Teacher Demands Her Students Deny the Existence of God

The teacher didn't teach religion in class. The kid's account turned out to be horseshit.

Not from what I have read and no, Snope is not an objective neutral source and has not been for along time.

Which might have some relevance if Snopes were quoting itself. Alas, its quoting the district investigation. The other 8 students. News reports. And linking to actual pictures of the assignment.......which don't match young Jordan's description of it.

Where is a single student that supported this kid? There had to be some, and the cities white wash is where the bullshit is.

No, there doesn't. The memory of other students isn't predicated on whatever story she makes up.

8 other students in the same class were asked. None of them back her story. And her account is elaborate involving arguments, back and forth debates, her and TWO other students in front of the class. The teacher threatening the class, insisting God was a myth. There's zero chance that the class could have missed it.....

....if any of it had actually happened.

Your story is overly complicated, contradicted by 9 eye witnesses, the assignment itself, the teacher, and the investigation of the district. Her claims don't even make sense....as the teacher is a devout Christian.

You're sticking with her debunked narrative now out of pure stubbornness. As the weight of evidence, reason and logic is on only one side of this issue. And its not yours.

Occam up.
Then you're saying that Romulus and Remus *weren't* suckled by a she-wolf?
No more than an anti-Godist can disprove the existence of God.
Assuming God doesn't exist, how would one prove it? It would be like asking you to prove the tooth fairy doesn't exist.
You begin with the premises and examine them for possibility and probability. No adult of a right mind thinks the tooth fairy exists, while billions of adults believe in deity.

So try another comparison.
Most of the world doesnt believe in YOUR religion.

Try another argument, but dont make it so sucky this time.
Only you said that, not me, Godboy. You make this so easy for me.

Most of the world believes in God or All or Jehovah or whatever you want to call deity.

The tooth fairy attack reveals the paucity of the Anti-Godist position.
Most of the world does not believe in your deity. In fact, many of them would kill you for believing what you believe. Dont try to put all religious people in the same category. It makes you look stupid. Just admit you were wrong and move on.
I suspect she "misunderstood" the lesson intentionally (or was scripted to feign it) as a passive-aggressive subversion.

I don't know the girl, so I cannot say for certain it was intentional--but I tend to doubt that it was. I'm only a substitute teacher, but I have presented this lesson (without the statement about God). Students pick up on fact and opinions fairly easily, but I fielded questions on, "But what is an assertion?" I didn't explain assertion as a "myth", but myth could fit the definition. I said it was something that is stated and sounds as though it were true--and my synonym was "urban legend." (The students were excited to share a few of those.)

To me, it just sounds like a lesson that got out of hand. The one about God is hard. There are eye-witness accounts (Near Death Experience) and that can edge it towards fact, but not quite scientific fact (reproducible in lab conditions). Wish the mother and daughter could have simply talked with the teacher instead of heading for the school board.

Yeah I suspect the mother steered the daughter into a victim role. Either in the present case or as a pattern. In any case nobody else took the exercise that way, nor was it graded, so somebody's playing loosely with the facts.

What galls me is here's a teacher that comes up with a thinking exercise and she gets punished for doing her job.

There's already an older and much larger thread on this here
What galls me is that if this teacher was promoting creationism as a "thinking exercise," people like yourself would want her crucified! Liberals think what they say demonstrates sophistication. What in fact it shows is Secular Humanism is now the STATE religion and many are far too sly to admit it.
The memory of other students isn't predicated on whatever story she makes up.

You are really going to keep pretending that only 8 kids of all that class could remember what happened?

Then you are a fucking fool.

End of conversation ass hole.'
This is why on the three threads I kept asking posters HOW they knew what happened in the classroom....never got an answer which would have been "this one 12 year old girl"...but I got plenty of insults directed back at me.

Has anyone compared the libtards reaction to this girls story with the Muslim clock maker bullshit?

Um......was this girl dragged out of the school in handcuffs?

No? Then why would any rational person have the same reaction?
The memory of other students isn't predicated on whatever story she makes up.

You are really going to keep pretending that only 8 kids of all that class could remember what happened?

They interviewed 8 of the 22 students. EVERY student they interviewed contradicted Jordan's account. Without exception. The assignment didn't say what Jordan claimed it did. The teacher contradicts her. The district investigation contradicts her.

Its not a grand and spontaneous conspiracy among the district, the teacher, the paper of the assignment, and her classmates, all to facilitate a devout Christian telling a 12 year old that god is a myth.

The kid just made it up.

Then you are a fucking fool.

End of conversation ass hole.'

