Sydney Powell's "Excuse" puts the BIG LIE of election fraud to rest...

Can you admit election fraud is a lie?

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    Votes: 12 52.2%
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hahah this will be won't be in court...Dominion doesn't have a case.
We should know in a few days (maybe weeks) if the court accepts her motion to dismiss.
This is just a motion to dismiss....I wouldn't be surprised if they survive this, but don't see them getting past summary judgement
Surely if there’s no basis in law for the lawsuit, it would be dismissed right away. Are you losing confidence in your assertion?
The Redux, the Sequel, the v.2.0: Post #70

"Don't just come on to a internet chatroom under a fake name and whine anonymously.

So prove it.
Show us all that you know what you are talking about.

Or, better yet, show us that you have done something about it. Gone to the FBI. Or even to your state's election officials.
If you haven't done that.....well, you ain't a real patriotic American.

After all, you know it was crooked but are timid to go to bat for America and for Don Trump?"
Bland and the Washington Post cherry pick a few words of Powell’s motion and twist it from its true, reasonable meaning, into something Powell never said. Powell is making a distinction between rhetorical speech, which you cannot be sued for, and statements of provable fact
Powell was alleging that everything she was saying was factual and provable.

Even the example provided “greatest crime of the century” alleges a crime. A crime is a provable event and she claimed repeatedly that she intended to prove it.

Now she’s saying that the “crime” was rhetorical?

Hell no.
greatest crime of the century is an opinion.

Yeah...folks say things are "criminal" all the time, even though they don't violate the criminal code.

when something is completely and utterly bad
friend at late night saturday party: I have to get up at 6am tomorrow morning for work
friend2: dude! that's criminal!
Calling it the “greatest” isn’t the relevant portion. Calling it a crime is. A crime isn’t an opinion. It’s a factual allegation. Saying they the term crime was used rhetorically is absolutely absurd given that she was saying she was going to prove it in a court of law and indeed filed lawsuits to that effect.
Check my link I provided you....yes the expression that something is a criminal can be an opinion. Look at the example I provided.
She is claiming specific criminal acts by Dominion
She can’t back it up in court without perjuring herself
hahah this will be won't be in court...Dominion doesn't have a case.
Whistling past a Graveyard
hahah this will be won't be in court...Dominion doesn't have a case.
We should know in a few days (maybe weeks) if the court accepts her motion to dismiss.
This is just a motion to dismiss....I wouldn't be surprised if they survive this, but don't see them getting past summary judgement
Sidney will settle by then
Sidney deserves to be sanctioned by the court for these shenanigans.
hahah this will be won't be in court...Dominion doesn't have a case.
We should know in a few days (maybe weeks) if the court accepts her motion to dismiss.
This is just a motion to dismiss....I wouldn't be surprised if they survive this, but don't see them getting past summary judgement
Sidney will settle by then
Sidney deserves to be sanctioned by the court for these shenanigans.
Dominion wants more than money.
They want their name cleared in a court of law....not some settlement without admitting fault
The lawsuit against her,. was nothing more then a chilling attack on the first amendment...then the leftist media's propaganda and outright lies about her motion...well that's just par for the course for the leftist propaganda....they know their uninformed fish will jump at the click bait, read the headline, and never attempt to do more...they are called dembots for a reason
Y’all used to love defamation lawsuits. I guess you don’t like a taste of your own medicine.
I have no problem with them...when they actually have a bases in law. This one doesn't.....

Of course it does. Powell was making crap up and it hurt the reputation of this company. That’s exactly what this law is intended to protect against.
No, it has no bases in law....she didn't hurt the reputation of the company...Nike can't sue me for saying their new shoes suck, and are cheap...

moreover Dominion has suffered no damage...they know that...they can't succeed on this, and they know it. it was filed simply to chill speech.

Dominion has suffered incalculable damage - And they will be able to demonstrate this when the Kracken is roasted on a spit. :)
hahah this will be won't be in court...Dominion doesn't have a case.
We should know in a few days (maybe weeks) if the court accepts her motion to dismiss.
This is just a motion to dismiss....I wouldn't be surprised if they survive this, but don't see them getting past summary judgement
Sidney will settle by then
Sidney deserves to be sanctioned by the court for these shenanigans.

