Teacher Demands Her Students Deny the Existence of God

Next weeks lesson:

Guns kill people.

None of the above. Lie.

It is a fact and an assertion.
A lie. Guns do not kill people. People kill people. Technically in the case when people use a gun to kill people, it is the bullets and not the gun that causes death. So regardless, you are wrong.

The statement was an assertion and a lie.

Technically bullets kill people. And if we want to double down on semantics, its actually the holes and blood loss that kills them.
Actually, if you look at the question, she did not "demand kids say god is not real". It was a good question and what it "demanded" is for the kid to THINK.

This is just another example of the right being against critical thinking.

If religion is to be kept out of schools, it is to be kept out of schools. The question was promoting atheism, i.e. hostility to religion, which is a belief structure.
Looney noodle has no idea what she is talking about.
Funny that the same people who whine about "PC" are demanding it here.

Why are people so terrified of kids being taught to think for themselves?
Oh good. Then you have no issue of the 10 Commandments being taught in public school.

Being taught as what? Mythology?
10 Commandments as mythology? Whatever. America was founded upon that "mythology".
Left: Hypocriticus Maximus.
Many nations have been formed by mythology. That does not suddenly make mythology a "fact".
Which nations?
Critical thinking skills are designed to develop . . . thinking critically and employing tools to develop one's knowledge of a subject, among other reasons.

Any theist or atheist who has trouble with "Does God exist, not exist" as a critical thinking development essay is a loser.
Teachers of critical thinking, like suspending a 6 year old for a gun shaped sandwich
Critical thinking skills are designed to develop . . . thinking critically and employing tools to develop one's knowledge of a subject, among other reasons.

Any theist or atheist who has trouble with "Does God exist, not exist" as a critical thinking development essay is a loser.
Teachers of critical thinking, like suspending a 6 year old for a gun shaped sandwich

This teacher didn't suspend anyone for a gun shaped sandwich. According to the other students, this teacher didn't insist that anyone say God didn't exist. Nor did anyone's grade depend on this assignment. It wasn't even graded.
Next weeks lesson:

Guns kill people.

None of the above. Lie.

It is a fact and an assertion.
A lie. Guns do not kill people. People kill people. Technically in the case when people use a gun to kill people, it is the bullets and not the gun that causes death. So regardless, you are wrong.

The statement was an assertion and a lie.

If a gun fell of a shelf and killed someone you'd blame gravity. A bullet will not kill without a gun.
Critical thinking skills are designed to develop . . . thinking critically and employing tools to develop one's knowledge of a subject, among other reasons.

Any theist or atheist who has trouble with "Does God exist, not exist" as a critical thinking development essay is a loser.
Teachers of critical thinking, like suspending a 6 year old for a gun shaped sandwich

This teacher didn't suspend anyone for a gun shaped sandwich. According to the other students, this teacher didn't insist that anyone say God didn't exist. Nor did anyone's grade depend on this assignment. It wasn't even graded.
Suddenly the left are for teachers bringing up God in public schools.
Unless it's a positive message or praying with your football team.
Critical thinking skills are designed to develop . . . thinking critically and employing tools to develop one's knowledge of a subject, among other reasons.

Any theist or atheist who has trouble with "Does God exist, not exist" as a critical thinking development essay is a loser.
Teachers of critical thinking, like suspending a 6 year old for a gun shaped sandwich

This teacher didn't suspend anyone for a gun shaped sandwich. According to the other students, this teacher didn't insist that anyone say God didn't exist. Nor did anyone's grade depend on this assignment. It wasn't even graded.
Suddenly the left are for teachers bringing up God in public schools.
Unless it's a positive message or praying with your football team.

You do realize that virtually every accusation made against that teacher turned out to be inaccurate, right?

That contrary to the title of this thread, the teacher didn't demand kids say god isn't real.

That she didn't argue that god didn't exist in class.

That no one's grade was a stake, as the assignment was ungraded.

Far right social Christians are poor critical thinkers.

Where_r_my_Keys is an excellent example of a poor critical thinker on the far right. So are Ernie S. and bobblaylock.
But the teacher didn't do that at all.

From what I've been able to glean it was an assignment on facts, opinions and commonly held beliefs. With 'is there a god' being one of the examples....along with 'people in glasses are smart' and 'Michael Jordan's life time scoring average is 30.15 points per game.'

I'm getting the sinking feeling that this is another one of those fake, manufactured outrages.
I'm getting the sinking feeling that this is another one of those fake, manufactured outrages.
To me, teachers can not make their students believe something different no matter what they have the ability to make their students say or write when them kids have their own minds.

God bless you and them always!!!

Nearly all Christians have three gods, Jews and Muslims just one.
Obviously you do not understand the concept of the Trinity, but then again, I didnt either until about five years ago, lol.

