Tax Cuts Working: FedGov Collects Record Taxes in October and November

I read the article.

It appears as though the ( fiscal ) year on year increase in Federal revenues could largely be attributed to an increase in customs duties.

Did I read that wrong.
Do you remember all the liberal predictions that the Trump tax cuts would lead to a massive loss of revenue? Well, so far this hasn't happened. In fact, over the last two months (October and November), the FedGov set another record for taxes collected:

The federal government collected record total tax revenues of $458,653,000,000 in October and November, the first two months of fiscal 2019, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. (Feds Collect Record Taxes Through November; Still Run $305.4B Deficit)
If we delve more deeply into the numbers, we find that there was a slight drop in individual income tax revenue but that there was a huge hike in corporate income tax revenue! This is revealing because corporate income tax rates were cut by a larger percentage than were individual income tax rates.

Although the total federal taxes collected in October and November set a record, individual income tax collections did not set a record. In October and November of last year, the federal government collected $231,465,760,000 in individual income taxes (in constant November 2018 dollars). In October and November of this year, the federal government collected $222,237,000,000 in individual income taxes—a decline of $9,228,760,000 from the same period last year. . . .

In October and November of fiscal 2019, the Treasury collected $6,354,000,000 in corporation income taxes compared to $1,456,200,000 (in constant November 2018 dollars) collected in October and November of fiscal 2018. That is an increase of $4,897,800,000.​

And once again we see that tax cuts do not cause deficits: overspending causes deficits:

Even with these record tax collections, however, the government still ran a deficit of $305,394,000,000 for the first two months of the fiscal year. That is because while collecting a record $458,653,000,000 in taxes, the government spent $764,046,000,000.​

So if we were not spending so much money than we were four years ago, much less 10 years ago, we would have a surplus and would be paying down the debt.
Yet deficits have increased significantly
Do you remember all the liberal predictions that the Trump tax cuts would lead to a massive loss of revenue? Well, so far this hasn't happened. In fact, over the last two months (October and November), the FedGov set another record for taxes collected:

The federal government collected record total tax revenues of $458,653,000,000 in October and November, the first two months of fiscal 2019, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. (Feds Collect Record Taxes Through November; Still Run $305.4B Deficit)
If we delve more deeply into the numbers, we find that there was a slight drop in individual income tax revenue but that there was a huge hike in corporate income tax revenue! This is revealing because corporate income tax rates were cut by a larger percentage than were individual income tax rates.

Although the total federal taxes collected in October and November set a record, individual income tax collections did not set a record. In October and November of last year, the federal government collected $231,465,760,000 in individual income taxes (in constant November 2018 dollars). In October and November of this year, the federal government collected $222,237,000,000 in individual income taxes—a decline of $9,228,760,000 from the same period last year. . . .

In October and November of fiscal 2019, the Treasury collected $6,354,000,000 in corporation income taxes compared to $1,456,200,000 (in constant November 2018 dollars) collected in October and November of fiscal 2018. That is an increase of $4,897,800,000.​

And once again we see that tax cuts do not cause deficits: overspending causes deficits:

Even with these record tax collections, however, the government still ran a deficit of $305,394,000,000 for the first two months of the fiscal year. That is because while collecting a record $458,653,000,000 in taxes, the government spent $764,046,000,000.​

So if we were not spending so much money than we were four years ago, much less 10 years ago, we would have a surplus and would be paying down the debt.

Yet deficits have increased significantly

SMH. Yes, because of increased spending, obviously not because of a drop in revenue. Revenue has gone up, but spending has been jacked up so much that it is outpacing the revenue hike.
Do you remember all the liberal predictions that the Trump tax cuts would lead to a massive loss of revenue? Well, so far this hasn't happened. In fact, over the last two months (October and November), the FedGov set another record for taxes collected:

The federal government collected record total tax revenues of $458,653,000,000 in October and November, the first two months of fiscal 2019, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. (Feds Collect Record Taxes Through November; Still Run $305.4B Deficit)
If we delve more deeply into the numbers, we find that there was a slight drop in individual income tax revenue but that there was a huge hike in corporate income tax revenue! This is revealing because corporate income tax rates were cut by a larger percentage than were individual income tax rates.

