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Systemic Racism and there needs to be a Discussion

Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
Iā€™d like to know what black people think should be done.

And is this just an election year tactic? Republicans love to play the race card to divide us. Thatā€™s how they con working class people into voting for them because it canā€™t be financial interests unless youā€™re rich.

The race card is the democrat hypocrite toy. If they canā€™t get people to buy into their class warfare fantasy, they can always fall back on their many other traditional favorites like race, gender, religion, etc.
Without those wedge issues why would poor and middle class vote for the party that serves the rich first and the rest of us second?

Republicans canā€™t be the party corporations love and at the same time labor should support republicans too?

Think about it. Poor whites like you vote republican because of guns, you hate gays, youā€™re a racist or you are anti abortion.

These wedge issues con millions of white Christian gun loving racist homophobia Americans into voting republican.
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
Iā€™d like to know what black people think should be done.

And is this just an election year tactic? Republicans love to play the race card to divide us. Thatā€™s how they con working class people into voting for them because it canā€™t be financial interests unless youā€™re rich.

The race card is the democrat hypocrite toy. If they canā€™t get people to buy into their class warfare fantasy, they can always fall back on their many other traditional favorites like race, gender, religion, etc.
Without those wedge issues why would poor and middle class vote for the party that serves the rich first and the rest of us second?

Republicans canā€™t be the party corporations love and at the same time labor should support republicans too?

Think about it. Poor whites like you vote republican because of guns, you hate gays, youā€™re a racist or you are anti abortion.

These wedge issues con millions of white Christian gun loving racist homophobia Americans into voting republican.
How wrong you can be? Trump is the GOP President and has managed to get
  • landmark criminal justice reform, something that nobody else could get done.
  • secured permanent and record funding for HBCUs ā€” thatā€™s historically black colleges and universities ā€” numbers that they never thought were possible.
  • expanded affordable options for better health care.
  • created Opportunity Zones,ā€ tax breaks for investing in low-income areas.
  • achieved the lowest black, Hispanic, and Asian unemployment rates in American history.
  • and created the best economic conditions before the pandemic, and will again.
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
Iā€™d like to know what black people think should be done.

And is this just an election year tactic? Republicans love to play the race card to divide us. Thatā€™s how they con working class people into voting for them because it canā€™t be financial interests unless youā€™re rich.

The race card is the democrat hypocrite toy. If they canā€™t get people to buy into their class warfare fantasy, they can always fall back on their many other traditional favorites like race, gender, religion, etc.
Without those wedge issues why would poor and middle class vote for the party that serves the rich first and the rest of us second?

False premise; you illogical, brainless partisan douche.
Will some one please provide some examples of systemic racism. What is the definition of the Discussion?
Since the majority of Blacks killed in the Inner Cities are killed by other Blacks, why is there no discussion about it? Innocent citizens, children and even babies are killed on an ongoing basis, why is there no Discussion?
The Mayors of these Cities are charged with the safety of their citizens. The Chiefs of Police report directly to their mayors. If there are bad shoots , it is up to the Mayors to prevent them from happening again. The Federal Government can not infringe on states rights by interfering with their problems unless requested so by the States.
I did 100's of pages of examples of systematic racism,
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
A few police arrests gone wrong has allowed BLM, the Media and the Democrats to manufacture the 'systemic racism' myth. This is the most dangerous disinformation campaign in our history and it has to stop. The need for Police reform does not extend to rampant Racial discrimination in every American institution. That is total nonsense.
What is sad is that the NFL Players are being duped. When they speak about racism, they show how clueless they are about the real problems. Black Lives Matter has morphed into a Socialist Group. I wonder how the players will accept that they will no longer have their Cadillac Health Insurance. Biden will institute Medicare for All and all Private Health will no longer exist.

