Teacher admits “I was wrong about the Democratic Party”

If you can find evidence in the history files I will look at it
That POS trump won't ever be President. He's a low-level crime rat married to a Mail Order Prostitute. He is nothing but Putin's teabagging buddy.

President Elect Trump. Say it.

Donald Trump: Burn the flag, go to jail - CNNPolitics.com

I think he's just trolling, but what an irresponsible statement coming from the president elect.

I know lots of people who think the same thing.
Is it going to jail for flag burning what you object to, or is it because Donald Trump said it?

Enough said.

If Trump isn't your President, who is?
I even started a thread about Rush Limbaugh.

When Obama was first elected, Rush said he wanted Obama to fail. Liberals lost their minds. They said Rush hated America. Fast forward to today. Liberals want Trump to fail. I guess we could say that today's Liberals hate America. They want this nation to fail, by their own standards.
Donald Trump.
What were the issues that led you to support trump?

For me they are the following:

1. His SCOTUS picks
2. His love of country and putting the USA first
3. His plan to get us out of the Obama economic slump, and that he did pre-covid19
4. The left hated him the most
5. He would say the same shit at a rally that I would yell at the TV. He has no filter.
6. He was the least presidential of all the candidates. We have 240 years of what it's like to vote for someone who is presidential. I figured what the fuck, lets so a different route this time.
7. He became president with more money than God. He could not be bought by special interest groups. This really should be number 1.
What were the issues that led you to support trump?
I was under the impression that he, unlike most politicians, could not be bought.
He was an outsider, so I saw nothing wrong with giving him a chance.
In case you are wondering, I gave Obama the same chance even tho I was a Republican at the time.
All Presidential candidates make promises they can't keep.
The proof is what they actually can get done.
I have seen what has happened during Trumps presidency and I'm not impressed in the least.
Are these Republicans courageous?

No ....

They would be cowards.

If a Donald J. Trump presidency has done anything it has revealed ALL the COWARDLY Leftist who have infiltrated the Republican Party.

We have always known they were there .....

But, the last 4 years has been like one big Come Out of the Closet Party for these Cowards.

View attachment 393556

So if a republican sees the hypocrisy in the Republican Party they are a coward, but a Democrat who leaves the party is courageous. OMG.

You can't make this stuff up.
If a republican sees the hypocrisy in the Republican Party, that Party member is voted out, while you morons, keep elevating those crooks to the top positions.

Well we know that is a lie.
No, it isnt a lie, why didnt we get Jeb Bush as the Republican nominee in 2016? Because he was a shitty candidate like Hitlery, yet you still voted for Hitlery.

We got Trump because he brought all the racist and good ole boys out of the woodwork, you guys hadn't seen a Champion like this since Andrew Johnson.
So now we resort back to the liberal playbook, go figure.

these psychos are truly just that brain washed.
The teacher/nurse in this op admits that she was that brainwashed until very recently

I watched the whole thing. She is likable. There are a few things that I agree with her wholeheartedly on. I do agree that brainwashing is real. Every election is critical and all are going to die. Immediately afterwards. When you see those people that are crying and yelling and videotaped for LULZ it is very real. They are in a lot of fear. When they are told not to read something, they do not. That is actually very recent in the grand scheme of things because access to information has been a very liberal thing. Here is my for example: Wikileaks. Wikileaks was perfectly acceptable to read and was gone through with a fine tooth comb as it related to Bush II and prior Republican presidents. The moment that the attention was on Hillary it was like they were forbidden from reading them so they didn't. They jumped on line to argue about shit they knew nothing about.