You've got to admit....its a little strange. God landed on God's shoulder and said from the heavens "I am my own son, God loves God, with whom God is well pleased'?

Sounds very.....avatary. Or God is a huge Jeff Dunham fan.
The Greek Emanationists had worked this all out centuries before Christianity came along. They were a subschool of the ARistotlean school and the Atomists, as I understand it.

Their view was that the Creator had to conceive of the universe He was about to make before He made it, and this preconception was the Logos, roughly, and the Logos was a sentient being like the Creator and was on the same level of divinity, but the Logos existed within the flow of time, unlike the Creator. Between them was a spirit of life that enfused the universe where it ws welcome and enhanced the relationship between the Creator and the Logos.

When I read that in college I was shaken badly with the thought that Christianity was merely a melding of Greek philosophy and Jewish theology. It took years of reading a discussing the subject for me to realize that the Jewish religion and the Greek philosophers had little in terms of exchange of ideas till Christ came. The Greeks thought the Jews an intelligent and very religious people, but they had no use for thier exclusive worship of a single God. The Jews regarded the Greeks as intelligent people given over to heathenism. So no one in either group had much respect for and would have included some of the ideas from one to the other.
To me, teachers can not make their students believe something different no matter what they have the ability to make their students say or write when them kids have their own minds.

God bless you and them always!!!

Naive. Children learn from adults they look up to. And most kids are told to respect teachers. Public schools today are just left wing seminaries.
The story has apparently gotten enough press that Snopes picked it up already:

Teacher Reportedly Tells Student God Doesn't Exist

"Between the above-reproduced image of the assignment (shared on 27 October 2015 by KHOU) and the district's statement, it appeared clear students were simply asked to properly identify faith as an opinion or assertion (not fact), and pupils were never encouraged by a (Christian) teacher to deny the existence of God. "

Saying that the existance of God is not fact is only a thin shade away from saying He does not exist.

The fact is that we get FACTS from all sorts of fields of knowledge other than science, which this work sheet seemed to be oriented toward.

Science does not hold a monopoly on Truth or what is fact and not fact.
Nearly all Christians have three gods, Jews and Muslims just one.
Obviously you do not understand the concept of the Trinity, but then again, I didnt either until about five years ago, lol.

You've got to admit....its a little strange. God landed on God's shoulder and said from the heavens "I am my own son, God loves God, with whom God is well pleased'?

Sounds very.....avatary. Or God is a huge Jeff Dunham fan.
The Greek Emanationists had worked this all out centuries before Christianity came along. They were a subschool of the ARistotlean school and the Atomists, as I understand it.

Their view was that the Creator had to conceive of the universe He was about to make before He made it, and this preconception was the Logos, roughly, and the Logos was a sentient being like the Creator and was on the same level of divinity, but the Logos existed within the flow of time, unlike the Creator. Between them was a spirit of life that enfused the universe where it ws welcome and enhanced the relationship between the Creator and the Logos.

When I read that in college I was shaken badly with the thought that Christianity was merely a melding of Greek philosophy and Jewish theology. It took years of reading a discussing the subject for me to realize that the Jewish religion and the Greek philosophers had little in terms of exchange of ideas till Christ came. The Greeks thought the Jews an intelligent and very religious people, but they had no use for thier exclusive worship of a single God. The Jews regarded the Greeks as intelligent people given over to heathenism. So no one in either group had much respect for and would have included some of the ideas from one to the other.

Its when God starts landing on his own body parts and engaging in acts of ventriloquism while insisting that he is his own son that things get.....


The Trinity as a concept is bizarre under the mantle of monotheism. Avatars like Jesus would be much better suited for polytheistic religions.

Of which the Greeks followed.
“I know it wasn’t just me who was affected by it. My friend, she went home and started crying. She was su
In its construction, Christianity is just odd. I mean, lets apply the same pattern to say, Buddhism that Christians did with Christianity.

So Buddha shows up. Gives us lengthy sermons on charity, non-violence, love, forgiveness and compassion. Then he dies.

Centuries after his death, some Buddhists conclude that Buddha was actually another Avatar of Vishnu, and make the Bhagavad Gita from Hinduism one of their religious texts. And incorporate Krishna's commandment of Arjuna to wage war and slaughter his own family if he loves God into Buddhism.

Concluding what Buddha *really* meant when he called for charity, non-violence, love, forgiveness and compassion.....was that killing was perfectly all right, even slaughter on an epic scale....if its in service of God. Because since Buddha was also Vishnu......all the killing that Vishnu commanded was actually what Buddha really believed in.

Despite the fact that Buddha preached the *exact opposite*.

