Tanks, but no tanks. A T-34 is the sole tank seen at putin's military parade. Moscow imperial army is badly fucked

According to him, by 2021, according to open sources, the Russian army had 3,330 tanks. Of these, 2840 belonged to the Ground Forces, and the rest were located at the coastal troops of the Navy.

The total number of new and modernized combat vehicles produced after 2000 in combat units reached about 1200 units, that is, 45 percent of the total.
These are the real numbers, and they are from Russian sources.

Russia has thousands of old rusted hulls in various states of disrepair, that is also true. We recently saw a couple dozen T-80's bound for UVG that were among the best of the reserves, and they didn't look too sporty.

The ones they do repair are receiving 1980's era optics, which have about 1/2 the range and FOV of the modern digital optics they were getting from France.

Tank-wise, Russia can claim big numbers, but combat effectiveness is pretty low.
It depends on possible NATO moves after Ukrainian defeat. Actually, in some scenarios the Russians may prefer to attack Poland and/or Baltic states.
They aren't that stupid, especially in their poor showing in it all, and especially now since their short lived coup.
These are the real numbers, and they are from Russian sources.

Russia has thousands of old rusted hulls in various states of disrepair, that is also true. We recently saw a couple dozen T-80's bound for UVG that were among the best of the reserves, and they didn't look too sporty.

The ones they do repair are receiving 1980's era optics, which have about 1/2 the range and FOV of the modern digital optics they were getting from France.

Tank-wise, Russia can claim big numbers, but combat effectiveness is pretty low.
Now that the battlefield tactics in modern warfare has changed dramatically, and a K-mart drone can be used as air superiority over many area's of the battlefield, hell it doesn't matter about new or old in a slug out, what matters is how does one escape the drones that are being used heavier and heavier in the war ???
Now that the battlefield tactics in modern warfare has changed dramatically, and a K-mart drone can be used as air superiority over many area's of the battlefield, hell it doesn't matter about new or old in a slug out, what matters is how does one escape the drones that are being used heavier and heavier in the war ???
Well the war in Ukraine is just about the exact opposite of modern warfare, other than the use of drones to replace the forward observer.

We see a lot of drone-dropped grenades, but most of the tanks you see being destroyed are abandoned. Sometimes disabled by a mine first, or run out of fuel, whatever. Usually sitting with hatches left open so they will be easier to take out if they can't be immediately recovered.

Ukraine has been innovative in the use of consumer-grade drones and improvised munitions to target troops in trenches, and that seems to have a significant effect on Russian morale. But it's not killing large numbers of Russians, it's more like we just see a lot of those videos.

As you would expect, the counter-drone R&D is underway with a fury, and a whole slew of new systems being tested in Ukraine. It's a cat-and-mouse game, rapidly evolving. What works today doesn't work tomorrow.

I don't agree that the MBT is obsolete though. They aren't being employed in Ukraine the way we use them. They (both sides) are using them as mobile artillery, or as part of an advance without infantry support, and that leads to high losses to both opposing artillery and infantry AT weapons.

The way the argument gets framed around here most of the time is that it doesn't matter if the Russians are in T-72's and the Ukes are in Leo's, but it does matter. The Leo can see the T-72 and hit the T-72 at twice the range of the T-72's gun, and the Leo is more survivable if it does get hit. Those things matter.

It also matter that Ukraine doesn't have them in large numbers, so as "game changers"? No- they are not game changers. They are force multipliers, that's all.
Well the war in Ukraine is just about the exact opposite of modern warfare, other than the use of drones to replace the forward observer.

We see a lot of drone-dropped grenades, but most of the tanks you see being destroyed are abandoned. Sometimes disabled by a mine first, or run out of fuel, whatever. Usually sitting with hatches left open so they will be easier to take out if they can't be immediately recovered.

Ukraine has been innovative in the use of consumer-grade drones and improvised munitions to target troops in trenches, and that seems to have a significant effect on Russian morale. But it's not killing large numbers of Russians, it's more like we just see a lot of those videos.

