Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
This morning I read from a troll in a conservative message board (not USMB) that the bombs sent yesterday to several political figures could not have exploded because they "didn't have a blasting cap".

Bomb technicians who are not anonymous nicknames in message boards contradict this fake news:
Multiple senior bomb technicians briefed on the case said that the aspiring bomber had all the components necessary to set off a successful explosion.
Pipe bombs mailed to political figures have matching characteristics

OK, wizard. Now tell the class just exactly what the triggering device on these bombs were. Timer, nope. Cell phone activated, nope. Accelerometers, nope. String triggered, nope.

Certainly you can tell us how they were supposed to be set off.

You might want to ask the Bomb squad , they would know.
Nothing fake about it.

Just because they can't go off doesn't negate the fact that someone is sending them.

The next one could be real.


Anybody who thinks for a moment that any of these devices would reach their intended targets possesses the IQ of a small soap dish.

Some people out there just tend to the hysterical.:coffee:

Tell me that again when one of them proves to be real.
seems to me that these were show or pretend devices and i'd say they were show devices for drama planted by the 'dems' or 'dem' supporters . There were 2 more this morning from what i hear , one for 'biden' and one for 'de niro' . I assume the device maker and planter to be a 'dem' or 'liberal'. Liberal would probably be a better description . -------------------------- just a comment .
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded
Seems like they need to brush up on their triggering skills.
Nope the Democrat who sent these had no intention of hurting anyone. Just to influence the vote coming up
I remember B now, in things I’m curious to learn.

B. What type of pipe bombs were these, what was the explosive material? What was the fuse type? Were they even functional?

Riddle me this batman, Soros's employee that opened the package, thought it was a bomb, then proceeded pick it up and carry it into the woods. Who would do that if they thought they were actually dealing with a real bomb?

That’s one hell of a dedicated employee, give that sumbitch a raise Soros.

More like an idiot, or someone who knew it wasn't a bomb.

I would add that it could be a foreign actor trying to stir up anger between the factions in our nation.

If so, they are succeeding
this thread is a great example of someone pre-judging based off stereotypes. the "left" doesn't seem to like it. (ironic i know to use 'the left" like this) but you go back and do what they're doing and it just becomes a stupid circle of nothing.
I agree. The stereotyping need to stop. My initial post was indeed an overgeneralization. I added "some" to my post.
fair enough. i think we all tend to do it - i just try to look back and see if i keep doing it so i don't hypocrite out. :)
Iceberg is the perfect analogy for what the Corrupt Democrat Party has done to themselves for the past two years especially. They rode The Titanic on a Blue Wave in to an Iceberg.

Nothing but a series of self inflicted wounds, given birth to out of their own corruption, and willingness to reject any and all ethical and moral behaviors in their jihad to win by any means possible. There is no greater foe trying to destroy The Democrat Party, than the party itself as headed by Obama, Clinton and Sanders, and their self inflicted wounds are as followis:

Lying, filing false affidavits, money laundering, cheating, stealing, colluding with Russians, Gossip, Rumormongering, Slander, theft, treason, perjury....and on and on and on.
one sided hate has a lot to do with it also.

I really don't understand why Lefty hates us, other than we are the last line of defense standing in their way from Globalist Tyranny.
to me, you just answered your own question.
So why didn't they detonate, like the thread title says?

They weren't made to detonate. They were made to look scary and create a narrative for the news cycle leading up to the midterms.
Here's a photo of the package that was delivered to DeNiro

It is only Contards that dispute that these bombs were not real.

Real bombs just not in a working condition that none of them---- NOT A ONE OF THEM--- actually exploded, all sent to high profile people and places (not one of them running for anything) with the highest security around them in ways that got them easily noticed and intercepted just to stir the ire of the Left to try to get their fat asses out to the voting booths to save the blue drip.
As it turns out all the bombs were fake. Just like the libs here talking out their asses.
I keep hearing that this is an attack against the free press. This seems to be because one of the bombs went to the CNN headquarters, addressed to John Brennan. But it's ridiculous to suggest that CNN was themselves being targeted. Every package has been addressed to an individual, and every individual is a prominent figure in liberal politics, or prominent voice of liberal ideology, who has been targeted for criticism by Donald.

To identify CNN as a target is grasping at straws. If the perpetrator wanted to target CNN they would have sent a device to an exec, or to a handful of CNN's on air personalities. The infinitely more plausible inference is that the perpetrator was aware Brennan has appeared on the network, possibly mistakenly thought he was a regular contributor for CNN, and couldn't figure out any better way to address a package to him. CNN's involvement in this is that of an unfortunate bystander.

But CNN and MSNBC are latching onto this in order to make a more sensational story. Doing this feeds into the "fake new" narrative that Donald loves to weave. It seems that nothing has been learned.
You're right, they need to stop trying to be like FOXNEWS and just give us the story straight.

Exactly. CNN and MSNBC have tried to replicate Fox's tactics, hoping to generate the same ratings appeal. But they're just contributing to the problem.
Here's a photo of the package that was delivered to DeNiro


You're always posting this picture. I don't care what kind of perverted fantasies you have about Michele Obama or fixation with her with male genitalia, but for the love of god, please keep this perverted sex fantasy to the privacy of your bedroom. Sharing it with us is rather disturbing and you should seek help.
The only people who care what the Soro's think and say is the far right.

You really don't know Jack about George Soros do you?
The biggest problem with leftest such as yourself is that you think you know it all, yet you know very little.
Emotionally guided Crusading Lemmings.

Read up a bit on GS and his background and the things he's done before you dig your hole deeper. "IF" you have any sense at all that is.

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