Tea Partier refers to executioning President Obama

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Is there another political organization where there are disparaging comments about President Obama and no practical solutions offered? Is there some clandestine group refusing to compromise,, dialogue, counsel or legislate both politically expedient and popular causes?


Then it must be the Tea Party Republicans.

In other words, you don't have a shred of evidence that he's a TEA Party member.
And you have the world's most slender reed to grasp in an effort to deny rather than refute.

He is right, you have failed.
Just curious how many here on the left ever condemned any of the vile hateful stuff said about President Bush? What this guy said was stupid, idiotic, and moronic there is no question of that but this hypocrisy of calling for people on one side to condemn this type of stuff when it's one of there's doing it but remaining silent or trying to justify it when it's one of yours is really getting old.

What he said was stupid, idiotic and moronic, but it shows that his heart is in the right place.

It also shows where his head was as I have said on here before stupid is not confined to one political party.
How so? Are you saying the TP wants Obama assassinated?

Yep! Have you read what Teapers say on this forum? They also want to start a revolution. Hell, they already threatened to use women as human shields during their standoff against the feds in support of Cliven Bundy, the welfare queen.

Your name suits you, there isn't really anything more to say.

What did I say that is factually incorrect or hyperbole?
Geez may you lefties are as stupid as we say you are. I made no claim at all nit wit, I merely asked, what makes h a Tea Party Member?
Is there another political organization where there are disparaging comments about President Obama and no practical solutions offered? Is there some clandestine group refusing to compromise,, dialogue, counsel or legislate both politically expedient and popular causes?


Then it must be the Tea Party Republicans.

Ok, I'm going to ignore the fact that your "answer" is illogical ignorance as it pertains to my question. Instead I'll address the points of your post, mainly the erroneous claim the the Tea Party criticises Obama without offering alterations ideas. It's completely false. They have clear and concise plans. You just don't like them. The Tea Party is in no position to block any legislation in any branch of government. The GOP who is in control of one branch and who can stifle legislation is at the current time at war with the tea party.

You haven't the slightest clue about what you are saying.
Solutions? Be sure to thank Ted Cruz in the Senate and all the Tea Party delegation in the House for that snappy government shut down!

Oh, and thank them for all that wasted time trying to repeal Obamacare! That was an effort worthy of folks who offer no solutions!
Oh man, how horrible! A guy says that Barry should be "drawn and quartered." Well, now we have to hunt down this guy like the dog he is and make sure that he spends the rest of his life in a 'retraining camp.' Put an ankle monitor on him for sure! House arrest at the very least!

Why, when it was George Bush who was the brunt of these type of statements, was it 'freedom of speech'? Now its a collective gasp from the left? Faux outrage and hand-wringing all around!

This guy doesn't speak for any members of the Tea Party except for himself. Yawn...
Just curious how many here on the left ever condemned any of the vile hateful stuff said about President Bush? What this guy said was stupid, idiotic, and moronic there is no question of that but this hypocrisy of calling for people on one side to condemn this type of stuff when it's one of there's doing it but remaining silent or trying to justify it when it's one of yours is really getting old.

What he said was stupid, idiotic and moronic, but it shows that his heart is in the right place.

Bam! Lol.
Tea Partier refers to executioning President Obama

Don't you like the system where everyone who even sympathizes with the tea party's objective of reducing government spending is personally responsible for every statement everyone who even claims to be a tea partier makes as if they'd said it themselves, but liberals are not personally responsible for what every liberal says every day?

Both are equally bullshititive.

Who exactly is this guy? What is executioning? and why would you think I at all condone what he is saying giving my history?

To both of these posts.... two words:

"Saul Bullinsky"

You need to pay more attention
Yep! Have you read what Teapers say on this forum? They also want to start a revolution. Hell, they already threatened to use women as human shields during their standoff against the feds in support of Cliven Bundy, the welfare queen.

Your name suits you, there isn't really anything more to say.

What did I say that is factually incorrect or hyperbole?

I didn't imply that you were wrong or exaggerating, I implied that you were nuts. You are convinced that the actions and words of one person makes the actions of a whole group. Although you should know better after all this time, you still keep making the same mistake over and over again. Nuts.
Is there another political organization where there are disparaging comments about President Obama and no practical solutions offered? Is there some clandestine group refusing to compromise,, dialogue, counsel or legislate both politically expedient and popular causes?