Biden will keep his bennies; he and the DNC will all keep theirs, they just don't mind looting white proles to give away bennies to criminal illegal aliens, since they pay little in taxes and won't lose a thing themselves while patting themselves on the back for being 'fair'. Same with all the corporate CEO's backing BLM and 'open borders'. They benefited hugely from 'out-sourcing' to police states while screwing over the U.S. and it's tax base and environmental protections, and now they want to re-create that environment here; that means neutralizing or outright murders of white proles, who retain some values and patriotism.
Funny how it's only you white stormfront members making these declarations. Whites are killing each other in equally high percentages and numbers. But white lives must be expendable to you guys.

Today's lesson:

White Crime is a thing too-and it's HUGE.

The truth? As the largest racial group, whites commit the majority of crimes in America. In particular, whites are responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes. With respect to aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests; in forcible-rape cases, whites led all racial and ethnic groups by more than 2-1. And in larceny theft, whites led blacks, again, more than 2-1.

Edward Wyckoff Williams- Donā€™t White People Kill Each Other Too?

It seems that when we black folks start talking about what police have done to us we have to get the lecture about our supposed lack of concern about black on black crime from white people. If you take a look at the Uniform Crime Reports filed by the FBI and Department of Justice every year, you see that whites account for between 65-70 percent of all arrests annually. They commit between 45-51 percent of the murders depending upon the year. Most years they are arrested for over 60 percent of rapes and assaults. These are violent crimes.

I began looking at these numbers way back in 1994. At the time I was working in a organization with the goal improving the lives of black youths, adults and helping black businesses. I had been in the process of organizing an all-night vigil to protest the violence in a particular black section of a city when a long time resident who was black heard of what I was trying to do and read me the riot act. I listened to that person and said nothing, but then I spent the following 2 weeks living in that community. I walked those streets late at night. I wandered through the neighborhoods all day. I met all kinds of people there. I watched the activities as school began and let out. I visited after school programs in that community. What I saw were people needing resources that the white controlled government would not give to them trying to make it, trying to help their kids succeed and not one time did I see an act of violence.

So at that point, I began studying the facts and figures of arrests and crime. Beginning then I saw that whites were arrested more than double that of blacks. Yet still, what I heard was the mounting cries of how we black people needed to stop black on back crime. I lived in that city for several years and watched the killing and crime on the news and how the majority of those things went on in the white community, yet nothing was said. Yet if it happened in the black community black leaders were asked all kinds of questions about what they were going to do. Still when the national numbers came out about arrests, whites still were arrested at double the rate of blacks.

Having said all this, it is now time to end the lectures from those who rant incessantly about back on black crime while ignoring the equally huge problem of white on white crime that exists in their own community.

In 2014, there were 9,014,635 total arrests for all crimes in America. 6,214,197(68.9%) white, 2,549,655(28.3%) black. Whites were arrested 2.4 times more than blacks. When this argument is presented to conservative whites, they use the 13 percent excuse. The excuse starts off with we are 70 percent of the population and you are 13 percent so our 68.9 percent rate of arrest is more in line with our population number therefore itā€™s normal for us to make up most of the arrests. But you black folks are only 13 percent of the population and look, you are arrested at more than double your rate of the population. This is where they begin using per capita mathematics. This is a bogus argument in my view. This argument assumes that if blacks had the same number of people our rate of crime would far surpass that of whites. But as the great Lee Corso so famously says, ā€œNOT SO FAST, MY FRIEND!ā€

The per capita argument rests upon using math to make claims of crime rates based on population. There are whites who are really good at looking for excuses, but none really exist. Over what 30-year period were blacks responsible for 52 percent of the murders? Is murder the only crime? Whites committed over 60 percent of the violent crimes in 2015, why are we worrying about the 40 percent blacks committed more? The excuse begins with whites being 5 times the population of blacks. I was told that since whites have 5 times the population they must commit 5 times the number of crimes to be equal to that of blacks. If this is not lunacy then what is?

I say this because there are whites who want to multiply things by 5 instead of looking at the fact they have a problem. But if you multiply things by 5 to make the populations the same, there are things that no longer exist for blacks. We would have more economic opportunity. We would have equal representation relative to numbers of police, lawyers, judges and political representatives. White people, specifically white conservative republicans, fail to understand this. Yet they will continue arguing his ridiculous per capita idiocy. They do this only on race and crime, other disproportionate issues based on per capita are ignored.

