Survivors of Socialism has a message for young American socialists.

Socialism, of course, has NEVER worked throughout history. But idiots keep trying..........
It saved capitalism, yet again in 2007-08, and the entire world witnessed america's most staunch "free marketeers" beg for it.
I was opposed to the rescue of the broker-dealers. I believe they should have been handled the same way LTCM was in 1998.

And there is no way Goldman Sachs should have received 100 cents on the dollar for their CDS.
And yet they did. And we subsidize Walmart, Jeff Bezos, big pharma, big agribusiness, the private prison industrial complex and war profiteers. For starters.
I was stationed in Gitmo for a while. I saw firsthand how fucked up communism is.

Every once in a while, one of the people of that imprisoned island would escape to our base. They would have to walk through the world's largest minefield to get to us. That's how desperate they were to escape. Sometimes, they would not make it. We'd see a small mushroom cloud from an exploding mine.

I took the opportunity to talk to the escapees as often as I could. Their tales were harrowing.
Yeah, and if the US had not been so shitty to Castro he wold not have had to turn to the Soviets. Castro was so evil the US had a torture facility there.
Castro was always a communist. We did not make him one. That's a stupid myth.

America has occupational military facilities in 70% of countries and supports 73% of the world's dictators. How about the "communists"?

Perhaps a broader overview, void of political stripe , rich in history

Think Greeks, Romans, Dutch, Spanish, English

They all had their day, mostly due to military might

Now it's economic conquests , w/military simply as an escort

Socialism, of course, has NEVER worked throughout history. But idiots keep trying..........
It saved capitalism, yet again in 2007-08, and the entire world witnessed america's most staunch "free marketeers" beg for it.

Has it now?
How is it working in Venezuela? The people who "begged" for it are that very people who ran their businesses into the ground. You know...the Banks.....Bear Stearns.....Goldman Sachs. You are an illiterate lefty.
I'm willing to die protecting my right to worry about and take care of my family and allowing you to worry about you taking care of yours.

We're actively involved in attempting to topple Venezuela, just tried another coup, because Chavez booted out US oil companies. Why are US oil companies entitled to Venezuelan resources?

So die if ya like.

Aren't they global oil co's, merely taking advantage of the US of A....?

I was stationed in Gitmo for a while. I saw firsthand how fucked up communism is.

Every once in a while, one of the people of that imprisoned island would escape to our base. They would have to walk through the world's largest minefield to get to us. That's how desperate they were to escape. Sometimes, they would not make it. We'd see a small mushroom cloud from an exploding mine.

I took the opportunity to talk to the escapees as often as I could. Their tales were harrowing.
Yeah, and if the US had not been so shitty to Castro he wold not have had to turn to the Soviets. Castro was so evil the US had a torture facility there.
Castro was always a communist. We did not make him one. That's a stupid myth.

America has occupational military facilities in 70% of countries and supports 73% of the world's dictators. How about the "communists"?

Perhaps a broader overview, void of political stripe , rich in history

Think Greeks, Romans, Dutch, Spanish, English

They all had their day, mostly due to military might

Now it's economic conquests , w/military simply as an escort


No, we're killing, and we are the greatest purveyors of violence on the planet. America really needs to make a decision. Can't be both entitledly "exceptional" and then claim "well everyone was doing it" simultaneously.
A lot of deafening silence from the left. You think they want to know why my grandfather was executed by their hero castro?

Ever wonder why the left that yell about "free speech" about kaepernick as he holds a presser wearing a castro shirt?

Could you imagine what those losers would be saying about free speech if a lily white player wore a david duke shirt at a presser?

They deny they are communists while they emulate communists.

Here's your capitalist vast wealth redistribution. And let's get real here, Castro kicked out US corporations, so we tried to endlessly assassinate him. And he should have kicked them out.

The Productivity–Pay Gap
Yeah, productivity hasn’t increased because of new innovation at all, having nothing to do with the worker, has it?
A lot of deafening silence from the left. You think they want to know why my grandfather was executed by their hero castro?

Ever wonder why the left that yell about "free speech" about kaepernick as he holds a presser wearing a castro shirt?

