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Tea Party Is Recycled John Birch Society Hate Rhetoric

If she "lived through it" and was old enough to be politically aware of it, she'd have to be in her 70s or 80s.

Hell, I'm almost in my 50s (I turn 49 next week) and I didn't live through the Bircher era.

She's either older than my mother or lying.


I'm 57. I was 7 years old when the 1960's began and 16 when they ended. Young, but then I had very politically active parents. So yes, I knew who they were.

TPS, is it possible for you to post without the fucking lol smilies?
I dont understand how wanting to follow the Constitution and not spend ourselves into oblivion is hate.

That is not the point of the Op, Avatar. The Op is about the direct line between the Tea Party and Glenn Beck to the John Birch Society....a connection few tea party people likely know of or would welcome.

The Tea Party is a collection of Hundreds of separate groups. Not one big group that can be collectively tied to anyone.

Yes, but Beck has a wide and attentive audience among them, Charles. The philosophy of the John Birch Society was discredited for decades and is now enjoying a renaissance; is that a coincidence?
I dont understand how wanting to follow the Constitution and not spend ourselves into oblivion is hate.

That is not the point of the Op, Avatar. The Op is about the direct line between the Tea Party and Glenn Beck to the John Birch Society....a connection few tea party people likely know of or would welcome.

I dun know a single American who does not want the government to follow the constitution, and virtually everyone is very alarmed by the spending that has gone on (especially since it would appear so much money was wasted).

I am not trying to pin the hate badge on every Tea Party person; I am only trying to rouse you to guard against those who would (Glenn Beck, etc.).

I am getting kind of tired of this bullshit about Glenn Becks 'hate' speech. I have watched his fucking program, searched the net etc and find nothing more than unsubstantiated crap. People tell me he 'hates the victims of 9/11'... what is the truth of that? Well, one statement - which he clarified after saying it. The whole thing is, in my opinion, nothing more than the left not liking Beck because of his politics and his religion. If we are tolerant of other people's faiths, then why is being a Mormon different to being a Muslim? It isn't. He's a libertarian. Perhaps you should study what views Libertarians hold before you rant?

CG, I'd be inclined to agree Beck should not be tagged for his notorious comment about 9/11 victims. Thankies to rdean, I have had to look into that and it appears that, taken in context, it was altogether different in meaning -- and Beck made the comments about five years ago. I also don't care what religion Beck is, apart from the nexus between extreme Mormonism and the John Birchers.

I have no idea whether Libertarians would view Beck as one of their own. But I can say confidentially, historians would not.

You can read the article I linked in the Op just as well as I can. Beck is attempting to restore Willard Cleon Skousen to a place of honor in the minds of Americans....a man so outre' in his beliefs, even J.Edgar Hoover had him watched. By labeling everyone and everything in any way associated with government regulation as "suspect" or worse, Beck spreads a hatred of the federal government and of all things and people not-rightwing. Look at the posters here, who seem to sincerely believe the liberals, progressives and Democrats among us are not patriots.

Taken a step further, this becomes witch hunting, an anti-American endeavor that destroyed lives once before in our history.

In “The Naked Communist,” a lengthy primer published in 1958, he [Skousen] enlivened a survey of the worldwide leftist threat with outlandish claims, writing that F.D.R.’s adviser Harry Hopkins had treasonously delivered to the Soviets a large supply of uranium, and that the Russians built the first Sputnik with plans stolen from the United States. A year before Richard Condon’s novel “The Manchurian Candidate” appeared, Skousen announced that the Communists were creating “a regimented breed of Pavlovian men whose minds could be triggered into immediate action by signals from their masters.” A later book, “The Naked Capitalist,” decried the Ivy League Establishment, who, through the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Rockefeller Foundation, formed “the world’s secret power structure.” The conspiracy had begun, Skousen wrote, when reformers like the wealthy banker Edward M. (Colonel) House, a close adviser to President Woodrow Wilson, helped put into place the Federal Reserve and the graduated income tax.

Skousen’s pronouncements made him a pariah among most conservative activists, including some on the right-wing fringe. In 1962, the ultraconservative American Security Council threw him out, because members felt that he had “gone off the deep end.” In 1971, a review in the Mormon journal Dialogue accused Skousen of “inventing fantastic ideas and making inferences that go far beyond the bounds of honest commentary,” and advancing doctrines that came “perilously close” to Nazism. And in 1979, after Skousen called President Jimmy Carter a puppet of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Rockefeller family, the president of the Mormon church issued a national order banning announcements about his organizations.

