Syria is giving Hezbollah "Game-Changing" weapons

Doesn't Syria have its hands tied in their own civil war?
Maybe it's Syria's turn to go the way of Iraq and Libya with Sudan, Somalia, and Iran waiting in the wings?

Here's one leftist view on what Israel wants in Syria:

"Cutting through the fog is the fact that Israel has a bunch of serious motives to once again go rogue.

It craves a weak, chaotic Syria – deprived of advanced military technology. It craves most of all an all-out Somalization of Syria – a sectarian dystopia. What better justification for Israel to be up in arms 24/7 than hardcore Wahhabi terrorism right across its (non-delimitated) borders? On top of it, Israel wants to drag Syria, Hezbollah and ultimately Iran into all out war. It wants the whole package – and the sooner and better."

The Roadmap to the Destruction of Syria » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

No, Israel does NOT want a destabilized and fractured Syria. They could do business with Assad and have for years. The last thing they need is another Lebanon or Gaza next door.

Whoever wrote that piece is either a moron or has some kind of agenda.
If Russia gonna make money off sellin' weapons to Assad, den we oughta be able to sell weapons to the rebels...
Russia sends advanced missiles to aid Assad in Syria
5/17/2013 - 'Ship killer' likely to help deter establishment of no-fly zone, supply of rebels from sea
Russia has sent advanced antiship cruise missiles to Syria, a move that illustrates the depth of its support for the Syrian government led by President Bashar al-Assad, American officials said Thursday. Russia has previously provided a version of the missiles, called Yakhonts, to Syria. But those delivered recently are outfitted with an advanced radar that makes them more effective, according to American officials who are familiar with classified intelligence reports and would only discuss the shipment on the basis of anonymity.

Unlike Scud and other longer-range surface-to-surface missiles that the Assad government has used against opposition forces, the Yakhont antiship missile system provides the Syrian military a formidable weapon to counter any effort by international forces to reinforce Syrian opposition fighters by imposing a naval embargo, establishing a no-fly zone or carrying out limited airstrikes. “It enables the regime to deter foreign forces looking to supply the opposition from the sea, or from undertaking a more active role if a no-fly zone or shipping embargo were to be declared at some point,” said Nick Brown, editor in chief of IHS Jane’s International Defense Review. “It’s a real ship killer.”

Jeffrey White, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and a former senior American intelligence official, said Syria’s strengthened arsenal would “tend to push Western or allied naval activity further off the coast” and was also “a signal of the Russian commitment to the Syrian government.” The disclosure of the delivery comes as Russia and the United States are planning to convene an international conference that is aimed at ending the brutal conflict in Syria, which has killed more than 70,000. That conference is expected to be held in early June and to include representatives of the Assad government and the Syrian opposition.

Secretary of State John Kerry has repeatedly said that it is the United States’ hope to change Mr. Assad’s “calculations” about his ability to hold on to power so that he will allow negotiations for a political solution to the conflict. Mr. Kerry indicated that he had raised the issue of Russian arms deliveries to Syria during his recent visit to Moscow, but declined to provide details. “I think we’ve made it crystal clear we would prefer that Russia was not supplying assistance,” he said. “That hasn’t changed.” American officials have been concerned that the flow of Russian and Iranian arms to Syria will buttress Mr. Assad’s apparent belief that he can prevail militarily.

More NYT: Russia sends missiles to aid Syria's Assad - World news - The New York Times | NBC News

And those might very well be the game changing weapons Hizbollah is talking about.
This is a very new disturbing development ....not good news ... these missiles are top of the range, very, very advanced.

Not good at all.

I agree, however, that may be the trigger for NATO getting more involved in Syria hopefully getting Assad out.

We sure better hope not. It's far too late for that now. NATO and the US have dithered around so long now that the only outcome of the Syrian civil war will be a generation of self-immolation and a fractured, non-state which falls into a Somalia kind of chaos as different groups jockey for position and territory. There are so many different groups fighting Assad now, with so many different supporters and agendas, that a military involvement now at this late date couldn't help but result in another crushing defeat of the West.

Because of domestic considerations, mostly in the US and France, we never picked a winner and backed them to the hilt. Now, we don't know who to pick and run the risk of either backing the wrong group or of yielding to frustration and trying to do it ourselves.

Obama has had a pretty good foreign policy record up to this point, but in Syria, he's really fucked up....badly.
I agree, however, that may be the trigger for NATO getting more involved in Syria hopefully getting Assad out.

And replace him with who---Islamic Radicals ?

My God! aren't there any normal human beings in the Arab world?????

Do all of them have to be bloodthirsty and fanatic radicals??????

No, they don't. But, they have to have the radical's support to stay in office and stay alive.
Doesn't Syria have its hands tied in their own civil war?
Maybe it's Syria's turn to go the way of Iraq and Libya with Sudan, Somalia, and Iran waiting in the wings?

Here's one leftist view on what Israel wants in Syria:

"Cutting through the fog is the fact that Israel has a bunch of serious motives to once again go rogue.

