Taxing the rich, for dummies of the 47% speaks.....

Yep, you sure do. 3610 times you spoke. But no one knows what the fuck you are talking about.

I will leave for work shortly while you sit on your ass posting non sense ALL day. But you think I am in the working poor eh? Wanna bet all you own?

Have fun. I don't have to work today or any day I don't want to
have argued for tax code changes here for years in fact you have even been part of some of those threads

Disingenuous hack you are. Yea I have seen your "tax.code" Bullshit. All you want to do is give away the store to the ultra wealthy. Fuck that. Your idea sucks and it has been explained to you why it sucks. You to dumb to remember?

You assume i think your opinion on what I post means anything

it doesn't
A business has a cell phone made in China for 5 bucks each. They bring them to America and they sell them for $200 each, by doing this they become extremely wealthy.

2) A CEO says "They just raised taxes on our business!" , "Call the sales manager and tell him to raise the price of out phones , 20 bucks!"

Who really pays the "tax on the rich"?

Time for go back to Economics for dummies:

A CEO that sells phones for $200, while knowing it could have been sold for $220 without effecting sales volumes needs to be FIRED on the spot.

Prices are not set at a whim, they are set to meet demand.
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These stupid greedy Moon Bats always think they will somehow be better off if the filthy ass government steals money from other people and gives it to them but it never seems to work out as well as they thought.

The fact this idiot Obama has been doing that and poverty has increased, the debt skyrocketed, family income decreased, the spread between the rich and poor go worse and we have dismal economic growth. It is a great example of show that stupid concept always fails.

Meanwhile this Crooked Hillary jackass is talking about raising taxes more and increasing the size of government even more than it is now. How stupid can she be?
For many years the Democrats told us about all the "benefits" off raising taxes,

talkin' 'bout how they're going to fill the pot holes, how you're going to see infrastructure when you drive around, and how veterans are going to get a new motor scooter.

After years, and years, and years of hearing this BS and watching the government waste money, people had enough of politicians who want to raise taxes.

The Democrats switched to scare tactics. If you don't raise taxes, the National Debt will go berserk and you won't get Social Security.

The government collected more money, the National debt STILL went berserk, and every year they threaten to reduce Social Security.

The public was still against the idea of raising taxes.


Some Democrat came up with a genius idea, say "raise taxes on the rich". like someone else is going to pay the tax hikes. The Democrats have completely given up on trying to convince people, raising taxes will be beneficial.


A business has a cell phone made in China for 5 bucks each. They bring them to America and they sell them for $200 each, by doing this they become extremely wealthy.

Nearly every rich person in America is invested in business one way or another.

The public allows some politician to raise taxes "on the rich"

Ask yourself , which scenario is more probable...

1) A CEO says "They just raised taxes on our business!" , "Call my personal assistant, downgrade my house from 30 million to 2 million, tell the management team they're getting a pay cut, and tell the investors they're getting a profit cut!"


2) A CEO says "They just raised taxes on our business!" , "Call the sales manager and tell him to raise the price of out phones , 20 bucks!"

Who really pays the "tax on the rich"?

Why tax anyone then? If everyone can pass the cost of their taxes on to someone else, which seems to be some wacky rightwing theory,

why not just reduce all taxes to zero and watch the tax revenue roll in?
Why tax anyone then? If everyone can pass the cost of their taxes on to someone else, which seems to be some wacky rightwing theory,

why not just reduce all taxes to zero and watch the tax revenue roll in?

Yes, if the argument against raising the tax is exactly the same as one for making it zero you know it's stinks of bullshit.
For many years the Democrats told us about all the "benefits" off raising taxes,

talkin' 'bout how they're going to fill the pot holes, how you're going to see infrastructure when you drive around, and how veterans are going to get a new motor scooter.

After years, and years, and years of hearing this BS and watching the government waste money, people had enough of politicians who want to raise taxes.

The Democrats switched to scare tactics. If you don't raise taxes, the National Debt will go berserk and you won't get Social Security.

The government collected more money, the National debt STILL went berserk, and every year they threaten to reduce Social Security.

The public was still against the idea of raising taxes.


Some Democrat came up with a genius idea, say "raise taxes on the rich". like someone else is going to pay the tax hikes. The Democrats have completely given up on trying to convince people, raising taxes will be beneficial.


A business has a cell phone made in China for 5 bucks each. They bring them to America and they sell them for $200 each, by doing this they become extremely wealthy.

Nearly every rich person in America is invested in business one way or another.

The public allows some politician to raise taxes "on the rich"

Ask yourself , which scenario is more probable...

1) A CEO says "They just raised taxes on our business!" , "Call my personal assistant, downgrade my house from 30 million to 2 million, tell the management team they're getting a pay cut, and tell the investors they're getting a profit cut!"


2) A CEO says "They just raised taxes on our business!" , "Call the sales manager and tell him to raise the price of out phones , 20 bucks!"

Who really pays the "tax on the rich"?

Why tax anyone then? If everyone can pass the cost of their taxes on to someone else, which seems to be some wacky rightwing theory,

why not just reduce all taxes to zero and watch the tax revenue roll in?

Why not just get rid of the income tax and tax consumption?
Well, a lot of the 1% are getting away with paying next to nothing while using our resources. Do you think that is fair? I think at the very least they should pay the stated amount that they should....