Although the total federal taxes collected in October and November set a record, individual income tax collections did not set a record. In October and November of last year, the federal government collected $231,465,760,000 in individual income taxes (in constant November 2018 dollars). In October and November of this year, the federal government collected $222,237,000,000 in individual income taxes—a decline of $9,228,760,000 from the same period last year. . . .

In October and November of fiscal 2019, the Treasury collected $6,354,000,000 in corporation income taxes compared to $1,456,200,000 (in constant November 2018 dollars) collected in October and November of fiscal 2018. That is an increase of $4,897,800,000.​

And once again we see that tax cuts do not cause deficits: overspending causes deficits:

Even with these record tax collections, however, the government still ran a deficit of $305,394,000,000 for the first two months of the fiscal year. That is because while collecting a record $458,653,000,000 in taxes, the government spent $764,046,000,000.​

So if we were not spending so much money than we were four years ago, much less 10 years ago, we would have a surplus and would be paying down the debt.

Yet deficits have increased significantly

SMH. Yes, because of increased spending, obviously not because of a drop in revenue. Revenue has gone up, but spending has been jacked up so much that it is outpacing the revenue hike.

25 cents on the dollar in spending should be cut across th board. Period. Immediately.
Do you remember all the liberal predictions that the Trump tax cuts would lead to a massive loss of revenue? Well, so far this hasn't happened. In fact, over the last two months (October and November), the FedGov set another record for taxes collected:

The federal government collected record total tax revenues of $458,653,000,000 in October and November, the first two months of fiscal 2019, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. (Feds Collect Record Taxes Through November; Still Run $305.4B Deficit)
If we delve more deeply into the numbers, we find that there was a slight drop in individual income tax revenue but that there was a huge hike in corporate income tax revenue! This is revealing because corporate income tax rates were cut by a larger percentage than were individual income tax rates.

Although the total federal taxes collected in October and November set a record, individual income tax collections did not set a record. In October and November of last year, the federal government collected $231,465,760,000 in individual income taxes (in constant November 2018 dollars). In October and November of this year, the federal government collected $222,237,000,000 in individual income taxes—a decline of $9,228,760,000 from the same period last year. . . .

In October and November of fiscal 2019, the Treasury collected $6,354,000,000 in corporation income taxes compared to $1,456,200,000 (in constant November 2018 dollars) collected in October and November of fiscal 2018. That is an increase of $4,897,800,000.​

And once again we see that tax cuts do not cause deficits: overspending causes deficits:

Even with these record tax collections, however, the government still ran a deficit of $305,394,000,000 for the first two months of the fiscal year. That is because while collecting a record $458,653,000,000 in taxes, the government spent $764,046,000,000.​

So if we were not spending so much money than we were four years ago, much less 10 years ago, we would have a surplus and would be paying down the debt.

Yet deficits have increased significantly

SMH. Yes, because of increased spending, obviously not because of a drop in revenue. Revenue has gone up, but spending has been jacked up so much that it is outpacing the revenue hike.

So the republican house, senate, and president are spending like drunken sailors, right?
Do you remember all the liberal predictions that the Trump tax cuts would lead to a massive loss of revenue? Well, so far this hasn't happened. In fact, over the last two months (October and November), the FedGov set another record for taxes collected:

The federal government collected record total tax revenues of $458,653,000,000 in October and November, the first two months of fiscal 2019, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. (Feds Collect Record Taxes Through November; Still Run $305.4B Deficit)
If we delve more deeply into the numbers, we find that there was a slight drop in individual income tax revenue but that there was a huge hike in corporate income tax revenue! This is revealing because corporate income tax rates were cut by a larger percentage than were individual income tax rates.

Although the total federal taxes collected in October and November set a record, individual income tax collections did not set a record. In October and November of last year, the federal government collected $231,465,760,000 in individual income taxes (in constant November 2018 dollars). In October and November of this year, the federal government collected $222,237,000,000 in individual income taxes—a decline of $9,228,760,000 from the same period last year. . . .

