Susan Rice Blasts Israel for Criticizing Kerry

Now why in the hell would someone respond to a poster whose argument consists of "I don't care, NAZI" followed by a stream of insults. I was under the impression that Jews cared about their dead and respected them bit it seems you don't.
Cracks me up. Jews have these two heroes, and I am sure there are more, but Jews are such lily livered, gutless cowards that they let these famous "Jewish" icons languish beneath Christian, and no less Catholic symbols for all eternity. .

Max Adelbert Baer, Sr (1909 - 1959) - Find A Grave Memorial

And again, we have Hossfly, who claims to be a vet, thanking SAYIT for disrespecting a veteran for the sake of over inflating false Jewish claims of honor and valor in Vietnam
What sort of blathering blarney is this blithering orphan spewing now? Who can interpret?

it flows from the discussion about whether john kerry is jewish or not.

here we have two icons of jewish american culture, john lee levitow and max baer, and the comment by patrickcaturday that despite all this praise for these "jewish" heroes by jewish culture and jewish society in america that they are too sick, lame, lazy or completely craven to have the christian symbols they lie beneath in death changed to jewish symbols.

this differs from my contention that jewish culture and jewish society is willing to foist a hoax on people and these jews are not unlike those who wear military medals that they do not deserve.

this (below) used to offend me greatly. now, not so much anymore.

it was a blathering, blarney filled yet feisty irishman by the way, don r. marsh, who had worked tirelessly to afford this man the proper respect he deserved from those he shared a culture with.

he then goes on to say that you have little regard for the truth and particularly when it comes to people who served honorably inour military.

It's the Jooooooss ! JEWS THIS ! JEWS THAT ! JEWS !!!!!!
None of these people in this administration have any business running our country

none have any couth, statesmanship, and goes around basically SPITTING on other countries and especially one's that are our allies, Israel

Look at Obama and his pettiness with the Olympics

by the time they are gone we WON'T have any allies on our side

here is what you, and others like you, will not be able to escape.

barrack obama was ELECTED by the people of the United States of America in a democratic election.

i find it ridiculous and anachronistic that those who believe in israel are the ones opposed to the results of the democratic process right here in the greatest democracy the world has ever know, the United States of America. i have learned though, to not regard such beliefs opposing democratic process by zionists as not at all unusual.
American voters will never be duped again to vote for an illegal alien.Once is a crime. Twice is a sin.

he was an american citizen born in hawaii. he has never pledged his allegiance to any other country, quite unlike many of the people on this board that you call friends.

you and those like you don't like him because you are racist against black people as well as the asian-americans/pacific islanders who make up a large part of the population of hawaii.

when ya be thumpin' that "word of god" book ya thump, maybe the page about "judge not lest you be judged" will all out and you will take the time to read it.
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here is what you, and others like you, will not be able to escape.

barrack obama was ELECTED by the people of the United States of America in a democratic election.

i find it ridiculous and anachronistic that those who believe in israel are the ones opposed to the results of the democratic process right here in the greatest democracy the world has ever know, the United States of America. i have learned though, to not regard such beliefs opposing democratic process by zionists as not at all unusual.
American voters will never be duped again to vote for an illegal alien.Once is a crime. Twice is a sin.

he was an american citizen born in hawaii. he has never pledged his allegiance to any other country, quite unlike many of the people on this board that you call friends.

you and those like you don't like him because you are racist against black people as well as the asian-americans/pacific islanders who make up a large part of the population of hawaii.

when ya be thumpin' that "word o god" book ya thump, maybe the page about "judge not lest you be judged" will all out and you will take the time to read it.
Can somebody please translate this drivel? All can hear is a lot of SQUEALING.
here is what you, and others like you, will not be able to escape.

barrack obama was ELECTED by the people of the United States of America in a democratic election.

i find it ridiculous and anachronistic that those who believe in israel are the ones opposed to the results of the democratic process right here in the greatest democracy the world has ever know, the United States of America. i have learned though, to not regard such beliefs opposing democratic process by zionists as not at all unusual.
American voters will never be duped again to vote for an illegal alien.Once is a crime. Twice is a sin.

he was an american citizen born in hawaii. he has never pledged his allegiance to any other country, quite unlike many of the people on this board that you call friends.

you and those like you don't like him because you are racist against black people as well as the asian-americans/pacific islanders who make up a large part of the population of hawaii.

when ya be thumpin' that "word o god" book ya thump, maybe the page about "judge not lest you be judged" will all out and you will take the time to read it.

