Teacher Demands Her Students Deny the Existence of God

Reading other accounts makes it appear that the young lady may have misunderstood the lesson and the grade. It appears that the students were asked to identify a list of items, determining whether each statement was fact, a common assertion, or an opinion.
I haven't read any other accounts.

The girl was really specific about what the assignment was. She said they were to choose if a statement was a fact, opinion, or myth. And if they stated that God was a fact or opinion, it was wrong.

The persecution of Christianity is on. All Nations will rise against Israel. The temple will be built,

and every knee shall bow - and every tongue shall confess

Reading other accounts makes it appear that the young lady may have misunderstood the lesson and the grade. It appears that the students were asked to identify a list of items, determining whether each statement was fact, a common assertion, or an opinion.
I haven't read any other accounts.

The girl was really specific about what the assignment was. She said they were to choose if a statement was a fact, opinion, or myth. And if they stated that God was a fact or opinion, it was wrong.

The persecution of Christianity is on. All Nations will rise against Israel. The temple will be built,

and every knee shall bow - and every tongue shall confess

The persecution of Christianity is on

and every knee shall bow - and every tongue shall confess

Critical thinking skills are designed to develop . . . thinking critically and employing tools to develop one's knowledge of a subject, among other reasons.

Any theist or atheist who has trouble with "Does God exist, not exist" as a critical thinking development essay is a loser.
Any atheist who says they are 100% certain God does not exist is a liar or a nutter.

Given that the teacher didn't nor is she an atheist....it looks like this entire situation was blown completely out of proportion by some rather specific lies.

I'm curious....did the 7th grader make them up? Or did her mother?

The teacher gave the kids a quiz and told them that if they chose to answer that God was a fact or an opinion instead of a myth, then they would be graded down.

No, that's the child's account. The actual 'quiz' is online. And 'myth' isn't even an option. Nor was it graded.

Go back a few posts. I link to everything for you.
Reason 12,473 why homeschooling is the only option.

Student: Teacher taught 'God is not real'

Proven fact vs. faith. It's called critical thinking. Good teacher.

Yeah, the student's account turned out to be largely horseshit.

The school interviewed 8 other students from that class. They don't back anything the student said. And the teacher is a devout Christian.

Apparently Christians will gladly throw each other to the lions for their 15 minutes.
Reading other accounts makes it appear that the young lady may have misunderstood the lesson and the grade. It appears that the students were asked to identify a list of items, determining whether each statement was fact, a common assertion, or an opinion.
I haven't read any other accounts.

The girl was really specific about what the assignment was. She said they were to choose if a statement was a fact, opinion, or myth. And if they stated that God was a fact or opinion, it was wrong.

The persecution of Christianity is on. All Nations will rise against Israel. The temple will be built,

and every knee shall bow - and every tongue shall confess

Reading other accounts makes it appear that the young lady may have misunderstood the lesson and the grade. It appears that the students were asked to identify a list of items, determining whether each statement was fact, a common assertion, or an opinion.
I haven't read any other accounts.

The girl was really specific about what the assignment was. She said they were to choose if a statement was a fact, opinion, or myth. And if they stated that God was a fact or opinion, it was wrong.

The persecution of Christianity is on. All Nations will rise against Israel. The temple will be built,

and every knee shall bow - and every tongue shall confess

The persecution of Christianity is on

and every knee shall bow - and every tongue shall confess

Including you guno, including you.

Reason 12,473 why homeschooling is the only option.

Student: Teacher taught 'God is not real'

Proven fact vs. faith. It's called critical thinking. Good teacher.
Er..no. It's not. Plus it's against the law in our grade schools for teachers to grade students down for stating they believe in God.

Sowwy. Bad teacher. And you're an idiot, too.

Yeah, none of that actually happened. Not the 'good teacher' narrative or the 'bad teacher'.

The kid largely made the story up. None of the other students in her class back any of it.
Allan West --- "news reporter" :rofl:

Reading other accounts makes it appear that the young lady may have misunderstood the lesson and the grade. It appears that the students were asked to identify a list of items, determining whether each statement was fact, a common assertion, or an opinion.

Exactly. From a local TV station:

>> District officials told abc13 that the 12-year-old girl's story is not the same one that other students told officials. They also say that the other students claim this reading teacher did not say there was not a God during an assignment in class on Monday. The district said they interviewed eight of the 22 students who were in that same classroom.

