Tea Party Group Banned from Town Hall Because of Maryland Democrats' Smear

If there is probable cause to believe daveman and Avatar have conspired going to and disrupting a government meeting, they have (1) committed a crime and can be charged with conspiracy, and (2) they can be refused entrance to the meeting.
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If there is probable cause to believe daveman and Avatar have conspired going to the law by disrupting a government meeting, they have (1) committed a crime and can be charged with conspiracy, and (2) they can be refused entrance to the meeting.

In order to be convicted of conspiring, you have to conspire to commit a crime. Showing up to a town meeting with others, asking questions and petitioning representatives isn't a crime. It's a Civil Right guarenteed to all citizens in this great country. You cannot be convicted of conspiring to exercise your civil rights.
If there is probable cause to believe daveman and Avatar have conspired going to the law by disrupting a government meeting, they have (1) committed a crime and can be charged with conspiracy, and (2) they can be refused entrance to the meeting.

Here's the peace order that the lying Democrat filed:

Don West Peace Order Against Michelle Jefferson

Comrade Fakey, since you side with the lying Democrat, perhaps you could find a news story about any disruption Michelle Jefferson caused?
You have homework, boy. Hop to it.
You have implied you have the right to conspire to break the law and not be sanctioned for it.

If the Carroll County dems were wrong, they are wrong and will be held accountable.

As will you if you conspire to break the law.
You have implied you have the right to conspire to break the law and not be sanctioned for it.
No, I haven't.
If the Carroll County dems were wrong, they are wrong and will be held accountable.
You never even searched for information. You immediately and unquestioningly took their word for it, and repeated it as gospel.
As will you if you conspire to break the law.
You have a bizarre notion of what conspiracy is, kid.
You have implied you have the right to conspire to break the law and not be sanctioned for it.

If the Carroll County dems were wrong, they are wrong and will be held accountable.

As will you if you conspire to break the law.

"Conspiring" to exercise your First amendment rights is not against the law.
Yes, daveman, if you conspire to break the law, then you belong to LEO and the justice system.

Yes, daveman, your liberty and freedom can be limited in the light of the above.
Yes, daveman, if you conspire to break the law, then you belong to LEO and the justice system.

Yes, daveman, your liberty and freedom can be limited in the light of the above.
You have yet to demonstrate how WTP members conspired to break the law. All you've done is blindly repeat what the Democrat told you, and you support the suppression of your political enemies' First Amendment rights.

You have dug yourself an inescapable hole, child. Drop your laughable pretense. You're a progressive.
We are talking about you and your supposed right to conspire to break the law, daveman, not about the WTP. We are talking about your disrespect for the law of We the People.

You have no right before hand to disrupt a governmental meeting.
We are talking about you and your supposed right to conspire to break the law, daveman, not about the WTP. We are talking about your disrespect for the law of We the People.

You have no right before hand to disrupt a governmental meeting.

How does exercising your right to assemble by showing up at the meeting, exercising your right to free speech by asking questions, and exercising your right to petition your representatives constitute disrupting a governmental meeting?
We are talking about you and your supposed right to conspire to break the law, daveman, not about the WTP. We are talking about your disrespect for the law of We the People.

You have no right before hand to disrupt a governmental meeting.

You don't get to dictate what we're talking about, you little proto-fascist.

You never have proven your claim that WTP has engaged in disruptive activity before.

Because you can't prove what's never happened.
We are talking about you and your supposed right to conspire to break the law, daveman, not about the WTP. We are talking about your disrespect for the law of We the People.

You have no right before hand to disrupt a governmental meeting.

How does exercising your right to assemble by showing up at the meeting, exercising your right to free speech by asking questions, and exercising your right to petition your representatives constitute disrupting a governmental meeting?
When the representative in question is a Democrat.

Proto-fascists like Comrade Fakey believe Democrats are rulers, not representatives, and are above question.

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