It craves a weak, chaotic Syria – deprived of advanced military technology. It craves most of all an all-out Somalization of Syria – a sectarian dystopia. What better justification for Israel to be up in arms 24/7 than hardcore Wahhabi terrorism right across its (non-delimitated) borders? On top of it, Israel wants to drag Syria, Hezbollah and ultimately Iran into all out war. It wants the whole package – and the sooner and better."

The Roadmap to the Destruction of Syria » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

No, Israel does NOT want a destabilized and fractured Syria. They could do business with Assad and have for years. The last thing they need is another Lebanon or Gaza next door.

Whoever wrote that piece is either a moron or has some kind of agenda.
Take a look at this map.
It reveals a complete redrawing of the borders of the Middle East.
Turkey gives up a huge amount of land, possibly for admittance into the EU
Israel could well join NATO
Both countries will slaughter Syrians (free and otherwise at will)
Divide and has worked for 1% of humanity for thousands of years.
Maybe now is the time to Change Everything?
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Gee, I wonder what kind of weapons that Syria has that would be considered game changing, and where they got that phrase.

yria will supply "game-changing" weapons to Hezbollah, the chief of the Lebanese militant group said Thursday, less than a week after Israeli airstrikes on Damascus targeted alleged shipments of advanced Iranian missiles bound for Hezbollah. Israel has signaled it will respond with airstrikes to any future weapons shipments, meaning it could quickly get drawn into Syria's civil war if the Hezbollah chief's declaration is more than an empty threat
Tension has been rising in the region since Israel struck targets inside Syria on Friday and Sunday. Hezbollah and Israel fought several battles in the past three decades, including a 34-day war in 2006 that left some 1,200 Lebanese and 160 Israelis dead.

Hezbollah: Syria to supply weapons to militia
It's none of Israel's business what country's have what weapons.

They need to stop this military aggression against its neighbors.
This is a very new disturbing development ....not good news ... these missiles are top of the range, very, very advanced.

Not good at all.

I agree, however, that may be the trigger for NATO getting more involved in Syria hopefully getting Assad out.

We sure better hope not. It's far too late for that now. NATO and the US have dithered around so long now that the only outcome of the Syrian civil war will be a generation of self-immolation and a fractured, non-state which falls into a Somalia kind of chaos as different groups jockey for position and territory. There are so many different groups fighting Assad now, with so many different supporters and agendas, that a military involvement now at this late date couldn't help but result in another crushing defeat of the West.

Because of domestic considerations, mostly in the US and France, we never picked a winner and backed them to the hilt. Now, we don't know who to pick and run the risk of either backing the wrong group or of yielding to frustration and trying to do it ourselves.

Obama has had a pretty good foreign policy record up to this point, but in Syria, he's really fucked up....badly.

How has Obama messed this up. Syria's leadership and decision have caused the ruination of this country. "Syria's national production has dropped by 40% and the number of people living below the poverty line has risen from two million to five million in just two years, according to the man in charge of the UN's plans for reconstructing Syria after the conflict.

Russia is one of Syria's few remaining allies and a long-term arms supplier to the Assad regime. Over the years, in contracts worth billions of dollars, it has sold thousands of tanks, artillery units, aircraft, helicopters and defence systems to Damascus."

BBC News - Syria crisis: US rues Russian missiles sent to Damascus

I believe Assad is the one to blame here.
I agree, however, that may be the trigger for NATO getting more involved in Syria hopefully getting Assad out.

We sure better hope not. It's far too late for that now. NATO and the US have dithered around so long now that the only outcome of the Syrian civil war will be a generation of self-immolation and a fractured, non-state which falls into a Somalia kind of chaos as different groups jockey for position and territory. There are so many different groups fighting Assad now, with so many different supporters and agendas, that a military involvement now at this late date couldn't help but result in another crushing defeat of the West.

Because of domestic considerations, mostly in the US and France, we never picked a winner and backed them to the hilt. Now, we don't know who to pick and run the risk of either backing the wrong group or of yielding to frustration and trying to do it ourselves.

Obama has had a pretty good foreign policy record up to this point, but in Syria, he's really fucked up....badly.

How has Obama messed this up. Syria's leadership and decision have caused the ruination of this country. "Syria's national production has dropped by 40% and the number of people living below the poverty line has risen from two million to five million in just two years, according to the man in charge of the UN's plans for reconstructing Syria after the conflict.

Russia is one of Syria's few remaining allies and a long-term arms supplier to the Assad regime. Over the years, in contracts worth billions of dollars, it has sold thousands of tanks, artillery units, aircraft, helicopters and defence systems to Damascus."

BBC News - Syria crisis: US rues Russian missiles sent to Damascus

I believe Assad is the one to blame here.

Assad is to blame for US intervention ? :eusa_hand:
Maybe it's Syria's turn to go the way of Iraq and Libya with Sudan, Somalia, and Iran waiting in the wings?

Here's one leftist view on what Israel wants in Syria:

"Cutting through the fog is the fact that Israel has a bunch of serious motives to once again go rogue.

