Tea Partier refers to executioning President Obama

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Without a doubt...the liberals were some nasty, nasty, nasty anti-Bush traitors. But we are talking about racist teapers who want to lynch the President for no other reason than the color of his skin. Oh wait, it is because of ACA...no Immigration...

I don't know, what is the hangable offense du jour?

We have free speech in this nation. Even vice-dickwad Biden called for Bush to be killed. It may be poor taste, but it goes back to 1780 and before. The leftists will just have to pull up their big girl pampers and deal - just like the right had to do for 8 years of death threats and masturbatory assassination film against Bush.

Also note that this guy said "we can't do these things and must act like adults," he didn't advocate anything - unlike the leftists toward Bush.

No, but guys like this rally low information, low educated Teaper imbeciles to commit horrific crimes. Shootings in KS, NV...so much more - all motivated by Teaper hate.

As for Freedom of Speech...sure...when it doesn't incite violence and armed revolution.
Without a doubt...the liberals were some nasty, nasty, nasty anti-Bush traitors. But we are talking about racist teapers who want to lynch the President for no other reason than the color of his skin. Oh wait, it is because of ACA...no Immigration...

I don't know, what is the hangable offense du jour?

We have free speech in this nation. Even vice-dickwad Biden called for Bush to be killed. It may be poor taste, but it goes back to 1780 and before. The leftists will just have to pull up their big girl pampers and deal - just like the right had to do for 8 years of death threats and masturbatory assassination film against Bush.

Also note that this guy said "we can't do these things and must act like adults," he didn't advocate anything - unlike the leftists toward Bush.

No, but guys like this rally low information, low educated Teaper imbeciles to commit horrific crimes. Shootings in KS, NV...so much more - all motivated by Teaper hate.

As for Freedom of Speech...sure...when it doesn't incite violence and armed revolution.

Look at the morons in the pictures I posted, douche nozzle. Those are low information, low educated imbeciles. Aren't the posters rallying them to commit horrific crimes? Or do you believe it's OK to call for the assassination of a president so long as he's a Republican?
We have free speech in this nation. Even vice-dickwad Biden called for Bush to be killed. It may be poor taste, but it goes back to 1780 and before. The leftists will just have to pull up their big girl pampers and deal - just like the right had to do for 8 years of death threats and masturbatory assassination film against Bush.

Also note that this guy said "we can't do these things and must act like adults," he didn't advocate anything - unlike the leftists toward Bush.

No, but guys like this rally low information, low educated Teaper imbeciles to commit horrific crimes. Shootings in KS, NV...so much more - all motivated by Teaper hate.

As for Freedom of Speech...sure...when it doesn't incite violence and armed revolution.

Look at the morons in the pictures I posted, douche nozzle. Those are low information, low educated imbeciles. Aren't the posters rallying them to commit horrific crimes? Or do you believe it's OK to call for the assassination of a president so long as he's a Republican?

I commented on the liberal traitors a few posts up. Are you so full of rage that you are blind? Or are you just one of those low information teapers who ignores anything that doesn't fit into your fantasy world.

“And we all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? And I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him. But you know, this man who wants to rule by the use of a pen, a telephone, let us not forget his teleprompter … the fact is that it would backfire very badly and we’ve got to be grownups and accept that we can’t have everything we want, you know, [like] his head on a skewer.”

Hanged, drawn and quartered - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, I just want to paint in very vivid terms what "to hang, draw and quarter" means.
It is disgusting.

It is gruesome. And a crazy Tea Party asshole like this Stephen Steinlight freak (who makes $$$ off of his speaking ventures, btw) is only fanning flames of hate and more importantly, of sedition.

This is the Tea Party of America in 2014, when assholes can roam freely and say this kind of shit and of course, not one single soul in the Tea Party will take asshole Steinlight to task for this. They will clap for him and they will pay to hear him say stuff like this.

It was first reported here:

VIDEO: Stephen Steinlight of CIS says public execution “too good” for Obama | IMAGINE 2050

All this because he wanted people to have healthcare

I didn't see that specified as the reason, dutiful partisan.

The punishment for treason was what he was describing.

OK... so where is the treason? What has Obama done that qualifies as treason?
executioning? Perhaps by electrocutioning, or lethal injectioning.
Teapers will claim there is no Teaper leadership. They won't condemn such statements but they will proceed to spew racist nonsense and levy personal attacks on you and anyone else who dared criticize this teaper hate monger.

Teapers are fucking ridiculous. Anti-American traitors who want an armed insurrection.

Actually, while you were wringing your hands, I was thinking that Obama should be keel hauled from bow to stern. If he survives the ordeal (Many didn't, as they either drowned or bleed to death due to the many lacerations inflicted by the barnacles on the ship's keel), he can remain the president, but . . . and this is a nonnegotiable but . . . he must leave the White House and return to that dark, moldy recess beneath the rock which he crawled out from under. He can fax his endless stream of executive orders from there to America's file thirteen.

All this because he wanted people to have healthcare

I didn't see that specified as the reason, dutiful partisan.

The punishment for treason was what he was describing.

OK... so where is the treason? What has Obama done that qualifies as treason?