Since whites have 5 times the population and want to make that an issue, letā€™s start multiplying by 5. Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, letā€™s multiply that by 5 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 10 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community. Letā€™s reduce our unemployment rate by 5 to 2.6 percent. Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty lets reduce that times 5 to make it 4.5 percent. Funny how there are whites who can only multiply when it comes to crimes. Letā€™s keep multiplying folks.

The black economy now grows to 6.5 trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now. We all have 5 times the amount of money we can spend and have earned. What happens them? All kinds of community development, thatā€™s what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money in our schools. So now letā€™s multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 5, there are now 8.5 million blacks in college. This increase in population and jobs lowers the unemployment rate so you have fewer blacks on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced because you have facilities and jobs available for them in their immediate communities. So then what happens to crime if we do this, it reduces itself by 5 from 26 percent to 5.2 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime reduces itself.

Yet to the racist nothing else changes. The only change is crime increases. The use of per capita fails miserably and is used by racist whites to deny a severe crime problem THEY need to address instead of trying to preach to us. For if we apply per capita like the racists do, when a white person has 500 dollars and I have 100, we have the same amount of money.

In 2015, There were 8,248,709 arrests for all crimes in the United States. Given the history of the criminal justice system in this country and blacks, let's not start pretending that suddenly now race doesn't play a role in this. This is the problem with discussions like this. We focus on the percentages of blacks, ignore the greater percentage of whites and then use an excuse that denies race had any role in the outcome. All of the blacks in America are not committing murder. 5,000 blacks is just more than 1/100th of 1 percent of the black population and way less than 1/1,000th of a percent of the overall American population. By that standard, the 13 percent lie has no merit. Whites commit the most crimes. Blacks have been identified as killers and later it was found to be untrue. So again, the argument simply fails.

In 2015, 2 million blacks got arrested. Not 46 million. 44 million committed no crime. The 2 million arrests in that year was less than 1 percent of the American population. Not 13 percent. That 2 million equaled less than 5 percent of the black population. More than 95 percent participated in no crime. This is math some are unable to do but it is math professionals should do because it is important to debunk the race baited garbage those who do so keep pushing.

The question here is do blacks commit more crime? CRIME! That would mean ALL CRIME. Murder is ONE crime. When it comes to ALL CRIMES whites are arrested more and if we use the same rationale in the article, it means whites commit MORE CRIME. In 2015, whites made up approximately 70 percent of ALL CRIME! For all violent crime there were 140,000 arrests of blacks out of a black population of 46 million. That less than 1/2 of 1 percent of the black population. None of these things show proof of any kind of extraordinarily violent tendencies. That 140,000 is less than 1/1000th of 1 percent of the overall American population. None of these things justify whatā€™s being argued. There are people who have got this wrong and itā€™s done so on purpose.

In 2017 there were 8,162,849 arrests. There are just over 330 million people in America. If a different person was arrested each time that would equal 2.5 percent of the American population. The per capita argument begins with an erroneous premise that is based on a misuse of percentages. For example, the claim that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 percent of the murders. The numbers show that 5,025 blacks were arrested for murder. While that is 53 percent of the arrests, if a different black person was arrested for each murder, you're talking about 1000th of 1 percent of the population.

In 2017 there were 8,162,849 arrests, 5.6 million of those arrested were white. These numbers show us that 69 percent of Americans participating in criminal activity were white. 2.5 times more whites participated in criminal activity than blacks or anyone else. Numbers I use are from the ā€œ2017 FBI Uniform Crime Reportā€. The per capita excuse must stop. Math exists we can use to be more accurate exists and it is elementary. Since all people of any race do not commit crime we can assess crime by race fairly by looking only at the number of people by race who commit or are arrested for crimes. If we want to talk about population, we can only measure the number of participants in crime as a percentage of the population.