1) Show us where Hossfly posts something racist against Blacks

2) Considering you're a well known anti - semite, you have no right to call someone a racist
American voters will never be duped again to vote for an illegal alien.Once is a crime. Twice is a sin.

he was an american citizen born in hawaii. he has never pledged his allegiance to any other country, quite unlike many of the people on this board that you call friends.

you and those like you don't like him because you are racist against black people as well as the asian-americans/pacific islanders who make up a large part of the population of hawaii.

when ya be thumpin' that "word o god" book ya thump, maybe the page about "judge not lest you be judged" will all out and you will take the time to read it.
Can somebody please translate this drivel? All can hear is a lot of SQUEALING.

Lot of squealing going on in Seattle.
I admit it ... you Nazi types crack me up.
I can't tell you how little I care about the religious affiliation of a dead guy I neither knew or ever heard of. What is funny here is that you have no idea how ridiculous your spinning and farting and shitting make you look, Princess, but in case no one reminded you today, you are still an asshole of infinite proportions.
Just for shits and giggles, could you post proof that Levitow and Baer were "born, baptized, raised, and buried as catholic?

...Cracks me up. Jews have these two heroes, and I am sure there are more, but Jews are such lily livered, gutless cowards...

Invariably your posts all come down to the same thing, Princess ... you hate Joooos.
I get it. Got anything else to offer?
here is what you, and others like you, will not be able to escape.

barrack obama was ELECTED by the people of the United States of America in a democratic election.

i find it ridiculous and anachronistic that those who believe in israel are the ones opposed to the results of the democratic process right here in the greatest democracy the world has ever know, the United States of America. i have learned though, to not regard such beliefs opposing democratic process by zionists as not at all unusual.
American voters will never be duped again to vote for an illegal alien.Once is a crime. Twice is a sin.

he was an american citizen born in hawaii. he has never pledged his allegiance to any other country, quite unlike many of the people on this board that you call friends.

you and those like you don't like him because you are racist against black people as well as the asian-americans/pacific islanders who make up a large part of the population of hawaii.

when ya be thumpin' that "word of god" book ya thump, maybe the page about "judge not lest you be judged" will all out and you will take the time to read it.
That's a crock of shi'ite. I have nothing against his blackness. In fact, I only hate the part of him that is white trailer trash. What could you expect from the son of a crack ho?
he was an american citizen born in hawaii. he has never pledged his allegiance to any other country, quite unlike many of the people on this board that you call friends.

you and those like you don't like him because you are racist against black people as well as the asian-americans/pacific islanders who make up a large part of the population of hawaii.

when ya be thumpin' that "word o god" book ya thump, maybe the page about "judge not lest you be judged" will all out and you will take the time to read it.
Can somebody please translate this drivel? All can hear is a lot of SQUEALING.

Lot of squealing going on in Seattle.
12006201 Sounds
American voters will never be duped again to vote for an illegal alien.Once is a crime. Twice is a sin.

he was an american citizen born in hawaii. he has never pledged his allegiance to any other country, quite unlike many of the people on this board that you call friends.

you and those like you don't like him because you are racist against black people as well as the asian-americans/pacific islanders who make up a large part of the population of hawaii.

when ya be thumpin' that "word of god" book ya thump, maybe the page about "judge not lest you be judged" will all out and you will take the time to read it.
That's a crock of shi'ite. I have nothing against his blackness. In fact, I only hate the part of him that is white trailer trash. What could you expect from the son of a crack ho?

