Take the Oil or get out poll

Should we take the oil in Syria

  • Yes, take the oil

  • No, get the hell out.

  • undecided

  • other

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who said it was in the ground???

and who said exxon will get or keep it if they help get the oil???

you really need to stop lying about everything,,,

That is where oil comes from. Did you not make it past the 4th grade?

What do you think they are going to do with it? Freely hand it over? Why would they? They are a private, multinational company. They do what they do for profit and no other reason.
not if its already in holding tanks,,,what makes you think they will keep it if the agreement says something else,,,
maybe we should wait and see what the details are before spewing lies about what hasnt been decided or announced,,,

your lies keep catching up to you,,,
Trump said Exxon to fix the machinery to get the oil........he didn't say anything about Exxon getting the oil.

What do you suspect Exxon would do with the oil? Just hand it over freely to the US Govt?
Which part of them being paid to get it out of the ground don't you understand. ..........doesn't mean they own it................will they get paid to fix it and operate it..........yup.......but the owners of the oil get the money from the sell of the oil.

That is how it works...............Kinda like saying BP oil didn't own the rig that soaked the gulf in oil from their stupidity. Transocean drilled it for them. Did Transocean OWN THE OIL......well no they didn't.

You are just looking for anything to whine about. And yelling at big oil is just normal for you.
who said it was in the ground???

and who said exxon will get or keep it if they help get the oil???

you really need to stop lying about everything,,,

That is where oil comes from. Did you not make it past the 4th grade?

What do you think they are going to do with it? Freely hand it over? Why would they? They are a private, multinational company. They do what they do for profit and no other reason.
not if its already in holding tanks,,,what makes you think they will keep it if the agreement says something else,,,
maybe we should wait and see what the details are before spewing lies about what hasnt been decided or announced,,,

your lies keep catching up to you,,,

flagging it as funny only shows what a liar and ass you are,,,
Which part of them being paid to get it out of the ground don't you understand. ..........doesn't mean they own it................will they get paid to fix it and operate it..........yup.......but the owners of the oil get the money from the sell of the oil.

That is how it works...............Kinda like saying BP oil didn't own the rig that soaked the gulf in oil from their stupidity. Transocean drilled it for them. Did Transocean OWN THE OIL......well no they didn't.

You are just looking for anything to whine about. And yelling at big oil is just normal for you.

Who is going to own it? Right now it is owned by Syria, if Exxon takes it, who owns it then?
Which part of them being paid to get it out of the ground don't you understand. ..........doesn't mean they own it................will they get paid to fix it and operate it..........yup.......but the owners of the oil get the money from the sell of the oil.

That is how it works...............Kinda like saying BP oil didn't own the rig that soaked the gulf in oil from their stupidity. Transocean drilled it for them. Did Transocean OWN THE OIL......well no they didn't.

You are just looking for anything to whine about. And yelling at big oil is just normal for you.

Who is going to own it? Right now it is owned by Syria, if Exxon takes it, who owns it then?
that depends on the agreement made ,,,,
Which part of them being paid to get it out of the ground don't you understand. ..........doesn't mean they own it................will they get paid to fix it and operate it..........yup.......but the owners of the oil get the money from the sell of the oil.

That is how it works...............Kinda like saying BP oil didn't own the rig that soaked the gulf in oil from their stupidity. Transocean drilled it for them. Did Transocean OWN THE OIL......well no they didn't.

You are just looking for anything to whine about. And yelling at big oil is just normal for you.

Who is going to own it? Right now it is owned by Syria, if Exxon takes it, who owns it then?
Syria doesn't currently own it or occupy it. It is held by Kurds and the U.S. military. Trump didn't give specifics, but mentioned the air base there..........

Which is why I showed the wiki link on the air base.

Again, he seemed to be suggesting that we fix the wells.........and take some of the oil as payment for our expenses there. That is what it sounded like to me.
But these wars were not good wars that the locals wanted us to help them with.
These wars were illegal invasions no one wanted.
So we have no right to compensation for evil acts we did to innocent people who we harmed.
In fact, it is us who should be paying reparations to them.

An odd post for a Trumper.

Not an odd post by a Russian troll
Their are rumors going on about the money from that oil......talking heads rumors.......that Trump wants the oil money because since it is secured by the military he can spend it where he wants.

