Tea Partier refers to executioning President Obama

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I looked up the full video of this Stephen Steinlight's speach. He rambles on for over an hour. How anyone watched the whole thing to find that comment about drawing and quartering I'll never know.
Teapers will claim there is no Teaper leadership. They won't condemn such statements but they will proceed to spew racist nonsense and levy personal attacks on you and anyone else who dared criticize this teaper hate monger.

Teapers are fucking ridiculous. Anti-American traitors who want an armed insurrection.

Did you condemn Biden for saying the GOP wants to see blacks in chains?

Betcha didn't.

Nor did the bed wetters ever get uptight about the movie about Bush getting killed, or the efigies of republicans being hung or anything else. Libtard faux outrage is always comical.

Teapers will claim there is no Teaper leadership. They won't condemn such statements but they will proceed to spew racist nonsense and levy personal attacks on you and anyone else who dared criticize this teaper hate monger.

Teapers are fucking ridiculous. Anti-American traitors who want an armed insurrection.
In this respect, aren't Tea Party types using the Islamic defense?

There is no central authority in Islam and Muslims are accused of not sufficiently refuting extremist violence.

Tea Party types are wallowing in indigence, their favorite puddle. Lacking any real policy initiatives, they spew invectives, insults and indignation over each and every thing Barack Obama does down to and including breathing.

I wonder how they expect to govern? They will never get that chance on a platform of hatred and suspicion.
Teapers will claim there is no Teaper leadership. They won't condemn such statements but they will proceed to spew racist nonsense and levy personal attacks on you and anyone else who dared criticize this teaper hate monger.

Teapers are fucking ridiculous. Anti-American traitors who want an armed insurrection.
In this respect, aren't Tea Party types using the Islamic defense?

There is no central authority in Islam and Muslims are accused of not sufficiently refuting extremist violence.

Tea Party types are wallowing in indigence, their favorite puddle. Lacking any real policy initiatives, they spew invectives, insults and indignation over each and every thing Barack Obama does down to and including breathing.

I wonder how they expect to govern? They will never get that chance on a platform of hatred and suspicion.

Very well said, Nosmo....you just defined Teaperism!
I looked up the full video of this Stephen Steinlight's speach. He rambles on for over an hour. How anyone watched the whole thing to find that comment about drawing and quartering I'll never know.

We have a guy no one has ever heard of, visiting a group that is probably about a dozen people (judging by the amount of clapping we hear), in a town no one has ever heard of, speaking for over an hour.

It does not get any more insignificant than that, right?

And yet this teeny, tiny soundbite somehow gets attention and highlighted by Right Wing Watch.

I find the desperate mechanics that reached way, way, way down into the weeds and brought out this nugget to be far more interesting than what the guy said.

Just as an aside, Steinlight is from the Center for Immigration Studies. A nativist organization the right wing hack media likes to cite on all matters immigrant to give the impression they are citing a non-partisan organization.

Their guy wants Obama drawn and quartered, and we are supposed to believe their claims they are non-partisan.

So you got your propaganda shit slingers on both sides. Right Wing Watch with their pathetic attempt at a generalization fallacy, and the Center for Immigration Studies and their bigoted "non-partisan" propaganda about immigrants.

It's a tough slog wading through the oceans of piss and climbing over the mountains of manufactured bullshit for critical thinkers these days.
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I looked up the full video of this Stephen Steinlight's speach. He rambles on for over an hour. How anyone watched the whole thing to find that comment about drawing and quartering I'll never know.

We have a guy no one has ever heard of, visiting a group that is probably about a dozen people (judging by the amount of clapping we hear), in a town no one has ever heard of, speaking for over an hour.

It does not get any more insignificant than that, right?

And yet this teeny, tiny soundbite somehow gets attention and highlighted by Right Wing Watch.

I find that the desperate mechanics behind that way more interesting than what the guy said.

Lol...what did I say.

Teapers spew shit like this all across America...everyday. Everyday such comments are brought to the attention of low information Teapers...they make the same excuses. Blind and dumb most teapers be...but all are willfully ignorant.
I wouldn't want such harm to come to obama. A life sentence in shackles would be much better.
I looked up the full video of this Stephen Steinlight's speach. He rambles on for over an hour. How anyone watched the whole thing to find that comment about drawing and quartering I'll never know.

We have a guy no one has ever heard of, visiting a group that is probably about a dozen people (judging by the amount of clapping we hear), in a town no one has ever heard of, speaking for over an hour.

It does not get any more insignificant than that, right?

And yet this teeny, tiny soundbite somehow gets attention and highlighted by Right Wing Watch.

I find that the desperate mechanics behind that way more interesting than what the guy said.

Lol...what did I say.

Teapers spew shit like this all across America...everyday. Everyday such comments are brought to the attention of low information Teapers...they make the same excuses. Blind and dumb most teapers be...but all are willfully ignorant.

Sounds like you'd fit right in.

Can we discuss anything less important that some whackjob who really needs a medication intervention (that means you....the moron in the video is only above that).
God damn that Barraco Barner for giving us cheaper healthcare insurance and a soaring stock market and falling yearly deficits! God damn him!

But but but.....we're not racists. Really!


Huh, that's weird.

Everybody I've spoken to among the working poor tell me that their insurance cost has doubled and tripled.

You must know different people.

Oh that's right. The people who don't work, and who aren't getting "affordable" insurance, but "free" insurance.

