Tea Partier refers to executioning President Obama

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Who exactly is this guy? What is executioning? and why would you think I at all condone what he is saying giving my history?


“And we all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? And I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him. But you know, this man who wants to rule by the use of a pen, a telephone, let us not forget his teleprompter … the fact is that it would backfire very badly and we’ve got to be grownups and accept that we can’t have everything we want, you know, [like] his head on a skewer.”

Hanged, drawn and quartered - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To be hanged, drawn and quartered was from 1351 a statutory penalty in England for men convicted of high treason, although the ritual was first recorded during the reigns of King Henry III (1216–1272) and his successor, Edward I (1272–1307). Convicts were fastened to a hurdle, or wooden panel, and drawn by horse to the place of execution, where they were hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disembowelled, beheaded and quartered (chopped into four pieces). Their remains were often displayed in prominent places across the country, such as London Bridge. For reasons of public decency, women convicted of high treason were instead burned at the stake.

So, I just want to paint in very vivid terms what "to hang, draw and quarter" means.
It is disgusting.

It is gruesome. And a crazy Tea Party asshole like this Stephen Steinlight freak (who makes $$$ off of his speaking ventures, btw) is only fanning flames of hate and more importantly, of sedition.

This is the Tea Party of America in 2014, when assholes can roam freely and say this kind of shit and of course, not one single soul in the Tea Party will take asshole Steinlight to task for this. They will clap for him and they will pay to hear him say stuff like this.

It was first reported here:

VIDEO: Stephen Steinlight of CIS says public execution “too good” for Obama | IMAGINE 2050

What makes him a Tea Party guy? I mean besides your imagination.

We almost made it to 100 posts before teapers started to make the claim this idiot is not a teaper. :lol:


“And we all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? And I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him. But you know, this man who wants to rule by the use of a pen, a telephone, let us not forget his teleprompter … the fact is that it would backfire very badly and we’ve got to be grownups and accept that we can’t have everything we want, you know, [like] his head on a skewer.”

Hanged, drawn and quartered - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, I just want to paint in very vivid terms what "to hang, draw and quarter" means.
It is disgusting.

It is gruesome. And a crazy Tea Party asshole like this Stephen Steinlight freak (who makes $$$ off of his speaking ventures, btw) is only fanning flames of hate and more importantly, of sedition.

This is the Tea Party of America in 2014, when assholes can roam freely and say this kind of shit and of course, not one single soul in the Tea Party will take asshole Steinlight to task for this. They will clap for him and they will pay to hear him say stuff like this.

It was first reported here:

VIDEO: Stephen Steinlight of CIS says public execution “too good” for Obama | IMAGINE 2050

What makes him a Tea Party guy? I mean besides your imagination.

We almost made it to 100 posts before teapers started to make the claim this idiot is not a teaper. :lol:

I claim no such thing idiot. I merely ask, what makes him a Tea Partier?
I see ODS has taken hold here too.

Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism - how passionately I hate them!
Albert Einstein


“And we all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? And I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him. But you know, this man who wants to rule by the use of a pen, a telephone, let us not forget his teleprompter … the fact is that it would backfire very badly and we’ve got to be grownups and accept that we can’t have everything we want, you know, [like] his head on a skewer.”

Hanged, drawn and quartered - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, I just want to paint in very vivid terms what "to hang, draw and quarter" means.
It is disgusting.

It is gruesome. And a crazy Tea Party asshole like this Stephen Steinlight freak (who makes $$$ off of his speaking ventures, btw) is only fanning flames of hate and more importantly, of sedition.

This is the Tea Party of America in 2014, when assholes can roam freely and say this kind of shit and of course, not one single soul in the Tea Party will take asshole Steinlight to task for this. They will clap for him and they will pay to hear him say stuff like this.

It was first reported here:

VIDEO: Stephen Steinlight of CIS says public execution “too good” for Obama | IMAGINE 2050

What makes him a Tea Party guy? I mean besides your imagination.

We almost made it to 100 posts before teapers started to make the claim this idiot is not a teaper. :lol:
It's easier to deny than refute. No Tea Party type wants to go on record disagreeing with the statements, even those calling for the death of a President. Should they openly disagree, they will be branded as Marxists or traitors or RINOS by their political comrades. And that is a fate worse than death in the Tea Party. They are not a group renown for their tolerance, forgiveness or grasp of nuance. They are political absolutists stumbling around in their own lack of sophisticated thought for the problems they alone have the answers to.


“And we all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? And I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him. But you know, this man who wants to rule by the use of a pen, a telephone, let us not forget his teleprompter … the fact is that it would backfire very badly and we’ve got to be grownups and accept that we can’t have everything we want, you know, [like] his head on a skewer.”

Hanged, drawn and quartered - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, I just want to paint in very vivid terms what "to hang, draw and quarter" means.
It is disgusting.

