Susan Rice's $16 trillion dollar claim

And the usual suspects will never realize that the democrats are lying to their faces about what they want to do to the wealthy. They will continue to line up, clap their flippers and honk their horns in unison, thinking they're finally going to stick it to the rich guy.

As I've pointed out often here.
Hell ... if I were a corrupt, Democrat, insider Swamp Creature I'd want a piece of all that freshly printed money Biden has floating around too. She's come up with an awesome scheme. I think I'll pull a Jimmy Kimmel; paint myself black; use my name "Jackson"; and get a piece of this pie. Hell yeah ... "eye's persecuted!"

We can self-identify as anything we want to now, according to Democrats and their commie sociopath heroes. There are all these 'special giveaways' and cheap loans for 'minority owned businesses now, on top of the ESG scams. and other welfare programs for big corps, foreign as well as domestic.
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I wonder how Citibank who come with that number she is citing came up with it.
There’s a connection between her and Citibank. They were the company who recommended her for a job with the government in the first place. These leftists stick together and try to get one of “theirs” into high office.
We can self-idenify as anything we want to now, according to Democrats and their commie sociopath heroes. There are all these 'special giveaways' and cheap loans for 'minority owned businesses now, on top of the ESG scams. and other welfare programs for big corps, foreign as well as domestic.
Hey man, I'm in, I'm with AJ, I wants a piece o that pie. :p

I fixin to identify as an aborigine and start me one o dem big foreign or domestic corporations with muh grant money
Hey man, I'm in, I'm with AJ, I wants a piece o that pie. :p

I fixin to identify as an aborigine and start me one o dem big foreign or domestic corporations with muh grant money
I’m fixing to identify as a black female lesbian from a foreign country so I can be the next press secretary!
We can self-identify as anything we want to now, according to Democrats and their commie sociopath heroes. There are all these 'special giveaways' and cheap loans for 'minority owned businesses now, on top of the ESG scams. and other welfare programs for big corps, foreign as well as domestic.
Well ... since I'm a Jackson. I can claim that I was Michael Jackson's slave and sue his estate. I think I stand a chance.
I've already self-identified as a one legged black lesbian Mexican woman with Asian parents.
Well now, hold on, boys. This here is Susan Rice talking. SUSAN RICE, the absolute grand bastion of honesty and integrity! If she says racism done cost our great U.S. of A $16 Kajillion dollars, then ya better believe it!! When Susan Rice talks, ya stop listen to E.F. Hutton and start listening to her!! I tell you what!!
Why don't blacks start companies and only hire blacks?
You know, Moonglow, I have to tell you something. I have watched you, read your posts, and observed your behavior. I got to say that I admire the hell out the way you just don't seem to give a shit about anything at all. I wish I had that sort of level of freedom in my life. I think I would be a much happier individual. You know, when the wife is nagging you to go get the kids vaccinated for school. You know you ought to do it. But instead you get all Moony and say "Fuck it". Then you drop the kids off at your wife's parent's house and spend the rest of the day at the titty bar getting lap dances and giving the grocery money to whoowahs. Who gives a fuck?!? Not me!!!!
You know, Moonglow, I have to tell you something. I have watched you, read your posts, and observed your behavior. I got to say that I admire the hell out the way you just don't seem to give a shit about anything at all. I wish I had that sort of level of freedom in my life. I think I would be a much happier individual. You know, when the wife is nagging you to go get the kids vaccinated for school. You know you ought to do it. But instead you get all Moony and say "Fuck it". Then you drop the kids off at your wife's parent's house and spend the rest of the day at the titty bar getting lap dances and giving the grocery money to whoowahs. Who gives a fuck?!? Not me!!!!
I'd still be doing it if the pandemic had not ruined strip joints.
Joe Biden's Director of the United States Domestic Policy Council Susan Rice appeared as a guest at the National Action Network's, founded by Al Sharpton, convention in New York City to speak about the White House’s commitment to promoting civil rights. During her speech, she made the radical claim that the United States has suffered a $16 trillion shortfall over the past 20 years because of racism.

First of all, giving a speech to Al Sharpton's National Action Network is an endorsement of his far left hate and racism.
The Democrat Party relentlessly mines the racial divide because it impowers them.
Her $16 trillion dollar claim is ludicrous.
She is one of Joe Biden's racist far left advisors who is destroying our country with destructive policies.
Anything with Sharpton is automatically racist. Rice is a racist-Marxist anyway.
Joe Biden's Director of the United States Domestic Policy Council Susan Rice appeared as a guest at the National Action Network's, founded by Al Sharpton, convention in New York City to speak about the White House’s commitment to promoting civil rights. During her speech, she made the radical claim that the United States has suffered a $16 trillion shortfall over the past 20 years because of racism.

First of all, giving a speech to Al Sharpton's National Action Network is an endorsement of his far left hate and racism.
The Democrat Party relentlessly mines the racial divide because it impowers them.
Her $16 trillion dollar claim is ludicrous.
She is one of Joe Biden's racist far left advisors who is destroying our country with destructive policies.

This moustached bitch is a dangerous loon.
Supported by the Obama's too!!
Unfortunately, Susan Rice is the one giving orders at the WH. And you know where she gets those orders from? The more obvious it is the more it is not happening. Go figure.
I also wonder what Valerie Jarrett is up to these days.

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