Tagg Romney Wanted to take a Swing at President Obama

Big deal. Even my MOM wanted to take a swing at him, and she's a little old lady on oxygen. :lol:

She's also not publically showing disrespect like this lovely son is. The family is totally clueless and obviously thinks everything is all about them and how they feel. It is really a terrible thing to say publically.

Nobody who's supporting Laughin' Joe Biden has a credible word to say on the subject of "disrespect". Just sayin'.

Joe Biden's opponent wasn't the President of the US. And he didn't say he'd like to take a swing at Ryan publically, even if he did feel that way. Adding that you wouldn't actually do it is too little to late. Just don't say it at all!!!!! That's the difference and expressing those feeling publically is stupid, disrespectful, doesn't teach people, esp. young kids how to resolve conflicts except with physical violence. Very bad move and shows that this family is out of touch and has very poor judgment when expressing themselves.
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She's also not publically showing disrespect like this lovely son is. The family is totally clueless and obviously thinks everything is all about them and how they feel. It is really a terrible thing to say publically.

Nobody who's supporting Laughin' Joe Biden has a credible word to say on the subject of "disrespect". Just sayin'.

Joe Biden's opponent wasn't the President of the US. And he didn't say he'd like to take a swing at Ryan publically, even if he did feel that way. Adding that you wouldn't actually do it is too little to late. Just don't say it at all!!!!! That's the difference and expressing those feeling publically is stupid, disrespectful, doesn't teach people, esp. young kids how to resolve conflicts except with physical violence. Very bad move and shows that this family is out of touch and has very poor judgment when expressing themselves.

You're low I.Q. is showing through....again.

When you get appointed to be he speech police, you'll have some credibility.

For now, if you lectured me on what I should or shouldn't say...I'd laugh in your face.
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I think they seem like a spoiled family used to getting their way and not being challenged.

If you can't take the heat...........................

hehe, fool is foolish. Tagg also said in the next sentence that the Romney family knew that a lot of people were going to try and make Mitt into something that he is not and that the family knows what they signed up for.

Bill LuMaye Show: Tagg Romney drops by Bill's Show!

Well, I'm glad he said that but he still said he wanted to punch Obama. Imagine what would of happened if Obama had a son Tagg's age and he said something like that.

I'm willing to bet even the responses in this very thread would be different.
Maybe Romney didn't lie, maybe he's just mistaken, maybe he believes the lying Pub propaganda machine.

He said Obama didn't say Bengazi was an act of terror for 14 days. He said THE NEXT DAY "acts of terror won't" stpop us.

He said oil production on public land went down 14% under Obama. Well, in the year after the Gulf oil spill that's true- but since then it's up 13% over Bush levels, And THE HIGHEST EVER. Maybe ROMNEY is a PUB DUPE.

But he's WRONG, and either a moron or a liar...And so are his Pub dupe sons. So dumb, like you, ya know...
Hmmmm....Violence, huh? This whole family has foot in mouth disease. Terrible! Where is the secret service on this? The familily of elites who feel entitled to be jerks!

Tagg Romney wanted to take a swing at Obama during the Debate

Bill LuMay, WPTF talk radio: What is it like for you to hear the President of the United States call your dad a liar?

Tagg Romney: Well, you want to jump out of your seat and rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him.

Get in line..
Obama NEVER called him a liar. That's for Pub pundits , Pubs, and the idiot brainwashed hater dupes to do.
She's also not publically showing disrespect like this lovely son is. The family is totally clueless and obviously thinks everything is all about them and how they feel. It is really a terrible thing to say publically.

Nobody who's supporting Laughin' Joe Biden has a credible word to say on the subject of "disrespect". Just sayin'.

Joe Biden's opponent wasn't the President of the US. And he didn't say he'd like to take a swing at Ryan publically, even if he did feel that way. Adding that you wouldn't actually do it is too little to late. Just don't say it at all!!!!! That's the difference and expressing those feeling publically is stupid, disrespectful, doesn't teach people, esp. young kids how to resolve conflicts except with physical violence. Very bad move and shows that this family is out of touch and has very poor judgment when expressing themselves.

Being POTUS doesn't mitigate the fact that the guy is an asshole. In fact, I dare say that the only reason nobody has punched him out already is because he's the POTUS. :eusa_whistle:

Mitt Romney, despite the disgusting smear job that Democrats have done on him, Obama in particular, is a genuinely NICE man. He doesn't drink, or smoke, or call people names. He gives of his money and his time to people less fortunate. He's got some awesome ideas to advance this country. And his son knows all that. OF COURSE he'd want to take a poke at the guy. That's human nature. The fact that he didn't is about as much respect as Obama deserves for the sake of his office. If he was a regular guy, talking shit about some young fella's dad, he'd be bitch-slapped already.
The whole GOP is a disgrace, and it might work.

