Tax Refund Fiasco Is Political Payback For Republicans

If they'd withheld enough her paychecks would have gone down, not up.

You do know that the employee decides how much is withheld...right?
It doesn't fucking matter.

If she had adjusted her withholdings to a $0.00 tax liability she would have taken a $300 a month pay cut thanks to the "tax cuts".

Why are you so opposed to people paying their fair share? This is what you guys said you wanted or did you mean other people were supposed to do that, just not you?

Astonishing that Democrats finally found a tax hike they don't like, isn't it.
What is wrong with you?

Anywho.... This was supposed to be a tax cut, and it isn't.

I got a decent tax cut.
Then you make some pretty hefty bank
All I know is it worked for me, income from wages went up 12% last year, federal tax bill dropped 7%.

My employer withholding on federal needed adjustment also. Last year I owed the Fed $146 which was perfect, This year I will cut a check for $992 on 4/13/19 which is OK.

I took no capital gains income last year.
So the "tax cut" cost you $850. NIce that you're OK with that but that's a tax INCREASE not a cut
All I know is it worked for me, income from wages went up 12% last year, federal tax bill dropped 7%.

My employer withholding on federal needed adjustment also. Last year I owed the Fed $146 which was perfect, This year I will cut a check for $992 on 4/13/19 which is OK.

I took no capital gains income last year.
So the "tax cut" cost you $850. NIce that you're OK with that but that's a tax INCREASE not a cut
So you assume he didn't earn more?

You cannot use a tax refund as a measure of taxes paid
I see people in high tax Dem states are squealing like stuck pigs over having to finally pay their fair share of Federal taxes.
You do know that the employee decides how much is withheld...right?
It doesn't fucking matter.

If she had adjusted her withholdings to a $0.00 tax liability she would have taken a $300 a month pay cut thanks to the "tax cuts".

Why are you so opposed to people paying their fair share? This is what you guys said you wanted or did you mean other people were supposed to do that, just not you?

Astonishing that Democrats finally found a tax hike they don't like, isn't it.
What is wrong with you?

Anywho.... This was supposed to be a tax cut, and it isn't.

I got a decent tax cut.
Then you make some pretty hefty bank

All I know is it worked for me, income from wages went up 12% last year, federal tax bill dropped 7%.

My employer withholding on federal needed adjustment also. Last year I owed the Fed $146 which was perfect, This year I will cut a check for $992 on 4/13/19 which is OK.

I took no capital gains income last year.
So the "tax cut" cost you $850. NIce that you're OK with that but that's a tax INCREASE not a cut

So the "tax cut" cost you $850.

last year, federal tax bill dropped 7%.

He owed less, but with lower withholding, he'll cut them a larger check by April 15th.
All I know is it worked for me, income from wages went up 12% last year, federal tax bill dropped 7%.

My employer withholding on federal needed adjustment also. Last year I owed the Fed $146 which was perfect, This year I will cut a check for $992 on 4/13/19 which is OK.

I took no capital gains income last year.
So the "tax cut" cost you $850. NIce that you're OK with that but that's a tax INCREASE not a cut
Do you understand how taxes work at all?

He said no such thing.
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Here we go again...Ignoramus nutbars all butthurt because the IRS didn't keep enough of their money, so they could get a big refund.....As though gubmint keeping your money interest-free for a year is supposed to be a good thing.

Poor dullard moonbats. :itsok:
If they'd withheld enough her paychecks would have gone down, not up.
But she would get a refund. You’re not too bright are you?
Here we go again...Ignoramus nutbars all butthurt because the IRS didn't keep enough of their money, so they could get a big refund.....As though gubmint keeping your money interest-free for a year is supposed to be a good thing.

Poor dullard moonbats. :itsok:
If they'd withheld enough her paychecks would have gone down, not up.
But she would get a refund. You’re not too bright are you?
I think the point was that her taxes increased.

She is part of the whopping 5% of people who seen a tax increase.
Here we go again...Ignoramus nutbars all butthurt because the IRS didn't keep enough of their money, so they could get a big refund.....As though gubmint keeping your money interest-free for a year is supposed to be a good thing.

Poor dullard moonbats. :itsok:
If they'd withheld enough her paychecks would have gone down, not up.
But she would get a refund. You’re not too bright are you?
I think the point was that her taxes increased.

She is part of the whopping 5% of people who seen a tax increase.
How since she’s not in a blue state? That’s the only way
Here we go again...Ignoramus nutbars all butthurt because the IRS didn't keep enough of their money, so they could get a big refund.....As though gubmint keeping your money interest-free for a year is supposed to be a good thing.