Sigh.....and now you're going from stubborn to pointlessly belligerent.

Its kind of your tell. When your argument doesn't work you start spewing personal insults. Just man up and admit you backed the wrong horse.
No more than an anti-Godist can disprove the existence of God.
Assuming God doesn't exist, how would one prove it? It would be like asking you to prove the tooth fairy doesn't exist.
You begin with the premises and examine them for possibility and probability. No adult of a right mind thinks the tooth fairy exists, while billions of adults believe in deity.

So try another comparison.
Most of the world doesnt believe in YOUR religion.

Try another argument, but dont make it so sucky this time.
Only you said that, not me, Godboy. You make this so easy for me.

Most of the world believes in God or All or Jehovah or whatever you want to call deity.

The tooth fairy attack reveals the paucity of the Anti-Godist position.
Most of the world does not believe in your deity. In fact, many of them would kill you for believing what you believe. Dont try to put all religious people in the same category. It makes you look stupid. Just admit you were wrong and move on.
You once again are saying something I did not. All religious people are in the same category in that they do believe in deity: simply no way around that. You're making a loaded statement; that is it contains an unprovable assumption that you are making.

Theists are theists, Godboy, and your argument is laughable. Go counsel with Skylar.
No more than an anti-Godist can disprove the existence of God.
Assuming God doesn't exist, how would one prove it? It would be like asking you to prove the tooth fairy doesn't exist.
You begin with the premises and examine them for possibility and probability. No adult of a right mind thinks the tooth fairy exists, while billions of adults believe in deity.

So try another comparison.
Most of the world doesnt believe in YOUR religion.

Try another argument, but dont make it so sucky this time.
Only you said that, not me, Godboy. You make this so easy for me.

Most of the world believes in God or All or Jehovah or whatever you want to call deity.

The tooth fairy attack reveals the paucity of the Anti-Godist position.
Most of the world does not believe in your deity. In fact, many of them would kill you for believing what you believe. Dont try to put all religious people in the same category. It makes you look stupid. Just admit you were wrong and move on.

Most people disagree on the characteristics of God(s). Meaning that either God is wildly inconsistent and subject to our beliefs.

.....or 'experiential evidence' is wildly unreliable. Its one or the other.
Reason 12,473 why homeschooling is the only option.

Student: Teacher taught 'God is not real'

Proven fact vs. faith. It's called critical thinking. Good teacher.
Er..no. It's not. Plus it's against the law in our grade schools for teachers to grade students down for stating they believe in God.

Sowwy. Bad teacher. And you're an idiot, too.

Yeah, none of that actually happened. Not the 'good teacher' narrative or the 'bad teacher'.

The kid largely made the story up. None of the other students in her class back any of it.

I love it when lefties attack children.

And they only interviewed 8 of 22 students.
Oh...you keep going with this.......:lol:
I suspect she "misunderstood" the lesson intentionally (or was scripted to feign it) as a passive-aggressive subversion.

I don't know the girl, so I cannot say for certain it was intentional--but I tend to doubt that it was. I'm only a substitute teacher, but I have presented this lesson (without the statement about God). Students pick up on fact and opinions fairly easily, but I fielded questions on, "But what is an assertion?" I didn't explain assertion as a "myth", but myth could fit the definition. I said it was something that is stated and sounds as though it were true--and my synonym was "urban legend." (The students were excited to share a few of those.)

To me, it just sounds like a lesson that got out of hand. The one about God is hard. There are eye-witness accounts (Near Death Experience) and that can edge it towards fact, but not quite scientific fact (reproducible in lab conditions). Wish the mother and daughter could have simply talked with the teacher instead of heading for the school board.

Yeah I suspect the mother steered the daughter into a victim role. Either in the present case or as a pattern. In any case nobody else took the exercise that way, nor was it graded, so somebody's playing loosely with the facts.

What galls me is here's a teacher that comes up with a thinking exercise and she gets punished for doing her job.

There's already an older and much larger thread on this here
What galls me is that if this teacher was promoting creationism as a "thinking exercise," people like yourself would want her crucified! Liberals think what they say demonstrates sophistication. What in fact it shows is Secular Humanism is now the STATE religion and many are far too sly to admit it.

Not interested in your speculation fallacies of "what I would want" really. I'm interested in what the real story is. Because when I see Allan West's name I know I ain't hearing it.
I suspect she "misunderstood" the lesson intentionally (or was scripted to feign it) as a passive-aggressive subversion.