In October and November of fiscal 2019, the Treasury collected $6,354,000,000 in corporation income taxes compared to $1,456,200,000 (in constant November 2018 dollars) collected in October and November of fiscal 2018. That is an increase of $4,897,800,000.​

And once again we see that tax cuts do not cause deficits: overspending causes deficits:

Even with these record tax collections, however, the government still ran a deficit of $305,394,000,000 for the first two months of the fiscal year. That is because while collecting a record $458,653,000,000 in taxes, the government spent $764,046,000,000.​

So if we were not spending so much money than we were four years ago, much less 10 years ago, we would have a surplus and would be paying down the debt.

According to the pdf in the link we collected less in Nov 18’ vs Nov 17’.

I think I got years wrong . Where’s 19’?

Edit : oh , it’s the months of 18 ‘ but fiscally 19’

The article is misleading . While this oct surpassed the prior, this nov was less than the prior year .
Last edited:
I wonder why questions regarding the substance of the article not being responded to?

Also, why is it that no comment regarding the link I provided which explains the matter in detail has been offered?

It is almost as if the OP, who fancies himself to be an economic, is avoiding the facts.
Do you remember all the liberal predictions that the Trump tax cuts would lead to a massive loss of revenue? Well, so far this hasn't happened. In fact, over the last two months (October and November), the FedGov set another record for taxes collected:

The federal government collected record total tax revenues of $458,653,000,000 in October and November, the first two months of fiscal 2019, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. (Feds Collect Record Taxes Through November; Still Run $305.4B Deficit)
If we delve more deeply into the numbers, we find that there was a slight drop in individual income tax revenue but that there was a huge hike in corporate income tax revenue! This is revealing because corporate income tax rates were cut by a larger percentage than were individual income tax rates.

Although the total federal taxes collected in October and November set a record, individual income tax collections did not set a record. In October and November of last year, the federal government collected $231,465,760,000 in individual income taxes (in constant November 2018 dollars). In October and November of this year, the federal government collected $222,237,000,000 in individual income taxes—a decline of $9,228,760,000 from the same period last year. . . .

In October and November of fiscal 2019, the Treasury collected $6,354,000,000 in corporation income taxes compared to $1,456,200,000 (in constant November 2018 dollars) collected in October and November of fiscal 2018. That is an increase of $4,897,800,000.​

And once again we see that tax cuts do not cause deficits: overspending causes deficits:

Even with these record tax collections, however, the government still ran a deficit of $305,394,000,000 for the first two months of the fiscal year. That is because while collecting a record $458,653,000,000 in taxes, the government spent $764,046,000,000.​

So if we were not spending so much money than we were four years ago, much less 10 years ago, we would have a surplus and would be paying down the debt.

How much has that tax cut helped YOU?

It will help me a ton when I file.

Taxes need to be cut a lot more, as does spending.

We need to cut a trillion off the budget spending.

Liberals never want to discuss cuts in spending. Cuts in taxes before cuts in spending it is with these people.
Do you remember all the liberal predictions that the Trump tax cuts would lead to a massive loss of revenue? Well, so far this hasn't happened. In fact, over the last two months (October and November), the FedGov set another record for taxes collected:

The federal government collected record total tax revenues of $458,653,000,000 in October and November, the first two months of fiscal 2019, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. (Feds Collect Record Taxes Through November; Still Run $305.4B Deficit)
If we delve more deeply into the numbers, we find that there was a slight drop in individual income tax revenue but that there was a huge hike in corporate income tax revenue! This is revealing because corporate income tax rates were cut by a larger percentage than were individual income tax rates.

Although the total federal taxes collected in October and November set a record, individual income tax collections did not set a record. In October and November of last year, the federal government collected $231,465,760,000 in individual income taxes (in constant November 2018 dollars). In October and November of this year, the federal government collected $222,237,000,000 in individual income taxes—a decline of $9,228,760,000 from the same period last year. . . .