I believe that sanctions and disbarment are part of what Dominion is after. This will be settled out of court for millions (no billions) but part of the deal is that Rudy and Sid have no right to be practicing law.
Section 1. Equal protection under the law.
It’s not. As long as everyone has to follow the same rules in a state, there is no violation.
The rules must be legislated.
There’s always details that are left to the election boards and administration to sort out. No legislature makes a law for everything.

The constitution stipulates that any election rules changes must go through the state legislature.
PA didn’t do this. Left wing judges and non-left wing judges refused to consider any cases. The non-left wing judges due to fear of attack by democrat fascists who destroyed cities all year.
It doesn’t say that. It says the manner of the election is determined by the legislature. That’s not the same thing.
But it is the same thing. Read what you wrote.
No honest person would accept the numbers of this election. An audit was warranted but not granted due to bias and/or fear of reprisal.
Ox-Bow election.
It’s not. Method and means are not quite the same.

The numbers are legitimate. The people who don’t want to accept them merely can’t come to terms with losing.
The numbers are suspicious to say the least. Only dishonest people believe otherwise.
When you decided before the election that Trump won, then any number that doesn’t result in that outcome would seem suspicious.

That doesn’t mean it is.
My interpretation is rooted in results and figures.
Anyone who doesn’t question the veracity of the 2020 election is dishonest.
So the only reason a person could come to the conclusion that the 2020 election was fair is dishonesty?

You don't think the fact that it was monitored by members of both parties could make you draw that conclusion?

Or the fact that widespread voter fraud wasn't even alleged in court besides that is by Powell. Something she now claims was done in jest.

Or the fact that the lawsuits that were actually filed by Trump were shot down almost across the board.

A few weeks ago I had a discussion with my brother about believing something to be true because it sounds logical. It took me giving an example of giving a logical but different explanation for something he believes, before he realised that theirs a difference between believing something to be true and it actually being true.

No dishonesty is required to believe something different than what you believe.
hahah this will be won't be in court...Dominion doesn't have a case.
We should know in a few days (maybe weeks) if the court accepts her motion to dismiss.
This is just a motion to dismiss....I wouldn't be surprised if they survive this, but don't see them getting past summary judgement
Sidney will settle by then
Sidney deserves to be sanctioned by the court for these shenanigans.

I believe that sanctions and disbarment are part of what Dominion is after. This will be settled out of court for millions (no billions) but part of the deal is that Rudy and Sid have no right to be practicing law.
Powell doesn’t have millions. I don’t think Dominion wants money as much as they want a public clearing of their name as the other poster put it.
The lawsuit against her,. was nothing more then a chilling attack on the first amendment...then the leftist media's propaganda and outright lies about her motion...well that's just par for the course for the leftist propaganda....they know their uninformed fish will jump at the click bait, read the headline, and never attempt to do more...they are called dembots for a reason
This is exactly what I posted when the meme of Powell's words were first raised: I said you cannot base any
rational assessment of her comments based on a Twitter snippet and then the following pile on by
"journalists" (propagandists, actually) and the usual fools that post here and elsewhere.

The lawsuit has been called a SLAPP suit, designed to silence people and end all discussion of what
Dominion is and nothing has changed my mind about this in any way.

The attempts to intimidate Sidney Powell are simply a reverberation of the 2020 presidential campaign
and the cover up continues. Crimes generate cover ups. Especially political crimes.
Any yet you can't show where ONE of the election fraud items is not true.
It just doesn't work that way. The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser. You claim something need to show real evidence that it did...or go sit in the corner
I have everything I know verifiable and documented.
Well you better get on down to the Court room and show it to them...quick. Don't waste your time here!
Powell doesn’t have millions. I don’t think Dominion wants money as much as they want a public clearing of their name as the other poster put it.

Perhaps not, but Rudy has a net worth of 45 million and Mr Pillow around 300 million. There's money for the taking!
All your so called "evidence" is just fabricated fake news.

Any yet you can't show where ONE of the election fraud items is not true.

I have everything I know verifiable and documented.

But when someone like you repeatedly makes a 100% contrary claim unable to support ANYTHING you state with a shred of actual, documented proof, we call it

The bullshit lies in you trying to put the onus of proof on anybody but yourself. You have to prove your case, we don't have to disprove it.