It is gruesome. And a crazy Tea Party asshole like this Stephen Steinlight freak (who makes $$$ off of his speaking ventures, btw) is only fanning flames of hate and more importantly, of sedition.

This is the Tea Party of America in 2014, when assholes can roam freely and say this kind of shit and of course, not one single soul in the Tea Party will take asshole Steinlight to task for this. They will clap for him and they will pay to hear him say stuff like this.

It was first reported here:

VIDEO: Stephen Steinlight of CIS says public execution “too good” for Obama | IMAGINE 2050

What makes him a Tea Party guy? I mean besides your imagination.

We almost made it to 100 posts before teapers started to make the claim this idiot is not a teaper. :lol:

You didn't answer the question: What makes you think he's a member of the TEA Party, other than the fact that you don't like what he says?


“And we all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? And I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him. But you know, this man who wants to rule by the use of a pen, a telephone, let us not forget his teleprompter … the fact is that it would backfire very badly and we’ve got to be grownups and accept that we can’t have everything we want, you know, [like] his head on a skewer.”

Hanged, drawn and quartered - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To be hanged, drawn and quartered was from 1351 a statutory penalty in England for men convicted of high treason, although the ritual was first recorded during the reigns of King Henry III (1216–1272) and his successor, Edward I (1272–1307). Convicts were fastened to a hurdle, or wooden panel, and drawn by horse to the place of execution, where they were hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disembowelled, beheaded and quartered (chopped into four pieces). Their remains were often displayed in prominent places across the country, such as London Bridge. For reasons of public decency, women convicted of high treason were instead burned at the stake.

So, I just want to paint in very vivid terms what "to hang, draw and quarter" means.
It is disgusting.

It is gruesome. And a crazy Tea Party asshole like this Stephen Steinlight freak (who makes $$$ off of his speaking ventures, btw) is only fanning flames of hate and more importantly, of sedition.

This is the Tea Party of America in 2014, when assholes can roam freely and say this kind of shit and of course, not one single soul in the Tea Party will take asshole Steinlight to task for this. They will clap for him and they will pay to hear him say stuff like this.

It was first reported here:

VIDEO: Stephen Steinlight of CIS says public execution “too good” for Obama | IMAGINE 2050

What makes him a Tea Party guy? I mean besides your imagination.

Gosh, you really think that maybe he's just the racist asshole that his other website indicate?

Google dot com is your friend. :rolleyes:


“And we all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? And I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him. But you know, this man who wants to rule by the use of a pen, a telephone, let us not forget his teleprompter … the fact is that it would backfire very badly and we’ve got to be grownups and accept that we can’t have everything we want, you know, [like] his head on a skewer.”

Hanged, drawn and quartered - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To be hanged, drawn and quartered was from 1351 a statutory penalty in England for men convicted of high treason, although the ritual was first recorded during the reigns of King Henry III (1216–1272) and his successor, Edward I (1272–1307). Convicts were fastened to a hurdle, or wooden panel, and drawn by horse to the place of execution, where they were hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disembowelled, beheaded and quartered (chopped into four pieces). Their remains were often displayed in prominent places across the country, such as London Bridge. For reasons of public decency, women convicted of high treason were instead burned at the stake.

So, I just want to paint in very vivid terms what "to hang, draw and quarter" means.
It is disgusting.

It is gruesome. And a crazy Tea Party asshole like this Stephen Steinlight freak (who makes $$$ off of his speaking ventures, btw) is only fanning flames of hate and more importantly, of sedition.

This is the Tea Party of America in 2014, when assholes can roam freely and say this kind of shit and of course, not one single soul in the Tea Party will take asshole Steinlight to task for this. They will clap for him and they will pay to hear him say stuff like this.

It was first reported here:

VIDEO: Stephen Steinlight of CIS says public execution “too good” for Obama | IMAGINE 2050

What makes him a Tea Party guy? I mean besides your imagination.

He wants to kill Americans the old fashion way, slowly.
It's easier to deny than refute. No Tea Party type wants to go on record disagreeing with the statements, even those calling for the death of a President. Should they openly disagree, they will be branded as Marxists or traitors or RINOS by their political comrades. And that is a fate worse than death in the Tea Party. They are not a group renown for their tolerance, forgiveness or grasp of nuance. They are political absolutists stumbling around in their own lack of sophisticated thought for the problems they alone have the answers to.

Bull crap.

"Refute"....or just say he's nuts. What he is talking about isn't even on anyone's radar screen that is reasonable.

I'll disagree with him. I don't want anything for Obama, other than what he's earned.

To go down in history books as the worst president in history. And a crappy golfer too.

We elected him (or allowed him to be elected) and so we get what we deserve. To suggest he should be punished like that is simply stupid.
What makes him a Tea Party guy? I mean besides your imagination.