In October and November of fiscal 2019, the Treasury collected $6,354,000,000 in corporation income taxes compared to $1,456,200,000 (in constant November 2018 dollars) collected in October and November of fiscal 2018. That is an increase of $4,897,800,000.​

And once again we see that tax cuts do not cause deficits: overspending causes deficits:

Even with these record tax collections, however, the government still ran a deficit of $305,394,000,000 for the first two months of the fiscal year. That is because while collecting a record $458,653,000,000 in taxes, the government spent $764,046,000,000.​

So if we were not spending so much money than we were four years ago, much less 10 years ago, we would have a surplus and would be paying down the debt.

How much has that tax cut helped YOU?

It will help me a ton when I file.

Taxes need to be cut a lot more, as does spending.

We need to cut a trillion off the budget spending.

Liberals never want to discuss cuts in spending. Cuts in taxes before cuts in spending it is with these people.

Liberals spend less. Check the data.
Do you remember all the liberal predictions that the Trump tax cuts would lead to a massive loss of revenue? Well, so far this hasn't happened. In fact, over the last two months (October and November), the FedGov set another record for taxes collected:

The federal government collected record total tax revenues of $458,653,000,000 in October and November, the first two months of fiscal 2019, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. (Feds Collect Record Taxes Through November; Still Run $305.4B Deficit)
If we delve more deeply into the numbers, we find that there was a slight drop in individual income tax revenue but that there was a huge hike in corporate income tax revenue! This is revealing because corporate income tax rates were cut by a larger percentage than were individual income tax rates.

Although the total federal taxes collected in October and November set a record, individual income tax collections did not set a record. In October and November of last year, the federal government collected $231,465,760,000 in individual income taxes (in constant November 2018 dollars). In October and November of this year, the federal government collected $222,237,000,000 in individual income taxes—a decline of $9,228,760,000 from the same period last year. . . .

In October and November of fiscal 2019, the Treasury collected $6,354,000,000 in corporation income taxes compared to $1,456,200,000 (in constant November 2018 dollars) collected in October and November of fiscal 2018. That is an increase of $4,897,800,000.​

And once again we see that tax cuts do not cause deficits: overspending causes deficits:

Even with these record tax collections, however, the government still ran a deficit of $305,394,000,000 for the first two months of the fiscal year. That is because while collecting a record $458,653,000,000 in taxes, the government spent $764,046,000,000.​

So if we were not spending so much money than we were four years ago, much less 10 years ago, we would have a surplus and would be paying down the debt.

Not really the point, if you increase "revenue" ( I contend that it is not the right word for it) but also increase spending we all go down the same shit hole.
Do you remember all the liberal predictions that the Trump tax cuts would lead to a massive loss of revenue? Well, so far this hasn't happened. In fact, over the last two months (October and November), the FedGov set another record for taxes collected:

The federal government collected record total tax revenues of $458,653,000,000 in October and November, the first two months of fiscal 2019, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. (Feds Collect Record Taxes Through November; Still Run $305.4B Deficit)
If we delve more deeply into the numbers, we find that there was a slight drop in individual income tax revenue but that there was a huge hike in corporate income tax revenue! This is revealing because corporate income tax rates were cut by a larger percentage than were individual income tax rates.

Although the total federal taxes collected in October and November set a record, individual income tax collections did not set a record. In October and November of last year, the federal government collected $231,465,760,000 in individual income taxes (in constant November 2018 dollars). In October and November of this year, the federal government collected $222,237,000,000 in individual income taxes—a decline of $9,228,760,000 from the same period last year. . . .

In October and November of fiscal 2019, the Treasury collected $6,354,000,000 in corporation income taxes compared to $1,456,200,000 (in constant November 2018 dollars) collected in October and November of fiscal 2018. That is an increase of $4,897,800,000.​

And once again we see that tax cuts do not cause deficits: overspending causes deficits:

Even with these record tax collections, however, the government still ran a deficit of $305,394,000,000 for the first two months of the fiscal year. That is because while collecting a record $458,653,000,000 in taxes, the government spent $764,046,000,000.​

So if we were not spending so much money than we were four years ago, much less 10 years ago, we would have a surplus and would be paying down the debt.

How much has that tax cut helped YOU?

It will help me a ton when I file.

Taxes need to be cut a lot more, as does spending.

We need to cut a trillion off the budget spending.