I don't know the girl, so I cannot say for certain it was intentional--but I tend to doubt that it was. I'm only a substitute teacher, but I have presented this lesson (without the statement about God). Students pick up on fact and opinions fairly easily, but I fielded questions on, "But what is an assertion?" I didn't explain assertion as a "myth", but myth could fit the definition. I said it was something that is stated and sounds as though it were true--and my synonym was "urban legend." (The students were excited to share a few of those.)

To me, it just sounds like a lesson that got out of hand. The one about God is hard. There are eye-witness accounts (Near Death Experience) and that can edge it towards fact, but not quite scientific fact (reproducible in lab conditions). Wish the mother and daughter could have simply talked with the teacher instead of heading for the school board.

Yeah I suspect the mother steered the daughter into a victim role. Either in the present case or as a pattern. In any case nobody else took the exercise that way, nor was it graded, so somebody's playing loosely with the facts.

What galls me is here's a teacher that comes up with a thinking exercise and she gets punished for doing her job.

There's already an older and much larger thread on this here
What galls me is that if this teacher was promoting creationism as a "thinking exercise," people like yourself would want her crucified! Liberals think what they say demonstrates sophistication. What in fact it shows is Secular Humanism is now the STATE religion and many are far too sly to admit it.

Not interested in your speculation fallacies of "what I would want" really. I'm interested in what the real story is. Because when I see Allan West's name I know I ain't hearing it.
That's likely because he isn't a DEMOCRAT! Please see Allen West (politician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I suspect she "misunderstood" the lesson intentionally (or was scripted to feign it) as a passive-aggressive subversion.

I don't know the girl, so I cannot say for certain it was intentional--but I tend to doubt that it was. I'm only a substitute teacher, but I have presented this lesson (without the statement about God). Students pick up on fact and opinions fairly easily, but I fielded questions on, "But what is an assertion?" I didn't explain assertion as a "myth", but myth could fit the definition. I said it was something that is stated and sounds as though it were true--and my synonym was "urban legend." (The students were excited to share a few of those.)

To me, it just sounds like a lesson that got out of hand. The one about God is hard. There are eye-witness accounts (Near Death Experience) and that can edge it towards fact, but not quite scientific fact (reproducible in lab conditions). Wish the mother and daughter could have simply talked with the teacher instead of heading for the school board.

Yeah I suspect the mother steered the daughter into a victim role. Either in the present case or as a pattern. In any case nobody else took the exercise that way, nor was it graded, so somebody's playing loosely with the facts.

What galls me is here's a teacher that comes up with a thinking exercise and she gets punished for doing her job.

There's already an older and much larger thread on this here
What galls me is that if this teacher was promoting creationism as a "thinking exercise," people like yourself would want her crucified! Liberals think what they say demonstrates sophistication. What in fact it shows is Secular Humanism is now the STATE religion and many are far too sly to admit it.
creationism is the opposite of a thinking exercise. there is no thinking involved.
What galls me is that if this teacher was promoting creationism as a "thinking exercise," people like yourself would want her crucified! Liberals think what they say demonstrates sophistication. What in fact it shows is Secular Humanism is now the STATE religion and many are far too sly to admit it.

I'm not sure you fully understand the exercise--which is to help students identify if any statement is a fact, an assertion, or an opinion. There is no hidden agenda of promoting creationism or of dismissing God.

As a teacher, I would not recommend using controversial statements at the middle school level because, as we see in this example, the focus was taken off the intended lesson and became centered on something else, quite unintended.

I happen to know there is a God, so if that statement was on a list, I could use my own experience to demonstrate why "There is a God", must be defined as an opinion given the English language. I cannot duplicate my experience in a lab setting. No one observed what I observed. However great the truth, "There is a God" so far remains (scientifically speaking) an opinion, a belief. I could say I also hold the opinion that one day science may be able to catch up with this truth and figure out a methodology so it can be shown this truth is indeed fact.

I know middle school students. Once we got on the topic of God (whom they very much enjoy talking about given the opportunity), it would have been difficult to get them to move on and identify the more prosaic statements.

I truly feel for this teacher, because every so often we are blindsided by what is meant to be a simple lesson. It is my understanding the teacher is a Christian, and if this is true, it adds support to my assessment it was simply a misunderstanding on the part of the student. These things happen. I very much doubt the student had a hidden agenda, either.
Jordan Wooley, a seventh grade student at West Memorial Junior High School in the Katy Independent School District outside of Houston, testified at a school board meeting last night that her teacher forced students to deny the existence of God and threatened them with failing grades if they refused to agree.