You do not have a correct concept of how Jesus was recognised as the Son of God.

It did not evolve and was considered the Son of God by His followers after the Resurrection.
The story has apparently gotten enough press that Snopes picked it up already:

Teacher Reportedly Tells Student God Doesn't Exist

"Between the above-reproduced image of the assignment (shared on 27 October 2015 by KHOU) and the district's statement, it appeared clear students were simply asked to properly identify faith as an opinion or assertion (not fact), and pupils were never encouraged by a (Christian) teacher to deny the existence of God. "

Saying that the existance of God is not fact is only a thin shade away from saying He does not exist.

The fact is that we get FACTS from all sorts of fields of knowledge other than science, which this work sheet seemed to be oriented toward.

Science does not hold a monopoly on Truth or what is fact and not fact.

The narrative given by the student didn't happen according to the other students. The teacher never told her what the student insisted she did. There was never any grade on the line, as the assignment wasn't graded.

The child's accusations were very....specific. And as the other students affirmed, they didn't come from the teachers.

I'd say the child's mother is a good source for the narrative she offered.

Science does not hold a monopoly on Truth or what is fact and not fact

As for science having a monopoly on truth, you run into issues of discerning between random imagination and something that's actually real. Faith is, by definition, subjective. Its something that you experience and that cannot be verified objectively.

As a basis of perceiving the world, faith is indistinguishable from imagination. There may well be some qualititive difference between the two, but is objectively unverifiable.

Worse, most religions are mutually exclusive. It can't be Aristotle's Greek Pantheon of Zeus and Athena.......AND Jesus. Its one or the other. Meaning that if one religion is right, all others are wrong. Despite the adherents of the fallacy religions having 'faith' that they were right.

Demonstrating faith as an mechanism for determining 'truth' to be wildly fallible. And as a best case scenario, almost always wrong. Again, best case.

As its entirely possible that all the religions got it wrong.
^^^ My parents are both two very different people. So what do you think has happened with me? Who did I have to look up to? Which one ended up making better sense compared to the other?

God bless you and my mom always!!!


Today I was given an assignment in school that questioned my faith and told me that God was not real. Our teacher had started off saying that the assignment had been giving problems all day. We were asked to take a poll to say whether God is fact, opinion or a myth and she told anyone who said fact or opinion was wrong and God was only a myth,” Wooley told board members,” according to EAG News.

The teacher “started telling kids they were completely wrong and that when kids argued we were told we would get in trouble. When I tried to argue, she told me to prove it, and I tried to reference things such as the Bible and stories I have read before from people who have died and went to heaven but came back and told their stories, and she told me both were just things people were doing to get attention.”

“I know it wasn’t just me who was affected by it. My friend, she went home and started crying. She was supposed to come with me but she didn’t know if she could” because she was so upset, Wooley said.”

The march of radical Marxist ass holes has only just begun. This is just a start, much worse is yet to come.

Now you have an idea of what millions of people, including myself, who nearly daily are told that our god isn't real. That only the christian god is real and everyone else is wrong.

Non christians go through it constantly.

I'm not saying that what happened is right. I'm saying why is it ok for christians to force their god on everyone else?

This is just another reason why religion and state must stay separate. Religion has no place in public schools. Whether it's christian or any other religion or it's atheism.

Those kids are there to learn math, science, literature, history and a long list of subjects. Religion in any form shouldn't be included.

Religion belongs in church or chosen house of worship .

The Lord's Prayer applies to Jews and Christians. Those are the only two religions that matter since they pray to the same God. Muslims don't. Their allah isn't our God. The Mormon's Jesus and their God isn't either..

If you want to keep bringing your god into school classrooms then you better be prepared for other religions and other gods to be brought there too.

You people have been trying to force your religion on our nation for decades and I for one am sick of it.

I'm not christian or jewish or muslim.

So if you want to continue to force your god on everyone in America you better be prepared to accept that people of other faiths can do exactly what you conservatives have been doing since the 80s.

How would you like it if some teacher in a school started to teach your children paganism? How insulted would you be if someone taught your child about the Mother Goddess and our Mother Earth? While at the same time teaching your child that the christian god doesn't exist, the bible is nothing but lies and the only way to heaven is through the Mother Goddess? Or that you didn't love your children because you baptized them christian and didn't raise them as a pagan?

Or how would you feel if some muslim taught your child that mohammed is the profit for god and the koran is the only word of god? How would you like it if someone brought a prayer rug to the school and had your child recite muslim prayers on it?

I have absolutely no sympathy for those kids. They act like it's some sort of crime to not believe in the christian god or to be told that the christian god doesn't exist. It's not.

If you all have the freedom to try to force your faith on innocent children and adults then we have the freedom to tell you that your god doesn't exist.

