Susan Rice Blasts Israel for Criticizing Kerry

Perhaps if Jews would get off their butts and do the right thing, there wouldn't be so many reasons that necessitate correction.
I was not aware that someone telling the truth was trashing Jews.

you are right----no one who tells the truth has anything to say
that trashes jews. A truthful statement is
YOU, caturday, are a vulgar and disgusting pig like most of
those of YOUR ILK

the goyim ilk?

i will take it that no one has an answer to a very legitimate question and must instead resprt to name calling and fabrication rather than address the issue.

the fact of the matter, the very simple fact, is that john lee levitow, is not jewish at all and i think it is disrespectful to lie about him in death, just as it would be disrespectful to lie about jewish people of accomplishment and claim they are muslims or catholics or whatever.

and so here we are, with jews continueing to disrespect a man who was a military hero by lying about his life.

Perhaps if Jews would get off their butts and do the right thing, there wouldn't be so many reasons that necessitate correction.
I was not aware that someone telling the truth was trashing Jews.

This really is deja vu time with Mr. Seattle bringing up "john levitow was born, baptized, raised and is buried as a catholic... and the rest of the blah, blah, blah that we have seen Mr. Seattle bring up numerous times throughout the years, but one would think that on a Middle East Forum, even though Patrick and Mr. Seattle seems to have their Laurel and Hardy act going on, that Patrick would mention once in a while what is going on in the Middle East in general, unless it doesn't bother him to see innocent people being killed all the time.

Perhaps if Jews would get off their butts and do the right thing, there wouldn't be so many reasons that necessitate correction.
I was not aware that someone telling the truth was trashing Jews.

This really is deja vu time with Mr. Seattle bringing up "john levitow was born, baptized, raised and is buried as a catholic... and the rest of the blah, blah, blah that we have seen Mr. Seattle bring up numerous times throughout the years, but one would think that on a Middle East Forum, even though Patrick and Mr. Seattle seems to have their Laurel and Hardy act going on, that Patrick would mention once in a while what is going on in the Middle East in general, unless it doesn't bother him to see innocent people being killed all the time.


Here's Johnny One Note trying to emulate another poster. Meanwhile, Cayun must think that some of the readers of this forum have very poor memories and they can't remember that he was obsessed with this same thing and kept on bringing it up over and over.

By the way, those throwaway, E-mail addresses are certianly fun, aren't they? This same statement with regard to promotions can also apply to forums.

"Many offer special deals to first-time shoppers or customers who sign up for email lists, hoping to establish a database of information to help with targeted advertising. But anyone with multiple throwaway email accounts can take advantage of such promotions more than once."
Perhaps if Jews would get off their butts and do the right thing, there wouldn't be so many reasons that necessitate correction.
I was not aware that someone telling the truth was trashing Jews.

you are right----no one who tells the truth has anything to say
that trashes jews. A truthful statement is
YOU, caturday, are a vulgar and disgusting pig like most of
those of YOUR ILK

the goyim ilk?

i will take it that no one has an answer to a very legitimate question and must instead resprt to name calling and fabrication rather than address the issue.

the fact of the matter, the very simple fact, is that john lee levitow, is not jewish at all and i think it is disrespectful to lie about him in death, just as it would be disrespectful to lie about jewish people of accomplishment and claim they are muslims or catholics or whatever.

and so here we are, with jews continueing to disrespect a man who was a military hero by lying about his life.

I haven't read anything here more disrespectful than when you called Israeli citizens neo - Nazis.

Your obsession with Jews is sick. I've never seen something like it. You are not normal. You have similar symptoms that Sherri has.
All I was addressing is the Aliyah law, that allows nonJews to immigrate if they had Jewish grandparents.

The right to move to Israel does not mean one is Jewish and despite your BS, Kerry was born, raised and remains Catholic.

john levitow was born, baptized, raised and is buried as a catholic...

but then we have this and i was wondering if you can eplain it or what can be done to prevent those who claim he is jewish to correct their error or stop their lie.

Hall of Heroes: American Jewish Recipients of the Medal of Honor

perhaps you can do something to correct this hoax, perpetrated by jews, because you really cannot have it both ways.

we may also want to considwr max baer. he too was born, baptized, raised, and is buried as a catholic.

and i agree, kerry is not jewish. he too is a catholic.

I admit it ... you Nazi types crack me up.
I can't tell you how little I care about the religious affiliation of a dead guy I neither knew or ever heard of. What is funny here is that you have no idea how ridiculous your spinning and farting and shitting make you look, Princess, but in case no one reminded you today, you are still an asshole of infinite proportions.
Just for shits and giggles, could you post proof that Levitow and Baer were "born, baptized, raised, and buried as catholic?
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The right to move to Israel does not mean one is Jewish and despite your BS, Kerry was born, raised and remains Catholic.

john levitow was born, baptized, raised and is buried as a catholic...

but then we have this and i was wondering if you can eplain it or what can be done to prevent those who claim he is jewish to correct their error or stop their lie.

