Tea Partier refers to executioning President Obama

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Some guy somewhere said drawing and quartering the President is too good for him.

So what?

Are we going to get all hot and bothered if someone burns a politician in effigy next?
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Teapers will claim there is no Teaper leadership. They won't condemn such statements but they will proceed to spew racist nonsense and levy personal attacks on you and anyone else who dared criticize this teaper hate monger.

Teapers are fucking ridiculous. Anti-American traitors who want an armed insurrection.

Did you condemn Biden for saying the GOP wants to see blacks in chains?

Betcha didn't.

:lmao: Red Herring Teaperism!

The guy is an idiot, not only for spewing about violence, but for ignorance. People are not "hung" they are hanged.

Moron. But at least he didn't invent a retard word like executioning.

That was a typo. Are your panties still in a wad?


No sir.

Execuling......is a typo....accidentally hit the L instead of the T

Executioning is written by one who is naïve to the proper tenses of the word execute.

Sad one can not admit when they were wrong.

This guys is "going rogue"as some say, as long as it isn't execution, ignore him. He is using an old expression, though the publicity could get him a visit from the Secret Service. Maybe that what he is yapping for, MEDIA.

It's not only execution, it's hanging, literally cutting and tearing the body up into pieces, disemboweling, castrating and then hanging the remaining body parts for public display.

Now if you can survive all that, no it's not executioning.
I just did. Pull your head out of your ass, Nutz.

:lol: That is what you call that? I mean, if you were serious about condemnation...you wouldn't be pointing out an obvious typo. :eusa_whistle:

I can walk and chew gum, Nutz. The OP is a flaming moron pointing fingers at another flaming moron. All is pertinent. All is fair game.

Nope...if a lib...or better yet, Jesse Jackson were to say something like that, you guys would be like a German looking for a Jew.
Some guy somewhere said drawing and quartering the President is too good for him.

So what?

Are we going to get all hot and bothered if someone burns a politician in effigy next?

TeaTards know they can't talk about lynching the N*gger in the White House....at least in public
Teapers will claim there is no Teaper leadership. They won't condemn such statements but they will proceed to spew racist nonsense and levy personal attacks on you and anyone else who dared criticize this teaper hate monger.

Teapers are fucking ridiculous. Anti-American traitors who want an armed insurrection.

Did you condemn Biden for saying the GOP wants to see blacks in chains?

Betcha didn't.

Democrat president said:
I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -
Some Of The Lost History In The Civil Rights Movement

writes that Johnson explained his decision to nominate Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court rather than a less famous black judge by saying,
“when I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a ******.”

Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist. | MSNBC

No sir.

Execuling......is a typo....accidentally hit the L instead of the T

Executioning is written by one who is naïve to the proper tenses of the word execute.

Sad one can not admit when they were wrong.


Do you even realize you are as much a bigot as you claim "Teapers" to be? You don't, do you...

Of course...anyone who disagrees with a Teaper is a bigot. I thought we already established that. :lmao: Teapers want to execute the President...because they disagree with him or because he is a Negro?
Excoriating the opposition is a timeless American tradition. Get over it already.


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Teapers will claim there is no Teaper leadership. They won't condemn such statements but they will proceed to spew racist nonsense and levy personal attacks on you and anyone else who dared criticize this teaper hate monger.

Teapers are fucking ridiculous. Anti-American traitors who want an armed insurrection.

Did you condemn Biden for saying the GOP wants to see blacks in chains?

Betcha didn't.

Democrat president said:
I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -
Some Of The Lost History In The Civil Rights Movement

writes that Johnson explained his decision to nominate Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court rather than a less famous black judge by saying,
“when I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a ******.”

Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist. | MSNBC

The first quote is alleged but undocumented. The second is taken out of context and not in itself racist. The context is that it was about the person spoken to (2nd person) -- not the third.

Anything else?
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Excoriating the opposition is a timeless American tradition. Get over it already.



Those are effigies.

Are we to imagine the speaker in the article is proposing to impeach O'bama --- in effigy?
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Teapers will claim there is no Teaper leadership. They won't condemn such statements but they will proceed to spew racist nonsense and levy personal attacks on you and anyone else who dared criticize this teaper hate monger.

Teapers are fucking ridiculous. Anti-American traitors who want an armed insurrection.

Did you condemn Biden for saying the GOP wants to see blacks in chains?

Betcha didn't.

Democrat president said:
I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -
Some Of The Lost History In The Civil Rights Movement

writes that Johnson explained his decision to nominate Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court rather than a less famous black judge by saying,
“when I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a ******.”

Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist. | MSNBC

1. It has already been established that the LBJ quote is false.

2. What is it with teapers using canadian media as their source? How fucking pathetic can you be if you have to use the canada Free Press to spew your nonsense.

3. Funny how Teapers have to go back to LBJ to justify their racism...makes no sense. Who cares what a Democrat said 50 years ago...YOUR TEAPER LEADERS WANT TO KILL A US PRESIDENT BECAUSE HE IS BLACK.

Do you even realize you are as much a bigot as you claim "Teapers" to be? You don't, do you...

Of course...anyone who disagrees with a Teaper is a bigot. I thought we already established that. :lmao: Teapers want to execute the President...because they disagree with him or because he is a Negro?

Teaper is your word for ******. You paint an entire group of people with one broad brush of negativity.

If you don't get that your position is total bigotry, the same as racism, you are a moron.
:lmao: Democrats were/ are racists so it is okay for Teapers to be racist too. Fucking children!
God damn that Barraco Barner for giving us cheaper healthcare insurance and a soaring stock market and falling yearly deficits! God damn him!

But but but.....we're not racists. Really!

Do you even realize you are as much a bigot as you claim "Teapers" to be? You don't, do you...

Of course...anyone who disagrees with a Teaper is a bigot. I thought we already established that. :lmao: Teapers want to execute the President...because they disagree with him or because he is a Negro?

Teaper is your word for ******. You paint an entire group of people with one broad brush of negativity.

If you don't get that your position is total bigotry, the same as racism, you are a moron.

One broad brush seems to hit every teaper every time it is used. Instead of condemnation, you guys are pointing to LBJ...LMAO. Perhaps if there was simple condemnation, that broad brush would be racist...perhaps.

Then again, Teaper is not racist...it is simply the ingenious shortening of a long word.
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