Liberals never want to discuss cuts in spending. Cuts in taxes before cuts in spending it is with these people.

Liberals spend less. Check the data.

LOL. Obama QUADRUPLED Bush's stimulus.
Do you remember all the liberal predictions that the Trump tax cuts would lead to a massive loss of revenue? Well, so far this hasn't happened. In fact, over the last two months (October and November), the FedGov set another record for taxes collected:

The federal government collected record total tax revenues of $458,653,000,000 in October and November, the first two months of fiscal 2019, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. (Feds Collect Record Taxes Through November; Still Run $305.4B Deficit)
If we delve more deeply into the numbers, we find that there was a slight drop in individual income tax revenue but that there was a huge hike in corporate income tax revenue! This is revealing because corporate income tax rates were cut by a larger percentage than were individual income tax rates.

Although the total federal taxes collected in October and November set a record, individual income tax collections did not set a record. In October and November of last year, the federal government collected $231,465,760,000 in individual income taxes (in constant November 2018 dollars). In October and November of this year, the federal government collected $222,237,000,000 in individual income taxes—a decline of $9,228,760,000 from the same period last year. . . .

In October and November of fiscal 2019, the Treasury collected $6,354,000,000 in corporation income taxes compared to $1,456,200,000 (in constant November 2018 dollars) collected in October and November of fiscal 2018. That is an increase of $4,897,800,000.​

And once again we see that tax cuts do not cause deficits: overspending causes deficits:

Even with these record tax collections, however, the government still ran a deficit of $305,394,000,000 for the first two months of the fiscal year. That is because while collecting a record $458,653,000,000 in taxes, the government spent $764,046,000,000.​

So if we were not spending so much money than we were four years ago, much less 10 years ago, we would have a surplus and would be paying down the debt.

How much has that tax cut helped YOU?

It will help me a ton when I file.

Taxes need to be cut a lot more, as does spending.

We need to cut a trillion off the budget spending.

Liberals never want to discuss cuts in spending. Cuts in taxes before cuts in spending it is with these people.

Liberals spend less. Check the data.

LOL. Obama QUADRUPLED Bush's stimulus.

You need to do some research.

Democrats are more fiscally responsible than Republicans. Been that way for a long time.
How much has that tax cut helped YOU?

It will help me a ton when I file.

Taxes need to be cut a lot more, as does spending.

We need to cut a trillion off the budget spending.

Liberals never want to discuss cuts in spending. Cuts in taxes before cuts in spending it is with these people.

Liberals spend less. Check the data.

LOL. Obama QUADRUPLED Bush's stimulus.

You need to do some research.

Democrats are more fiscally responsible than Republicans. Been that way for a long time.

Sure, Obama made that crystal clear...dumbass.
Do you remember all the liberal predictions that the Trump tax cuts would lead to a massive loss of revenue? Well, so far this hasn't happened. In fact, over the last two months (October and November), the FedGov set another record for taxes collected:

The federal government collected record total tax revenues of $458,653,000,000 in October and November, the first two months of fiscal 2019, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. (Feds Collect Record Taxes Through November; Still Run $305.4B Deficit)
If we delve more deeply into the numbers, we find that there was a slight drop in individual income tax revenue but that there was a huge hike in corporate income tax revenue! This is revealing because corporate income tax rates were cut by a larger percentage than were individual income tax rates.

Although the total federal taxes collected in October and November set a record, individual income tax collections did not set a record. In October and November of last year, the federal government collected $231,465,760,000 in individual income taxes (in constant November 2018 dollars). In October and November of this year, the federal government collected $222,237,000,000 in individual income taxes—a decline of $9,228,760,000 from the same period last year. . . .

In October and November of fiscal 2019, the Treasury collected $6,354,000,000 in corporation income taxes compared to $1,456,200,000 (in constant November 2018 dollars) collected in October and November of fiscal 2018. That is an increase of $4,897,800,000.​

And once again we see that tax cuts do not cause deficits: overspending causes deficits:

Even with these record tax collections, however, the government still ran a deficit of $305,394,000,000 for the first two months of the fiscal year. That is because while collecting a record $458,653,000,000 in taxes, the government spent $764,046,000,000.​

So if we were not spending so much money than we were four years ago, much less 10 years ago, we would have a surplus and would be paying down the debt.

