Taliban is now giving orders to Joe Biden…

So pathetic.

How much longer will biden be allowed to pose as our President?

America gets more like a bananna republic every day

They have 10,000 American hostage's. That is considerable leverage over Jimmy Carter Quid Pro Biden. They probably have pictures from Hunter's laptop as well. Maybe video of Xi's man taking bribes from them, Biden takes bribes from anyone and everyone...
Now Americans in Afghanistan have to decide if the Taliban comments of not attacking people leaving are being made to draw them out for slaughter, Biden's already told them they're on their own to get to the airport.
So pathetic.

How much longer will biden be allowed to pose as our President?

America gets more like a bananna republic every day

You could fuck up a free lunch.
They won't interfere with the evacuations or kill any Americans. Wake up to what is happening.
You do not know anymore about what is going on than anyone else.

You are simply engaging in wishful thinking though I do hope you are right.
So pathetic.

How much longer will biden be allowed to pose as our President?

America gets more like a bananna republic every day

That figures.

Joe Dufus isn't a President, he is a lackey. Hell, the sonofabitch is owned by the Chinese.

He has been a fraud his entire life. He has been incompetent his entire life. He isn't fit to be President. We told these stupid uneducated Moon Bats this but they didn't listen.
Somebody needs to. He has his whore knee grow injun, Khamasutra Whorish, and a cabinet full of faggots, and diversity hires.
These are mostly the morons that are handling him.

That figures.

Joe Dufus isn't a President, he is a lackey. Hell, the sonofabitch is owned by the Chinese.

He has been a fraud his entire life. He has been incompetent his entire life. He isn't fit to be President. We told these stupid uneducated Moon Bats this but they didn't listen.

Pinhead, the only ones who stand to profit from Keystone xl are the Chinese. The own most of Canada's tarsands.
Someone tell Pelosi that this is an impeachable offense...not the bullcrap she hit Trump with....surrendering without removing all Americans and our allies....Joe needs to go.....
Pinhead, the only ones who stand to profit from Keystone xl are the Chinese. The own most of Canada's tarsands.
Lying leftist.
More than 52 percent of "oilsands production" is owned by American shareholders, which is more than twice the level of Canadian ownership, she added. Another 5.2 percent of production is owned by Chinese state-owned companies, according to the report.
Pinhead, the only ones who stand to profit from Keystone xl are the Chinese. The own most of Canada's tarsands.

You are confused Moon Bat. You are always confused about everything. The pipeline brought Canadian oil efficiently to the US. Now due to Joe Dufus stupidity it has to be trucked and railed with Joe Soros supplied transportation. Stupid, isn't it?

However, what the fuck does that have to do with the how Joe Dufus is fucking up in Afghanistan and the fact that the Chinese made the Dufus family filthy rich?

The Chinese are the ones that are going to reap a tremendous windfall in Afghanistan.

We have Joe Dufus getting rich off the Chinese.

We have Joe Dufus turning over Afghanistan to the Taliban that are allied with the Chinese.

We have Joe Dufus being an idiot and enacting emission standards that forces car makers to use L-I batteries.

Then we have tremendous supplies of Lithium in Afghanistan that Joe Dufus' Chicom buddies now have access to.

You need to stop being so confused. It makes you look like a moron when you post your confused shit.

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