It's like claiming god exists because nobody's able to disprove it. Its simply not how it works.

Give specific claims of voter fraud. Claims that aren't just thruthfull but also consequential enough to alter the result. I simply haven't seen any even close to that. Neither have the courts.
2 months later and nobody has come forward with real and credible evidence of fraud.
All the evidence is lies and fabrications from some pillow guy, that idiot Trumpers believe, because they want to believe...
The courts have shown all of them to be not true.


All the courts have shown is an unwillingness to take up matters to decide the outcome of a presidential election or at best that the way the cases were framed allowed them to be dismissed on procedural basis.

The evidence was never even scratched.

But no matter, that is not what I'm saying at all. I have no control over the courts, what I'm talking about is that a DISCUSSION BOARD as a matter of discussion, simply review the merits of the evidence to see how it stands the test of logic, reason and common sense out of pure topical interest, and the fact that all you half-baked witless Biden-humping cowards run away pissing yourselves yelling:

" . . . . but, THE COURTS!, the COURTS!" . . .

speaks volumes about what you really think.


Joe couldn't make senior towel-boy at an express car wash.

Biden will never serve his full one term.
The bullshit lies in you trying to put the onus of proof on anybody but yourself. You have to prove your case, we don't have to disprove it. It's like claiming god exists because nobody's able to disprove it. Its simply not how it works.

Look bonehead, I can prove the case of fraud. But I've heard 10,000 times that the evidence doesn't exist, that it is false, wrong, BASELESS.


That is an accusation.

You are presenting an accusation and a conclusion, yet can't offer A SHRED of evidence to support your position! Then all of you run pissing yourself crying that the "courts" all dismissed the cases as if that speaks to the evidence at hand.

You keep saying you don't have to disprove the fraud because you CAN'T disprove the fraud, which makes your charges of baselessness WORTHLESS.

If you actually KNEW the evidence was baseless, you'd be able to show HOW you know! :21:
The lawsuit against her,. was nothing more then a chilling attack on the first amendment...then the leftist media's propaganda and outright lies about her motion...well that's just par for the course for the leftist propaganda....they know their uninformed fish will jump at the click bait, read the headline, and never attempt to do more...they are called dembots for a reason
This is exactly what I posted when the meme of Powell's words were first raised: I said you cannot base any
rational assessment of her comments based on a Twitter snippet and then the following pile on by
"journalists" (propagandists, actually) and the usual fools that post here and elsewhere.

The lawsuit has been called a SLAPP suit, designed to silence people and end all discussion of what
Dominion is and nothing has changed my mind about this in any way.

The attempts to intimidate Sidney Powell are simply a reverberation of the 2020 presidential campaign
and the cover up continues. Crimes generate cover ups. Especially political crimes.
It is more than a SLAPP suit meant to intimidate.

Dominion has serious claims based on what Powell claimed publically and repeatedly.

Dominion can document what she said is FALSE
Now they can document she knew it was false
It just doesn't work that way. The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser.

And YOU are the accuser. You and others have made the claim 10,000 times that the election fraud is nothing but a baseless, wildly unsupported conspiracy theory by a bunch of brainwashed yahoos! You need to prove and show how you know that otherwise it means NOTHING.


You SAY you don't have to but the reality is you CAN'T.

I and others can at any time and are ready to show exactly in detail how the election was stolen. Many have admitted to stealing it. This country needs to know whether it can count on its elections. Your claim that "you don't have to," doesn't cut it.

You're a fraud just like Biden.

BIDEN WON NOTHING. Our election was stolen.
hahah this will be won't be in court...Dominion doesn't have a case.
We should know in a few days (maybe weeks) if the court accepts her motion to dismiss.
This is just a motion to dismiss....I wouldn't be surprised if they survive this, but don't see them getting past summary judgement
Sidney will settle by then
Sidney deserves to be sanctioned by the court for these shenanigans.

I believe that sanctions and disbarment are part of what Dominion is after. This will be settled out of court for millions (no billions) but part of the deal is that Rudy and Sid have no right to be practicing law.
Beyond that, they need a public admission of fault from Rudy and Sidney. Also strict terms if they attempt to retract it later

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