Not really the point, if you increase "revenue" ( I contend that it is not the right word for it) but also increase spending we all go down the same shit hole.
Unless GDP decreases (that's a Recession) revenues ALWAYS increase and sets records.

But somehow deficits are setting records too. Tax cuts just don't pay for themselves

That's voodoo economics folks. Been doin it for 40 years and it never has worked
How much has that tax cut helped YOU?

It will help me a ton when I file.

Taxes need to be cut a lot more, as does spending.

We need to cut a trillion off the budget spending.

Liberals never want to discuss cuts in spending. Cuts in taxes before cuts in spending it is with these people.

Liberals spend less. Check the data.

LOL. Obama QUADRUPLED Bush's stimulus.

You need to do some research.

Democrats are more fiscally responsible than Republicans. Been that way for a long time.

under Obama the national debt was almost doubled. you call that fiscally responsible?
How much has that tax cut helped YOU?

It will help me a ton when I file.

Taxes need to be cut a lot more, as does spending.

We need to cut a trillion off the budget spending.

Liberals never want to discuss cuts in spending. Cuts in taxes before cuts in spending it is with these people.

Liberals spend less. Check the data.

LOL. Obama QUADRUPLED Bush's stimulus.

You need to do some research.

Democrats are more fiscally responsible than Republicans. Been that way for a long time.

Whatever you need to tell yourself. They ALL spend like drunken sailor's.
Do you remember all the liberal predictions that the Trump tax cuts would lead to a massive loss of revenue? Well, so far this hasn't happened. In fact, over the last two months (October and November), the FedGov set another record for taxes collected:

The federal government collected record total tax revenues of $458,653,000,000 in October and November, the first two months of fiscal 2019, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. (Feds Collect Record Taxes Through November; Still Run $305.4B Deficit)
If we delve more deeply into the numbers, we find that there was a slight drop in individual income tax revenue but that there was a huge hike in corporate income tax revenue! This is revealing because corporate income tax rates were cut by a larger percentage than were individual income tax rates.

Although the total federal taxes collected in October and November set a record, individual income tax collections did not set a record. In October and November of last year, the federal government collected $231,465,760,000 in individual income taxes (in constant November 2018 dollars). In October and November of this year, the federal government collected $222,237,000,000 in individual income taxes—a decline of $9,228,760,000 from the same period last year. . . .

In October and November of fiscal 2019, the Treasury collected $6,354,000,000 in corporation income taxes compared to $1,456,200,000 (in constant November 2018 dollars) collected in October and November of fiscal 2018. That is an increase of $4,897,800,000.​

And once again we see that tax cuts do not cause deficits: overspending causes deficits:

Even with these record tax collections, however, the government still ran a deficit of $305,394,000,000 for the first two months of the fiscal year. That is because while collecting a record $458,653,000,000 in taxes, the government spent $764,046,000,000.​

So if we were not spending so much money than we were four years ago, much less 10 years ago, we would have a surplus and would be paying down the debt.

Not really the point, if you increase "revenue" ( I contend that it is not the right word for it) but also increase spending we all go down the same shit hole.
Unless GDP decreases (that's a Recession) revenues ALWAYS increase and sets records.

But somehow deficits are setting records too. Tax cuts just don't pay for themselves

That's voodoo economics folks. Been doin it for 40 years and it never has worked

It will help me a ton when I file.

Taxes need to be cut a lot more, as does spending.

We need to cut a trillion off the budget spending.

Liberals never want to discuss cuts in spending. Cuts in taxes before cuts in spending it is with these people.

Liberals spend less. Check the data.

LOL. Obama QUADRUPLED Bush's stimulus.

You need to do some research.

Democrats are more fiscally responsible than Republicans. Been that way for a long time.

Whatever you need to tell yourself. They ALL spend like drunken sailor's.

because buying votes is all that matters to them, its why we need term limits for all elected positions.
Paying for "defense" that results in aggressive invasions around the world is the egregious theft of our nations's wealth.

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