While the people who DO work, who NEED medical in order to do their jobs, are footing the bill and can't afford to get their own teeth fixed because the deductibles have all skyrocketed.
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He is a typical right wing Republican.

This is precisely the generalization fallacy piss the hacks at Right Wing Watch wanted you to chug and regurgitate.

Don't be an obedient mindless rube.
Teapers will claim there is no Teaper leadership. They won't condemn such statements but they will proceed to spew racist nonsense and levy personal attacks on you and anyone else who dared criticize this teaper hate monger.

Teapers are fucking ridiculous. Anti-American traitors who want an armed insurrection.
In this respect, aren't Tea Party types using the Islamic defense?

There is no central authority in Islam and Muslims are accused of not sufficiently refuting extremist violence.

Tea Party types are wallowing in indigence, their favorite puddle. Lacking any real policy initiatives, they spew invectives, insults and indignation over each and every thing Barack Obama does down to and including breathing.

I wonder how they expect to govern? They will never get that chance on a platform of hatred and suspicion.

The Liberals did very well when they did it in the 70's and still use it today.
Liberals have a lot more hate speech and use violence when they protest.
You are seeing all types of people who are getting sick of it today especially conservatives and independents and even some liberals of sick of this administrations hate.
We have a guy no one has ever heard of, visiting a group that is probably about a dozen people (judging by the amount of clapping we hear), in a town no one has ever heard of, speaking for over an hour.

It does not get any more insignificant than that, right?

And yet this teeny, tiny soundbite somehow gets attention and highlighted by Right Wing Watch.

I find that the desperate mechanics behind that way more interesting than what the guy said.

Lol...what did I say.

Teapers spew shit like this all across America...everyday. Everyday such comments are brought to the attention of low information Teapers...they make the same excuses. Blind and dumb most teapers be...but all are willfully ignorant.

Sounds like you'd fit right in.

Can we discuss anything less important that some whackjob who really needs a medication intervention (that means you....the moron in the video is only above that).

Hey Stat, I lost track of the personal insults as opposed to condemnation. You have a count?

:lmao: Teapers
I wouldn't want such harm to come to obama. A life sentence in shackles would be much better.

I wouldn't either... and this is just one reason why....

Those are effigies.

Are we to imagine the speaker in the article is proposing to impeach O'bama --- in effigy?

He's bloviating. Theater for the rubes.

Of course. That's clear going in. I think the question is the language therein. It brings up the question of incendiary speech. To what extent is bloviating rhetoric to be taken seriously -- or will it be taken seriously by the recipient? There's the rub.


>> [Joyce] Kaufman, who made the announcement on her midday show, later said the last straw was a threat of violence against Broward County schools in which an e-mailer cited a video clip of Kaufman telling a tea party rally that "if ballots don't work, bullets will."

The clip from a July 3 event was featured by MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Tuesday night.
On Lou Dobbs' nationally syndicated radio show Thursday afternoon, Kaufman said someone sent her an e-mail at 1 a.m. Wednesday saying, "I'm so glad that you said we should take to the streets and use our weapons and things like that."

Kaufman said someone then called her station, Pompano Beach-based WFTL 850-AM, on Wednesday morning mentioning a threat against government buildings, including schools, in Broward County.

Pembroke Pines Police Capt. Daniel Rakofsky said Wednesday that the call came from an unidentified woman, who said her husband was going to start shooting at a school in Pembroke Pines. That caused lockdowns first at schools in the city, then countywide. The lockdown was lifted in time for dismissal, after an estimated 230,000 student had been affected. <<​

Or this--
Greg Lee Giusti: Arrested for threatening House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom Beck himself has said he would like to poison. Giusti's mom said: "Greg frequently gets in with a group of people that have really radical ideas and that are not consistent with myself or the rest of the family, which gets him into problems ... I say Fox News, or all of those that are really radical, and he, that's where he comes from."​

or this -

Jim David Adkisson: Killed two people and wounded six others in a shooting attack at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in West Knoxville, Tenn., in 2008. Adkisson was inspired by Fox commentator Bernard Goldberg: "This was a symbolic killing," Adkisson wrote. "Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate and House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg's book. I'd like to kill everyone in the mainstream media.​

or this -

"To all modern Sons of Liberty: THIS is your time. Break their windows. Break them NOW."

These were the words of Mike Vanderboegh, a 57-year-old former militiaman from Alabama, who took to his blog urging people who opposed the historic health-care reform legislation -- he calls it "Nancy Pelosi's Intolerable Act" -- to throw bricks through the windows of Democratic offices nationwide.

"So, if you wish to send a message that Pelosi and her party [that they] cannot fail to hear, break their windows," Vanderboegh wrote on the blog, Sipsey Street Irregulars. "Break them NOW. Break them and run to break again. Break them under cover of night. Break them in broad daylight. Break them and await arrest in willful, principled civil disobedience. Break them with rocks. Break them with slingshots. Break them with baseball bats. But BREAK THEM."

In the days that followed, glass windows and doors were shattered at local Democratic Party offices and the district offices of House Democrats from Arizona to Kansas to New York. At least 10 Democratic lawmakers reported death threats, incidents of harassment or vandalism at their offices over the past week, and the FBI and Capitol Police are offering lawmakers increased protection.​

It's worth noting that one of the offices so vandalized was that of Gabby Giffords, who was later shot in the head.

What price yelling fire in a crowded theater?
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