Suck on it Frankie....

Your affirmative action boy is about to get the royal flush.

We'll pull the handle on Nov 6th.

I think the reason so many Romney supporters are complaining about Biden is because he handed Ryan his ass and it was obvious to anyone that watched the debate.

Now your going to whine and complain about Biden. Hilarious. Oh and the moderator too. Never admit Ryan sucked or anything.

Too funny.

Sure. I guess that explains why Romney has been gaining momentum through all three debates so far.
The major network news say you're all fools. Including Tag LOL.

The rest of the world: "How can 60 million Americans be so dumb?" And that doesn't count all the idiots who don't vote...good workers though lol...
Teddy Kennedy had a dead girl in his car. Barney Frank had a male prostitution ring operating out of his apartment. Bill Clinton was accused of rape by a credible victim, the left promoted a movie which depicted a plan to assassinate President Bush while he was in office and the left is shocked, I say shocked that a candidate's kid says he would like to take a swing at Obama? Get a freaking life.
Teddy Kennedy had a dead girl in his car. Barney Frank had a male prostitution ring operating out of his apartment. Bill Clinton was accused of rape by a credible victim, the left promoted a movie which depicted a plan to assassinate President Bush while he was in office and the left is shocked, I say shocked that a candidate's kid says he would like to take a swing at Obama? Get a freaking life.

I'm not at all shocked. I think it's typical of that family who considers themselves entitled and who don't respect many others. It's disgraceful to make statements about resorting to violence but the fact that most rw'ers don't see it that way is also very telling and not at all shocking or surprising!
Sorry bout that,

Hmmmm....Violence, huh? This whole family has foot in mouth disease. Terrible! Where is the secret service on this? The familily of elites who feel entitled to be jerks!

Tagg Romney wanted to take a swing at Obama during the Debate

Bill LuMay, WPTF talk radio: What is it like for you to hear the President of the United States call your dad a liar?

Tagg Romney: Well, you want to jump out of your seat and rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him.

1. Oh shit consider the source. *DailyKos*,..lol!!!!!!
2. Most *real* Americans who love America the way it is, want to take a poke at Obama, even the *Homo Left*.
3. If you know what I mean, huh???

Obama wipes his ass with our constitution every day and mocks us while he does it.

And the left is worried because the son of a contender is a little tired if hearing his father called a liar.

This has to be one of the better examples of why the left should not be allowed to breed (it's a wonder they can without the government to help them).
Teddy Kennedy had a dead girl in his car. Barney Frank had a male prostitution ring operating out of his apartment. Bill Clinton was accused of rape by a credible victim, the left promoted a movie which depicted a plan to assassinate President Bush while he was in office and the left is shocked, I say shocked that a candidate's kid says he would like to take a swing at Obama? Get a freaking life.
a) Obama never called him a liar...
B) This is Pubcrappe, as is all your Pubgossip. No one even arrested...And as always it's the RW propaganda machine bringing up "Tagg" and Liar which was never said. zzzzzzzzzz
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I think they seem like a spoiled family used to getting their way and not being challenged.

If you can't take the heat...........................

hehe, fool is foolish. Tagg also said in the next sentence that the Romney family knew that a lot of people were going to try and make Mitt into something that he is not and that the family knows what they signed up for.

Bill LuMaye Show: Tagg Romney drops by Bill's Show!

Well, I'm glad he said that but he still said he wanted to punch Obama. Imagine what would of happened if Obama had a son Tagg's age and he said something like that.

I'm willing to bet even the responses in this very thread would be different.

You are probably right, the idiots that say Tagg should go to jail would change their tune, and the rest of us would find ourselves in the unusual position of agreeing with cursedbyhistory.
Hmmmm....Violence, huh? This whole family has foot in mouth disease. Terrible! Where is the secret service on this? The familily of elites who feel entitled to be jerks!

Tagg Romney wanted to take a swing at Obama during the Debate

Bill LuMay, WPTF talk radio: What is it like for you to hear the President of the United States call your dad a liar?

Tagg Romney: Well, you want to jump out of your seat and rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him.

someone needs to take that boy out to the woodshed. what a twit.

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