The same holds true for 2018. Blacks arrested for murder in 2018 equaled approximately 1/1,000th of 1 percent of US population. There were 4778 blacks arrested for murder out of a US population of 330 million people. That came from using table 43 of the Uniform Crime Reports along with US Population data for 2018. The 13 percent excuse comes from a simpleton analysis that does not include a detailed look at the statistics nor were any numbers compared against the overall US population in order to come to a more accurate assessment. We have the numbers. The numbers show us the number of violent crimes and the number of people by race that are arrested for them. All who are not arrested are not participating in crime so they cannot be counted unless you want to present a racist argument. The numbers of arrests show that less than 1 percent of the population arrested were black. It shows that 2.5 percent of the population arrested were white. In any set of numbers 2.5 percent is double 1 percent. We are living in the 21st century. If you can't do math, I am certain you can find an online course that can teach it to you.

There were 8,957 murder arrests in 2018. That 53 percent racists talk about equals 4,778 blacks. In 2018 the black population was 47.8 million. Less than 1/100th of the overall black population was arrested for murder. Approximately 330 million people make up the total US population. The ability to do grade school level division debunks this racist claim. 4,778/330,000,000= 0.00014% of the US population arrested for murder. When whites talk about murder, the only category they use to argue this lie, the difference between black and white murder numbers in 2018 was 825. When racists want to talk about a cultural problem with killing, whites cannot say much given the millions of blacks and other people of color that have died because of white culture. That 825 does not come close to making a dent in the lead whites have regarding murder.

In 2018 according to the Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,677 were killed by another white, 514 were killed by a black person. 234 blacks were killed by a white person. While the number of whites killed by blacks is more than double that of whites killing blacks the reality here is that in 2018 whites were 5 times more likely to be killed by another white person than anybody else. No matter how the Jared Taylor types want to argue their position, these numbers do not indicate a major epidemic of blacks killing whites. What it shows is that the media ignores a very large problem in the white community where 81 percent of all whites who are killed are killed by another white person. I don't know about you, but 81 percent is a pretty high number. Higher percentages of white on white murder have been completely ignored by the media for decades. Instead the media has made a big thing out of black on black crime reinforcing a white racist belief of black violence.

As we read the consistent racist attempts to create this narrative, you don't see blacks in leadership positions trying to find excuses to justify the killing or beatings of whites by blacks even though we have many reasons to do so. I remember when Rev. Sharpton, the favorite target of the maintain white racism crew, took time on his show to denounce the blacks playing the game of knockout. He could have tried excusing the behavior by claiming that perhaps the whites had instigated the violence by using racial slurs or that the anger those kids showed was justified due to past white racism. But he didnā€™t. Yet when someone black gets killed in a racist incident there are whites in America who scurry to look for reasons to justify the killing. It seems that in every case, there is an attempt to make the dead black victim a criminal whose death was justified. Trayvon Martin becomes a drug dealing thug who was flipping the bird at the camera. Mike Brown became a strong armed robber. Eric Garner was illegally selling loose cigarettes. Ahmaud Arbery was a burglar with a past record. Suddenly there is an epidemic of black men trying to take guns from police officers. Cā€™mon folks, this must stop.

In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. So in addition to the fact that 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person, more whites were killed than blacks. Even more important in debunking this lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other (2677) than blacks who killed each other (2600). So again, the media has not hidden black on white crime, but it has ignored white on white crime by description. White on white crime is always claimed to be caused by a malady such as mental instability or using the lone wolf excuse.

It is time some whites started looking at themselves. Work on the violence in the white community. I do not recall a person from any other race driving 700 miles to a mostly white community, walk into a shopping center and start mowing down whites with a semi-automatic. The truth here is in the fact that if you were to do this using data for the past 20 years, you would see the same thing. This fake news narrative based on racially biased use of crime statistics has led to thousands of unnecessary deaths in the Native American, Hispanic American, African American, and now is causing a rising death toll in nonwhite, non-Christian communities. The greatest threat of crime by ANY race comes from whites based on percentage of whites in the population who get arrested.