i was just foolin' with ya and your magic clown posse. they call everyone an anti-semite at the slightest little silly thing so i do a tit for tat and they all freak.

lessee...i am an anti-semite in this thread because jews can't decide who is a jew or not and for not accepting that people who were born, raised, etc. etc. in a faith other than judaism are jews and finding it disrespectful, among other things, that a great jewish soldier was buried under a crucifix for his headstone, or in other words, i am an anti-semite for treating jews like i would anyone else.

i don't care what part of him you hate and for what reason. you lie about him and he was elected legally. also, i don't know about his mother, if that is true or not, but it takes a small man with very little principle to hate a person for something he or she has no control over. he didn't pick his mom anymore than he picked his race. that does, actually, make you a bigot.
he was an american citizen born in hawaii. he has never pledged his allegiance to any other country, quite unlike many of the people on this board that you call friends.

you and those like you don't like him because you are racist against black people as well as the asian-americans/pacific islanders who make up a large part of the population of hawaii.

when ya be thumpin' that "word of god" book ya thump, maybe the page about "judge not lest you be judged" will all out and you will take the time to read it.
That's a crock of shi'ite. I have nothing against his blackness. In fact, I only hate the part of him that is white trailer trash. What could you expect from the son of a crack ho?

i was just foolin' with ya and your magic clown posse. they call everyone an anti-semite at the slightest little silly thing so i do a tit for tat and they all freak.

lessee...i am an anti-semite in this thread because jews can't decide who is a jew or not and for not accepting that people who were born, raised, etc. etc. in a faith other than judaism are jews and finding it disrespectful, among other things, that a great jewish soldier was buried under a crucifix for his headstone, or in other words, i am an anti-semite for treating jews like i would anyone else.

i don't care what part of him you hate and for what reason. you lie about him and he was elected legally. also, i don't know about his mother, if that is true or not, but it takes a small man with very little principle to hate a person for something he or she has no control over. he didn't pick his mom anymore than he picked his race. that does, actually, make you a bigot.

False, you're an anti - semite because you have posted an extreme amount of derogatory things towards Jews, wayyyy before you became Cajun. Stop trying to act like you're not.
he was an american citizen born in hawaii. he has never pledged his allegiance to any other country, quite unlike many of the people on this board that you call friends.

you and those like you don't like him because you are racist against black people as well as the asian-americans/pacific islanders who make up a large part of the population of hawaii.

when ya be thumpin' that "word of god" book ya thump, maybe the page about "judge not lest you be judged" will all out and you will take the time to read it.
That's a crock of shi'ite. I have nothing against his blackness. In fact, I only hate the part of him that is white trailer trash. What could you expect from the son of a crack ho?

i was just foolin' with ya and your magic clown posse. they call everyone an anti-semite at the slightest little silly thing so i do a tit for tat and they all freak.

lessee...i am an anti-semite in this thread because jews can't decide who is a jew or not and for not accepting that people who were born, raised, etc. etc. in a faith other than judaism are jews and finding it disrespectful, among other things, that a great jewish soldier was buried under a crucifix for his headstone, or in other words, i am an anti-semite for treating jews like i would anyone else.

i don't care what part of him you hate and for what reason. you lie about him and he was elected legally. also, i don't know about his mother, if that is true or not, but it takes a small man with very little principle to hate a person for something he or she has no control over. he didn't pick his mom anymore than he picked his race. that does, actually, make you a bigot.

