Sweden did not have a lockdown. Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1. The actual number was 2,769.

Is that your way of saying you can't find that prediction model? I have faith in you, little buddy
Thats his transparent way of trying to change the subject. You'll never see such a link from little Bripat.

I know and then tomorrow he'll have amnesia and pretend nothing ever happened and it's off to the dipshit races again for him.
Ask Asclepias what race the Egyptians were, dumbass.
Worse is the misuse and misapplication of models which I am Expert on due to my weather work.

No, you're not.

What was the original model based on social distancing being enacted? 100-240k? Sounds about right.
It was one million, shit for brains.

Uh-oh, Bripat wants to redeem himself for his geography failure.

Got a link to a prediction model that showed 1 million deaths while using preventative measures such as social distancing?
Bripat would trip over his own dick if it was longer than 1/2 an inch. Dude is constant comedy and of all the Drumpfsters that are on this forum he is closest to Drumpf in fuckups.

Now, now, let's be fair here.

You're giving Bripat too much....credit.
You're a special kind of douchebag.

Is that your way of saying you can't find that prediction model? I have faith in you, little buddy
No. Can you find the prediction model to support your claim?

Of course I can. I mean, I'm not you and I'll even use a dingbat source.

The extension of the social distancing guidelines comes after Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and other public health officials on the White House coronavirus task force ominously warned that even if the U.S. were to continue to do what it was doing -- keeping the economy closed and most Americans in their homes -- the coronavirus could still leave 100,000 to 240,000 people in the United States dead and millions infected.
Nope. The "social distancing guidlines" were already in place when he said that.
Is that your way of saying you can't find that prediction model? I have faith in you, little buddy
Thats his transparent way of trying to change the subject. You'll never see such a link from little Bripat.

I know and then tomorrow he'll have amnesia and pretend nothing ever happened and it's off to the dipshit races again for him.
Ask Asclepias what race the Egyptians were, dumbass.

How are you defining race? What the Greeks thought? What we consider as race today?

You want to know my answer? I don't give a shit, you've been shown what an idiot you are multiple times today I don't want to spend the rest of the day arguing with you about crap I don't care about right now. Fucking retard.
Worse is the misuse and misapplication of models which I am Expert on due to my weather work.

No, you're not.

What was the original model based on social distancing being enacted? 100-240k? Sounds about right.
It was one million, shit for brains.

Uh-oh, Bripat wants to redeem himself for his geography failure.

Got a link to a prediction model that showed 1 million deaths while using preventative measures such as social distancing?
Bripat would trip over his own dick if it was longer than 1/2 an inch. Dude is constant comedy and of all the Drumpfsters that are on this forum he is closest to Drumpf in fuckups.

Now, now, let's be fair here.

You're giving Bripat too much....credit.
You're a special kind of douchebag.

Is that your way of saying you can't find that prediction model? I have faith in you, little buddy
No. Can you find the prediction model to support your claim?

Of course I can. I mean, I'm not you and I'll even use a dingbat source.

The extension of the social distancing guidelines comes after Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and other public health officials on the White House coronavirus task force ominously warned that even if the U.S. were to continue to do what it was doing -- keeping the economy closed and most Americans in their homes -- the coronavirus could still leave 100,000 to 240,000 people in the United States dead and millions infected.
Nope. The "social distancing guidlines" were already in place when he said that.

Yes, yes they were that is when the model was ran. Could you just kill yourself now? Just go play ball on the highway or something.
Meanwhile: South Korea Reports No New Domestic Coronavirus Cases

South Korea, which waged an early battle against COVID-19 after the disease emerged from China, said on Thursday that it had no new domestic cases for the first time since a surge nearly 10 weeks ago.

The country experienced its first case on Jan. 20, but didn't see infections ramp up until mid-February. They peaked on Feb. 29 with 909 daily cases and have been trending down ever since.
Is that your way of saying you can't find that prediction model? I have faith in you, little buddy
Thats his transparent way of trying to change the subject. You'll never see such a link from little Bripat.

I know and then tomorrow he'll have amnesia and pretend nothing ever happened and it's off to the dipshit races again for him.
Ask Asclepias what race the Egyptians were, dumbass.

How are you defining race? What the Greeks thought? What we consider as race today?