Poor dullard moonbats. :itsok:
If they'd withheld enough her paychecks would have gone down, not up.
But she would get a refund. You’re not too bright are you?
I think the point was that her taxes increased.

She is part of the whopping 5% of people who seen a tax increase.
How since she’s not in a blue state? That’s the only way
She is in Long Island, New York!

Can you get more blue? CA. Maybe.
Here we go again...Ignoramus nutbars all butthurt because the IRS didn't keep enough of their money, so they could get a big refund.....As though gubmint keeping your money interest-free for a year is supposed to be a good thing.

Poor dullard moonbats. :itsok:
If they'd withheld enough her paychecks would have gone down, not up.
But she would get a refund. You’re not too bright are you?
I think the point was that her taxes increased.

She is part of the whopping 5% of people who seen a tax increase.
How since she’s not in a blue state? That’s the only way
She is in Long Island, New York!

Can you get more blue? CA. Maybe.
I think for the most part they are equal. But if she had more taxes taken, she would get a refund

They stepped on this rake last year and now it’s hitting them in the face.

Republicans boasted all last year that their new tax law boosted paychecks and showered bonuses on several million workers.

But now that tax season is upon us, several million Americans are getting a nasty surprise: a bill from the Internal Revenue Service that they never expected.

Beth Callori of Long Island, New York, said she was thrilled to receive about $90 more in each paycheck last year. Thanks to the new lower federal income tax rates, Callori’s employer, a financial services firm, was withholding less from her paycheck for federal tax purposes.

“I thought, ‘Wow, Trump is great, I love him,’” Callori said.

But last week Callori heard from her tax preparer that she owes the federal government more than $5,000 ― almost five times as much as she had to pay in previous years.

“I almost fell out of my chair. I could not believe it,” she said. “I voted for Trump. I thought he was going to be good for this country, but when I got that phone call, that’s it, I’m done.”

Callori’s tax bill went up for two reasons. One is that the law directly disadvantaged her by limiting deductions for state and local taxes, which increased the amount of Callori’s income subject to tax and added an extra grand to her bill.

The bigger reason is that her employer withheld too little from her paycheck. The extra $90 she received should have been added to the amount that gets automatically socked away to cover the federal income tax. Like most people, however, Callori did not fill out a worksheet and submit a new Form W-4 to her employer at the beginning of last year.

After all, at that time Republicans kept bragging about the bigger paychecks they had given the American people.

“I thought because I was getting that, I’m entitled to it,” Callori said.

Beth Callori, for her part, said she had also previously chosen zero allowances ― plus she had an extra $130 withheld from each paycheck. It wasn’t enough.

She said she used to love Donald Trump. Not anymore.

“I really liked things he was doing, until this, and now I hate him,” she said.

More: Tax Refund Fiasco Is Political Payback For Republicans

What did these people expect from a conman like Trump? His only goal was to make the rich richer. National debt be damned.
We have the strongest economy and the lowest unemployment in decades ... and snowflakes think that was going to come without a little pain?

Give and take.

Democrats and anyone who still stings from Obamacare should know that better than anyone.

Obama and the Democrats promised 'milk & honey' - a health care system that did not cost a dime, that would pay for itself, that would lower the cost of their premiums, provide them with awesome health care...

...and it all turned out to be a lie...and it brought nothing but ass pain.

...and Trump did more, especially for the economy, in 2 years than Barry did in 8 years.

In the midst of an economy Obama could only dream of and falsely promise, butt-hurt snowflakes are whining about how things aren't perfect, despite being better than they ever where under Barry!

Here we go again...Ignoramus nutbars all butthurt because the IRS didn't keep enough of their money, so they could get a big refund.....As though gubmint keeping your money interest-free for a year is supposed to be a good thing.

Poor dullard moonbats. :itsok:
If they'd withheld enough her paychecks would have gone down, not up.
But she would get a refund. You’re not too bright are you?
I'm not too bright, but you're the one failing at reading comprehension and simple math. As I have clearly stated several times:

"If she had adjusted her withholdings to a $0.00 tax liability she would have taken a $300 a month pay cut thanks to the "tax cuts"."

Where in that do you see "refund" you fucking moron.
I see people in high tax Dem states are squealing like stuck pigs over having to finally pay their fair share of Federal taxes.

I do not live in a high tax state and my taxes increased by $2200!

That is MAGA!
Sure! No way to prove that. Say anything to say anything

Easily provably, they took away my deductions for mileage, food, hotel/rent, clothing and all other job related expenses while on the road.

They managed to give a few more deductions for the wealthy in the meantime. Isn't that MAGA?!?!

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