On Monday, a reading teacher passed out a critical thinking worksheet in class. Students were instructed to pick if something was fact, opinion or common assertion. One of the statements on the worksheet read, "There is a God."

Jordan Wooley, 12, and her mother Chantel spoke in front of the Katy ISD school board to complain that the teacher told students that God is a myth and questioned his existence. Katy ISD says the teacher asked the students to participate in a school activity. They also say, the teacher explained that a commonplace assertion exists when there is room for debate.

Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey said, "In the investigation those assertions were not corroborated by the other students. Was the activity graded? It was not graded. Was it 40 percent of their grade? Were the students told they had to deny God? No one corroborated that, at all."

Chantel Wooley says she stands by her daughter. She also said that somebody is telling the truth and somebody is not. <<
Indeed somebody is not.

Snopes continues:
>> By the time the Katy controversy reached Fox News viewers on 28 October 2015, the district had already provided additional detail on the dispute that strongly contradicted Fox's subsequent on-air assertions. Between the above-reproduced image of the assignment (shared on 27 October 2015 by KHOU) and the district's statement, it appeared clear students were simply asked to properly identify faith as an opinion or assertion (not fact), and pupils were never encouraged by a (Christian) teacher to deny the existence of God. Nevertheless, the Katy Independent School District revised the lesson and implied the teacher had been reprimanded over the misrepresented controversy. <<
I suspect she "misunderstood" the lesson intentionally (or was scripted to feign it) as a passive-aggressive subversion. Much like another teacher was forced to apologize for teaching the word "niggardly".

Good job, fascists.

Eight out of 22 students.

Yeah, ok, lol. That little girl isn't lying. I know liars when I see them, and she was relaying an event that had just taken place. There's no reason to assume the whole class heard the exchange between her and the other friend and the teacher.
Reason 12,473 why homeschooling is the only option.

Student: Teacher taught 'God is not real'

Proven fact vs. faith. It's called critical thinking. Good teacher.
Er..no. It's not. Plus it's against the law in our grade schools for teachers to grade students down for stating they believe in God.

Sowwy. Bad teacher. And you're an idiot, too.

Yeah, none of that actually happened. Not the 'good teacher' narrative or the 'bad teacher'.

The kid largely made the story up. None of the other students in her class back any of it.

I love it when lefties attack children.

And they only interviewed 8 of 22 students.
Allan West --- "news reporter" :rofl:

Reading other accounts makes it appear that the young lady may have misunderstood the lesson and the grade. It appears that the students were asked to identify a list of items, determining whether each statement was fact, a common assertion, or an opinion.

Exactly. From a local TV station:

>> District officials told abc13 that the 12-year-old girl's story is not the same one that other students told officials. They also say that the other students claim this reading teacher did not say there was not a God during an assignment in class on Monday. The district said they interviewed eight of the 22 students who were in that same classroom.

On Monday, a reading teacher passed out a critical thinking worksheet in class. Students were instructed to pick if something was fact, opinion or common assertion. One of the statements on the worksheet read, "There is a God."

Jordan Wooley, 12, and her mother Chantel spoke in front of the Katy ISD school board to complain that the teacher told students that God is a myth and questioned his existence. Katy ISD says the teacher asked the students to participate in a school activity. They also say, the teacher explained that a commonplace assertion exists when there is room for debate.

Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey said, "In the investigation those assertions were not corroborated by the other students. Was the activity graded? It was not graded. Was it 40 percent of their grade? Were the students told they had to deny God? No one corroborated that, at all."

Chantel Wooley says she stands by her daughter. She also said that somebody is telling the truth and somebody is not. <<
Indeed somebody is not.

Snopes continues:
>> By the time the Katy controversy reached Fox News viewers on 28 October 2015, the district had already provided additional detail on the dispute that strongly contradicted Fox's subsequent on-air assertions. Between the above-reproduced image of the assignment (shared on 27 October 2015 by KHOU) and the district's statement, it appeared clear students were simply asked to properly identify faith as an opinion or assertion (not fact), and pupils were never encouraged by a (Christian) teacher to deny the existence of God. Nevertheless, the Katy Independent School District revised the lesson and implied the teacher had been reprimanded over the misrepresented controversy. <<
I suspect she "misunderstood" the lesson intentionally (or was scripted to feign it) as a passive-aggressive subversion. Much like another teacher was forced to apologize for teaching the word "niggardly".