The annals of U.S history document the overall violence of people in the white race. Sociologists and criminologists have stated that violent crime is a complex issue. Research shows that poor people commit the most crime. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, from 2008 through 2012, ā€œpersons in poor households at or below the federal poverty level had more than double the rate of violent victimization as persons in high-income households. This pattern of poor people having the highest rates of violence was consistent for both whites and blacks.ā€

Let me repeat again, Eighty one percent of whites who get killed are killed by other whites. What those who like to preach to blacks need to understand is that we have taken responsibility. The truth is there are people in our community who have been in the trenches for years fighting to reduce black on black crime. People that have for years been asking those in control for the necessary funds to help them eradicate or reduce problems but never getting what they need. Fixing the overall damage caused by the centuries of racism against blacks and other people of color cannot be done on the cheap. Whites spared no expense to be able to say they live in low crime communities even if thatā€™s shown not to be true. They built these communities with tax dollars blacks put in the pot. When will whites take personal responsibility instead of arguing using whataboutisms, false equivalences, ad hominem attacks and gaslighting? Whites are arrested for more than twice the number of crimes as blacks. White people have a greater crime problem than blacks do.

There are 30 categories of crimes listed in the UCR. Murder is one category. In 2018, out of the 30 categories of crime, whites led in 27. Whites are approximately 70 percent of the population and led in 90 percent of the crime categories. There were a total of 8957 murders in all races in 2018. There were over 12,000 arrest for rapes by whites in 2018 alone. Blacks had less than half that with 5,376. So we have whites here arguing an apparent racist argument. ā€œWhat about white on white crime?ā€

Blacks are not responsible for 50 percent of crime in America. 14 percent of no race in this country is responsible for crime. Numbers represent people and by arrests, 2.5 percent of the American population were white and arrested for crimes in 2018. That 2.5 percent of the population made up 60 percent of the arrests for violent crime. Less than 1 percent of the of the American population was black and arrested for crimes in 2018. So whites made up more than double the arrests and that 2.5 percent of the American population made up nearly 70 percent of all arrests for crime.

Here endeth the lesson.
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
A few police arrests gone wrong has allowed BLM, the Media and the Democrats to manufacture the 'systemic racism' myth. This is the most dangerous disinformation campaign in our history and it has to stop. The need for Police reform does not extend to rampant Racial discrimination in every American institution. That is total nonsense.
Wrong. We're talking about more than a century of these types of killing by police.
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
A few police arrests gone wrong has allowed BLM, the Media and the Democrats to manufacture the 'systemic racism' myth. This is the most dangerous disinformation campaign in our history and it has to stop. The need for Police reform does not extend to rampant Racial discrimination in every American institution. That is total nonsense.
Don't make the mistake of thinking the "arrests gone wrong" are only the ones that make it to you tube.

But the fact is that Blacks get harsher sentences as compared to whites for the same crime.

Do you deny this?
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
A few police arrests gone wrong has allowed BLM, the Media and the Democrats to manufacture the 'systemic racism' myth. This is the most dangerous disinformation campaign in our history and it has to stop. The need for Police reform does not extend to rampant Racial discrimination in every American institution. That is total nonsense.
Wrong. We're talking about more than a century of these types of killing by police.
We need to to separate hardcore criminals and violently crazy people from those who are not in incidents. Then go with it from there. And we are not doing that.
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
A few police arrests gone wrong has allowed BLM, the Media and the Democrats to manufacture the 'systemic racism' myth. This is the most dangerous disinformation campaign in our history and it has to stop. The need for Police reform does not extend to rampant Racial discrimination in every American institution. That is total nonsense.
Don't make the mistake of thinking the "arrests gone wrong" are only the ones that make it to you tube.

But the fact is that Blacks get harsher sentences as compared to whites for the same crime.

