TDS? Charles Krauthammer "Trump Clarification Syndrome"

Procrustes Stretched

This place is nothing without the membership.
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Nowhere
TDS? Where does the label come from? Some of us know and have laughed at how BDS got hijacked by MAGA into TDS.

Before he passed away, the man who labelled things Bush Derangement Syndrome had something to say about Trump. It wasn't about credible and deserving criticism of Trump and his pronouncements on most everything: the “epidemic” on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and in “the tonier parts of Los Angeles.” Some of the most acute sufferers, he said, included Barbra Streisand, Paul Krugman, Bill Moyers, and John Dean. The leading institutional culprit was the liberal media.

"Krauthammer spent his political youth as a liberal-ish speechwriter for Walter Mondale and ended up a neocon on Fox News. Asked once about his rightward journey, he remarked, “I was young once.” But, as deep as his conservatism ran, Krauthammer, who died last year, refused to get in line with Donald Trump. (In 2016, he voted for an unnamed third-party candidate.)"

"“I used to think Trump was an eleven-year-old, an undeveloped bully,” he wrote in the Post, in an analysis that was as much psychiatric as it was political. “I was off by about ten years. His needs are more primitive, an infantile hunger for approval, and praise, a craving that can never be satisfied. He lives in a cocoon of solipsism where the world outside himself has value—indeed exists—only insofar as it sustains and inflates him.” "

"Trump, naturally, responded with his customary Burkean eloquence, tweeting that Krauthammer was “a dummy” and “an overrated clown


Biden: ‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black’​

This is the kind of condescending talk that I don't go for. Many of my friends and family will vote for Harris, but I certainly won't.
Trump doesn't need clarification.

Everyone knows who he is.

You either understand him or you don't, that's all there is to it.

Biden: ‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black’​

This is the kind of condescending talk that I don't go for. Many of my friends and family will vote for Harris, but I certainly won't.
Biden is correct. Who cares what you go for. Vote as you wish.
Go for it, girl. Vote as you wish. You should follow your family and friends' advice. You would benefit from it.
Trump doesn't need clarification.

Everyone knows who he is.

You either understand him or you don't, that's all there is to it.
Oh, we understand him alright.


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