Good job, fascists.

Eight out of 22 students.

Yeah, ok, lol. That little girl isn't lying. I know liars when I see them, and she was relaying an event that had just taken place. There's no reason to assume the whole class heard the exchange between her and the other friend and the teacher.

ALL 8 that they interviewed. Presumably when you get the same answer over and over, continuing and expecting different results is kinda pointless.

What they asked them was about the nature of the exercise, not what a personal exchange was. And the number of students who corroborated Jordan's characterization of it was --- zero.
Reason 12,473 why homeschooling is the only option.

Student: Teacher taught 'God is not real'

Proven fact vs. faith. It's called critical thinking. Good teacher.
Er..no. It's not. Plus it's against the law in our grade schools for teachers to grade students down for stating they believe in God.

Sowwy. Bad teacher. And you're an idiot, too.

Yeah, none of that actually happened. Not the 'good teacher' narrative or the 'bad teacher'.

The kid largely made the story up. None of the other students in her class back any of it.

I love it when lefties attack children.

And they only interviewed 8 of 22 students.

And not one of the backed anything the kid said.

Its far more likely the kid made it up than 8 random students, the teacher, the quiz, and the school district spontaneously conspired to allow a devout Christian teacher to tell a 12 year old that God doesn't exist.

Occam's Razor. Its the Leatherman Multi-tool of rational assessment.
No proven fact demonstrates God does not exist.

Or Optimus Prime. Or the Easter Bunny. Or anything you can possibly imagine.
You have to show the character of the nature of thing. No one except children believe in the Easter Bunny, and not all children at that. Whereas, billions of people believe in God and can offer their proofs.

You fail at this every time. Did you take a logic class in college?

Here. Logic & Proofs | Open Learning Initiative
No proven fact demonstrates God does not exist.

Or Optimus Prime. Or the Easter Bunny. Or anything you can possibly imagine.
You have to show the character of the nature of thing. No one except children believe in the Easter Bunny, and not all children at that. Whereas, billions of people believe in God and can offer their proofs.

That assumes that belief defines validity. If such were the case then god's character would be defined by whichever religion were popular at any given moment in time. In which case God's character would be utterly malleable and completely at the whim of whatever we choose to believe.

Nixing the idea of an eternal character or an independent existence.Which doesn't sound like much of a Supreme Being. As we do the same thing to literary characters.

...which may give you a hint as to 'god's' actual nature.

And if popularity of belief doesn't define validity, then your argument is irrelevant. As Optimus Prime has been proven NOT to exist to the same degree that God has.

You fail at this every time. Did you take a logic class in college?

Here. Logic & Proofs | Open Learning Initiative

I'm pretty sure this is the first time we've discussed it. So you may be thinking of someone else.
I am very sure that you do not understand that we are discussing probability, and, yes, when you enter the Easter Bunny you forfeit the contest.

You cannot prove that God does not exist.

You do not have the tools to demonstrate that.
I suspect she "misunderstood" the lesson intentionally (or was scripted to feign it) as a passive-aggressive subversion.

I don't know the girl, so I cannot say for certain it was intentional--but I tend to doubt that it was. I'm only a substitute teacher, but I have presented this lesson (without the statement about God). Students pick up on fact and opinions fairly easily, but I fielded questions on, "But what is an assertion?" I didn't explain assertion as a "myth", but myth could fit the definition. I said it was something that is stated and sounds as though it were true--and my synonym was "urban legend." (The students were excited to share a few of those.)

To me, it just sounds like a lesson that got out of hand. The one about God is hard. There are eye-witness accounts (Near Death Experience) and that can edge it towards fact, but not quite scientific fact (reproducible in lab conditions). Wish the mother and daughter could have simply talked with the teacher instead of heading for the school board.
I am very sure that you do not understand that we are discussing probability, and, yes, when you enter the Easter Bunny you forfeit the contest.

I was under the impression that we were discussing god doesn't exist. Which we couldn't do unless we had the attributes of god.

I've simply pointed out that the same standard could be applied to any imaginative invention of literature, entertainment or creation of your mind.

You cannot prove that God does not exist.

You do not have the tools to demonstrate that.

Nope. And we can't prove the Easter Bunny doesn't exist either. There's nothing you can imagine that we can definitely disprove the lack of existence of. As there are too many places in the Universe we can't perceive.

But the evidence to support God's existence is........thin. Making his existence statistically unlikely.

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