They seem to think the money will be used to build at least another 200 miles of wall on our southern border.
In Trumps speech this morning he stated we are taking the Oil..........he even mentioned bringing in Exxon or someone to take the oil our forces are holding right now. Stated that the wars there have cost us 8 Trillion dollars.

So, here's the poll.

Take the Oil.

Or get the hell out.

The way I understand it is that we are not "taking" the oil, but preventing ISIS leftovers from gaining a valuable asset.

You see Mr. Kinetta, I have not taken your car...I am only seizing it to prevent 'thieves' from taking it.
Once we have apprehended all possible thieves, and determined there are no further threats of theft we will discuss returning it to you.


Bad comparison. You would not seize my car, because one or more of my yard puppies would seize your buttocks, and you would be on your way to the hospital to have them extracted. :auiqs.jpg:

As I said, I'm not feeling magnanimous lately, and war declared or not is not effectively fought with Marquis of Queensbury rules.

We were invited there by their actions. Tough titty.
Mr. Kinetta,
We wish to provide greater clarification regarding your concern about our seizure of your vehicle.
A key reason for our decision lay in your choice of anti-theft measure. This did not meet with OUR standard. As a result we were compelled to seize the vehicle based upon your decision. We hope this clears matters up for you.

Thank you

War is hell.
That's looting/piracy/theft.

Not a good thing to do. A greedy, imperial thing in fact.
And yet we are spending massive money fighting these Wars..........why don't we have a right to get refund on the massive money we've spent there..............

Why should the American Taxpayer always pay the Lion's share of the bill............This is why I'm undecided..........Should we get some of our money back.
Sure, send them a bill. Stealng their assets is un-American. We're the good guys.

Or at least we used to be.

You people are not the good guys in any sense.
Yes, we Americans are the good guys.

Where are you from, anyway?

Upstate New York.

You people are not Americans.
More American than you freak-o.
And yet we are spending massive money fighting these Wars..........why don't we have a right to get refund on the massive money we've spent there..............

Why should the American Taxpayer always pay the Lion's share of the bill............This is why I'm undecided..........Should we get some of our money back.
Sure, send them a bill. Stealng their assets is un-American. We're the good guys.

Or at least we used to be.

You people are not the good guys in any sense.
Yes, we Americans are the good guys.

Where are you from, anyway?

Upstate New York.

You people are not Americans.
More American than you freak-o.

You're not even in the ballpark.
Sure, send them a bill. Stealng their assets is un-American. We're the good guys.

Or at least we used to be.

You people are not the good guys in any sense.
Yes, we Americans are the good guys.

Where are you from, anyway?

Upstate New York.

You people are not Americans.
More American than you freak-o.

You're not even in the ballpark.
You've probably never been to a ballpark.
The US has a strategic reserve in oklahoma. They have no way to extract it out of the ground. Oil companies extract and sell.

The strategic petroleum reserve is in Texas and Louisiana. I don't know where you got Oklahoma from.

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is an emergency fuel storage of petroleum maintained underground in Louisiana and Texas by the United States Department of Energy (DOE).

Strategic Petroleum Reserve (United States) - Wikipedia
When the US started attacking innocent countries in the Mideast, for no legal reason, the US stopped being the good guys.
In fact, Vietnam, the Spanish American war, the invasions of Mexico, the Philippine Rebellion, etc., were all pretty bad as well.
In Trumps speech this morning he stated we are taking the Oil..........he even mentioned bringing in Exxon or someone to take the oil our forces are holding right now. Stated that the wars there have cost us 8 Trillion dollars.

So, here's the poll.

Take the Oil.

Or get the hell out.

What if we don't get out, and we don't take the oil.

I don't understand these false choices. Why is it either, theft or leave? I can visit a friends house, without stealing their TV.
In Trumps speech this morning he stated we are taking the Oil..........he even mentioned bringing in Exxon or someone to take the oil our forces are holding right now. Stated that the wars there have cost us 8 Trillion dollars.

So, here's the poll.

Take the Oil.

Or get the hell out.
Why should Syria pay for the war the US imposed on them? Incredible theft, I could punch is face all day, knowing well, he has no different plans for my country in his drawer.
The prize Kurdish oil asset is in Erbil. It is the line in the sand. Iraqi oil was liberated.

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