We almost made it to 100 posts before teapers started to make the claim this idiot is not a teaper. :lol:

You didn't answer the question: What makes you think he's a member of the TEA Party, other than the fact that you don't like what he says?

The fact that he is promoting the Tea Party movement in his speech
We almost made it to 100 posts before teapers started to make the claim this idiot is not a teaper. :lol:

You didn't answer the question: What makes you think he's a member of the TEA Party, other than the fact that you don't like what he says?

The fact that he is promoting the Tea Party movement in his speech

Can you quote the language where he promotes the TEA party? I'm not going to sit through the entire video.

Even if he does say good things about the TEA party, that doesn't make him a member. I would think you would at least have to demonstrate that he donated money to the organization to be a bona fide member
You didn't answer the question: What makes you think he's a member of the TEA Party, other than the fact that you don't like what he says?

The fact that he is promoting the Tea Party movement in his speech

Can you quote the language where he promotes the TEA party? I'm not going to sit through the entire video.

Even if he does say good things about the TEA party, that doesn't make him a member. I would think you would at least have to demonstrate that he donated money to the organization to be a bona fide member

I am not going to transcribe the video for you...sorry. You will have to listen.
What makes him a Tea Party guy? I mean besides your imagination.

We almost made it to 100 posts before teapers started to make the claim this idiot is not a teaper. :lol:
It's easier to deny than refute. No Tea Party type wants to go on record disagreeing with the statements, even those calling for the death of a President. Should they openly disagree, they will be branded as Marxists or traitors or RINOS by their political comrades. And that is a fate worse than death in the Tea Party. They are not a group renown for their tolerance, forgiveness or grasp of nuance. They are political absolutists stumbling around in their own lack of sophisticated thought for the problems they alone have the answers to.

Geez may you lefties are as stupid as we say you are. I made no claim at all nit wit, I merely asked, what makes h a Tea Party Member?
The fact that he is promoting the Tea Party movement in his speech

Can you quote the language where he promotes the TEA party? I'm not going to sit through the entire video.

Even if he does say good things about the TEA party, that doesn't make him a member. I would think you would at least have to demonstrate that he donated money to the organization to be a bona fide member

I am not going to transcribe the video for you...sorry. You will have to listen.

I didn't ask you to transcribe the entire video. Just post a quote of any statement he makes the "promotes" the TEA Part. Or even easier, just tell us at what minute mark he makes such a statement.
But, since you aren't going to listen...he said:

"I am a lousy Teaper. Teaperism is a hate movement that exists because of a black President....we need to lynch the ******, draw and quarter him. We are white, we are proud and we will not tolerate sambo in the White House. All hail Germany...Heil Hitler. We love canada"


“And we all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? And I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him. But you know, this man who wants to rule by the use of a pen, a telephone, let us not forget his teleprompter … the fact is that it would backfire very badly and we’ve got to be grownups and accept that we can’t have everything we want, you know, [like] his head on a skewer.”

Hanged, drawn and quartered - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, I just want to paint in very vivid terms what "to hang, draw and quarter" means.
It is disgusting.

It is gruesome. And a crazy Tea Party asshole like this Stephen Steinlight freak (who makes $$$ off of his speaking ventures, btw) is only fanning flames of hate and more importantly, of sedition.

This is the Tea Party of America in 2014, when assholes can roam freely and say this kind of shit and of course, not one single soul in the Tea Party will take asshole Steinlight to task for this. They will clap for him and they will pay to hear him say stuff like this.

It was first reported here:

VIDEO: Stephen Steinlight of CIS says public execution “too good” for Obama | IMAGINE 2050

What makes him a Tea Party guy? I mean besides your imagination.

Gosh, you really think that maybe he's just the racist asshole that his other website indicate?

Google dot com is your friend. :rolleyes:

That isn't the way it works you stupid fuck. When someone makes a claim, they need to provide the proof. Google is not my friend. They are progressive assholes and I never use it.
We almost made it to 100 posts before teapers started to make the claim this idiot is not a teaper. :lol:
It's easier to deny than refute. No Tea Party type wants to go on record disagreeing with the statements, even those calling for the death of a President. Should they openly disagree, they will be branded as Marxists or traitors or RINOS by their political comrades. And that is a fate worse than death in the Tea Party. They are not a group renown for their tolerance, forgiveness or grasp of nuance. They are political absolutists stumbling around in their own lack of sophisticated thought for the problems they alone have the answers to.

Geez may you lefties are as stupid as we say you are. I made no claim at all nit wit, I merely asked, what makes h a Tea Party Member?
Is there another political organization where there are disparaging comments about President Obama and no practical solutions offered? Is there some clandestine group refusing to compromise,, dialogue, counsel or legislate both politically expedient and popular causes?


Then it must be the Tea Party Republicans.
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