You want me to answer for him?
I don't know.
I was pointing out the blatantly partisan strawman/exaggeration.
It doesn't say anything about "healthcare" anywhere but the partisan needed to try to frame it that way for his reply.

It's a clumsy, amateur, weak tactic.
Moderation Message:

Thread has been cleaned. Can't fully sanitize
it -- but it's more legal in this state.

Stay on the topic. Lay off personal attacks.
Repetitive generalizations will be deleted/infracted here.
The subject seems to be THIS guy and his political statements
and/or affiliations.

“And we all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? And I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him. But you know, this man who wants to rule by the use of a pen, a telephone, let us not forget his teleprompter … the fact is that it would backfire very badly and we’ve got to be grownups and accept that we can’t have everything we want, you know, [like] his head on a skewer.”

So, I just want to paint in very vivid terms what "to hang, draw and quarter" means.
It is disgusting.

It is gruesome. And a crazy Tea Party asshole like this Stephen Steinlight freak (who makes $$$ off of his speaking ventures, btw) is only fanning flames of hate and more importantly, of sedition.

This is the Tea Party of America in 2014, when assholes can roam freely and say this kind of shit and of course, not one single soul in the Tea Party will take asshole Steinlight to task for this. They will clap for him and they will pay to hear him say stuff like this.

It was first reported here:

VIDEO: Stephen Steinlight of CIS says public execution “too good” for Obama | IMAGINE 2050

Do you assholes really believe anyone is supposed to get upset these incredibly mild verbal attacks on Obama?

They already do, Finger Boy. See 64.

You already do what, think someone is supposed to be upset about the slightest criticism of Dear Leader? Perhaps, but only the Obama dick sucking drones. If he can't stand the heat, then he should get out of the kitchen.
OK... so where is the treason? What has Obama done that qualifies as treason?

You are a partisan hack, with an IQ<50.

If you want to know what this guy thinks is treason, ASK HIM, retard. No one is responsible for his claims other than him.

Obama is a common, two bit felon. Treason? Nah....

Opening the flood gates for illegal immigration (encouraging it, in fact) qualifies as treason in my book.
I didn't see that specified as the reason, dutiful partisan.

The punishment for treason was what he was describing.

OK... so where is the treason? What has Obama done that qualifies as treason?

He has black blood...that is all the teapers need.

TEA party members don't give a flying fuck about the color of his skin or the color of his blood. If he protected our borders, cut spending, cut taxes and cut government regulations, then the TEA party would be singing his praises. However, we know that is never going to happen because he's a hardcore Marxist.
No, but guys like this rally low information, low educated Teaper imbeciles to commit horrific crimes. Shootings in KS, NV...so much more - all motivated by Teaper hate.

As for Freedom of Speech...sure...when it doesn't incite violence and armed revolution.

Look at the morons in the pictures I posted, douche nozzle. Those are low information, low educated imbeciles. Aren't the posters rallying them to commit horrific crimes? Or do you believe it's OK to call for the assassination of a president so long as he's a Republican?

I commented on the liberal traitors a few posts up. Are you so full of rage that you are blind? Or are you just one of those low information teapers who ignores anything that doesn't fit into your fantasy world.

I ignore assholes who don't practice what they preach.




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Look at the morons in the pictures I posted, douche nozzle. Those are low information, low educated imbeciles. Aren't the posters rallying them to commit horrific crimes? Or do you believe it's OK to call for the assassination of a president so long as he's a Republican?

I commented on the liberal traitors a few posts up. Are you so full of rage that you are blind? Or are you just one of those low information teapers who ignores anything that doesn't fit into your fantasy world.

I ignore assholes who don't practice what they preach.
Perhaps you are just too stupid to read?

Nutz Post #71 said:
Without a doubt...the liberals were some nasty, nasty, nasty anti-Bush traitors. But we are talking about racist teapers who want to lynch the President for no other reason than the color of his skin. Oh wait, it is because of ACA...no Immigration...

I don't know, what is the hangable offense du jour?
Tea Partier refers to executioning President Obama

Don't you like the system where everyone who even sympathizes with the tea party's objective of reducing government spending is personally responsible for every statement everyone who even claims to be a tea partier makes as if they'd said it themselves, but liberals are not personally responsible for what every liberal says every day?
OK... so where is the treason? What has Obama done that qualifies as treason?

He has black blood...that is all the teapers need.

TEA party members don't give a flying fuck about the color of his skin or the color of his blood. If he protected our borders, cut spending, cut taxes and cut government regulations, then the TEA party would be singing his praises. However, we know that is never going to happen because he's a hardcore Marxist.

What has he done any different than any other administration...please be specific and don't back up your so-called arguments with teaper blogs are hate sites
OK... so where is the treason? What has Obama done that qualifies as treason?

He has black blood...that is all the teapers need.

TEA party members don't give a flying fuck about the color of his skin or the color of his blood. If he protected our borders, cut spending, cut taxes and cut government regulations, then the TEA party would be singing his praises. However, we know that is never going to happen because he's a hardcore Marxist.
Another way of putting it would be "Capitulate with all our demands and agree with our agenda or you are a Marxist!"