7th-grader explains what her teacher would do if she DIDN’T deny the existence of God
Great....the 4th thread on this......:lol:
gotta push that narrative. the poor, poor, poor, mistreated 'christians' in our society. everyone is out to get them.
Reading other accounts makes it appear that the young lady may have misunderstood the lesson and the grade. It appears that the students were asked to identify a list of items, determining whether each statement was fact, a common assertion, or an opinion.
Which is exactly what the little girl said. "common assertion" = myth. Only the little girl said it was worded as "myth", and I believe her.

The girl was really specific about what the assignment was. She said they were to choose if a statement was a fact, opinion, or myth. And if they stated that God was a fact or opinion, it was wrong. She told the kids that the assignment had been upsetting kids all day when she gave it to them, but gave it to them anyway, and crossed out "wrong" answers.
Keep digging....You must have stock in pitchforks and torches.
Reading other accounts makes it appear that the young lady may have misunderstood the lesson and the grade. It appears that the students were asked to identify a list of items, determining whether each statement was fact, a common assertion, or an opinion.
I haven't read any other accounts.

The girl was really specific about what the assignment was. She said they were to choose if a statement was a fact, opinion, or myth. And if they stated that God was a fact or opinion, it was wrong.

The persecution of Christianity is on. All Nations will rise against Israel. The temple will be built,

and every knee shall bow - and every tongue shall confess

Christians persecuting Christians.....pass the popcorn, please. :popcorn:
Allan West --- "news reporter" :rofl:

Reading other accounts makes it appear that the young lady may have misunderstood the lesson and the grade. It appears that the students were asked to identify a list of items, determining whether each statement was fact, a common assertion, or an opinion.

Exactly. From a local TV station:

>> District officials told abc13 that the 12-year-old girl's story is not the same one that other students told officials. They also say that the other students claim this reading teacher did not say there was not a God during an assignment in class on Monday. The district said they interviewed eight of the 22 students who were in that same classroom.

On Monday, a reading teacher passed out a critical thinking worksheet in class. Students were instructed to pick if something was fact, opinion or common assertion. One of the statements on the worksheet read, "There is a God."

Jordan Wooley, 12, and her mother Chantel spoke in front of the Katy ISD school board to complain that the teacher told students that God is a myth and questioned his existence. Katy ISD says the teacher asked the students to participate in a school activity. They also say, the teacher explained that a commonplace assertion exists when there is room for debate.

Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey said, "In the investigation those assertions were not corroborated by the other students. Was the activity graded? It was not graded. Was it 40 percent of their grade? Were the students told they had to deny God? No one corroborated that, at all."

Chantel Wooley says she stands by her daughter. She also said that somebody is telling the truth and somebody is not. <<
Indeed somebody is not.

Snopes continues:
>> By the time the Katy controversy reached Fox News viewers on 28 October 2015, the district had already provided additional detail on the dispute that strongly contradicted Fox's subsequent on-air assertions. Between the above-reproduced image of the assignment (shared on 27 October 2015 by KHOU) and the district's statement, it appeared clear students were simply asked to properly identify faith as an opinion or assertion (not fact), and pupils were never encouraged by a (Christian) teacher to deny the existence of God. Nevertheless, the Katy Independent School District revised the lesson and implied the teacher had been reprimanded over the misrepresented controversy. <<
I suspect she "misunderstood" the lesson intentionally (or was scripted to feign it) as a passive-aggressive subversion. Much like another teacher was forced to apologize for teaching the word "niggardly".

Good job, fascists.

Eight out of 22 students.

Yeah, ok, lol. That little girl isn't lying. I know liars when I see them, and she was relaying an event that had just taken place. There's no reason to assume the whole class heard the exchange between her and the other friend and the teacher.
12 year old girls NEVER lie.
I suspect she "misunderstood" the lesson intentionally (or was scripted to feign it) as a passive-aggressive subversion.

I don't know the girl, so I cannot say for certain it was intentional--but I tend to doubt that it was. I'm only a substitute teacher, but I have presented this lesson (without the statement about God). Students pick up on fact and opinions fairly easily, but I fielded questions on, "But what is an assertion?" I didn't explain assertion as a "myth", but myth could fit the definition. I said it was something that is stated and sounds as though it were true--and my synonym was "urban legend." (The students were excited to share a few of those.)

To me, it just sounds like a lesson that got out of hand. The one about God is hard. There are eye-witness accounts (Near Death Experience) and that can edge it towards fact, but not quite scientific fact (reproducible in lab conditions). Wish the mother and daughter could have simply talked with the teacher instead of heading for the school board.
An excellent point.

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