Swiss Region Bans Burqas

Wearing a cross in some cases is banned and the burka is not religious, modesty is. Modesty does not mean you have to hide your face or refuse to abide by the law of the land.

Being Muslim does not give your a right to not comply to security concerns for impose religious law, real for not, above state interests.

There are times and places when hoodies and certain garments have to be removed. Burka is not a protected right, it is a fashion (unfashionable) choice. Religion does no require the face to be hidden. National security and civil laws trump faith or the abuse of faith.
Dumnbass, the Muslim garments are the only ones banned. You can walk around like this, legally, as long as it's not in Muslim garments.

How many fucking do I have to say this? It's not a security law, it's an anti-Muslim law.

"The local government wanted the law to also include other forms of headwear that cover the face, including masks worn by demonstrators and soccer hooligans, but the parliament voted to only ban the burqas and niqabs (face veil). This means covering your face in public is legal, as long as you don’t do it with a burqa or niqab."
It's not anti Muslim, as some Jewish women wear them too ;-) for someone who claims to believe all religion is garbage, you are fighting so hard for Islam, it hysterical. When did you say you took the shahada?
All religion is nonsense, it's also protected, all of them. The Swiss probably don't know that some Jews wear Muslim garments either, not that it would matter since their goal is to stick it to the Muslims...
But I'm sure you'd agree that anyone wearing a niqab will be told to remove it and fined if they don't, just as in France, Austria and all the other countries that look as though they too might implement it. Soooo, Anyhoo, it's clearly not anti Muslim, so there really was no need for you to blow a gasket, lol. Hope you can calm down now. Great.
I am never okay with religious discrimination, ever. It's a liberal thing, you wouldn't understand.
I understand that you only get uppity about perceived religious discrimination when the alleged recipient is Islam. You ought to have been apoplectic about 21 Christians having their heads sawn off by Muslims, I'd say that's the height of religious intolerance and certainly more egregious than being prevented from wearing a face mask, but no. All you said was 'one true religion against another'. You're fooling no-one with your silly charade.
I understand that you only get uppity about perceived religious discrimination when the alleged recipient is Islam.
Nope. And I pay very little attention to the Children of God slaughtering each other. That's what they always do and unlike you I don't make decisions based on emotions. Protecting all rights is highly rational. As I said, it's a liberal thing, you wouldn't understand.
I'm with this guy. He is clearly better informed on the subject than PMH, the befuddled 'liberal', lol.

It is disingenuous for Muslims to claim that wearing the niqab or burka is Islamic. The requirement to conceal the face does not feature anywhere in the Koran. It is an archaic, aristocratic custom originating in ancient Persia that spread to Byzantium and was later adopted by misogynistic Muslim society.

Many Muslims have been conditioned to conflate culture with religion and befuddle liberal Britain that this is a principle of religious freedom and human rights when it is neither. It is against Islamic law for masked women to undertake a pilgrimage to Mecca or to perform their daily prayers. If women are prevented from hiding their identity at Islam’s holiest shrine, why is it necessary for them to do so here?

Britain must join France and Belgium in outlawing all public anonymity. Anything less would amount to sexist discrimination against British men, who are not permitted to conceal their identity in public.

Imam Dr Taj Hargey
Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford
Wearing the veil is not an issue of religious tolerance or human rights
Liberals don't say every scantily clad lady is a prostitute. Radical Muslims do. And you do. Like I said your charade is hugely unsuccessful. Sorry :)
I didn't. I said if you dress like a whore that's what you are. Pretty old advice actually.
It isn't advice, it isn't true and it isn't liberal. Phoney.
Liberals don't say every scantily clad lady is a prostitute. Radical Muslims do. And you do. Like I said your charade is hugely unsuccessful. Sorry :)
I didn't. I said if you dress like a whore that's what you are. Pretty old advice actually.
It isn't advice, it isn't true and it isn't liberal. Phoney.
Many liberals would be more PC. I am not PC.

She could be a soccer mom, but not while wearing that.
Parts of Spain and Italy too. Seems to be catching on.
Stupidity and fear usually does, as well as religious intolerance.

YOU seem to be the intolerant one actually. :)
I'm intolerant of people trying to take away the religious freedom of others, in this case.

You are very intolerant of a lot of things, if you were to be honest. Don't really know what on earth makes you think you are some symbol of tolerance, but tolerant you are NOT. :neutral:
The garment is specific to a religion. If they banned kippahs a Muslim man couldn't wear one either but it's an item worn mainly by Jews, and it's a choice...