I'm not a Democrat. I'm furious with the Democratic Party over several of the finer points that she brushed off. She is as old as AOC. That means that she was only a teacher for maybe 2 years and then went back to school to become an ER nurse which she has only done for a couple of years. I'm not knocking it. It's those finer details. So, when she says that there are those people that go to the ER "because it's free or whatever" we need to check that out. She lives in LA? I don't live in LA so she may have alternative care options like urgent care but if they close at 6 or 8 then you still have to go to the ER after those times. I know that where I am at every urgent care is closed by 8 and with COVID-19 screw online appointment setting. The reality is that you might start out at 8AM and not actually be seen until 6 at night. There are all kinds of ins and outs. Hell. they have their own subsections on this forum.
What were the issues that led you to support trump?
I was under the impression that he, unlike most politicians, could not be bought.
He was an outsider, so I saw nothing wrong with giving him a chance.
In case you are wondering, I gave Obama the same chance even tho I was a Republican at the time.
All Presidential candidates make promises they can't keep.
The proof is what they actually can get done.
I have seen what has happened during Trumps presidency and I'm not impressed in the least.
Trump has tried to keep his promises in spite of almost total opposition from the washington establishment
these psychos are truly just that brain washed.
The teacher/nurse in this op admits that she was that brainwashed until very recently

I watched the whole thing. She is likable. There are a few things that I agree with her wholeheartedly on. I do agree that brainwashing is real. Every election is critical and all are going to die. Immediately afterwards. When you see those people that are crying and yelling and videotaped for LULZ it is very real. They are in a lot of fear. When they are told not to read something, they do not. That is actually very recent in the grand scheme of things because access to information has been a very liberal thing. Here is my for example: Wikileaks. Wikileaks was perfectly acceptable to read and was gone through with a fine tooth comb as it related to Bush II and prior Republican presidents. The moment that the attention was on Hillary it was like they were forbidden from reading them so they didn't. They jumped on line to argue about shit they knew nothing about.

I'm not a Democrat. I'm furious with the Democratic Party over several of the finer points that she brushed off. She is as old as AOC. That means that she was only a teacher for maybe 2 years and then went back to school to become an ER nurse which she has only done for a couple of years. I'm not knocking it. It's those finer details. So, when she says that there are those people that go to the ER "because it's free or whatever" we need to check that out. She lives in LA? I don't live in LA so she may have alternative care options like urgent care but if they close at 6 or 8 then you still have to go to the ER after those times. I know that where I am at every urgent care is closed by 8 and with COVID-19 screw online appointment setting. The reality is that you might start out at 8AM and not actually be seen until 6 at night. There are all kinds of ins and outs. Hell. they have their own subsections on this forum.
Its been years since I was in ER but it was filled with mexicans and lots of children

were they paying customers?

I didnt ask

but I had insurance and went to the front of the line
So you really believe Putin that Russia didn't interfere in the 2016 election.
You didnt answer my question

what truth are you hiding from?

He's hiding from the fact that Russia, and our other enemies have been engaged in these sorts of disinformation campaigns during our elections for over 50 years, and that portraying this time as something novel, is a lie.

Of course they have, but how many presidents have come out in the public and said that claim was false?

Probably none of them, largely because Russia's involvement in disinformation, just as it was in 2016 was largely insignificant...You can't quantify what votes they changed, just like we know that Democrats have had active voter manipulation schemes for decades, we can't quantify how many votes they have stolen over the decades....So, if your arguments include that there is no voter fraud on the part of Democrats, then the same holds true of Russian involvement in our elections.

What's the maximum effective range of an excuse? 0 meters.

is that you agreeing with me?

Nowhere near it.
but all these folks who have served this country for decades you cast aside because they don't fall at the alter of Trump.
How have they served America?

they are incompetents who led us into wars and bad trade deals with china

So the correct is in none but Trump

Correct according to whom? You? lol

Not according to me, according to facts.

You say 'facts' but cite no supporting documentation...Which means you think that because you say/type something you think that makes it a 'fact'.... Pro tip: it isn't.

So tell us how many US Presidents have said that Russian involvement was false.
During the next four years, a lot of other people will be admitting that they were wrong to vote in the Biden-Harris administration.

But it will be too late.
After Trump the Republican Party is a joke, he has taken the party of morals, family values, etc. and threw that shit out the window.