Do you deny this?
You need to take that up with the judges, not the cops. The cops are getting crucified for doing their job and that's not right. MAGA, live and let live
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
A few police arrests gone wrong has allowed BLM, the Media and the Democrats to manufacture the 'systemic racism' myth. This is the most dangerous disinformation campaign in our history and it has to stop. The need for Police reform does not extend to rampant Racial discrimination in every American institution. That is total nonsense.
Don't make the mistake of thinking the "arrests gone wrong" are only the ones that make it to you tube.

But the fact is that Blacks get harsher sentences as compared to whites for the same crime.

Do you deny this?
You need to take that up with the judges, not the cops. The cops are getting crucified for doing their job and that's not right. MAGA, live and let live
The cops are part of the criminal justice system.

the cops are more likely to arrest a black guy for possession than they are a white guy.

The problem with the cops is we let them police themselves.

There needs to be an oversight panel for cops that is completely separate from the police department.
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
A few police arrests gone wrong has allowed BLM, the Media and the Democrats to manufacture the 'systemic racism' myth. This is the most dangerous disinformation campaign in our history and it has to stop. The need for Police reform does not extend to rampant Racial discrimination in every American institution. That is total nonsense.
Wrong. We're talking about more than a century of these types of killing by police.
We need to to separate hardcore criminals and violently crazy people from those who are not in incidents. Then go with it from there. And we are not doing that.

This is about some of these back racists being led to beleive they're all going to get millions in 'reparations' if they keep up the violence; it's nothing but an extortion racket. Some rich white people are perfectly willing to discriminate and take money away from working class whites and give it to thugs if they think they can buy 'peace' for themselves with it; as I've said they don't suffer from that themselves and it requires no sacrifices form the personally , just some unwashed proles they now find 'obselete' an a poltical force that opposes their 'globalist' agenda.

It works because blacks are dumbed down and stupid, thanks to their own politicians and 'leadership, and they really think that Big Giant Gravy Train is just around the corner. They haven't been paying any attention to those who 'explain' how it's really going to work, and they're oblivious to the massive waves of future commies just across the borders to our south and the shiploads overseas whom the Democrats will then flood into the country and just literally run over the hood rats. they already have in many cities in the U.S., but you see amoral morons like IM2 just get off on the bloodshed and like most of the black middle class they just use the hood rats to extort bennies for themselves, like quotas for do nothing jobs paying big bucks at govt. contractors and the like. One look at the results of 50 years of black run schools and city councils is all the proof anyone needs to see that agenda.

There is no police war on black yoofs' or any of that other idiot bullshit they spread; it's just their own degenerate ghetto dope culture that makes them stupid and topping the yearly list of Darwin Award Winners.
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
Iā€™d like to know what black people think should be done.

And is this just an election year tactic? Republicans love to play the race card to divide us. Thatā€™s how they con working class people into voting for them because it canā€™t be financial interests unless youā€™re rich.

The race card is the democrat hypocrite toy. If they canā€™t get people to buy into their class warfare fantasy, they can always fall back on their many other traditional favorites like race, gender, religion, etc.
Without those wedge issues why would poor and middle class vote for the party that serves the rich first and the rest of us second?

Republicans canā€™t be the party corporations love and at the same time labor should support republicans too?

Think about it. Poor whites like you vote republican because of guns, you hate gays, youā€™re a racist or you are anti abortion.

These wedge issues con millions of white Christian gun loving racist homophobia Americans into voting republican.
Youā€™re waaay beyond stupid.
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
Iā€™d like to know what black people think should be done.

And is this just an election year tactic? Republicans love to play the race card to divide us. Thatā€™s how they con working class people into voting for them because it canā€™t be financial interests unless youā€™re rich.

The race card is the democrat hypocrite toy. If they canā€™t get people to buy into their class warfare fantasy, they can always fall back on their many other traditional favorites like race, gender, religion, etc.
Without those wedge issues why would poor and middle class vote for the party that serves the rich first and the rest of us second?

Republicans canā€™t be the party corporations love and at the same time labor should support republicans too?

Think about it. Poor whites like you vote republican because of guns, you hate gays, youā€™re a racist or you are anti abortion.