Could you imagine what those losers would be saying about free speech if a lily white player wore a david duke shirt at a presser?

They deny they are communists while they emulate communists.

Here's your capitalist vast wealth redistribution. And let's get real here, Castro kicked out US corporations, so we tried to endlessly assassinate him. And he should have kicked them out.

The Productivity–Pay Gap
Yeah, productivity hasn’t increased because of new innovation at all, having nothing to do with the worker, has it?

Review The Powell Memorandum hon. And where did innovation come from, shareholders? Nope.
It sure serves our aristocracy well.

It served smart people with ambition well. Steve Jobs? Bill Gates?

Truly free people who have Liberty can rise or fall on their own efforts and abilities. Capitalism allows that. Capitalism and Liberty and Freedom all go hand in had, you retarded fuck
Socialism, of course, has NEVER worked throughout history. But idiots keep trying..........
It saved capitalism, yet again in 2007-08, and the entire world witnessed america's most staunch "free marketeers" beg for it.

Has it now?
How is it working in Venezuela? The people who "begged" for it are that very people who ran their businesses into the ground. You know...the Banks.....Bear Stearns.....Goldman Sachs. You are an illiterate lefty.
I'm willing to die protecting my right to worry about and take care of my family and allowing you to worry about you taking care of yours.

We're actively involved in attempting to topple Venezuela, just tried another coup, because Chavez booted out US oil companies. Why are US oil companies entitled to Venezuelan resources?

So die if ya like.

LOL.....and yet here you are defending Socialism. You're not a bright guy.
I was stationed in Gitmo for a while. I saw firsthand how fucked up communism is.

Every once in a while, one of the people of that imprisoned island would escape to our base. They would have to walk through the world's largest minefield to get to us. That's how desperate they were to escape. Sometimes, they would not make it. We'd see a small mushroom cloud from an exploding mine.

I took the opportunity to talk to the escapees as often as I could. Their tales were harrowing.
Yeah, and if the US had not been so shitty to Castro he wold not have had to turn to the Soviets. Castro was so evil the US had a torture facility there.
Castro was always a communist. We did not make him one. That's a stupid myth.

America has occupational military facilities in 70% of countries and supports 73% of the world's dictators. How about the "communists"?

Perhaps a broader overview, void of political stripe , rich in history

Think Greeks, Romans, Dutch, Spanish, English

They all had their day, mostly due to military might

Now it's economic conquests , w/military simply as an escort


No, we're killing, and we are the greatest purveyors of violence on the planet. America really needs to make a decision. Can't be both entitledly "exceptional" and then claim "well everyone was doing it" simultaneously.

American exceptionalism?

i suppose we're all guilty

but we don't realize it Bo

there's very little rubbin' our noses in our hypocrisy to be had....

Socialism, of course, has NEVER worked throughout history. But idiots keep trying..........
It saved capitalism, yet again in 2007-08, and the entire world witnessed america's most staunch "free marketeers" beg for it.
I was opposed to the rescue of the broker-dealers. I believe they should have been handled the same way LTCM was in 1998.

And there is no way Goldman Sachs should have received 100 cents on the dollar for their CDS.
And yet they did. And we subsidize Walmart, Jeff Bezos, big pharma, big agribusiness, the private prison industrial complex and war profiteers. For starters.
Your definition of subsidization is erroneous.
A lot of deafening silence from the left. You think they want to know why my grandfather was executed by their hero castro?

Ever wonder why the left that yell about "free speech" about kaepernick as he holds a presser wearing a castro shirt?

Could you imagine what those losers would be saying about free speech if a lily white player wore a david duke shirt at a presser?

They deny they are communists while they emulate communists.

Here's your capitalist vast wealth redistribution. And let's get real here, Castro kicked out US corporations, so we tried to endlessly assassinate him. And he should have kicked them out.

The Productivity–Pay Gap
Yeah, productivity hasn’t increased because of new innovation at all, having nothing to do with the worker, has it?

Review The Powell Memorandum hon. And where did innovation come from, shareholders? Nope.

You failed to address a fundamental question....