There is NO bigger bigot than you
he was an american citizen born in hawaii. he has never pledged his allegiance to any other country, quite unlike many of the people on this board that you call friends.

you and those like you don't like him because you are racist against black people as well as the asian-americans/pacific islanders who make up a large part of the population of hawaii.

when ya be thumpin' that "word of god" book ya thump, maybe the page about "judge not lest you be judged" will all out and you will take the time to read it.
That's a crock of shi'ite. I have nothing against his blackness. In fact, I only hate the part of him that is white trailer trash. What could you expect from the son of a crack ho?

i was just foolin' with ya and your magic clown posse. they call everyone an anti-semite at the slightest little silly thing so i do a tit for tat and they all freak.

lessee...i am an anti-semite in this thread because jews can't decide who is a jew or not and for not accepting that people who were born, raised, etc. etc. in a faith other than judaism are jews and finding it disrespectful, among other things, that a great jewish soldier was buried under a crucifix for his headstone, or in other words, i am an anti-semite for treating jews like i would anyone else.

i don't care what part of him you hate and for what reason. you lie about him and he was elected legally. also, i don't know about his mother, if that is true or not, but it takes a small man with very little principle to hate a person for something he or she has no control over. he didn't pick his mom anymore than he picked his race. that does, actually, make you a bigot.
Bigot, not. I know a person isn't responsible for his birth but he abrogated his legitimacy when he picked up where his parents and grandparents left off. And that is their Socialism, Communism and drug habits.Those I can hate and indeed I do.
That's a crock of shi'ite. I have nothing against his blackness. In fact, I only hate the part of him that is white trailer trash. What could you expect from the son of a crack ho?

i was just foolin' with ya and your magic clown posse. they call everyone an anti-semite at the slightest little silly thing so i do a tit for tat and they all freak.

lessee...i am an anti-semite in this thread because jews can't decide who is a jew or not and for not accepting that people who were born, raised, etc. etc. in a faith other than judaism are jews and finding it disrespectful, among other things, that a great jewish soldier was buried under a crucifix for his headstone, or in other words, i am an anti-semite for treating jews like i would anyone else.

i don't care what part of him you hate and for what reason. you lie about him and he was elected legally. also, i don't know about his mother, if that is true or not, but it takes a small man with very little principle to hate a person for something he or she has no control over. he didn't pick his mom anymore than he picked his race. that does, actually, make you a bigot.
Bigot, not. I know a person isn't responsible for his birth but he abrogated his legitimacy when he picked up where his parents and grandparents left off. And that is their Socialism, Communism and drug habits.Those I can hate and indeed I do.

ya know, i have disareed and have been disappointed by a lot of presidents myself but i always remember that they have been elected by the people and i believe that, as a people, i we want to keep moving forward, that we cannot be so self indulgent and bitter that that we let our personal feelings interfere with our political process and whatever unity we have left as americans.

obama's past indiscretions...alleged past indiscretions...have little to do with the man he is today. socialism? communism? you say those words as though you know what they mean. you don't.

but go ahead. hate him. that is your choice. i just think you are going to miss a lot of solutions to very real problems i you let this hatred cloud your vision. in all probability, you will create even more problems. i've always found the best outcome, the desired outcome, comes from acting in cold blood. it provides a focus without the distraction.

and in no way am i suggesting you shouldn't disagree with the president and do so vehemently if necessary, but calling his mom a "crack ho" is not disagreement and it tells me far more about you than it does about him.

LOL...but what the hell. personal attack and name calling seem to be the preferred course of argument from those who embrace what appears to be the "zionist" way of thinking.
i was just foolin' with ya and your magic clown posse. they call everyone an anti-semite at the slightest little silly thing so i do a tit for tat and they all freak.

lessee...i am an anti-semite in this thread because jews can't decide who is a jew or not and for not accepting that people who were born, raised, etc. etc. in a faith other than judaism are jews and finding it disrespectful, among other things, that a great jewish soldier was buried under a crucifix for his headstone, or in other words, i am an anti-semite for treating jews like i would anyone else.

i don't care what part of him you hate and for what reason. you lie about him and he was elected legally. also, i don't know about his mother, if that is true or not, but it takes a small man with very little principle to hate a person for something he or she has no control over. he didn't pick his mom anymore than he picked his race. that does, actually, make you a bigot.
Bigot, not. I know a person isn't responsible for his birth but he abrogated his legitimacy when he picked up where his parents and grandparents left off. And that is their Socialism, Communism and drug habits.Those I can hate and indeed I do.

