Survivors of socialist regimes react to Democrats' agenda

Bernie is a socialist - given the following that he had dumbshit RW's are going to see more and more of the same until sooner or later they can bitch about sosialists really fucking with them ..


should be used to it- Trump salutes Communists right now.
You only have to go back to the 70's when the Rev. Jim Jones was the darling of the socialist left in California. He was photographed with Jerry Brown and almost every other left wing democrat politician. He is credited with getting at least one left wing San Francisco mayor elected. They even awarded Jones a Martin Luther King award for some racial outreach. The problem with socialism is that nobody is elected and the power brokers who fight (and murder) their way to the top become tyrants. How did the socialist paradise in Guyana work out?
I notice they're not interviewing people from Japan, France, or other first world countries that have had good success with socialized medicine and other socialist policies, but immigrants from the third word instead. How can America lay a claim to greatness if it can't even have decent and affordable health care for it's citizenry?

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