TB, Measles, and The Plague Coming in Over Our Southern Border

Of all the reports and rants about illegal immigration, this is the least reported. We spent decades ridding this country of such diseases and now they're coming back due to those sneaking across our borders. Or even being allowed in by the Obama administration.
Attack the source all you want. You can't refute the statistics or the links.
The returning diseases are;
1. Tuberculosis

2. Measles

3. Whooping Cough

4. Mumps

5. Scarlet Fever

6. Bubonic Plague

Another cutting edge example of the good work the Left brings to the USA.
problem is most concerning in USA Big 'GATEWAY' cities as thats were the disease ridden imported third worlders gravitate for taxpayer paid [free to them] services .
Of all the reports and rants about illegal immigration, this is the least reported. We spent decades ridding this country of such diseases and now they're coming back due to those sneaking across our borders. Or even being allowed in by the Obama administration.

Attack the source all you want. You can't refute the statistics or the links.

The returning diseases are;

1. Tuberculosis

2. Measles

3. Whooping Cough

4. Mumps

5. Scarlet Fever

6. Bubonic Plague

The near eradication of these diseases in the United States during the twentieth century was a remarkable accomplishment of American civilization. Until recently, most Americans believed these diseases were gone from our shores for good.

Read story w/links @ Six Diseases Return To US as Migration Advocates Celebrate 'World Refugee Day' - Breitbart
Mexicans "need" a sanctuary from immigration law, because, well because rich white elitists say so. You know, the elitists janky assholes that mock poor Americans and live as far away from poor Americans and Mexicans "immigrants" as possible, those ones. They are all about diversity and stuff, as long as it doesn't affect them in their Home owners covenant protected rich white gated communities. Funny that.
Of all the reports and rants about illegal immigration, this is the least reported. We spent decades ridding this country of such diseases and now they're coming back due to those sneaking across our borders. Or even being allowed in by the Obama administration.

Attack the source all you want. You can't refute the statistics or the links.

The returning diseases are;

1. Tuberculosis

2. Measles

3. Whooping Cough

4. Mumps

5. Scarlet Fever

6. Bubonic Plague

The near eradication of these diseases in the United States during the twentieth century was a remarkable accomplishment of American civilization. Until recently, most Americans believed these diseases were gone from our shores for good.

Read story w/links @ Six Diseases Return To US as Migration Advocates Celebrate 'World Refugee Day' - Breitbart
White Europeans brought those diseases here in the first place.
Christopher Columbus brought a host of terrible new diseases to the New World
Of the estimated 250,000 natives in Hispaniola, Columbus' first stop in the Americas in 1492, new infectious diseases wiped out a staggering 236,000 indigenous people by 1517 - nearly 95% of their population.
1. Smallpox
2. Measles
3. Influenza
4. Bubonic plague
5. Diphtheria
6. Typhus
7. Cholera
8. Scarlet fever
9. Chicken pox
10. Yellow fever
11. Malaria
12. Lyme disease
13. Q-fever (bacterial disease carried by cattle, sheep, and goats)
14. Leishmania (parasitic disease)
15. Whooping cough
16. African sleeping sickness (parasitic disease)
17. Filaria (parasitic disease)
18. Dengue
19. Septicemic plague (one of the three main forms of the plague)
20. Schistosomiasis (parasitic disease)
21. Anthrax
22. Botulism
23. Tetanus
24. Toxoplasmosis
25. Taeniasis (tape worms)
26. Staphylococci
27. Streptococci
28. Mycotic diseases (fungal diseases)
29. Syphilis
30. Legionellosis (bacterial disease)
Christopher Columbus brought a host of terrible new diseases to the New World

1) That was over 500 years ago
2) They didn't know that they were bringing diseases.
Seriously, the thread is 2 years old. Stop resurrecting ancient threads walt.
Illegal alien Mexicans bring with them all sorts of modern diseases we have all kinds of tests for today to prevent. But people have to be screened and follow protocols.
Which is a valid reason we expect ALL people to immigrate legally and get inspected by the authorities. Which begs the question, How do Illegal aliens from Mexico get immigration sanctuary? What exempts Mexicans from immigration laws and protocols? And HOW on earth did they get this special status? And who says they earned it?
The thing is....if illegals are going to come in like....well like that....they bring all kind of illnesses with them...

the ones that the OP mentioned....

and leprosy too

that's why at the beginning of the 1900s Ellis Island was a must stop.

if back then America did care about the greater good ....why not now?

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