As you would expect, the counter-drone R&D is underway with a fury, and a whole slew of new systems being tested in Ukraine. It's a cat-and-mouse game, rapidly evolving. What works today doesn't work tomorrow.

I don't agree that the MBT is obsolete though. They aren't being employed in Ukraine the way we use them. They (both sides) are using them as mobile artillery, or as part of an advance without infantry support, and that leads to high losses to both opposing artillery and infantry AT weapons.

The way the argument gets framed around here most of the time is that it doesn't matter if the Russians are in T-72's and the Ukes are in Leo's, but it does matter. The Leo can see the T-72 and hit the T-72 at twice the range of the T-72's gun, and the Leo is more survivable if it does get hit. Those things matter.

It also matter that Ukraine doesn't have them in large numbers, so as "game changers"? No- they are not game changers. They are force multipliers, that's all.
Good common sense post... Thanks
These are the real numbers, and they are from Russian sources.

Russia has thousands of old rusted hulls in various states of disrepair, that is also true. We recently saw a couple dozen T-80's bound for UVG that were among the best of the reserves, and they didn't look too sporty.

The ones they do repair are receiving 1980's era optics, which have about 1/2 the range and FOV of the modern digital optics they were getting from France.

Tank-wise, Russia can claim big numbers, but combat effectiveness is pretty low.
Good common sense post... Thanks
So then...

No MBT section
No IFV section
No SHORAD section
No VDV section
No VKS flyover

The official count:

1x T-34 tank
3x BTR-82 IFV
13x Tigr-M armored car
6x VPK Ural armored car
10x Akhmat MRAP (borrowed from Kadryov)
3x VPK-7829 Bumerang IFV
6x Iskander-M TEL
6x S-400 TEL
3x RS-24 Yars TEL

Total # vehicles this year and compared to previous years-
2023: 51
2022: 131
2020 and 2021: ~200

black market

Who will ?

The War is over!

NATO to Ukraine: Make Peace, you fools!!!
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Russia is producing tanks many times more than they need to replace ones lost in fighting . They are using old tanks to lure dumb US-Ukey Nazis to attack and reveal their positions . Accompanying infantry then run off leaving their artillery to eradicate swathes of Nazi fighters and to bomb the revealed Nazi artilery positions, which are out of range for the Nazis to return effective fire . A hilarious game if you enjoy dumb fodder being exterminated.
Any tank in a modern day warfare situation or scenario, otherwise without important modern day upgrades, uhhhh doesn't stand a chance in the new modern day warfare experience without air cover.

Tanks on any battlefield without air cover that keeps the skies safe above them, are just sitting duck's no matter how modern they are..... Fact.

This has been proven on both sides of of the conflict.

Artillery hitting tank's is also a result of not being able to suppress such fire with air superiority and/or adequate air cover.

On any modern day battlefield, the ground crews must be protected with affective air cover and/or air power or it faces complete annihilation. Fact.

Drone's are a form of air superiority on the battlefield now, because with their high altitude camera's that can zoom down to a soldier's footwear or with their abilities to play spotter for artillery or maybe even attack the target itself, has since now been proven to be the most dangerous equipment on the battlefield, especially without some sort of equalizer to neutralize it's effectiveness by scanning the skies for them with some sort of weapon that can take them off of the table.

So far the war is teaching nation's that are watching, just how terrible modernized warfare can be, and it's teaching about strategies and new tactics, and new weaponry.

This is the problem with helping to sustain war instead of seeking a quick solution through peace talks and diplomacy.
The War is over!

NATO to Ukraine: Make Peace, you fools!!!
Should have been over months ago through peace talks, but because NATO nation's see Russia as an old enemy not ever to be trusted, it has since embarked upon a journey to assist Ukraine in attempting to push Russia completely out of that country called Ukraine. Problem is that Ukraine was part of the Soviet block, and it has Russian speaking citizen's all throughout the country. Very complicated situation......