These wedge issues con millions of white Christian gun loving racist homophobia Americans into voting republican.
Youā€™re waaay beyond stupid.

Quoted for truth. His handlers won't tell him Hillary got Trump into the White House. Many of us are pleasantly surprised he actually made the effort to follow through on his campaign platforms as well, something Democrats have never done since Carter, and would have been happy enough if he had spent his entire term sunning himself on the White House patio.
Will some one please provide some examples of systemic racism. What is the definition of the Discussion?
Since the majority of Blacks killed in the Inner Cities are killed by other Blacks, why is there no discussion about it? Innocent citizens, children and even babies are killed on an ongoing basis, why is there no Discussion?
The Mayors of these Cities are charged with the safety of their citizens. The Chiefs of Police report directly to their mayors. If there are bad shoots , it is up to the Mayors to prevent them from happening again. The Federal Government can not infringe on states rights by interfering with their problems unless requested so by the States.
Greetings. "Systemic Racism" is a term created and perpetuated by America's large emotionally troubled, FEMALE dominated, Child Neglecting, NO SNITCHING, SEGREGATION-minded Intra-Racial Discrimination & HATE practicing ProBlack/BLM community.

I am referring to the very same Problack/Black Lives Matter community choosing to bully, harass, INTIMIDATE, threaten and denigrate as CĀ°Ā°ns, Sellouts or Traitors, our American friends, neighbors and coworkers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for Life, Liberty, (Love) and Happiness.

Dr. Ben Carson, Justice Clarence Thomas, activist Candace Owens, as well as attorneys Larry Elder and Leo Terrell are just a few peaceful citizens of African descent targeted for HATE and Discrimination by the ProBlack/Black Lives Matter community.

ProBlack/BLM Modus Operandi:

ProBlack/BLM Pathology:

The GOOD NEWS, witness The Conservative Coalition Of Clergy (CCC) preaching against "Anti-American" Black Lives Matter.

"Four black pastors have formed a coalition to vigorously push back against the false and destructive narratives of the ā€œvicious mob of malcontentsā€ known as the Black Lives Matter movement. Their message is resonating nationwide."

Peace ā™„ļø
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
A few police arrests gone wrong has allowed BLM, the Media and the Democrats to manufacture the 'systemic racism' myth. This is the most dangerous disinformation campaign in our history and it has to stop. The need for Police reform does not extend to rampant Racial discrimination in every American institution. That is total nonsense.
Wrong. We're talking about more than a century of these types of killing by police.
We need to to separate hardcore criminals and violently crazy people from those who are not in incidents. Then go with it from there. And we are not doing that.

This is about some of these back racists being led to beleive they're all going to get millions in 'reparations' if they keep up the violence; it's nothing but an extortion racket. Some rich white people are perfectly willing to discriminate and take money away from working class whites and give it to thugs if they think they can buy 'peace' for themselves with it; as I've said they don't suffer from that themselves and it requires no sacrifices form the personally , just some unwashed proles they now find 'obselete' an a poltical force that opposes their 'globalist' agenda.

It works because blacks are dumbed down and stupid, thanks to their own politicians and 'leadership, and they really think that Big Giant Gravy Train is just around the corner. They haven't been paying any attention to those who 'explain' how it's really going to work, and they're oblivious to the massive waves of future commies just across the borders to our south and the shiploads overseas whom the Democrats will then flood into the country and just literally run over the hood rats. they already have in many cities in the U.S., but you see amoral morons like IM2 just get off on the bloodshed and like most of the black middle class they just use the hood rats to extort bennies for themselves, like quotas for do nothing jobs paying big bucks at govt. contractors and the like. One look at the results of 50 years of black run schools and city councils is all the proof anyone needs to see that agenda.