By the time Skousen died, in 2006, he was little remembered outside the ranks of the furthest-right Mormons. Then, in 2009, Glenn Beck began touting his work: “The Naked Communist,” “The Naked Capitalist,” and, especially, “The 5,000 Year Leap,” which he called “essential to understanding why our Founders built this Republic the way they did.” After Beck put the book in the first spot on his required-reading list—and wrote an enthusiastic new introduction for its reissue—it shot to the top of the Amazon best-seller list. In the first half of 2009, it sold more than two hundred and fifty thousand copies. Local branches of the Tea Party Patriots, the United American Tea Party, and other groups across the country have since organized study groups around it. “It is time we learn and follow the FREEDOM principles of our Founding Fathers,” a United American Tea Party video declares, referring to the principles expounded by Skousen’s book. If Beck is the movement’s teacher, “The 5,000 Year Leap” has become its primer, with “The Making of America” as a kind of 102-level text.

Glenn Beck, the Tea Party, and the Republicans : The New Yorker
youve been listening to npr arent you?

Who is behind the Glenn Beck Revision Of American History?


The John Birch Society was one of the decade’s most controversial right-wing organizations. Founded in 1958 by Robert Welch, a candy manufacturer from Massachusetts, the society took its name from a Baptist missionary and military-intelligence officer killed by Communist Chinese forces in 1945, whom Welch called the first American casualty of the Cold War. The group was founded at a propitious time. After Senator Joseph McCarthy’s fall, in 1954, many of McCarthy’s followers felt bereft of a voice, and Welch seemed to speak for them; by the mid-sixties, his society’s membership was estimated to be as high as a hundred thousand. Welch, exploiting fears of what McCarthy had called an “immense” domestic conspiracy, declared that the federal government had already fallen into the Communists’ clutches. In a tract titled “The Politician,” he attacked President Dwight D. Eisenhower as “a dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy” who had been serving the plot “all of his adult life.” Late in 1961, after the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion, he accused the Kennedy Administration of “helping the Communists everywhere in the world while pretending to do the opposite.”

Wherever he looked, Welch saw Communist forces manipulating American economic and foreign policy

Glenn Beck, the Tea Party, and the Republicans : The New Yorker

You Tea Party people are drinking some rancid -- but old -- kool aid. Wake the Fuck Up, people.
That is not the point of the Op, Avatar. The Op is about the direct line between the Tea Party and Glenn Beck to the John Birch Society....a connection few tea party people likely know of or would welcome.

I dun know a single American who does not want the government to follow the constitution, and virtually everyone is very alarmed by the spending that has gone on (especially since it would appear so much money was wasted).

I am not trying to pin the hate badge on every Tea Party person; I am only trying to rouse you to guard against those who would (Glenn Beck, etc.).

I am getting kind of tired of this bullshit about Glenn Becks 'hate' speech. I have watched his fucking program, searched the net etc and find nothing more than unsubstantiated crap. People tell me he 'hates the victims of 9/11'... what is the truth of that? Well, one statement - which he clarified after saying it. The whole thing is, in my opinion, nothing more than the left not liking Beck because of his politics and his religion. If we are tolerant of other people's faiths, then why is being a Mormon different to being a Muslim? It isn't. He's a libertarian. Perhaps you should study what views Libertarians hold before you rant?

CG, I'd be inclined to agree Beck should not be tagged for his notorious comment about 9/11 victims. Thankies to rdean, I have had to look into that and it appears that, taken in context, it was altogether different in meaning -- and Beck made the comments about five years ago. I also don't care what religion Beck is, apart from the nexus between extreme Mormonism and the John Birchers.

I have no idea whether Libertarians would view Beck as one of their own. But I can say confidentially, historians would not.

You can read the article I linked in the Op just as well as I can. Beck is attempting to restore Willard Cleon Skousen to a place of honor in the minds of Americans....a man so outre' in his beliefs, even J.Edgar Hoover had him watched. By labeling everyone and everything in any way associated with government regulation as "suspect" or worse, Beck spreads a hatred of the federal government and of all things and people not-rightwing. Look at the posters here, who seem to sincerely believe the liberals, progressives and Democrats among us are not patriots.