Hall of Heroes: American Jewish Recipients of the Medal of Honor

perhaps you can do something to correct this hoax, perpetrated by jews, because you really cannot have it both ways.

we may also want to considwr max baer. he too was born, baptized, raised, and is buried as a catholic.

and i agree, kerry is not jewish. he too is a catholic.

I admit it ... you Nazi types crack me up.
I can't tell you how little I care about the religious affiliation of a dead guy I neither knew or ever heard of. What is funny here is that you have no idea how ridiculous your spinning and farting and shitting make you look, Princess, but in case no one reminded you today, you are still an asshole of infinite proportions.
Just for shits and giggles, could you post proof that Levitow and Baer were "born, baptized, raised, and buried as catholic?

Now why in the hell would someone respond to a poster whose argument consists of "I don't care, NAZI" followed by a stream of insults. I was under the impression that Jews cared about their dead and respected them bit it seems you don't.
Cracks me up. Jews have these two heroes, and I am sure there are more, but Jews are such lily livered, gutless cowards that they let these famous "Jewish" icons languish beneath Christian, and no less Catholic symbols for all eternity. .

Max Adelbert Baer, Sr (1909 - 1959) - Find A Grave Memorial

And again, we have Hossfly, who claims to be a vet, thanking SAYIT for disrespecting a veteran for the sake of over inflating false Jewish claims of honor and valor in Vietnam
None of these people in this administration have any business running our country

none have any couth, statesmanship, and goes around basically SPITTING on other countries and especially one's that are our allies, Israel

Look at Obama and his pettiness with the Olympics

by the time they are gone we WON'T have any allies on our side
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This is the type of people Representing our country...all you need is to have Raised MONEY for Obama to get a cushy job living off us TAXPAYERS...gawd Obama is the most, corrupted ever


Oh, Good Grief… State Dept Not Sure If Obama’s Bundler Ambassador to Argentina Speaks Spanish (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, February 8, 2014, 10:10 AM

Well, when you elect a community organizer as president, what do you expect?
During questioning this week by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama top bundler Noah Bryson Mamet, the nominee for Ambassador to Argentina, admitted he’s never been to Argentina.

It gets worse…
The State Department is not sure if bundler turned ambassador Noah Bryson even speaks Spanish!
[ame=]State Dept Not Sure If Obama's Bundler Ambassador To Argentina Speaks Spanish - YouTube[/ame]

all of it at
Oh, Good Grief? State Dept Not Sure If Obama?s Bundler Ambassador to Argentina Speaks Spanish (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
I admit it ... you Nazi types crack me up.
I can't tell you how little I care about the religious affiliation of a dead guy I neither knew or ever heard of. What is funny here is that you have no idea how ridiculous your spinning and farting and shitting make you look, Princess, but in case no one reminded you today, you are still an asshole of infinite proportions.
Just for shits and giggles, could you post proof that Levitow and Baer were "born, baptized, raised, and buried as catholic?

Now why in the hell would someone respond to a poster whose argument consists of "I don't care, NAZI" followed by a stream of insults. I was under the impression that Jews cared about their dead and respected them bit it seems you don't.
Cracks me up. Jews have these two heroes, and I am sure there are more, but Jews are such lily livered, gutless cowards that they let these famous "Jewish" icons languish beneath Christian, and no less Catholic symbols for all eternity. .

Max Adelbert Baer, Sr (1909 - 1959) - Find A Grave Memorial

And again, we have Hossfly, who claims to be a vet, thanking SAYIT for disrespecting a veteran for the sake of over inflating false Jewish claims of honor and valor in Vietnam

Jews this. Jews that. Jews this. Jews that.


You and Mr. Seattle are certainly one of a kind !

Great comment, though, how Jews don't respect their dead !
"I thought we could talk about it."

"Talk about what?"

"Life. Death. Life. Things of that nature."

"It would be impossible to discuss it without a common frame of reference."

"You mean I have to die before discussing death with you?!"
- typical exchange between Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy, this one from Star Trek 4

As it so happens, we Jews do respect our dead, though it'd be fair to argue we respect the living even more.

Judaism 101: Life, Death and Mourning
I admit it ... you Nazi types crack me up.
I can't tell you how little I care about the religious affiliation of a dead guy I neither knew or ever heard of. What is funny here is that you have no idea how ridiculous your spinning and farting and shitting make you look, Princess, but in case no one reminded you today, you are still an asshole of infinite proportions.
Just for shits and giggles, could you post proof that Levitow and Baer were "born, baptized, raised, and buried as catholic?