It is unfair for all the people that do pay their taxes.
What resources are they using?????

If the product is being made out of the country, aren't they using the other country's resources?

Oh, I know. The products of socialism......roads, fossil fuels, bridges, and air. Nothing gets done without government.
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There is an incredible number of people who really believe that the poor people in this country pay substantially all of the taxes.
For many years the Democrats told us about all the "benefits" off raising taxes,

talkin' 'bout how they're going to fill the pot holes, how you're going to see infrastructure when you drive around, and how veterans are going to get a new motor scooter.

After years, and years, and years of hearing this BS and watching the government waste money, people had enough of politicians who want to raise taxes.

The Democrats switched to scare tactics. If you don't raise taxes, the National Debt will go berserk and you won't get Social Security.

The government collected more money, the National debt STILL went berserk, and every year they threaten to reduce Social Security.

The public was still against the idea of raising taxes.


Some Democrat came up with a genius idea, say "raise taxes on the rich". like someone else is going to pay the tax hikes. The Democrats have completely given up on trying to convince people, raising taxes will be beneficial.


A business has a cell phone made in China for 5 bucks each. They bring them to America and they sell them for $200 each, by doing this they become extremely wealthy.

Nearly every rich person in America is invested in business one way or another.

The public allows some politician to raise taxes "on the rich"

Ask yourself , which scenario is more probable...

1) A CEO says "They just raised taxes on our business!" , "Call my personal assistant, downgrade my house from 30 million to 2 million, tell the management team they're getting a pay cut, and tell the investors they're getting a profit cut!"


2) A CEO says "They just raised taxes on our business!" , "Call the sales manager and tell him to raise the price of out phones , 20 bucks!"

Who really pays the "tax on the rich"?

You assume the business of America is making and selling "stuff"

Hasn't been that way in decades. The business of America is money. Banks and finance moving money from one place to another and making immense profit while doing it

Everyone makes money off the transactions but the taxpayer. We have created a myth where we call these financial wizards "job creators" and exempt them from paying taxes on their profits. When they screw up, like they did in 2007 ad 2008, we come in and bail them out. We take the risk, they reap the profit

For many years the Democrats told us about all the "benefits" off raising taxes,

talkin' 'bout how they're going to fill the pot holes, how you're going to see infrastructure when you drive around, and how veterans are going to get a new motor scooter.

After years, and years, and years of hearing this BS and watching the government waste money, people had enough of politicians who want to raise taxes.

The Democrats switched to scare tactics. If you don't raise taxes, the National Debt will go berserk and you won't get Social Security.

The government collected more money, the National debt STILL went berserk, and every year they threaten to reduce Social Security.

The public was still against the idea of raising taxes.


Some Democrat came up with a genius idea, say "raise taxes on the rich". like someone else is going to pay the tax hikes. The Democrats have completely given up on trying to convince people, raising taxes will be beneficial.


A business has a cell phone made in China for 5 bucks each. They bring them to America and they sell them for $200 each, by doing this they become extremely wealthy.

Nearly every rich person in America is invested in business one way or another.

The public allows some politician to raise taxes "on the rich"

Ask yourself , which scenario is more probable...

1) A CEO says "They just raised taxes on our business!" , "Call my personal assistant, downgrade my house from 30 million to 2 million, tell the management team they're getting a pay cut, and tell the investors they're getting a profit cut!"


2) A CEO says "They just raised taxes on our business!" , "Call the sales manager and tell him to raise the price of out phones , 20 bucks!"

Who really pays the "tax on the rich"?

You assume the business of America is making and selling "stuff"

Hasn't been that way in decades. The business of America is money. Banks and finance moving money from one place to another and making immense profit while doing it

Everyone makes money off the transactions but the taxpayer. We have created a myth where we call these financial wizards "job creators" and exempt them from paying taxes on their profits. When they screw up, like they did in 2007 ad 2008, we come in and bail them out. We take the risk, they reap the profit


i'm not sure that i agree with you. yes, we make money on finance. and we're no longer a manufacturing society. but we are a service economy. our "business" is human beings and what they provide to other human beings.
Why not just get rid of the income tax and tax consumption?

Why not? You believe it suck a good idea why don't your congress critter propose that idea in the halls of congress?

Is it because your congress critter doesn't want to get laughed off the floor? Why yes it is.

Your idea is Bullshit but you sure cling to it. Guns, religion and a no tax. Clingon. LMAO.
Why not just get rid of the income tax and tax consumption?

Why not? You believe it suck a good idea why don't your congress critter propose that idea in the halls of congress?

Is it because your congress critter doesn't want to get laughed off the floor? Why yes it is.

Your idea is Bullshit but you sure cling to it. Guns, religion and a flat tax. Clingon. LMAO.
You're sputtering again
have argued for tax code changes here for years in fact you have even been part of some of those threads

Disingenuous hack you are. Yea I have seen your "tax.code" Bullshit. All you want to do is give away the store to the ultra wealthy. Fuck that. Your idea sucks and it has been explained to you why it sucks. You to dumb to remember?
How poor is the person who employs you?
This is the real tax rate distribution:


Broken down to state and federal taxes:


The one tax graph you really need to know

Based on the data, there seems to be a top bracket missing in our tax code.

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