Taken a step further, this becomes witch hunting, an anti-American endeavor that destroyed lives once before in our history.

In “The Naked Communist,” a lengthy primer published in 1958, he [Skousen] enlivened a survey of the worldwide leftist threat with outlandish claims, writing that F.D.R.’s adviser Harry Hopkins had treasonously delivered to the Soviets a large supply of uranium, and that the Russians built the first Sputnik with plans stolen from the United States. A year before Richard Condon’s novel “The Manchurian Candidate” appeared, Skousen announced that the Communists were creating “a regimented breed of Pavlovian men whose minds could be triggered into immediate action by signals from their masters.” A later book, “The Naked Capitalist,” decried the Ivy League Establishment, who, through the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Rockefeller Foundation, formed “the world’s secret power structure.” The conspiracy had begun, Skousen wrote, when reformers like the wealthy banker Edward M. (Colonel) House, a close adviser to President Woodrow Wilson, helped put into place the Federal Reserve and the graduated income tax.

Skousen’s pronouncements made him a pariah among most conservative activists, including some on the right-wing fringe. In 1962, the ultraconservative American Security Council threw him out, because members felt that he had “gone off the deep end.” In 1971, a review in the Mormon journal Dialogue accused Skousen of “inventing fantastic ideas and making inferences that go far beyond the bounds of honest commentary,” and advancing doctrines that came “perilously close” to Nazism. And in 1979, after Skousen called President Jimmy Carter a puppet of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Rockefeller family, the president of the Mormon church issued a national order banning announcements about his organizations.

By the time Skousen died, in 2006, he was little remembered outside the ranks of the furthest-right Mormons. Then, in 2009, Glenn Beck began touting his work: “The Naked Communist,” “The Naked Capitalist,” and, especially, “The 5,000 Year Leap,” which he called “essential to understanding why our Founders built this Republic the way they did.” After Beck put the book in the first spot on his required-reading list—and wrote an enthusiastic new introduction for its reissue—it shot to the top of the Amazon best-seller list. In the first half of 2009, it sold more than two hundred and fifty thousand copies. Local branches of the Tea Party Patriots, the United American Tea Party, and other groups across the country have since organized study groups around it. “It is time we learn and follow the FREEDOM principles of our Founding Fathers,” a United American Tea Party video declares, referring to the principles expounded by Skousen’s book. If Beck is the movement’s teacher, “The 5,000 Year Leap” has become its primer, with “The Making of America” as a kind of 102-level text.

Glenn Beck, the Tea Party, and the Republicans : The New Yorker

Mads, I don't form my opinions based on articles from newspapers. It's quite simple. I'll research it for myself, I don't need biased agendas to provide me with snippets of information in order to make a point. They have a habit of leaving out anything that doesn't fit with the point they want to make. I have no time for anyone who trusts the media.
California Girl wrote:

Mads, I don't form my opinions based on articles from newspapers. It's quite simple. I'll research it for myself, I don't need biased agendas to provide me with snippets of information in order to make a point. They have a habit of leaving out anything that doesn't fit with the point they want to make. I have no time for anyone who trusts the media.

I have some degree of trust that the NY Times would not allege that Beck has promoted Skousen's work if, in fact, he had not.

From Beck's website, I plucked the following exchange:

GLENN: Bill, I am -- are you familiar with Skousen?

BENNETT: Skousen, yeah, sure. Not for a while but yes. Cleon Skousen.

GLENN: Yeah, Cleon Skousen, he's been dead for a while but just fantastic. There's a book out, I know it was -- I think it was popular with Reagan, the 5,000 Year Leap, at least there's a quote on the back of the book.


GLENN: But he's fantastic. I read, I went back because I'm so concerned about how our country has just gone out of the tracks. We're not even -- we don't even recognize what we are anymore. And I went back and I read "The Naked Communist" and at the end of that, Skousen -- that was a book that was written in 1956. They end of that Skousen says everybody, if you really want to combat this, every person must have a freedom library. And what it is is a collection of books that tells the truth of who we really are.