I have not read the whole thread (yet), but early on I said BAN it. I want to say very clearly PaintMyHouseYellow is showing good to great arguments against my first instinct. Maybe I am wrong? PaintMyHouseYellow has shown plenty of "costumes" that could be considered same thing.

I am going to re-consider. Keep packing those AK-47 underneath whilst' I ponder.
The garment is specific to a religion. If they banned kippahs a Muslim man couldn't wear one either but it's an item worn mainly by Jews, and it's a choice...

I have not read the whole thread (yet), but early on I said BAN it. I want to say very clearly PaintMyHouseYellow is showing good to great arguments against my first instinct. Maybe I am wrong? PaintMyHouseYellow has shown plenty of "costumes" that could be considered same thing.

I am going to re-consider. Keep packing those AK-47 underneath whilst' I ponder.

Well, I already posted to this thread that I definitely think it should be a choice. If a woman feels comfortable wearing a burka or something else because that is how she was raised and she feels uncomfortable being any other way, then she should be able to wear it. It is wrong to force someone to wear one, but I think it is also wrong to ban them from wearing it except in certain situations of course.
Parts of Spain and Italy too. Seems to be catching on.
Stupidity and fear usually does, as well as religious intolerance.

YOU seem to be the intolerant one actually. :)
I'm intolerant of people trying to take away the religious freedom of others, in this case.

You are very intolerant of a lot of things, if you were to be honest. Don't really know what on earth makes you think you are some symbol of tolerance, but tolerant you are NOT. :neutral:
I'm not tolerant of stupid fearful people. like those who passed this ban on Muslim religious garments. Someone once told you that liberals must be nice I gather? Well they were wrong, very wrong.
Parts of Spain and Italy too. Seems to be catching on.
Stupidity and fear usually does, as well as religious intolerance.

YOU seem to be the intolerant one actually. :)
I'm intolerant of people trying to take away the religious freedom of others, in this case.

You are very intolerant of a lot of things, if you were to be honest. Don't really know what on earth makes you think you are some symbol of tolerance, but tolerant you are NOT. :neutral:
I'm not tolerant of stupid fearful people. like those who passed this ban on Muslim religious garments. Someone once told you that liberals must be nice I gather? Well they were wrong, very wrong.

You want to KILL people, fool!
Stupidity and fear usually does, as well as religious intolerance.

YOU seem to be the intolerant one actually. :)
I'm intolerant of people trying to take away the religious freedom of others, in this case.

You are very intolerant of a lot of things, if you were to be honest. Don't really know what on earth makes you think you are some symbol of tolerance, but tolerant you are NOT. :neutral:
I'm not tolerant of stupid fearful people. like those who passed this ban on Muslim religious garments. Someone once told you that liberals must be nice I gather? Well they were wrong, very wrong.

You want to KILL people, fool!
No, I want to kill a species, known as humans, AKA people. That's hardly the same thing. "People" are the one fish in the one tank that is killing all the rest. Since I like fish the killer fish has to go, right down the toilet...
Liberals don't say every scantily clad lady is a prostitute. Radical Muslims do. And you do. Like I said your charade is hugely unsuccessful. Sorry :)
I didn't. I said if you dress like a whore that's what you are. Pretty old advice actually.

Oh, this is so very tolerant, right? :D Um no. Your actions are what make you a whore.
Liberals don't say every scantily clad lady is a prostitute. Radical Muslims do. And you do. Like I said your charade is hugely unsuccessful. Sorry :)
I didn't. I said if you dress like a whore that's what you are. Pretty old advice actually.
It isn't advice, it isn't true and it isn't liberal. Phoney.
Many liberals would be more PC. I am not PC.

She could be a soccer mom, but not while wearing that.

She looks hot! :D
Liberals don't say every scantily clad lady is a prostitute. Radical Muslims do. And you do. Like I said your charade is hugely unsuccessful. Sorry :)
I didn't. I said if you dress like a whore that's what you are. Pretty old advice actually.
It isn't advice, it isn't true and it isn't liberal. Phoney.
Many liberals would be more PC. I am not PC.

She could be a soccer mom, but not while wearing that.

She looks hot! :D

Is she single? Nothing wrong with a single woman trying to attract attention from men. That's how we meet after all. :) If she were married, then maybe you would have a case.

Do you consider the women at Hooters to all be whores?

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