Now why in the hell would someone respond to a poster whose argument consists of "I don't care, NAZI" followed by a stream of insults. I was under the impression that Jews cared about their dead and respected them bit it seems you don't.
Cracks me up. Jews have these two heroes, and I am sure there are more, but Jews are such lily livered, gutless cowards that they let these famous "Jewish" icons languish beneath Christian, and no less Catholic symbols for all eternity. .

Max Adelbert Baer, Sr (1909 - 1959) - Find A Grave Memorial

And again, we have Hossfly, who claims to be a vet, thanking SAYIT for disrespecting a veteran for the sake of over inflating false Jewish claims of honor and valor in Vietnam
What sort of blathering blarney is this blithering orphan spewing now? Who can interpret?
None of these people in this administration have any business running our country

none have any couth, statesmanship, and goes around basically SPITTING on other countries and especially one's that are our allies, Israel

Look at Obama and his pettiness with the Olympics

by the time they are gone we WON'T have any allies on our side

Allies attack each others ships? Then try and cover it up? Who knew...


None of these people in this administration have any business running our country

none have any couth, statesmanship, and goes around basically SPITTING on other countries and especially one's that are our allies, Israel

Look at Obama and his pettiness with the Olympics

by the time they are gone we WON'T have any allies on our side

here is what you, and others like you, will not be able to escape.

barrack obama was ELECTED by the people of the United States of America in a democratic election.

i find it ridiculous and anachronistic that those who believe in israel are the ones opposed to the results of the democratic process right here in the greatest democracy the world has ever know, the United States of America. i have learned though, to not regard such beliefs opposing democratic process by zionists as not at all unusual.
None of these people in this administration have any business running our country

none have any couth, statesmanship, and goes around basically SPITTING on other countries and especially one's that are our allies, Israel

Look at Obama and his pettiness with the Olympics

by the time they are gone we WON'T have any allies on our side

here is what you, and others like you, will not be able to escape.

barrack obama was ELECTED by the people of the United States of America in a democratic election.

i find it ridiculous and anachronistic that those who believe in israel are the ones opposed to the results of the democratic process right here in the greatest democracy the world has ever know, the United States of America. i have learned though, to not regard such beliefs opposing democratic process by zionists as not at all unusual.
American voters will never be duped again to vote for an illegal alien.Once is a crime. Twice is a sin.

Now why in the hell would someone respond to a poster whose argument consists of "I don't care, NAZI" followed by a stream of insults. I was under the impression that Jews cared about their dead and respected them bit it seems you don't.
Cracks me up. Jews have these two heroes, and I am sure there are more, but Jews are such lily livered, gutless cowards that they let these famous "Jewish" icons languish beneath Christian, and no less Catholic symbols for all eternity. .

Max Adelbert Baer, Sr (1909 - 1959) - Find A Grave Memorial

And again, we have Hossfly, who claims to be a vet, thanking SAYIT for disrespecting a veteran for the sake of over inflating false Jewish claims of honor and valor in Vietnam

Jews this. Jews that. Jews this. Jews that.


You and Mr. Seattle are certainly one of a kind !

Great comment, though, how Jews don't respect their dead !
No actually they are both the same. Ha ha ha.

Now why in the hell would someone respond to a poster whose argument consists of "I don't care, NAZI" followed by a stream of insults. I was under the impression that Jews cared about their dead and respected them bit it seems you don't.
Cracks me up. Jews have these two heroes, and I am sure there are more, but Jews are such lily livered, gutless cowards that they let these famous "Jewish" icons languish beneath Christian, and no less Catholic symbols for all eternity. .

Max Adelbert Baer, Sr (1909 - 1959) - Find A Grave Memorial

And again, we have Hossfly, who claims to be a vet, thanking SAYIT for disrespecting a veteran for the sake of over inflating false Jewish claims of honor and valor in Vietnam
What sort of blathering blarney is this blithering orphan spewing now? Who can interpret?

it flows from the discussion about whether john kerry is jewish or not.

here we have two icons of jewish american culture, john lee levitow and max baer, and the comment by patrickcaturday that despite all this praise for these "jewish" heroes by jewish culture and jewish society in america that they are too sick, lame, lazy or completely craven to have the christian symbols they lie beneath in death changed to jewish symbols.

this differs from my contention that jewish culture and jewish society is willing to foist a hoax on people and these jews are not unlike those who wear military medals that they do not deserve.

this (below) used to offend me greatly. now, not so much anymore.

it was a blathering, blarney filled yet feisty irishman by the way, don r. marsh, who had worked tirelessly to afford this man the proper respect he deserved from those he shared a culture with.

he then goes on to say that you have little regard for the truth and particularly when it comes to people who served honorably inour military.

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