Glenn Beck - Interviews - Bill Bennett Interview

[search results for "skousen"]

Also search archive and audio & video clips
1. Glenn Beck - Interviews - Bill Bennett Interview
Nov 21, 2007 ... GLENN: Yeah, Cleon Skousen, he's been dead for a while but just fantastic. There's a book out, I know it was -- I think it was popular with ...
Glenn Beck - Interviews - Bill Bennett Interview

2. Glenn Beck - Interviews - David Horowitz
Nov 13, 2007 ... GLENN: You know, I'm reading -- have you ever read any Skousen? Have you read -- do you remember "The Naked Communist"? HOROWITZ: Yeah. ...
Glenn Beck - Interviews - David Horowitz

3. 1963 Communist Goals
The goals that he read were taken from "The Naked Communist" by Cleon Skousen, which can be purchased from Amazon: ...
1963 Communist Goals

4. Books Featured on the Show
Nov 1, 2007 ... by W. Cleon Skousen Description: All about the philosophies of the founders of our government and why this country needs to be a virtuous ...
Books Featured on the Show

Glenn Beck - Search Results
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The JBS, a good part of it rooted in your religion, Avatar, is not the friend of America or the Constitution.

But of course you will not watch the video
FDR was no commie. Neither is Obama. He kept on people from the Bush administration and that doesn't make a Republican.

Having the best people for the right job is just plain smart..regardless of their affiliation.

FDR and Obama are both socialists. FDR moved toward socialism as far as he could considering how long he lived. Obama is doing the same thing.

Communism is not the logical extension of socialism, Revere. In its theory form, communism is pie-in-the-sky nonsense that people can learn to coexist without any government at all, because their nature is to be cooperative. (Insert laughing sound here.) In nations that have claimed to be "communist", what you find every time instead is the most oppressive, fascist dictatorships to ever exist on Planet Earth.

Socialist capitalism is the moderate and well-tried belief that the greed of the wealthy must be reigned in for the good of the nation. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to look at the Gulf and see the result of weak regulation...but you can also see it today in banking, finance, housing, food, drugs and other market segments.

Reasonable people can disagree on what degree of regulation is most desirable, and likely we will never settle that question. But only a few extremists with a poor understanding of economics call for the repeal of all FDR's regulatory reforms. Without them, we'd be a third world nation today....and I'm guessing you and I would not be occupying one of the berths at the mega-rich ranch.

Communism is not the logical extension of socialism, Revere. In its theory form, communism is pie-in-the-sky nonsense that people can learn to coexist without any government at all, because their nature is to be cooperative.

What? You say you are 57 and you think this? explain why russia had the iron curtain? Explain why people could not leave Russia, explain why people were being killed if they were trying to go over the wall from Russia to where ever?
"Tea baggers" was coined by FOX news.



Keep making up your "facts," though. It's not like you have any credibility left to lose.

Stop whining about bullshit. It makes you all look like sexually-repressed phobics. It's just a w-o-r-d and it now has TWO meanings.

It's just a word that has two meanings?

So does Cracker and ****** but no body likes it when you use them either.
If the tea party movement was made up of one person, and that person was Glenn Beck, who believed in and promoted the John Birch mantra, Madeline's thread would have been valid. Fortunately, as we all know, the tea party movement is made up of many individuals from various backgrounds and beliefs, who do not all agree on various aspects of governance.

You have engaged in logical fallacy with your thread. Furthermore, the John Birch Society is not and never has been the issue. The Constitution and the proper adherence thereto is the fundamental issue.

I agree and disagree, BasicGreatGuy. Glenn Beck's influence with the Tea Party is extraordinary, and he cannot be dismissed so easily. I do appreciate your willingness to admit the line between Glenn Beck and the John Birch Society, though.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say "the constitution...is the fundamental issue". I thought fiscal conservation was the issue for the Tea Party?

But of course you will not watch the video
That is not the point of the Op, Avatar. The Op is about the direct line between the Tea Party and Glenn Beck to the John Birch Society....a connection few tea party people likely know of or would welcome.

The Tea Party is a collection of Hundreds of separate groups. Not one big group that can be collectively tied to anyone.

Yes, but Beck has a wide and attentive audience among them, Charles. The philosophy of the John Birch Society was discredited for decades and is now enjoying a renaissance; is that a coincidence?

Really? the John Brich Society was discredited a long time ago?

But of course you will not watch the video. You'll just comment Blah blah blah and think I will leave it at that.
[ Mads, I don't form my opinions based on articles from newspapers. It's quite simple. I'll research it for myself, I don't need biased agendas to provide me with snippets of information in order to make a point. They have a habit of leaving out anything that doesn't fit with the point they want to make. I have no time for anyone who trusts the media.