Yeah, because the Demonrats have shown themselves to be the more virtuous moral party in comparison.. with their support of anti white racism, while treating black folks like pets that need white caretakers.

Oh, let's also not forget the left's constant push towards normalizing the sexualization of children..While also trying to push gender ideology onto your children, telling them that men can be women and women can be men, and if they mutilate their bodies it will make them happy.

And let's also not forget the virtuous way Demonrats support the destruction of America by their defense and advocation for the Chinese Communist Party, and support/defense of the Marxist domestic terrorist organizations BLM and Antifa.

If that is the moral turpitude of the left.. anyone/everyone should be proud to be on the right.
these psychos are truly just that brain washed.
The teacher/nurse in this op admits that she was that brainwashed until very recently

I watched the whole thing. She is likable. There are a few things that I agree with her wholeheartedly on. I do agree that brainwashing is real. Every election is critical and all are going to die. Immediately afterwards. When you see those people that are crying and yelling and videotaped for LULZ it is very real. They are in a lot of fear. When they are told not to read something, they do not. That is actually very recent in the grand scheme of things because access to information has been a very liberal thing. Here is my for example: Wikileaks. Wikileaks was perfectly acceptable to read and was gone through with a fine tooth comb as it related to Bush II and prior Republican presidents. The moment that the attention was on Hillary it was like they were forbidden from reading them so they didn't. They jumped on line to argue about shit they knew nothing about.

I'm not a Democrat. I'm furious with the Democratic Party over several of the finer points that she brushed off. She is as old as AOC. That means that she was only a teacher for maybe 2 years and then went back to school to become an ER nurse which she has only done for a couple of years. I'm not knocking it. It's those finer details. So, when she says that there are those people that go to the ER "because it's free or whatever" we need to check that out. She lives in LA? I don't live in LA so she may have alternative care options like urgent care but if they close at 6 or 8 then you still have to go to the ER after those times. I know that where I am at every urgent care is closed by 8 and with COVID-19 screw online appointment setting. The reality is that you might start out at 8AM and not actually be seen until 6 at night. There are all kinds of ins and outs. Hell. they have their own subsections on this forum.
Its been years since I was in ER but it was filled with mexicans and lots of children

were they paying customers?

I didnt ask

but I had insurance and went to the front of the line

I go to ERs a lot. I transport some of my peeps to ERs. I also transport some of my peeps to mental health hospitals as well. I also take some to Urgent Cares or regular doctor's visits. There is a difference between my walking into an ER and an ambulance coming in. Whole different ball game. Not even touching it.

Nobody in the waiting room of the ER appears to be having a good time. It is a mixture of people of all ages. I wouldn't be in the waiting room of a hospital nine out of ten times if there was an alternative open.

Well, except for now because if there is one thing doctor's offices, dentist offices, hospitals etc are trying not to let in the doors it's freaking sick people.
Donald Trump.
What were the issues that led you to support trump?

For me they are the following:

1. His SCOTUS picks

Stacking the court with racist or anti minorities.
2. His love of country and putting the USA first

Yep loved it so much he wouldn't serve when she called.
3. His plan to get us out of the Obama economic slump, and that he did pre-covid19

BS, Pres Obama handed him over a real good economy.
4. The left hated him the most.

Because he pulled off the biggest flim flam in US History.
5. He would say the same shit at a rally that I would yell at the TV. He has no filter.

Yep calling black NFL players SOBs
6. He was the least presidential of all the candidates. We have 240 years of what it's like to vote for someone who is presidential. I figured what the fuck, lets so a different route this time.

Yep and that has been the biggest plunder ever.
7. He became president with more money than God. He could not be bought by special interest groups. This really should be number 1.

Sure he was.
Trump has tried to keep his promises in spite of almost total opposition from the washington establishment
Not the point. The point is I gave him a chance to prove he was a worthy president and he failed.
I'm ready to give someone else a chance now.

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