ya know, i have disareed and have been disappointed by a lot of presidents myself but i always remember that they have been elected by the people and i believe that, as a people, i we want to keep moving forward, that we cannot be so self indulgent and bitter that that we let our personal feelings interfere with our political process and whatever unity we have left as americans.

obama's past indiscretions...alleged past indiscretions...have little to do with the man he is today. socialism? communism? you say those words as though you know what they mean. you don't.

but go ahead. hate him. that is your choice. i just think you are going to miss a lot of solutions to very real problems i you let this hatred cloud your vision. in all probability, you will create even more problems. i've always found the best outcome, the desired outcome, comes from acting in cold blood. it provides a focus without the distraction.

and in no way am i suggesting you shouldn't disagree with the president and do so vehemently if necessary, but calling his mom a "crack ho" is not disagreement and it tells me far more about you than it does about him.

LOL...but what the hell. personal attack and name calling seem to be the preferred course of argument from those who embrace what appears to be the "zionist" way of thinking.
Sho nuff, Cajun

"If you like your Shariah, you can keep your Shariah".
~~The POTUS-In-Charge
Who said I hated Israel? I am an American my country comes before Israel's. Get over it.If you 3 are so interested in securing Israel's interests you are more than free to move to Israel.

and you are more than free to go @#$%^ yourself.
You can't debate my for you.
John Kerry's Jewish Roots

Hope you 2 idiots realize Kerry is Jewish...must be a self hating Jew...

Really? What Synagog doe he attend?

Kerry is, and always has been, Catholic.
Nope. Born Jewish.

Ummm......Nope not Jewish and certainly not born Jewish you idiot if his mother was not Jewish he's not Jewish unless he converted?:confused:
Bigot, not. I know a person isn't responsible for his birth but he abrogated his legitimacy when he picked up where his parents and grandparents left off. And that is their Socialism, Communism and drug habits.Those I can hate and indeed I do.

ya know, i have disareed and have been disappointed by a lot of presidents myself but i always remember that they have been elected by the people and i believe that, as a people, i we want to keep moving forward, that we cannot be so self indulgent and bitter that that we let our personal feelings interfere with our political process and whatever unity we have left as americans.

obama's past indiscretions...alleged past indiscretions...have little to do with the man he is today. socialism? communism? you say those words as though you know what they mean. you don't.

but go ahead. hate him. that is your choice. i just think you are going to miss a lot of solutions to very real problems i you let this hatred cloud your vision. in all probability, you will create even more problems. i've always found the best outcome, the desired outcome, comes from acting in cold blood. it provides a focus without the distraction.

and in no way am i suggesting you shouldn't disagree with the president and do so vehemently if necessary, but calling his mom a "crack ho" is not disagreement and it tells me far more about you than it does about him.

LOL...but what the hell. personal attack and name calling seem to be the preferred course of argument from those who embrace what appears to be the "zionist" way of thinking.
Sho nuff, Cajun

"If you like your Shariah, you can keep your Shariah".
~~The POTUS-In-Charge

who said i liked shariah? i am not a muslim. i neither like it nor dislike it.

as it stands though, i think it is the height of hypocrisy for an evangelical christian to condemn shariah when he doesn't even understand it. i am sure their are radical muslims who misinterpret shariah law just as their are radical christians who misinterpret biblical law.

what i don't get is you, and those like you, who profess these radical diety based laws seem to be haters for their own perverse ends. your god is one cruel ass..."watch your mouth"
Sherri, go look up the word 'murder' in the dictionary. You need to learn English before you post here, Satanic Shill
Sherri, go look up the word 'murder' in the dictionary. You need to learn English before you post here, Satanic Shill

sherri is just using the lingua franca while you are nitpicking.

the same token that you use to criticize sherri can be used to criticie those who say hitler or the nazis murdered people.

in fact, lee harvey oswald isn't a murderer. he never stood trial.