You want to know my answer? I don't give a shit, you've been shown what an idiot you are multiple times today I don't want to spend the rest of the day arguing with you about crap I don't care about right now. Fucking retard.
They weren't Negroes, dumbass.

I said one thing wrong? Wow, according to TDS morons that means everything I say is wrong.

Bottom line: you're a fucking douchbag.

I love this TDS moron theory that says if I make one factual error, then everything I say is wrong. Whereas turds like you post falsehood after falsehood after falsehood .
Worse is the misuse and misapplication of models which I am Expert on due to my weather work.

No, you're not.

What was the original model based on social distancing being enacted? 100-240k? Sounds about right.
It was one million, shit for brains.

Uh-oh, Bripat wants to redeem himself for his geography failure.

Got a link to a prediction model that showed 1 million deaths while using preventative measures such as social distancing?
Bripat would trip over his own dick if it was longer than 1/2 an inch. Dude is constant comedy and of all the Drumpfsters that are on this forum he is closest to Drumpf in fuckups.

Now, now, let's be fair here.

You're giving Bripat too much....credit.
You're a special kind of douchebag.

Is that your way of saying you can't find that prediction model? I have faith in you, little buddy
No. Can you find the prediction model to support your claim?

Of course I can. I mean, I'm not you and I'll even use a dingbat source.

The extension of the social distancing guidelines comes after Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and other public health officials on the White House coronavirus task force ominously warned that even if the U.S. were to continue to do what it was doing -- keeping the economy closed and most Americans in their homes -- the coronavirus could still leave 100,000 to 240,000 people in the United States dead and millions infected.
Nope. The "social distancing guidlines" were already in place when he said that.

Yes, yes they were that is when the model was ran. Could you just kill yourself now? Just go play ball on the highway or something.
That isn't when they implemented the guidelines, dumbass.
Is that your way of saying you can't find that prediction model? I have faith in you, little buddy
Thats his transparent way of trying to change the subject. You'll never see such a link from little Bripat.

I know and then tomorrow he'll have amnesia and pretend nothing ever happened and it's off to the dipshit races again for him.
Ask Asclepias what race the Egyptians were, dumbass.

How are you defining race? What the Greeks thought? What we consider as race today?

You want to know my answer? I don't give a shit, you've been shown what an idiot you are multiple times today I don't want to spend the rest of the day arguing with you about crap I don't care about right now. Fucking retard.
They weren't Negroes, dumbass.

I didn't call them that or anything. You obviously misunderstood again.

I said one thing wrong? Wow, according to TDS morons that means everything I say is wrong.

Well, no, 'betes boy. You got some basic geography wrong and then you mentioned something about a prediction model but you haven't been able to find or post it. How come?

Bottom line: you're a fucking douchbag.

Does that make you feel better? Now, how about using that brain of yours?

I love this TDS moron theory that says if I make one factual error, then everything I say is wrong. Whereas turds like you post falsehood after falsehood after falsehood .

TDS? So you are giving up then. OK.
Worse is the misuse and misapplication of models which I am Expert on due to my weather work.

No, you're not.

What was the original model based on social distancing being enacted? 100-240k? Sounds about right.
It was one million, shit for brains.

Uh-oh, Bripat wants to redeem himself for his geography failure.

Got a link to a prediction model that showed 1 million deaths while using preventative measures such as social distancing?
Bripat would trip over his own dick if it was longer than 1/2 an inch. Dude is constant comedy and of all the Drumpfsters that are on this forum he is closest to Drumpf in fuckups.

Now, now, let's be fair here.

You're giving Bripat too much....credit.
You're a special kind of douchebag.

Is that your way of saying you can't find that prediction model? I have faith in you, little buddy
No. Can you find the prediction model to support your claim?

Of course I can. I mean, I'm not you and I'll even use a dingbat source.

The extension of the social distancing guidelines comes after Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and other public health officials on the White House coronavirus task force ominously warned that even if the U.S. were to continue to do what it was doing -- keeping the economy closed and most Americans in their homes -- the coronavirus could still leave 100,000 to 240,000 people in the United States dead and millions infected.
Nope. The "social distancing guidlines" were already in place when he said that.