It craves a weak, chaotic Syria – deprived of advanced military technology. It craves most of all an all-out Somalization of Syria – a sectarian dystopia. What better justification for Israel to be up in arms 24/7 than hardcore Wahhabi terrorism right across its (non-delimitated) borders? On top of it, Israel wants to drag Syria, Hezbollah and ultimately Iran into all out war. It wants the whole package – and the sooner and better."

The Roadmap to the Destruction of Syria » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

No, Israel does NOT want a destabilized and fractured Syria. They could do business with Assad and have for years. The last thing they need is another Lebanon or Gaza next door.

Whoever wrote that piece is either a moron or has some kind of agenda.
Take a look at this map.
It reveals a complete redrawing of the borders of the Middle East.
Turkey gives up a huge amount of land, possibly for admittance into the EU
Israel could well join NATO
Both countries will slaughter Syrians (free and otherwise at will)
Divide and has worked for 1% of humanity for thousands of years.
Maybe now is the time to Change Everything?

(Guffaw!) You don't really believe there's going to be a free Kurdistan, do you? And, even if miracles do still happen, it couldn't sustain itself or defend itself for long.
I agree, however, that may be the trigger for NATO getting more involved in Syria hopefully getting Assad out.

We sure better hope not. It's far too late for that now. NATO and the US have dithered around so long now that the only outcome of the Syrian civil war will be a generation of self-immolation and a fractured, non-state which falls into a Somalia kind of chaos as different groups jockey for position and territory. There are so many different groups fighting Assad now, with so many different supporters and agendas, that a military involvement now at this late date couldn't help but result in another crushing defeat of the West.

Because of domestic considerations, mostly in the US and France, we never picked a winner and backed them to the hilt. Now, we don't know who to pick and run the risk of either backing the wrong group or of yielding to frustration and trying to do it ourselves.

Obama has had a pretty good foreign policy record up to this point, but in Syria, he's really fucked up....badly.

How has Obama messed this up. Syria's leadership and decision have caused the ruination of this country. "Syria's national production has dropped by 40% and the number of people living below the poverty line has risen from two million to five million in just two years, according to the man in charge of the UN's plans for reconstructing Syria after the conflict.

Russia is one of Syria's few remaining allies and a long-term arms supplier to the Assad regime. Over the years, in contracts worth billions of dollars, it has sold thousands of tanks, artillery units, aircraft, helicopters and defence systems to Damascus."

BBC News - Syria crisis: US rues Russian missiles sent to Damascus

I believe Assad is the one to blame here.

Assad may be to blame indirectly. After all, if it weren't for his rule, there would have been no rebellion to begin with.

But, once the rebellion started and Assad didn't conveniently step out of the way, we didn't know what to do. Even Obama isn't so blind that he can't see what happened in the aftermath of Libya and Egypt, and he's had the GOP riding his ass about both of those involvements since day one. Additionally, we can't afford to fight another war right now and there's just no public stomach for it.

So, we've basically done nothing, perhaps waiting for a "good" alternative to arise out of the opposition, but in the meantime, Iran and Russia have been actively engaged in prolonging the war by propping up Assad for their own reasons, none of which have anything to do with Assad himself. Now, we've got the Israeli's becoming VERY nervous and starting to take unilateral action.

I said when this war started that it had the potential to initiate WWIII and I stand by that statement. It's becoming more likely every day that a miscalculation or mistake by somebody could bring on a NATO/Russia or NATO/Iran-Russia-China confrontation at the drop of a hat.

This is probably the most volatile and dangerous situation we've seen in that part of the world since AT LEAST the Yom Kippur War when the world teetered on the brink of a nuclear holocaust.
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No, Israel does NOT want a destabilized and fractured Syria. They could do business with Assad and have for years. The last thing they need is another Lebanon or Gaza next door.

Whoever wrote that piece is either a moron or has some kind of agenda.
Take a look at this map.
It reveals a complete redrawing of the borders of the Middle East.
Turkey gives up a huge amount of land, possibly for admittance into the EU
Israel could well join NATO
Both countries will slaughter Syrians (free and otherwise at will)
Divide and has worked for 1% of humanity for thousands of years.
Maybe now is the time to Change Everything?

(Guffaw!) You don't really believe there's going to be a free Kurdistan, do you? And, even if miracles do still happen, it couldn't sustain itself or defend itself for long.
Today, The chuckles are few and far between as far as Syria's concerned; however, I can't help noticing all the dominoes in that part of the world that can no longer sustain or defend themselves.

Maybe Wesley is laughing?

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat.'

"'Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more.

"This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan." [147]"

"Free" Kurdistan, should it ever come into existence, will be just one more pawn on a chessboard controlled by western oil and gas corporations for whom inflicting Syrian-level misery upon other people's children is simply part of the cost of doing funny business.

russia is backing them
That doesn't prove they're not in a civil war!

It just proves they are a Russian ally, no different than Israel is one of ours.

Syria is in a civil war. And it's a war we happen to be providing material support to al Qaeda cells fighting the Assad regime.

Syria: Clinton Admits US On Same Side As Al Qaeda To Destabilise Assad Government

yes so if we are with the alqeada

we are in a proxy war with Russia

so much for the reset (over charge) button

that we handed them early on

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