all had their day, mostly due to military might

Now it's economic conquests , w/military simply as an escort


No, we're killing, and we are the greatest purveyors of violence on the planet. America really needs to make a decision. Can't be both entitledly "exceptional" and then claim "well everyone was doing it" simultaneously.

How? How exactly are we the 'greatest purveyors of violence"?

Take Syria for example. Do you think that if the US stopped all support, that the Russian backed Assad regime would magically decide "we love rebels!" and stop dropping barrel bombs on elementary schools?

Take Ukraine for example. Do you think that if the US stopped all aid for Ukraine, that the Russian backed rebels would suddenly decide "Ya know, we really like Ukrainians, and this has always been part of their country, we should pack up and go home".?

If we don't support these groups.... instead of less violence, there would be far more. Assad would simply engage in genocide. ISIS would have rolled over half of Iraq.

The idea that if not for us, the world would be peaceful.... is just stupidity on your part.

Go learn some history. Look what happened when the North Vietnamese rolled over south Vietnam after the US pulled out. There was no peace. They were walking into villages, and slaughtering people.


This didn't happen when the Vietnamese had those evil Americans being the purveyor of violence in Vietnam... this happened after we left, and they were facing mass slaughter.

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