There is no police war on black yoofs' or any of that other idiot bullshit they spread; it's just their own degenerate ghetto dope culture that makes them stupid and topping the yearly list of Darwin Award Winners.
You're wrong and this is the only place you cans say what you do. Whites have been given everything by the government and you would be wise to concern your self with the massive problems in the white community.
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
A few police arrests gone wrong has allowed BLM, the Media and the Democrats to manufacture the 'systemic racism' myth. This is the most dangerous disinformation campaign in our history and it has to stop. The need for Police reform does not extend to rampant Racial discrimination in every American institution. That is total nonsense.
Wrong. We're talking about more than a century of these types of killing by police.
We need to to separate hardcore criminals and violently crazy people from those who are not in incidents. Then go with it from there. And we are not doing that.

This is about some of these back racists being led to beleive they're all going to get millions in 'reparations' if they keep up the violence; it's nothing but an extortion racket. Some rich white people are perfectly willing to discriminate and take money away from working class whites and give it to thugs if they think they can buy 'peace' for themselves with it; as I've said they don't suffer from that themselves and it requires no sacrifices form the personally , just some unwashed proles they now find 'obselete' an a poltical force that opposes their 'globalist' agenda.

It works because blacks are dumbed down and stupid, thanks to their own politicians and 'leadership, and they really think that Big Giant Gravy Train is just around the corner. They haven't been paying any attention to those who 'explain' how it's really going to work, and they're oblivious to the massive waves of future commies just across the borders to our south and the shiploads overseas whom the Democrats will then flood into the country and just literally run over the hood rats. they already have in many cities in the U.S., but you see amoral morons like IM2 just get off on the bloodshed and like most of the black middle class they just use the hood rats to extort bennies for themselves, like quotas for do nothing jobs paying big bucks at govt. contractors and the like. One look at the results of 50 years of black run schools and city councils is all the proof anyone needs to see that agenda.

There is no police war on black yoofs' or any of that other idiot bullshit they spread; it's just their own degenerate ghetto dope culture that makes them stupid and topping the yearly list of Darwin Award Winners.
You're wrong and this is the only place you cans say what you do. Whites have been given everything by the government and you would be wise to concern your self with the massive problems in the white community.

You wish. Too bad nobody buys your whining and dishonest bullshit and long winded lying.
The Marxist BLMers depend on corporate guilt and intellectually stunted athletic stars with inferiority complexes to promote their woe is me bullshit. There is no systemic racism. BLMers real goal is to destroy our country, MAGA, live and let live
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
Iā€™d like to know what black people think should be done.

And is this just an election year tactic? Republicans love to play the race card to divide us. Thatā€™s how they con working class people into voting for them because it canā€™t be financial interests unless youā€™re rich.

The race card is the democrat hypocrite toy. If they canā€™t get people to buy into their class warfare fantasy, they can always fall back on their many other traditional favorites like race, gender, religion, etc.
Without those wedge issues why would poor and middle class vote for the party that serves the rich first and the rest of us second?

Republicans canā€™t be the party corporations love and at the same time labor should support republicans too?

Think about it. Poor whites like you vote republican because of guns, you hate gays, youā€™re a racist or you are anti abortion.

These wedge issues con millions of white Christian gun loving racist homophobia Americans into voting republican.
Youā€™re waaay beyond stupid.
Hey, if you say the middle class is doing great again despite the numbers

While the household income needed to be considered part of the middle class has gone up, the number of people who meet that requirement has gone down.

Since economists first began keeping track in 1970, every decade has ended with fewer people in the middle class than at the start. And 2015 was the first year on record when Americans in the middle-income bracket did not make up the majority of the country: that is, those above and below the middle class ā€” rich and poor combined ā€” make up half the population

But income disparity is on the rise, and the gap has widened in particular between the middle and upper classes. By 2013, families in the upper-income brackets had seven times as much wealth as middle-income families. Compare that to 1983, when the difference was three times as much.

Goldsboro, N.C., where the middle-income group dropped to 48 percent of the population in 2014, from 60 percent in 2000. Meanwhile, its lower-income group grew to 41 percent, up from 27 percent, during the same period.

5 Pew defines the middle class as those earning between two-thirds and double the median household income. This Pew classification means that the category of middle-income is made up of people making somewhere between$40,500 and $122,000.

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