Yes, yes they were that is when the model was ran. Could you just kill yourself now? Just go play ball on the highway or something.
That isn't when they implemented the guidelines, dumbass.

Oh, boy. Did you not read what I quoted? See? This is why everyone thinks you're not bright.

The extension of the social distancing guidelines comes after Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and other public health officials on the White House coronavirus task force ominously warned that even if the U.S. were to continue to do what it was doing -- keeping the economy closed and most Americans in their homes -- the coronavirus could still leave 100,000 to 240,000 people in the United States dead and millions infected.

Where is your prediction model that you said existed? Did you lie? Did you get your facts wrong? Come on, pudge, get your shit together.
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?

Worse is the misuse and misapplication of models which I am Expert on due to my weather work.

No, you're not.

What was the original model based on social distancing being enacted? 100-240k? Sounds about right.
It was one million, shit for brains.

Uh-oh, Bripat wants to redeem himself for his geography failure.

Got a link to a prediction model that showed 1 million deaths while using preventative measures such as social distancing?
Bripat would trip over his own dick if it was longer than 1/2 an inch. Dude is constant comedy and of all the Drumpfsters that are on this forum he is closest to Drumpf in fuckups.

Now, now, let's be fair here.

You're giving Bripat too much....credit.
You're a special kind of douchebag.

Is that your way of saying you can't find that prediction model? I have faith in you, little buddy
No. Can you find the prediction model to support your claim?

Of course I can. I mean, I'm not you and I'll even use a dingbat source.

The extension of the social distancing guidelines comes after Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and other public health officials on the White House coronavirus task force ominously warned that even if the U.S. were to continue to do what it was doing -- keeping the economy closed and most Americans in their homes -- the coronavirus could still leave 100,000 to 240,000 people in the United States dead and millions infected.
Nope. The "social distancing guidlines" were already in place when he said that.

Yes, yes they were that is when the model was ran. Could you just kill yourself now? Just go play ball on the highway or something.
That isn't when they implemented the guidelines, dumbass.

Oh, boy. Did you not read what I quoted? See? This is why everyone thinks you're not bright.

The extension of the social distancing guidelines comes after Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and other public health officials on the White House coronavirus task force ominously warned that even if the U.S. were to continue to do what it was doing -- keeping the economy closed and most Americans in their homes -- the coronavirus could still leave 100,000 to 240,000 people in the United States dead and millions infected.

Where is your prediction model that you said existed? Did you lie? Did you get your facts wrong? Come on, pudge, get your shit together.
That doesn't show that they implemented the guildlines then, dumbass. The article makes it clear that the guidelines were already in place.
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?

They have zero additional government debt, and no additional unemployment. They haven't destroyed their economy.

Yes, that's a good thing.
Worse is the misuse and misapplication of models which I am Expert on due to my weather work.

No, you're not.

What was the original model based on social distancing being enacted? 100-240k? Sounds about right.
It was one million, shit for brains.

Uh-oh, Bripat wants to redeem himself for his geography failure.

Got a link to a prediction model that showed 1 million deaths while using preventative measures such as social distancing?
Bripat would trip over his own dick if it was longer than 1/2 an inch. Dude is constant comedy and of all the Drumpfsters that are on this forum he is closest to Drumpf in fuckups.

Now, now, let's be fair here.

You're giving Bripat too much....credit.
You're a special kind of douchebag.

Is that your way of saying you can't find that prediction model? I have faith in you, little buddy
No. Can you find the prediction model to support your claim?

Of course I can. I mean, I'm not you and I'll even use a dingbat source.

The extension of the social distancing guidelines comes after Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and other public health officials on the White House coronavirus task force ominously warned that even if the U.S. were to continue to do what it was doing -- keeping the economy closed and most Americans in their homes -- the coronavirus could still leave 100,000 to 240,000 people in the United States dead and millions infected.
Nope. The "social distancing guidlines" were already in place when he said that.

Yes, yes they were that is when the model was ran. Could you just kill yourself now? Just go play ball on the highway or something.
That isn't when they implemented the guidelines, dumbass.

Oh, boy. Did you not read what I quoted? See? This is why everyone thinks you're not bright.