Putin claim's to be avenging those Russian's living in Ukraine, otherwise by liberating them from the government of Ukraine. This was his speak about de-nazification of the country I guess, otherwise why he finally seized the opportunity to go in after a presidential change in the U.S..
Any tank in a modern day warfare situation or scenario, otherwise without important modern day upgrades, uhhhh doesn't stand a chance in the new modern day warfare experience without air cover.

Tanks on any battlefield without air cover that keeps the skies safe above them, are just sitting duck's no matter how modern they are..... Fact.

This has been proven on both sides of of the conflict.

Artillery hitting tank's is also a result of not being able to suppress such fire with air superiority and/or adequate air cover.

On any modern day battlefield, the ground crews must be protected with affective air cover and/or air power or it faces complete annihilation. Fact.

Drone's are a form of air superiority on the battlefield now, because with their high altitude camera's that can zoom down to a soldier's footwear or with their abilities to play spotter for artillery or maybe even attack the target itself, has since now been proven to be the most dangerous equipment on the battlefield, especially without some sort of equalizer to neutralize it's effectiveness by scanning the skies for them with some sort of weapon that can take them off of the table.

So far the war is teaching nation's that are watching, just how terrible modernized warfare can be, and it's teaching about strategies and new tactics, and new weaponry.

This is the problem with helping to sustain war instead of seeking a quick solution through peace talks and diplomacy.
Researchers have established the names of Western companies whose components are used in producing Iranian Shahed-136 kamikaze drones, which Russia uses to attack Ukraine. Multiple Shahed-136 fuselages analyzed contained a variety of components manufactured by mostly American companies as well as some Japanese, Canadian, and Swiss firms, ranging from microprocessors and semiconductors to ethernet transceivers and memory.The list of companies is following: Adesto Technologies (USA), Analog Devices (USA), Freescale (USA), Hemisphere (USA), Hitec USA Group (USA), International Rectifier (USA), Marvell Technology (USA), Maxim Integrated (USA), Micrel Semiconductor (USA), Micron Technology (USA), Texas Instruments (USA), Murata Manufacturing (Japan), Tallysman (Canada), STMicroelectronics (Switzerland).See more info here

Researchers have established the names of Western companies whose components are used in producing Iranian Shahed-136 kamikaze drones, which Russia uses to attack Ukraine. Multiple Shahed-136 fuselages analyzed contained a variety of components manufactured by mostly American companies as well as some Japanese, Canadian, and Swiss firms, ranging from microprocessors and semiconductors to ethernet transceivers and memory.The list of companies is following: Adesto Technologies (USA), Analog Devices (USA), Freescale (USA), Hemisphere (USA), Hitec USA Group (USA), International Rectifier (USA), Marvell Technology (USA), Maxim Integrated (USA), Micrel Semiconductor (USA), Micron Technology (USA), Texas Instruments (USA), Murata Manufacturing (Japan), Tallysman (Canada), STMicroelectronics (Switzerland).See more info here


Ok, so if it is true that some various national cross border components do exist in the drones that are being used by Russia, and are a result of global trade, then is this globalism (unity in governmental bodies for a collective end), a bad idea ??? Hmmm, doesn't this put all civilized nation's on alert that globalism as a collective can play many sides of the game for profits mainly ?
These are the real numbers, and they are from Russian sources.

Russia has thousands of old rusted hulls in various states of disrepair, that is also true. We recently saw a couple dozen T-80's bound for UVG that were among the best of the reserves, and they didn't look too sporty.

The ones they do repair are receiving 1980's era optics, which have about 1/2 the range and FOV of the modern digital optics they were getting from France.

Tank-wise, Russia can claim big numbers, but combat effectiveness is pretty low.
Cheaper :icon_lol:

Gearing up for war against a nuclear nation is a fools game. Best to calm down and lose the war rhetoric, and replace it with peace and love they neighbor rhetoric. Pumping war as Biden is boasting about in his pressors could become a very stupid arrogance he's now throwing around rather loosely..

To start with not many in the world have any use for the guy, but he's riding the blood sweat and tears of those who fought for him to be free, but his antics has all but eroded any piece of his character he had left down to NOTHING.

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