Then it must be the Tea Party Republicans.

Ok, I'm going to ignore the fact that your "answer" is illogical ignorance as it pertains to my question. Instead I'll address the points of your post, mainly the erroneous claim the the Tea Party criticises Obama without offering alterations ideas. It's completely false. They have clear and concise plans. You just don't like them. The Tea Party is in no position to block any legislation in any branch of government. The GOP who is in control of one branch and who can stifle legislation is at the current time at war with the tea party.

You haven't the slightest clue about what you are saying.
Solutions? Be sure to thank Ted Cruz in the Senate and all the Tea Party delegation in the House for that snappy government shut down!

Oh, and thank them for all that wasted time trying to repeal Obamacare! That was an effort worthy of folks who offer no solutions!

So, you are trying to claim the the Tea Party, and the Tea Party alone was trying to get rid of obamacare? Is that what you are trying to make us believe?
Your name suits you, there isn't really anything more to say.

What did I say that is factually incorrect or hyperbole?

I didn't imply that you were wrong or exaggerating, I implied that you were nuts. You are convinced that the actions and words of one person makes the actions of a whole group. Although you should know better after all this time, you still keep making the same mistake over and over again. Nuts.

He can't even demonstrate that the guy is a member of the group he is trying to malign.
Ok, I'm going to ignore the fact that your "answer" is illogical ignorance as it pertains to my question. Instead I'll address the points of your post, mainly the erroneous claim the the Tea Party criticises Obama without offering alterations ideas. It's completely false. They have clear and concise plans. You just don't like them. The Tea Party is in no position to block any legislation in any branch of government. The GOP who is in control of one branch and who can stifle legislation is at the current time at war with the tea party.

You haven't the slightest clue about what you are saying.
Solutions? Be sure to thank Ted Cruz in the Senate and all the Tea Party delegation in the House for that snappy government shut down!

Oh, and thank them for all that wasted time trying to repeal Obamacare! That was an effort worthy of folks who offer no solutions!

So, you are trying to claim the the Tea Party, and the Tea Party alone was trying to get rid of obamacare? Is that what you are trying to make us believe?

Nutz defines the TEA Party as "anyone who opposes Obama's agenda."
Some guy somewhere said drawing and quartering the President is too good for him.

So what?

Are we going to get all hot and bothered if someone burns a politician in effigy next?

had this been a solo event sure i can see your reasoning. Its not. Fact of the matter is racists are within the tea party, but that doesnt make the whole tea party racist.
Just curious how many here on the left ever condemned any of the vile hateful stuff said about President Bush? What this guy said was stupid, idiotic, and moronic there is no question of that but this hypocrisy of calling for people on one side to condemn this type of stuff when it's one of there's doing it but remaining silent or trying to justify it when it's one of yours is really getting old.

If someone says something about bush that is "vile and hateful" AND incorrect/wrong, I'll condemn it. The fact is, W did not do any thing FOR the US. Like it or not, he simply cannot hold a candle to the positive accomplishments of President Obama.

History is being very kind to the Bush regime. For one thing, W and Cheney aren't in jail. RWs should be happy with that.
What did I say that is factually incorrect or hyperbole?

I didn't imply that you were wrong or exaggerating, I implied that you were nuts. You are convinced that the actions and words of one person makes the actions of a whole group. Although you should know better after all this time, you still keep making the same mistake over and over again. Nuts.

He can't even demonstrate that the guy is a member of the group he is trying to malign.

I quoted exactly what he said...did you ignore that too? First you ignored where I condemned liberals for their traitorous behavior during Bush's administration and now you are ignoring the quote I transcribed for you.

What did I say that is factually incorrect or hyperbole?

I didn't imply that you were wrong or exaggerating, I implied that you were nuts. You are convinced that the actions and words of one person makes the actions of a whole group. Although you should know better after all this time, you still keep making the same mistake over and over again. Nuts.

He can't even demonstrate that the guy is a member of the group he is trying to malign.

Yeah and he keeps doubling down on the ignorant statements.
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