"The people who "begged" for it are that very people who ran their businesses into the ground. You know...the Banks.....Bear Stearns.....Goldman Sachs. "
Socialism, of course, has NEVER worked throughout history. But idiots keep trying..........
It saved capitalism, yet again in 2007-08, and the entire world witnessed america's most staunch "free marketeers" beg for it.
We know you commies like to tell yourselves that, but it saved nothing...Al it did was pay off a bunch of morons who made bad business decisions with taxpayer loot.
Bo proves once AGAIN he knows DIDDLEYSQUAT about politics. He's MIGHTY dim!
We all saw Wall Street beg for it, and receive it. Again.
You make the mistake of assuming that capitalism is what Wall Street wants. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Socialism, of course, has NEVER worked throughout history. But idiots keep trying..........
It saved capitalism, yet again in 2007-08, and the entire world witnessed america's most staunch "free marketeers" beg for it.
We know you commies like to tell yourselves that, but it saved nothing...Al it did was pay off a bunch of morons who made bad business decisions with taxpayer loot.
Bo proves once AGAIN he knows DIDDLEYSQUAT about politics. He's MIGHTY dim!
We all saw Wall Street beg for it, and receive it. Again.
You make the mistake of assuming that capitalism is what Wall Street wants. Nothing could be further from the truth.
He doesn't make any mistake...Marxist scum are liars as a matter of course....Misharacterizations of capitalistic mindsets and ideals are what they do.
Because >>>>


Yeah....And who are the enablers of those who are too big to fail or jail?

It's not a chicken-or-egg scenario....One is the buyer and one is the seller....Who is doing the selling?
Socialism, of course, has NEVER worked throughout history. But idiots keep trying..........
It saved capitalism, yet again in 2007-08, and the entire world witnessed america's most staunch "free marketeers" beg for it.

False. The 2007-08 crash was directly due to socialism. Social control. The Federal Government, used Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, their government run enterprises, to support sub-prime mortgages. This is documented fact.

Additionally, the Federal Government sued banks to make bad loans. This is also documented fact.

The entire crash, was due to government. Not capitalism.

Further, the system was "saved" by socialism. Government didn't save anything. Look at the banks that were "bailed out". Countrywide Financial? Countrywide no longer exists. How do you call that a "bailout" when the result is, the banks "bailed out" no longer exist?

IndyMac, Wamu, Bear Stearns, .... all of these "bailed out" banks, no longer exist.

The bailout didn't do anything. It was just stupid people, being told by the elite, that they had to take the stupid people's money, and give it out to supporters. Iceland didn't bailout any of their banks. It didn't destroy the country. Instead, the banks went through bankruptcy, and the economy recovered.

Bailouts and government intervention and socialism, always make things worse. This is why after spending trillions, the US economy had the worst recovery in US history. No other recovery from a recession was as slow, as the recovery from the great recession. Why didn't your socialist bailouts make it the fastest recovery? Because socialism never works. Never has. Never will.
Socialism, of course, has NEVER worked throughout history. But idiots keep trying..........
It saved capitalism, yet again in 2007-08, and the entire world witnessed america's most staunch "free marketeers" beg for it.
I was opposed to the rescue of the broker-dealers. I believe they should have been handled the same way LTCM was in 1998.

And there is no way Goldman Sachs should have received 100 cents on the dollar for their CDS.
And yet they did. And we subsidize Walmart, Jeff Bezos, big pharma, big agribusiness, the private prison industrial complex and war profiteers. For starters.

Private prisons save money, and perform better than government run prisons.

What part of that is bad? You like taxing the public more, to pay for horribly inefficient prisons? Why do you want to harm the public?

We subsidize walmart? How?

Big argibusiness, yes. Let's cut food stamps and stop subsidizing agribusiness.

Big pharma? Do you know how much it costs pharma to meet regulations? Last I read, it costs roughly $2.6 Billion dollars to bring one drug to market in the US. When they are spending that much money on each drug they bring to market... what subsidy do you think covers that?

We subsidize Amazon? Please tell me you are not one of these AOC types, that wants to "spend a tax cut on schools".

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