What a great way to conduct politics!
Where you outraged when others threatened to kill Bush
Death Threats Against President George W. Bush | 600 WREC

George W. Bush Gets Nasty Death Threats While Receiving Heart Surgery // Mr. Conservative



“And we all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? And I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him. But you know, this man who wants to rule by the use of a pen, a telephone, let us not forget his teleprompter … the fact is that it would backfire very badly and we’ve got to be grownups and accept that we can’t have everything we want, you know, [like] his head on a skewer.”

Hanged, drawn and quartered - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To be hanged, drawn and quartered was from 1351 a statutory penalty in England for men convicted of high treason, although the ritual was first recorded during the reigns of King Henry III (1216–1272) and his successor, Edward I (1272–1307). Convicts were fastened to a hurdle, or wooden panel, and drawn by horse to the place of execution, where they were hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disembowelled, beheaded and quartered (chopped into four pieces). Their remains were often displayed in prominent places across the country, such as London Bridge. For reasons of public decency, women convicted of high treason were instead burned at the stake.

So, I just want to paint in very vivid terms what "to hang, draw and quarter" means.
It is disgusting.

It is gruesome. And a crazy Tea Party asshole like this Stephen Steinlight freak (who makes $$$ off of his speaking ventures, btw) is only fanning flames of hate and more importantly, of sedition.

This is the Tea Party of America in 2014, when assholes can roam freely and say this kind of shit and of course, not one single soul in the Tea Party will take asshole Steinlight to task for this. They will clap for him and they will pay to hear him say stuff like this.

It was first reported here:

VIDEO: Stephen Steinlight of CIS says public execution “too good” for Obama | IMAGINE 2050


“And we all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? And I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him. But you know, this man who wants to rule by the use of a pen, a telephone, let us not forget his teleprompter … the fact is that it would backfire very badly and we’ve got to be grownups and accept that we can’t have everything we want, you know, [like] his head on a skewer.”

Hanged, drawn and quartered - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To be hanged, drawn and quartered was from 1351 a statutory penalty in England for men convicted of high treason, although the ritual was first recorded during the reigns of King Henry III (1216–1272) and his successor, Edward I (1272–1307). Convicts were fastened to a hurdle, or wooden panel, and drawn by horse to the place of execution, where they were hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disembowelled, beheaded and quartered (chopped into four pieces). Their remains were often displayed in prominent places across the country, such as London Bridge. For reasons of public decency, women convicted of high treason were instead burned at the stake.

So, I just want to paint in very vivid terms what "to hang, draw and quarter" means.
It is disgusting.

It is gruesome. And a crazy Tea Party asshole like this Stephen Steinlight freak (who makes $$$ off of his speaking ventures, btw) is only fanning flames of hate and more importantly, of sedition.

This is the Tea Party of America in 2014, when assholes can roam freely and say this kind of shit and of course, not one single soul in the Tea Party will take asshole Steinlight to task for this. They will clap for him and they will pay to hear him say stuff like this.

It was first reported here:

VIDEO: Stephen Steinlight of CIS says public execution “too good” for Obama | IMAGINE 2050

What makes him a Tea Party guy? I mean besides your imagination.


“And we all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? And I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him. But you know, this man who wants to rule by the use of a pen, a telephone, let us not forget his teleprompter … the fact is that it would backfire very badly and we’ve got to be grownups and accept that we can’t have everything we want, you know, [like] his head on a skewer.”

Hanged, drawn and quartered - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To be hanged, drawn and quartered was from 1351 a statutory penalty in England for men convicted of high treason, although the ritual was first recorded during the reigns of King Henry III (1216–1272) and his successor, Edward I (1272–1307). Convicts were fastened to a hurdle, or wooden panel, and drawn by horse to the place of execution, where they were hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disembowelled, beheaded and quartered (chopped into four pieces). Their remains were often displayed in prominent places across the country, such as London Bridge. For reasons of public decency, women convicted of high treason were instead burned at the stake.

So, I just want to paint in very vivid terms what "to hang, draw and quarter" means.
It is disgusting.

It is gruesome. And a crazy Tea Party asshole like this Stephen Steinlight freak (who makes $$$ off of his speaking ventures, btw) is only fanning flames of hate and more importantly, of sedition.

This is the Tea Party of America in 2014, when assholes can roam freely and say this kind of shit and of course, not one single soul in the Tea Party will take asshole Steinlight to task for this. They will clap for him and they will pay to hear him say stuff like this.

It was first reported here:

VIDEO: Stephen Steinlight of CIS says public execution “too good” for Obama | IMAGINE 2050

So does this traitor usually dress in bed sheets?

Incredible ignorance from the tee potty is to be expected. They have no idea what they're talking about - that's a given. There are no grounds for impeachment or Boehner's silly ass posturing and swaggering about a lawsuit.

Plain and simple, this is proof they have no desire or plans to do what is right for their own country. They hate America. Period.

Its also indicative of what we see from so many RWs - that they are against governing and in favor of grand standing. (See Rick oops Perry's impotent show of putting Natl Guard on our southern border.)
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