you, however, are petty little and hysterical nitpicker.

as for me, i will try to be consistant and use the word with the precision that is meant across the buard.

for the record, sherri was responding to a post where a zionist used the word incorrectly and applied it to palestinians, and the person who used that term was responding to a similar charge put forth by a racist poster directed at the israelis.

chicken and eggs goes out about the time one graduates from elementary school.
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i was just foolin' with ya and your magic clown posse. they call everyone an anti-semite at the slightest little silly thing so i do a tit for tat and they all freak.

lessee...i am an anti-semite in this thread because jews can't decide who is a jew or not and for not accepting that people who were born, raised, etc. etc. in a faith other than judaism are jews and finding it disrespectful, among other things, that a great jewish soldier was buried under a crucifix for his headstone, or in other words, i am an anti-semite for treating jews like i would anyone else.

i don't care what part of him you hate and for what reason. you lie about him and he was elected legally. also, i don't know about his mother, if that is true or not, but it takes a small man with very little principle to hate a person for something he or she has no control over. he didn't pick his mom anymore than he picked his race. that does, actually, make you a bigot.
Bigot, not. I know a person isn't responsible for his birth but he abrogated his legitimacy when he picked up where his parents and grandparents left off. And that is their Socialism, Communism and drug habits.Those I can hate and indeed I do.

ya know, i have disareed and have been disappointed by a lot of presidents myself but i always remember that they have been elected by the people and i believe that, as a people, i we want to keep moving forward, that we cannot be so self indulgent and bitter that that we let our personal feelings interfere with our political process and whatever unity we have left as americans.

obama's past indiscretions...alleged past indiscretions...have little to do with the man he is today. socialism? communism? you say those words as though you know what they mean. you don't.

but go ahead. hate him. that is your choice. i just think you are going to miss a lot of solutions to very real problems i you let this hatred cloud your vision. in all probability, you will create even more problems. i've always found the best outcome, the desired outcome, comes from acting in cold blood. it provides a focus without the distraction.

and in no way am i suggesting you shouldn't disagree with the president and do so vehemently if necessary, but calling his mom a "crack ho" is not disagreement and it tells me far more about you than it does about him.

LOL...but what the hell. personal attack and name calling seem to be the preferred course of argument from those who embrace what appears to be the "zionist" way of thinking.

whoa, high atop the soap box
Obots are weird and cultish
Bigot, not. I know a person isn't responsible for his birth but he abrogated his legitimacy when he picked up where his parents and grandparents left off. And that is their Socialism, Communism and drug habits.Those I can hate and indeed I do.

ya know, i have disareed and have been disappointed by a lot of presidents myself but i always remember that they have been elected by the people and i believe that, as a people, i we want to keep moving forward, that we cannot be so self indulgent and bitter that that we let our personal feelings interfere with our political process and whatever unity we have left as americans.

obama's past indiscretions...alleged past indiscretions...have little to do with the man he is today. socialism? communism? you say those words as though you know what they mean. you don't.

but go ahead. hate him. that is your choice. i just think you are going to miss a lot of solutions to very real problems i you let this hatred cloud your vision. in all probability, you will create even more problems. i've always found the best outcome, the desired outcome, comes from acting in cold blood. it provides a focus without the distraction.

and in no way am i suggesting you shouldn't disagree with the president and do so vehemently if necessary, but calling his mom a "crack ho" is not disagreement and it tells me far more about you than it does about him.

LOL...but what the hell. personal attack and name calling seem to be the preferred course of argument from those who embrace what appears to be the "zionist" way of thinking.

whoa, high atop the soap box
Obots are weird and cultish

i don't think a soapbox is a prerequisite for objecting to people telling malicious lies or exaggerating the past actions of people.

and actually, i find that people who coin and/or use words like "Obot" and whatever the opposite is or will become, are for more weird and "cult"ish than those who don't.

you seem to have a problem with me conducting myself with some sort of principles, as though i should be ashamed of it for some reason. i'm not.

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