The extension of the social distancing guidelines comes after Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and other public health officials on the White House coronavirus task force ominously warned that even if the U.S. were to continue to do what it was doing -- keeping the economy closed and most Americans in their homes -- the coronavirus could still leave 100,000 to 240,000 people in the United States dead and millions infected.

Where is your prediction model that you said existed? Did you lie? Did you get your facts wrong? Come on, pudge, get your shit together.
That doesn't show that they implemented the guildlines then, dumbass. The article makes it clear that the guidelines were already in place.

The prediction model of 100-240k was based on people social distancing. It says so right in the link, I quoted it for you multiple times now.
Is that your way of saying you can't find that prediction model? I have faith in you, little buddy
Thats his transparent way of trying to change the subject. You'll never see such a link from little Bripat.

I know and then tomorrow he'll have amnesia and pretend nothing ever happened and it's off to the dipshit races again for him.
Ask Asclepias what race the Egyptians were, dumbass.

How are you defining race? What the Greeks thought? What we consider as race today?

You want to know my answer? I don't give a shit, you've been shown what an idiot you are multiple times today I don't want to spend the rest of the day arguing with you about crap I don't care about right now. Fucking retard.
They weren't Negroes, dumbass.

I didn't call them that or anything. You obviously misunderstood again.

I said one thing wrong? Wow, according to TDS morons that means everything I say is wrong.

Well, no, 'betes boy. You got some basic geography wrong and then you mentioned something about a prediction model but you haven't been able to find or post it. How come?

Bottom line: you're a fucking douchbag.

Does that make you feel better? Now, how about using that brain of yours?

I love this TDS moron theory that says if I make one factual error, then everything I say is wrong. Whereas turds like you post falsehood after falsehood after falsehood .

TDS? So you are giving up then. OK.
Giving up? is that what you call declining to play your game where you give me errands to run?
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.

You're not citing the most important figure. DEATHS per million. Sweden having TWENTY PERCENT MORE FATALITIES PER MILLION than the United States is a good thing?

They have zero additional government debt, and no additional unemployment. They haven't destroyed their economy.

Yes, that's a good thing.

Sweden's economy is pretty much as fucked up as everyone else's right now and what did they get for it other than dead people?
Worse is the misuse and misapplication of models which I am Expert on due to my weather work.

No, you're not.

What was the original model based on social distancing being enacted? 100-240k? Sounds about right.
It was one million, shit for brains.

Uh-oh, Bripat wants to redeem himself for his geography failure.

Got a link to a prediction model that showed 1 million deaths while using preventative measures such as social distancing?
Bripat would trip over his own dick if it was longer than 1/2 an inch. Dude is constant comedy and of all the Drumpfsters that are on this forum he is closest to Drumpf in fuckups.

Now, now, let's be fair here.

You're giving Bripat too much....credit.
You're a special kind of douchebag.

Is that your way of saying you can't find that prediction model? I have faith in you, little buddy
No. Can you find the prediction model to support your claim?

Of course I can. I mean, I'm not you and I'll even use a dingbat source.

The extension of the social distancing guidelines comes after Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and other public health officials on the White House coronavirus task force ominously warned that even if the U.S. were to continue to do what it was doing -- keeping the economy closed and most Americans in their homes -- the coronavirus could still leave 100,000 to 240,000 people in the United States dead and millions infected.
Nope. The "social distancing guidlines" were already in place when he said that.

Yes, yes they were that is when the model was ran. Could you just kill yourself now? Just go play ball on the highway or something.
That isn't when they implemented the guidelines, dumbass.

Oh, boy. Did you not read what I quoted? See? This is why everyone thinks you're not bright.

The extension of the social distancing guidelines comes after Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and other public health officials on the White House coronavirus task force ominously warned that even if the U.S. were to continue to do what it was doing -- keeping the economy closed and most Americans in their homes -- the coronavirus could still leave 100,000 to 240,000 people in the United States dead and millions infected.

Where is your prediction model that you said existed? Did you lie? Did you get your facts wrong? Come on, pudge, get your shit together.
That doesn't show that they implemented the guildlines then, dumbass. The article makes it clear that the guidelines were already in place.

The prediction model of 100-240k was based on people social distancing. It says so right in the link, I quoted it for you multiple times now.
The policy of social distancing was already in place, and all previous "prediction models" except the two million one were based on it.

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