See how that works? It's called freedom of religion. You might have heard of it if you had actually read and studied the constitution when you were supposed to. Obviously you didn't.

"You people have been trying to force your religion on our nation for decades and I for one amsick of it.

Today I was given an assignment in school that questioned my faith and told me that God was not real. Our teacher had started off saying that the assignment had been giving problems all day. We were asked to take a poll to say whether God is fact, opinion or a myth and she told anyone who said fact or opinion was wrong and God was only a myth,” Wooley told board members,” according to EAG News.

The teacher “started telling kids they were completely wrong and that when kids argued we were told we would get in trouble. When I tried to argue, she told me to prove it, and I tried to reference things such as the Bible and stories I have read before from people who have died and went to heaven but came back and told their stories, and she told me both were just things people were doing to get attention.”

“I know it wasn’t just me who was affected by it. My friend, she went home and started crying. She was supposed to come with me but she didn’t know if she could” because she was so upset, Wooley said.”

The march of radical Marxist ass holes has only just begun. This is just a start, much worse is yet to come.

Now you have an idea of what millions of people, including myself, who nearly daily are told that our god isn't real. That only the christian god is real and everyone else is wrong.

Non christians go through it constantly.

I'm not saying that what happened is right. I'm saying why is it ok for christians to force their god on everyone else?

This is just another reason why religion and state must stay separate. Religion has no place in public schools. Whether it's christian or any other religion or it's atheism.

Those kids are there to learn math, science, literature, history and a long list of subjects. Religion in any form shouldn't be included.

Religion belongs in church or chosen house of worship .

The Lord's Prayer applies to Jews and Christians. Those are the only two religions that matter since they pray to the same God. Muslims don't. Their allah isn't our God. The Mormon's Jesus and their God isn't either..

If you want to keep bringing your god into school classrooms then you better be prepared for other religions and other gods to be brought there too.

You people have been trying to force your religion on our nation for decades and I for one am sick of it.

I'm not christian or jewish or muslim.

So if you want to continue to force your god on everyone in America you better be prepared to accept that people of other faiths can do exactly what you conservatives have been doing since the 80s.

How would you like it if some teacher in a school started to teach your children paganism? How insulted would you be if someone taught your child about the Mother Goddess and our Mother Earth? While at the same time teaching your child that the christian god doesn't exist, the bible is nothing but lies and the only way to heaven is through the Mother Goddess? Or that you didn't love your children because you baptized them christian and didn't raise them as a pagan?

Or how would you feel if some muslim taught your child that mohammed is the profit for god and the koran is the only word of god? How would you like it if someone brought a prayer rug to the school and had your child recite muslim prayers on it?

I have absolutely no sympathy for those kids. They act like it's some sort of crime to not believe in the christian god or to be told that the christian god doesn't exist. It's not.

If you all have the freedom to try to force your faith on innocent children and adults then we have the freedom to tell you that your god doesn't exist.

See how that works? It's called freedom of religion. You might have heard of it if you had actually read and studied the constitution when you were supposed to. Obviously you didn't.

"You people have been trying to force your religion on our nation for decades and I for one amsick of it."

No, "our" religion has been the guidance of America since 1620. A religion that is tolerant and let's every individual worship as they chose and has created the diverse population you see today.

Unlike your intolerant religion which we are sick of.
“I know it wasn’t just me who was affected by it. My friend, she went home and started crying. She was su
In its construction, Christianity is just odd. I mean, lets apply the same pattern to say, Buddhism that Christians did with Christianity.

So Buddha shows up. Gives us lengthy sermons on charity, non-violence, love, forgiveness and compassion. Then he dies.

Centuries after his death, some Buddhists conclude that Buddha was actually another Avatar of Vishnu, and make the Bhagavad Gita from Hinduism one of their religious texts. And incorporate Krishna's commandment of Arjuna to wage war and slaughter his own family if he loves God into Buddhism.

Concluding what Buddha *really* meant when he called for charity, non-violence, love, forgiveness and compassion.....was that killing was perfectly all right, even slaughter on an epic scale....if its in service of God. Because since Buddha was also Vishnu......all the killing that Vishnu commanded was actually what Buddha really believed in.

Despite the fact that Buddha preached the *exact opposite*.

You do not have a correct concept of how Jesus was recognised as the Son of God.

According to who? The Jews? Because that's where the Torah was borrowed and 'melded' into Christianity. Just as the Bhagavad Gita was into Buddhism in my example. With violent Vishnu overriding peaceful Buddha in a manner similar to violent Yahweh overriding peaceful Jesus.

With both religions arbitrarily co-opting the religious texts of other faiths and adapting them to their own. Often in explicit contradiction of the faiths the texts were taken from.

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