Taxing the rich, for dummies

August 11, 2016
Shocking data revision by feds: Americans’ wages dropped 4.2% instead of rising in the first quarter
By Thomas Lifson
Wages for Americans are dropping at a rapid rate, instead of rising as the feds had claimed. This shocking news – making President Obama’s claim that the economy has recovered from the great recession laughable – was buried in a report on second-quarter earnings and has barely registered in the nation’s media, which are anxious to elect Hillary Clinton.

Neil Munro of Breitbart summarizes the changes:

“Real hourly compensation decreased 0.4 percent after revision, rather than the previously-published increase of 4.2 percent,” the BLS admitted. Compensation also fell another 1.4 percent in the second quarter, from April to June, the BLS admitted in the same report. That’s 2 percent drop in wages since December.

Pay shrank 0.3 percent in 2013, rose a mere 1.1 percent in 2014, but rose a promising 2.7 percent in 2015, according to the BLS.

Based on the erroneous data, President Obama has been taking victory laps on the economy.

Productivity and Costs, Second Quarter 2016, Preliminary
Sincere question... Do you put 100% of the responsibility for wage growth on the Fed government or do you put any responsibility in the hands of our corporations and business owners? If so, how much responsibility do you attribute to each and what role do you think each plays?

In a good economy, neither.....wage growth is the sole responsibility of the individual and their value.

In the wage growth depression of the past 8 years, it's the .govs fault, more specifically Obama and his horrid economy.....
What determines a good economy, are you talking about supply and demand? How does a person determine their value, specifically in the low wage, labor market?

Care to explain why it is all Obamas fault?
August 11, 2016
Shocking data revision by feds: Americans’ wages dropped 4.2% instead of rising in the first quarter
By Thomas Lifson
Wages for Americans are dropping at a rapid rate, instead of rising as the feds had claimed. This shocking news – making President Obama’s claim that the economy has recovered from the great recession laughable – was buried in a report on second-quarter earnings and has barely registered in the nation’s media, which are anxious to elect Hillary Clinton.

Neil Munro of Breitbart summarizes the changes:

“Real hourly compensation decreased 0.4 percent after revision, rather than the previously-published increase of 4.2 percent,” the BLS admitted. Compensation also fell another 1.4 percent in the second quarter, from April to June, the BLS admitted in the same report. That’s 2 percent drop in wages since December.

Pay shrank 0.3 percent in 2013, rose a mere 1.1 percent in 2014, but rose a promising 2.7 percent in 2015, according to the BLS.

Based on the erroneous data, President Obama has been taking victory laps on the economy.

Productivity and Costs, Second Quarter 2016, Preliminary
Sincere question... Do you put 100% of the responsibility for wage growth on the Fed government or do you put any responsibility in the hands of our corporations and business owners? If so, how much responsibility do you attribute to each and what role do you think each plays?

In a good economy, neither.....wage growth is the sole responsibility of the individual and their value.

In the wage growth depression of the past 8 years, it's the .govs fault, more specifically Obama and his horrid economy.....
What determines a good economy, are you talking about supply and demand? How does a person determine their value, specifically in the low wage, labor market?

Care to explain why it is all Obamas fault?
A normal economy, you know, a normal economy....4 to 6% growth, 3 to 5% interest think this is normal?

A person doesn't determine their value, a person increases their value through training, relocation, etc........or decreases it by behavior, ignorance, drugs,,etc.......

It's Obamas fault because it's his

You new at this stuff?
August 11, 2016
Shocking data revision by feds: Americans’ wages dropped 4.2% instead of rising in the first quarter
By Thomas Lifson
Wages for Americans are dropping at a rapid rate, instead of rising as the feds had claimed. This shocking news – making President Obama’s claim that the economy has recovered from the great recession laughable – was buried in a report on second-quarter earnings and has barely registered in the nation’s media, which are anxious to elect Hillary Clinton.

Neil Munro of Breitbart summarizes the changes:

“Real hourly compensation decreased 0.4 percent after revision, rather than the previously-published increase of 4.2 percent,” the BLS admitted. Compensation also fell another 1.4 percent in the second quarter, from April to June, the BLS admitted in the same report. That’s 2 percent drop in wages since December.

Pay shrank 0.3 percent in 2013, rose a mere 1.1 percent in 2014, but rose a promising 2.7 percent in 2015, according to the BLS.

Based on the erroneous data, President Obama has been taking victory laps on the economy.

Productivity and Costs, Second Quarter 2016, Preliminary
Sincere question... Do you put 100% of the responsibility for wage growth on the Fed government or do you put any responsibility in the hands of our corporations and business owners? If so, how much responsibility do you attribute to each and what role do you think each plays?

In a good economy, neither.....wage growth is the sole responsibility of the individual and their value.

In the wage growth depression of the past 8 years, it's the .govs fault, more specifically Obama and his horrid economy.....
What determines a good economy, are you talking about supply and demand? How does a person determine their value, specifically in the low wage, labor market?

Care to explain why it is all Obamas fault?
A normal economy, you know, a normal economy....4 to 6% growth, 3 to 5% interest think this is normal?

A person doesn't determine their value, a person increases their value through training, relocation, etc........or decreases it by behavior, ignorance, drugs,,etc.......

It's Obamas fault because it's his

You new at this stuff?
Yeah it's Obamas economy and it is definitely short of stellar. I don't think you can lay all the blame on his shoulders though. Part of the responsibly has to go to the business owners that don't give their works raises and the trade agreements that flood our market with goods that American companies can not be price competitive with.

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