Tea Partier refers to executioning President Obama

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Solutions? Be sure to thank Ted Cruz in the Senate and all the Tea Party delegation in the House for that snappy government shut down!

Oh, and thank them for all that wasted time trying to repeal Obamacare! That was an effort worthy of folks who offer no solutions!

So, you are trying to claim the the Tea Party, and the Tea Party alone was trying to get rid of obamacare? Is that what you are trying to make us believe?

Nutz defines the TEA Party as "anyone who opposes Obama's agenda."

Nope...I am not an Obama fan..did not vote for him, nor would I ever vote for a liberal. You just can't understand...I hate racists and racism. The Tea Party is a racist, anti-American movement...nothing more. Just look at your comrades who spew vile racism and call for a race war and armed insurrection because we have a black President.
I knew that if I left this thread unattended for a while, there would be massive adult conversation and a respectful exchange of views.


He can't even demonstrate that the guy is a member of the group he is trying to malign.

I quoted exactly what he said...did you ignore that too? First you ignored where I condemned liberals for their traitorous behavior during Bush's administration and now you are ignoring the quote I transcribed for you.


Nothing you quoted indicated he's a member of the TEA party.

Yeah, now you condemn the liberal traitors who wanted to assassinate Bush, but I recall back then and none of your ilk ever condemned anyone for carrying such despicable posters. It was all just libturds exercising their First Amendment rights.

I wasn't a member of this forum back then. If I could link to other forums, I would show you exactly how much I condemned liberals. You can live in your fantasy world all you want...one day you might realize I am soley anti-Tea Party. They are a racist, anti-American group. They have destroyed conservatism and the GOP. Teapers are agitators, obstructionists, racists and anti-American.

But, please continue on. You guys simply proved everything I said in the 2nd post. Hell, if you weren't teapers on a teaper friendly forum...I doubt you would get away with the personal insults you have been spewing. Sort of funny how that works around here.
They all talk about impeachment like they understand the concept -- but as it's totally non-applicable to Obama, they all must be idiots.
I quoted exactly what he said...did you ignore that too? First you ignored where I condemned liberals for their traitorous behavior during Bush's administration and now you are ignoring the quote I transcribed for you.


Nothing you quoted indicated he's a member of the TEA party.

Yeah, now you condemn the liberal traitors who wanted to assassinate Bush, but I recall back then and none of your ilk ever condemned anyone for carrying such despicable posters. It was all just libturds exercising their First Amendment rights.

You are too lazy (scared) to listen to the asswipe and you are too lazy to see where I quoted him saying he was a Teaper. You should read through the thread.

You are a liar. You quoted him it's true, but no where in what you quoted did he say he was a tea Partier.
The Secret Service should take this clown for a ride.

Can't have asshole running their mouths like that.

When "political views" turn to violent instructions - time to start making arrests.
I quoted exactly what he said...did you ignore that too? First you ignored where I condemned liberals for their traitorous behavior during Bush's administration and now you are ignoring the quote I transcribed for you.


Nothing you quoted indicated he's a member of the TEA party.

Yeah, now you condemn the liberal traitors who wanted to assassinate Bush, but I recall back then and none of your ilk ever condemned anyone for carrying such despicable posters. It was all just libturds exercising their First Amendment rights.

I wasn't a member of this forum back then. If I could link to other forums, I would show you exactly how much I condemned liberals. You can live in your fantasy world all you want...one day you might realize I am soley anti-Tea Party. They are a racist, anti-American group. They have destroyed conservatism and the GOP. Teapers are agitators, obstructionists, racists and anti-American.

But, please continue on. You guys simply proved everything I said in the 2nd post. Hell, if you weren't teapers on a teaper friendly forum...I doubt you would get away with the personal insults you have been spewing. Sort of funny how that works around here.

I wasn't on this board either back then but it's instructive how Finger Boy (and others) wanna cry the blues about sweeping generalizations about Tea Partiers --------- and then turn right around and make exactly the same kind of sweeping generalization about "what liberals didn't condemn" ten years ago.

FingerBoy is such a fucking tool...
Used to be we respected the office of president.

I'm pretty sure that the Founding Fathers did not expect us to respect the office. At any rate respecting the office doesn't mean respecting the idiot residing there.
Nothing you quoted indicated he's a member of the TEA party.

Yeah, now you condemn the liberal traitors who wanted to assassinate Bush, but I recall back then and none of your ilk ever condemned anyone for carrying such despicable posters. It was all just libturds exercising their First Amendment rights.

You are too lazy (scared) to listen to the asswipe and you are too lazy to see where I quoted him saying he was a Teaper. You should read through the thread.

You are a liar. You quoted him it's true, but no where in what you quoted did he say he was a tea Partier.

Why don't you post the post where you say I quoted him or did not?
I condemn the people that said this. Hopefully, the secret service pays them a visit!

Not to make a big point of this but it was a person singular who said that not people which would imply more than one. What would the Secret Service pay him a visit for? His comments though highly stupid I do not believe qualify as criminal I seem to recall Jesse Jackson getting caught on a open mic talking about castrating Obama I don't believe the Secret Service paid him a visit.
You are too lazy (scared) to listen to the asswipe and you are too lazy to see where I quoted him saying he was a Teaper. You should read through the thread.

You are a liar. You quoted him it's true, but no where in what you quoted did he say he was a tea Partier.

Why don't you post the post where you say I quoted him or did not?

So, enlighten me, [MENTION=47651]Nutz[/MENTION], which dude do our Tea loving friends here in USMB think is somehow not a Tea Party member?
The Secret Service should take this clown for a ride.

Can't have asshole running their mouths like that.

When "political views" turn to violent instructions - time to start making arrests.

You mean like Harry Reid's goons who invaded the Bundy ranch, killing cattle and pushing women around?
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