Ask her where she does her research, Madeleine. It's good for a laugh.
If the tea party movement was made up of one person, and that person was Glenn Beck, who believed in and promoted the John Birch mantra, Madeline's thread would have been valid. Fortunately, as we all know, the tea party movement is made up of many individuals from various backgrounds and beliefs, who do not all agree on various aspects of governance.

You have engaged in logical fallacy with your thread. Furthermore, the John Birch Society is not and never has been the issue. The Constitution and the proper adherence thereto is the fundamental issue.

I agree and disagree, BasicGreatGuy. Glenn Beck's influence with the Tea Party is extraordinary, and he cannot be dismissed so easily. I do appreciate your willingness to admit the line between Glenn Beck and the John Birch Society, though.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say "the constitution...is the fundamental issue". I thought fiscal conservation was the issue for the Tea Party?

The Tea Party is a creation of Fox News. Prior to the Obama election, they were a loosely formed group of tax protesters with minimal participation. Within weeks of the Obama election, Fox News started to give the Tea Party 24/7 coverage urging its viewers to attend rallies. Fox commentators became quasi- leaders of the movement as the Tea Party assumed Fox talking points. Notice how the Tea Party has moved from being against taxes to being anti-gay rights, anti immigration, anti-healthcare? Thanks Fox

As soon as the Tea party no longer satisfies Fox's agenda they will cease to exist
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If the tea party movement was made up of one person, and that person was Glenn Beck, who believed in and promoted the John Birch mantra, Madeline's thread would have been valid. Fortunately, as we all know, the tea party movement is made up of many individuals from various backgrounds and beliefs, who do not all agree on various aspects of governance.

You have engaged in logical fallacy with your thread. Furthermore, the John Birch Society is not and never has been the issue. The Constitution and the proper adherence thereto is the fundamental issue.

I agree and disagree, BasicGreatGuy. Glenn Beck's influence with the Tea Party is extraordinary, and he cannot be dismissed so easily. I do appreciate your willingness to admit the line between Glenn Beck and the John Birch Society, though.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say "the constitution...is the fundamental issue". I thought fiscal conservation was the issue for the Tea Party?

The Tea Party is a creation of Fox News. Prior to the Obama election, they were a loosely formed group of tax protesters with minimal participation. Within weeks of the Obama election, Fox News started to give the Tea Party 24/7 coverage urging its viewers to attend rallies. Fox commentators became quasi- leaders of the movement as the Tea Party assumed Fox talking points.

As soon as the Tea party no longer satisfies Fox's agenda they will cease to exist

Cease to exist???:lol::lol::lol:

OK..........I nominate this above post for USMESSAGEBOARD "k0okiest Post of the Year" Award!!!!!

s0n........your existence alone on this board makes it a fcukking hoot to come in here!!!
The Tea Party is just the same old right wing of the Republican party. Same as it ever was.

What's different?

I think this is untrue, NYcarbineer. I think many people are politically active for the first time in their lives...or at least in decades, that identify with the Tea Party. My guess is, most felt little identification with either party before Obama's election.

I can understand how they would feel that way after voting for Bush twice.
The Tea Party is just the same old right wing of the Republican party. Same as it ever was.

What's different?

I think this is untrue, NYcarbineer. I think many people are politically active for the first time in their lives...or at least in decades, that identify with the Tea Party. My guess is, most felt little identification with either party before Obama's election.

You don't have to have been active in politics to have been part of the rightwing of the Republican party. If this was really just about economic, fiscal issues the Tea Party would look like the Perot movement of the nineties. The social conservatives have overrun whatever early individuality or unique independence the tea party had, which, now,

makes it the same old right wing of the GOP. Just look at who they've nominated. It's a police lineup of classic GOP rightwing types.
The Tea Party is just the same old right wing of the Republican party. Same as it ever was.

What's different?

I think this is untrue, NYcarbineer. I think many people are politically active for the first time in their lives...or at least in decades, that identify with the Tea Party. My guess is, most felt little identification with either party before Obama's election.

I can understand how they would feel that way after voting for Bush twice.

The rightwing of the GOP has always been trying to pull the party to the right and complaining about the RINO's. That doesn't make the tea party unique or novel; it proves they are just the same players with the same motives. Right after the 2006 election, for example, the rightwing propaganda machine from Limbaugh on down was in full cry blaming Republican moderates for the party's woes.

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